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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. A "tourist" visa is good for a 60 day stay in Thailand and is extendable for a futher 30 days , on application at an immigration office.

    Leave and the "visa" is no longer valid and on return to Thailand you would only receive a 30 day "visa exempt" entry which is only extendable for 7 days.

    Serial tourist visas are problematic --------at some point you will be refused.

    At the age of 37 there is no "visa" which will permit a long term stay unless you marry a Thai lady and can meet the financial and other requirements for an "extension of stay" based on marriage.

    You could investigate the possibility of an ED visa to learn the Thai language which just may permit a longer stay if you can abide by the rules . (Make sure the school is wheelchair friendly !)

    Sorry if my response is not what you wished to hear -------------------

    Best you do more serious research before committing

  2. You can obtain a 30 day extension at any immigration office. Fee baht 1900 Passport Photo x 1 Tm .7 Form Photocopy of current permission to stay stamp and departure card from passport. Photocopy of picture page from passport. You can go anytime but usually around one week before current permission to stay expires works best. To obtain another 60 day tourist visa you must leave the kingdom and apply at a consulate like Vientiane. If my memory serves me well.

    How many of these renewals can you apply for ?

    Depends on what you mean by "renewal" . Visas are not "Renewable" and 30 day extensions are only given once per 60 day entry.

    You can apply for as many "new" tourist visas as you wish although eventually a refusal will stop futher application.

    If it is desired to stay in Thailand long term best obtain the "right" visa and subsequent extensions of stay .

  3. OP and others in a similar situation of x years of overstay .... You are breaking the law. I hope you are incarcerated and then deported and never allowed to return. Your total disregard for the rules, and the absurd support of some TV posters on this and other threads, gives us all a bad name. No wonder Immigration views us all with suspicion and treats us with little respect. I hope and pray the scrutiny of ED visas is just the beginning, and the rules are much more effective and ridgedly applied in the future. Liike it or not all of you reading this, we are tarred with the same brush, and it makes me sick!

    Here's another law book interpreter by proxy. Very hard for this type to comprehend the simple facts expressed above: The overstay fine is just another way of extracting money from foreigner, and having them come for more milking. There is no moral judgment involved, but even if there was, one individual action's do not extend to others. If you have an inferiority complex or guilty feelings of some sort, take care of that another way.

    Very sad to know that some can whish prison punishement to the next person just because he/she is paying all at once what is normally paid over the course of 3 or 4 years.

    Really it's your problem only if feel sick about some else actions, try to not get even more sick when you will learn, again, that law in Thailand is administered differently from your desires

    I sure do hope that over-stayers flood your home country and when discovered are given a small fine and allowed immediately to return so as to repeat the process.

    Does that happen in your country or does that country allow anyone to stay for as long as they wish, regardless of visa status? Or are miscreants deported and not allowed to return ?

    Please tell us all about this wonderful place with no immigration rules smile.png

  4. Where in BKK can you get a HIV test via saliva, rather than needle point?

    If you believe you have put yourself at risk the important thing to do is obtain professional advise/testing rather than seek a method of testing which is as yet not widely used and in fact may not be available in BKK.

    All the information needed can be found here


  5. I have had the experience of overstaying in Thailand for about six months. It was not due to lack of personal diligence but to my passport expiring -- and hence my Thai residence visa since visas are only valid up to the passport's expiry date -- and to my embassy not providing me with a new one on account of a spurious judicial case against me in my home country which was subsequently dismissed in its totality . Upon getting my new passport I went to the Thai immigration and explained the case. They were sympathetic but indicated that their rules do not provide for my case and was told that the only way out was to exit Thailand and pay THB 20 K at the airport. They added I would have no problem in getting a visa on my return to Thailand. So I went to the airport, paid the sum, no questions asked, the processing went smoothly and quickly ( about ten mins. ), was out of Thailand for a month, returned and obtained a new one-year visa without any problem.

    For those in this forum that are quick to blame the lawbreakers, please note : THERE ARE AT TIMES LEGITIMATE AND UNAVOIDABLE GROUNDS TO OVERSTAY , and by extension, to break laws. Legal systems have many loopholes which can either turn out to work positively or negatively depending on circumstances; the complexity increases when, as in my case, one has to deal with two legal systems that were not only not conceived to work in coordination but which furthermore intently ignored each other, with the affected person left in the middle to bear their disfunctions.

    "spurious judicial case"

    yes but isnt this always the case? No body ever says "I couldn't get my passport renewed because I robbed the post office"

    Even if you were legit xlaugh.png.pagespeed.ic.W9oTakjBs5.webp alt=laugh.png pagespeed_url_hash=4020895376 width=20 height=20> why post it? your case is so remote its not worth the effort

    Here are the USA reasons for denying a passport.


    A one way "home" only travel document would have been available ! Had that been taken overstay would have been avoided !smile.png

  6. It took all of 36 posts for the first "let him who is without sin cast the first stone" argument to appear.

    Sure, everyone breaks the law now and then. Sometimes we don't even know we are doing it.

    But there is a big difference between flicking a cigarette butt into the gutter, and dumping a truck load of them outside the Royal Palace.

    Much the same difference between letting your visa slip a couple of days beyond its expiry, and going 4.5 years overstay.

    As 'guests' in the Kingdom of Thailand, it screams blatant disrespect, whatever the circumstances.

    I don't think you really understand that overstay here by farang is little compared to the hundreds of thousands of Lao Burmese and Cambodians who try to support there family's survival by working here on illegal entries.What difference is there their?

    Wake up.

    Asking that question is a sure sign of a "farang" needing to return homesmile.png

  7. I'm really hoping to see a conclusion to this story. While I have never been in a position where I have overstayed a visa in any country, I do know several people who are currently on overstays of many years. Each of them has a tale to tell. They are all actually quite sad stories. After a while, time makes it seem negligible. It is easier and cheaper to remain complacent. I don't agree that it should be this way. I am just stating that this is the way it appears for the people I know who are in this position. The three people I know in this situation are really in bad shape financially. They work at the lower end of the job market taking whatever jobs they can get. They bounce from one job to another, as they don't seem stable enough to maintain a job for any length of time. Their passports have long since expired. They all have children in the country. They might be able to get together enough for the fine; however, they never have enough money to take care of the passport, airplane ticket, and fine at once. Ironically, they are all British nationals. Each of them worries about the passport process and if they will somehow get 'caught' while in the process of applying for a new passport. Despite me trying to assure them that they must begin somewhere by getting a new passport, they refuse.

    Overstay and illegal working seem to often go together.

    Unlike some I have difficulty in finding any excuse/sympathy for these people. They are right to "worry" about being caught .........................Jail awaits !

    • Like 2
  8. Thanks for the prompt response.

    Think going to Savvanakhet is not feasible as I am in North of Tailand (again adds to cost as would have to go to BKK first I think).

    With income does it have to be in Thai Bank?

    I can get Bank Attestation from UK BUT it tkaes longer than seven days to get here.

    Would an Income Attestation from British Embassy be sufficient? What would be its time limit?

    The British Embassy do not do "Attestations". They will provide a letter confirming income against evidence for that income. Such a letter is always required by immigration if extending by using the income method.

    The "income" does not have to be in a Thai bank but immigration may ask for proof that income from abroad is , in fact, being utilised for living expenses.

  9. Marriage or retirement?

    Retirement ! He is married but chooses the "retirement " route as it is " easier" and a local decision.

    Everything is EASY if one has 400k in the account which I do not have and refuse to put on a bank account, i just hate dead money.

    there is not more then 200k on my accounts and i do not know much ppl incl. Thaippl having 400k just for fun laying around.

    so if KL does no 1year Visas anymore (? dont get why) and Penang still not, is that a push for the Visa offices which sale the 1year Visas for anybody who can afford paying 25k-30k doesnt matter he is old enough or has any income or money on the account? Sometimes I really dont get it here anymore....

    so there is no (marriage/family) Visa at all in MALAYSIA anymore, and only in other countries like Singapore or Australia, Sri Lanka, Laos etc?...

    is that proofed?

    The Immigration Offices do NOT "sell" retirement or marriage "visas" they will however give an a one year extension of stay based on marriage or retirement if the requirements can be met.

    In the above case 400K "laying around for fun" is not required.

    Evidence of a monthly income of 40,000 (£800 approx) would meet the requirement for an extension.

    If this small amount of money cannot be evidenced then on-going difficulties can be expected.

  10. I appreciate those who answered my request. "Wayned" had stated after I got here on a 30 day exempt that immigration does not care". I assume this means I can get a dual entry visa in a neighboring country only being visa exempt? Where I live it is 5 hours to closest embassy (Miami) & don't want to make the trip if I don't have to.

    Your first problem may be the airline refusing you boarding in the absence of a visa or a flight ticket out of Thailand within 30 days. A train/bus/donkey ticket will not suffice.

    If you succeed in arriving in Thailand you will be given a 30 day visa exempt entry (VEE).

    Should you wish to stay longer you must get another 30 day VEE by exiting to another nearby country and returning or by getting a tourist visa from a nearby Thai consulate in another country.

  11. Phuket will not do a conversion for an extension based upon marriage.

    From personal experience I know they will for retirement and it would seem moskito has already had such a "visa" even if it was obtained by unconventional means !

    Was not aware they did not do the same for marriage ..........I did not mean to mislead.

    However the general thrust of my post holds true and a trip to Bangkok for the conversion would be cheap with a return airfare costing approx 3-4000 Bht with a LCC.

    There was a recent report that Phuket does not do them.

    The problem with Bangkok is that there is (50/50) chance that they will do a 15 day under consideration stamp before stamping in the visa/entry.

    Must be a very recent change.

    Last Nov a friend of mine left Thailand on urgent family business without a re-entry permit.

    On his return he was given the usual ve30 days. Two days later this entry was converted and an extension given in a one step process ! Total cost 3900Bht.

    If this service is no longer available that will be a significant loss for some.

  12. Phuket will not do a conversion for an extension based upon marriage.

    From personal experience I know they will for retirement and it would seem moskito has already had such a "visa" even if it was obtained by unconventional means !

    Was not aware they did not do the same for marriage ..........I did not mean to mislead.

    However the general thrust of my post holds true and a trip to Bangkok for the conversion would be cheap with a return airfare costing approx 3-4000 Bht with a LCC.

  13. Anybody an info about a 1 year Non O Multiple Visa in Penang?

    My last was a retirement visa paid in an office in Phuket and made in Surathani. I like to travel now and then and was thinking about goint to Penang where I did the same Visa a couple of years ago until they start to refusing it and I had to change to KL for the same Visa. KL was great, Always friendly very helpfull Embassy staff, Penang always kind of rude, specially if one shows up by itself and does not use an Agent.

    So my question is, has someone received a 1 year Non-O Visa Multiple Entry in the past 6 month? I am married since 14 years, living in Phuket since 13, got a house+some land and a small restaurant

    thanks in advance, I checked the SEARCH function but this thread was the closest I could find. Btw, i am planning to go by Motorbike

    Very easy to obtain an extension of stay based on marriage. If needed a start can be made with a thirty day visa exempt entry. The immigration guys in Phuket town will convert that to a non O visa and then they will give you a one year extension.


    All that is needed is 400,000 Bht in the bank or a Letter from the embassy confirming an income of 40,000 Bht / month + some paperwork.

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