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Posts posted by Sceptict11

  1. And maybe start with a Caesar Salad tossed tableside, Lobster Thermidor appetizer and for dessert Baked Alaska. Any good wines to pair with culinary classics of the 1950's?

    The use of Language suggests a Yank who would not recognise a good Beef Wellington if it rose up and smacked the face !

    Tossed Tableside ! cheesy.gif

    • Like 2
  2. If the Thai authorities are moving toward ensuring only fully qualified professional people are employed to educate Thai children is that not something to applaud ?

    Indeed it is. But since these Thai aUthorities will NEVER come close to paying these professional teachers a salary or employment package that is compatible to neighbouring countries, the dissent in this thread is simply trying to help those authorities from boxing themselves into a corner.

    It would be rather difficult for a Thai to admit that they screwed it all up due to lack of forethought....


    Is that a argument for continuing with non professional , poorly educated "teachers" .?

    I believe children deserve better.

    let phrase it another way:

    is a so called "properly educated" teacher with no experience better to teach than someone who is "poorly educated" but has 4-6 years of actual teaching behind?

    while you have many things right, about doctors or engineers or lawyers or pilots, those are usually jobs where they have long apprenticeships/on job experience to gain before they allow to operate/work on their own.

    they dont just take the school exam, do maybe 20 hours supervised practice and good to go.

    would for a teacher be different, or would be that some existing teaching experience, especially locally gained trump a freshly printed diploma?

    did you know, that some places ( like my country) kids with teacher diploma are actually the highest number who leave their profession for something else?

    Anyway, if any real solution for Thailand, is that they teach their locals to a level, that when they graduate as an English teacher, they are able to actually speak the language. If you are from a non-English speaking country like me, you would probably find that most language teachers arent NES, but locals, however with a lot better grasp of the language they trying to teach, than the Thai language teachers here.

    And jost one more time, Thailand is a pretty big country, and while the big cities are covered, and kids generally might have acces to a better qualified teacher, rural kids often dont even have English classes, simple, because the Thai teacher dont know how to speak even, or even missing completely, as my son's school it was last year...

    Now, such, or a "poorly educated" but experienced foreigner...i would go for the later as a parents, any time.

    I would love to subject you to the care of an "experienced" but poorly educated and unqualified doctor , lawyer or pilot !

  3. Another concern.

    If the Thai authorities insist on 'fully-qualified; teachers, but fail to provide an acceptable employment package, might we see a high turnover of young, qualified teachers, who will simply use Thailand as a temporary staging post where they can gain some further hands-on experience, before moving on to better positions in other countries?

    I'm sure that this scenario exists in a similar form right now, where schools employ unqualified teachers who are simply passing through Thailand on their backpacking holiday.

    If Thai authorities really want to ensure that Thai children have the best teachers that money can buy, (well, the money that is left after the pigs at the trough are full), then they need to match the qualification requirement with a decent employment package (salary, CPD, decent curriculum, teacher support, teacher respect, no 'everyone passes' etc etc).

    And that, as I said before will NEVER happen. So let's stop trying to fool ourselves, because this thread is discussing a purely hypothetical situation smile.png

    Again you may be correct !

    Good, well qualified teachers do not come cheap ! --------

    An anecdote !

    I met a young 21 year old boy who told me he was "teaching" English in a Thai school.

    This boy had a broad Jordie accent and when challenged as to his qualification(s) for "teaching" became abusive !

    Nb Jordie -----an uneducated "English accent" prevalent in NE England

  4. I think we can drop the comparisons with Dr.'s and a few other professions. Let's remember that not all teachers here are English teachers. We have people teaching Physics, Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics and other specialized subjects. They teach in English, but they do not teach English.

    I am sure you are correct !

    The issue at hand is are they professional, qualified Teachers or just pretend "wannabes "

    The test of course is to ask about these "teachers" experience of "teaching" Physics, Chemistry, Advanced Mathematics and other specialized subjects in the West smile.png

  5. "Incorrect reply above ... The loan agreement is a personal loan and not outlined as a mortgage payment for the house purchase, the money can be repaid in any way within a period of one year, and there is no request that the the house should be sold.

    Nevertheless, personal loan receivers must repay the loan when requested, if they are not able to pay the loan then they must sell part of their personal belongings, and that could / would then be the house.
    Personal loans must be repaid if requested, this is not unfair, nor unreasonable, it is normal and legal, and courts would not nullify it.
    To take the issues to court is not recommendable, the legal fees are expensive, thus farang and the Thai wife or g/f should try to agree those matters in a reasonable and acceptable manner. ... "
    How would you suggest "repayment" is enforced ?
    These "couch cowboy" or "barstool" lawyers have to be admired for gross ignorance !
  6. If the Thai authorities are moving toward ensuring only fully qualified professional people are employed to educate Thai children is that not something to applaud ?

    Indeed it is. But since these Thai aUthorities will NEVER come close to paying these professional teachers a salary or employment package that is compatible to neighbouring countries, the dissent in this thread is simply trying to help those authorities from boxing themselves into a corner.

    It would be rather difficult for a Thai to admit that they screwed it all up due to lack of forethought....


    Is that a argument for continuing with non professional , poorly educated "teachers" .?

    I believe children deserve better.

  7. This topic amuses me !

    Are you people really " professionals" ?

    If so, should I start a thread that argues that Medical Doctors only need a first aid certificate to practice. Engineers would of course only have to recognise the difference between a screwdriver and a wrench. Veterinarians would clearly have to know how to tell tell the difference between a dog and a cat.

    Do you people expect airline pilots to be fully proficient and Qualified for their profession or will a 3 month "never fail" TEAFL type course on flying big airplanes satisfy the need ?

    If the Thai authorities are moving toward ensuring only fully qualified professional people are employed to educate Thai children is that not something to applaud ?

    • Like 1
  8. Take the 50% and run, you're lucky she's giving you it!

    Not necessarily, prior to purchase the house I went with my Thai wife to a top barrister to make a loan agreement to my wife, the loan agreement was signed by my as the loan offering, signed by my wife of the loan acceptance, and signed by the barrister to confirm the agreement.

    The loan was provided for the house purchase in my wife's name, no interest was requested, and no repayment was set out.

    But there was one vital provision ... should I decide one day to have the loan returned then my wife has a time factor of one year to repay the loan, if not able to do so within one year then she is legally obliged to sell the house in order repay the loan... so it is not a case of 50/50.

    I know two cases of divorces which took place in courts, case 1 was 60/40 in favour, of farang and case 2 was 65/35 in favour of farang .

    In my opinion what is described is manifestly unfair and unreasonable. Any court would nullify such an "agreement"

    Best take the issue to court if 50% is not enough .

  9. Register the company with 2 Million Capitalisation ( you don't need this money in the business as cash - you just pay a fee to register the Capital then account for Capital Assets/ Liabilities as time passes).

    You will need some Thai employees (as you are married probaly 2x) - varies from Labour Dept to Dept.

    Wth all the correct paperwork you can register your company and file an application for a Work Permit - as say the Client Manager.

    Be warned Labour will try to restrict your job description so don't try to be too adventurous; be aware of occupations restricted to Thais (e.g. Supervising Accounts and Floor Sales are two areas that would apply to your business operation).

    Once you have your WP application successfully filed you can travel to a neighbouring country to apply for a Single Entry 90 Day Non Immigrant 'B' Visa, re-enter Thailand and you can use your 90 day Non 'B' entry to get your WP issued.

    Should you marry your Thai Partner, then when you come to apply to Immigration for an Extension of Permission to Stay under National Police Order Case 2.18 (Thai Family Member) you need to show evidence of Tax paid on 40,000+ THB pcm, evidence of income through a bank book is insufficient unless you can show > 400,000 THB throughout the qualifying period.

    Immigration will also need to see evidence of your on going marriage, address, your WP and various company papers.

    Good Luck.

    Thanks for the quick reply. Seems like I have a lot of things to do. What if I don't need employees? Can't I just get a work permit for this kind of business if I have a marriage visa?

    About the 2 million Baht capitalisation: what do you mean exactly with "you just pay a fee to register the Capital then account for Capital Assets/ Liabilities as time passes)." Does this mean; if my investment in the business over time reaches 2 million Baht, it's fine?

    So, correct me if I'm wrong, IF I marry my Thai partner AND I make money consistently so I can show troughout the year I have >400000 Baht on my account, I don't even need a work permit or business visa?

    Thanks again for your time.


    Sounds as if you need serious help. Best ask the advise of an expensive lawyer.

    You will never understand what is being offered here for free




     Obtaining a new passport is not that easy if a passport is current and has adequate blank pages.



    Actually, it isnt that difficult neither...

    A damaged passport would get you a reason for replacement. Easy enough.


    I wouldnt go with the lost/stolen passport, but that would get a new one too.



    Many "things" could render a passport unfit for use ! 


    It is illegal to deliberately deface a passport .


    As I said a straight choice --------lies or criminality 



    ...I forgot to take my passport out of the trousers, It ended up in the washing machine.Criminal?





    "Forgot" or a deliberate action ?


    There is a difference smile.png


     Obtaining a new passport is not that easy if a passport is current and has adequate blank pages.



    Actually, it isnt that difficult neither...

    A damaged passport would get you a reason for replacement. Easy enough.


    I wouldnt go with the lost/stolen passport, but that would get a new one too.



    Many "things" could render a passport unfit for use ! 


    It is illegal to deliberately deface a passport .


    As I said a straight choice --------lies or criminality 

  12. I think you guys are missing the point.

    I could walk into a clinic in Nicaragua, get a tooth pulled, and probably be fine. But the issue is one of chance.

    They are much less litigious here, and the docs have pretty much free reign to say/do whatever they'd like, however ridiculous, and get away with everything. I have heard it with my own ears. For the few docs that were educated in the US, it does not matter, they turn back to Thai docs when they get here. If they didn't, they would probably get the boot. Why don't some of these quality Thai doctors go to the US for the big bucks anyway? Don't kid yourself, they aren't there because they are not up to par with them.

    The docs here are decent, and it is cheap. Great for getting your teeth cleaned, or filling a cavity, not so good for any type of surgery for example. You odds of being really screwed up go through the roof, where it will virtually never happen in the US.

    Surgery = western docs

    Teeth cleaned = Thai docs

    One man's recommendation xsmile.png.pagespeed.ic.TZt5dYe8BC.webp

    Lets hope you never suffer any kind of emergency medical/ surgical condition whilst in Thailand which requires urgent treatment.

    • Like 1
  13. I do not want an argument !

    Sorry about the little one -- Hope the child recovers soon

    You kicked this off by implying that somehow -----"they" deliberately make people overstay !

    To repeat it is a personal responsibility to ensure one understands and abides by the immigration rules of any country.

    Just admit your "mistake" get over it and stop trying to deflect blame !

    Interesting that you claim to have a US passport but DO not understand US immigration laws !

  14. "Why, because in Kentucky guns are more important than children safety"

    You said it !

    What more is needed to be said ?

    Go weep and kill some more children as a result of crazy gun "laws"


    Would you prefer this sad incident NOT to be reported ?

    You wish American irresponsibility that results in child deaths to be hidden ?

    Man up -----campaign for the removal of guns from society !

    What no balls ?------------do not worry in Yankland you have good company !

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