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Posts posted by OnMyWay2

  1. Where exactly in the OP's photo can anything be built to obstruct the view?

    That picture was taking leaning over the side of the balcony, that part of the view is safe. But The best view is looking towards where that empty white building on the left.

    Anyway, for your information, that white building on the left also belongs to VT7, so no worries there.

    I heard that VT7 owns that building but I'd feel much better if it were occupied and being used for something.

  2. you Pattaya guys are a little bit kamikaze anyway so no big surprise

    Nothing Kamikaze about it. Most airlines have lost a plane at one time or another, including British Airways, Singapore Airlines, Air France,Lufthansa.

    They are still considered safe airlines.

    so planes going missing is pretty normal. I feel much better now!

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