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Posts posted by snake24

  1. The Blue Diamond Affair.

    Of course you are reluctant to allow your citizens to visit a country that has proven it's dishonesty by robbing you of prized assets, returning fakes then assuring the crime is covered up and those associated with fencing the goods are murdered, along with their families.

    It doesn't help that your diplomats are gunned down in broad daylight in central Bangkok.

    It also doesn't help when influential persons are spotted wearing the jewelry at social functions, seemingly with absolute disregard and contempt.

    I await with baited breath the "it could happen anywhere" nonsense from the apologists.

    Wow never heard of this before but hey it's a loss the saudis can afford and what's the reason for killing off those saudi guys in bkk? This isn't some common hitman we're talking about i say it's probably the higher ups like the govt that ordered it but what is the reason?

  2. OK, Some guy tried to be funny and the post was removed.

    Next such comment will get a more severe punishment.

    I bet it was something sexual in nature. Threads of this nature are bound to have such types of responses especially so in the misc at bb.com although i do wonder if it could be due to well thailand being famous for its brothels that somehow attract dirty minded ppl in forums like this.

  3. I really hope this doesn't ruin your experience of Thailand. In terms of what you've experienced, obviously no-one can say for sure what's behind them (and I wouldn't deny that Thai people can be prone to racism), but a few things leap to mind, so here's my 2 satangs worth:

    2. I may be wrong about this, but I feel that the perception of black people in Bangkok has declined over the past decade or so. When I was an undergraduate, an Ethiopian friend of mine visited Bangkok - she met my family, I showed her around town, took her shopping/out to eat/etc... Her perception was that, after arriving from China, she could walk down the street in Bangkok without people staring at her, she could go into a shop without encountering hostility, she could joke with Thais and expect to be met with giggling and laughter. Since then, though, I feel that Africans have developed a reputation (at least in my part of Bangkok) for being either drug dealers (if male and especially if Nigerian) or the sort of prostitutes who work near the bus stop in Nana (if female), and I think that unfortunately this has been generalised to all black people. So, if you are a black person arriving in Bangkok today, you're frankly not starting with the same clean slate my friend had when she came.

    This might sound offensive but it's not meant to be PC and has some truth to a certain extent. This isn't an isolated type of thing. It occurs in other countries like china say the guangzhou area where lots of africans go to and there's an increase in crime, drugs and prostitution. It happens in Europe too like how africans say somalians were sent to sweden and rapes increased and well there seems to be many examples where these africans appear crimes, violence etc increase and it is correct that there are many african prostitutes and drug dealers on sukhumvit soi 3 or around there and of course ppl are going to stereotype you in that manner if so many of you act in a certain way. Applies to everyone. Try saying you are from china, look chinese, are chinese etc and ppl are just going assume you are rude, boorish, spit everywhere etc you need to sometimes try to prove perceptions wrong or you can fight back. Not going to say africans or black ppl are predisposed to crime but i suppose it is because the majority of them come from poor countries or poorer sectors of society like black americans so that's why they behave like that. There hope i didn't offend the western PC crowd here. It gets really touchy especially when it involves black people but you can make the racist asian jokes like chink and flied lice and squinty eyes.

  4. My advice is to get on a plane - you may reconsider your earlier comment re 'cheap punnay', unless you can handle the 'local style' brothels. Been there, got the t-shirt : never again. I'm going back next year and I fully expect it to cost roughly double what I spend each night in Bangkok.

    so it's more expensive for the girls and the bars etc in jkt compared to bkk?

  5. http://edition.cnn.com/2011/09/28/world/asia/thailand-nazi-parade

    On Wednesday, the school's website posted a letter by its director expressing an apology. "We, the entire Sacred Heart School [personnel] are deeply saddened by this incident."


    "(We) would like to formally express our sincere apology for our students' 'Superhero' mural," the art school dean said in a statement. "I can assure you we are taking this matter very seriously." He said the art students who painted the banner wanted to use Hitler "as a conceptual paradox to the superheroes," to show that both good and bad people co-exist in the world. But, he adds, "This kind of thoughtless display will not happen again."

    Strange why the Thais themselves, apologies and removes the symbols, when they according to most of you here have done nothing wrong at all? Why do they say sorry?

    Please answer the above question. I would so much like to hear your answers.

    Cos they were forced to actually not they but rather a spokesman aka an individual the director who had to apologize least her school gets into trouble. The students most likely wouldn't have care and i think the director wasn't truly sorry just that she was forced to and was thinking f*** this shit.

    Made a mistake the director is a male.

  6. """And to all wannabe-Thais out there... You can wear 100 Buddhas necklaces, change religion, marry a Thai, have 10 children with a Thai, go to the temple every day, speak Thai, act Thai and live in Thailand for 100 years.... BUT you will always be A FARANG in the eyes of any Thai!"""""

    To the guy who said the above:-

    Do you think that African Americans are American citizens now?

    Have you ever heard of the Dred Scott v. Sandford case?

    Have you ever heard of Rosa Parks?

    What would have happened if the black oppressed in the USA had listened to some idiot say what you said above.

    I'm applying for Thai citizenship and all I can say to people like you is bend over and continue taking it up the ***

    The Chinese managed it as have the Indians. What you say is something I hear from people who feel they are a superior race to the Thais and use it as an excuse not to learn the language or try to integrate.

    Interesting and this is the same type of logic ppl use to distance others like immigrants in other countries like black americans or say asian/black immigrants to european countries.

    The difference that the OP has forgotten to mention is that all of those thoughts about farang being considered outsiders by thais and so on despite taking up the culture is HIS opinion. He didn't even ask a thai person of his opinion on that matter, while i have been reading posts by nationalists about excluding non european looking ppl from places like the US etc.

  7. The ugly head of Nazism is raising its ugly head again, in the countries that lost so much in fighting them and suffered so much, not even in Germany is it against the law to display Nazi symbols, It only is unlawful if you connect those symbols to a political movement or cause,. The European Union did not make displaying such symbols as an infraction of the law..

    Thailand or Thai's are not the problem, it is mostly a problem outside of the borders of Thailand, and centered in the US and Europe, you are not the only person who relatives fought or suffered under the Nazi's, What give you the right to abuse Thai's in their own country, if you do not like what you see in Thailand go elsewhere, to live.

    People such as you give Farang's such a bad image to locals in Thailand.;

    Go Home Yankee!

    The typical situation over and over again...

    You criticizes Thais or Thailand in any way and you will always be confronted with the Thai-wannebe Farangs, who are still hit by the "Thailand Is Perfect"-illusion and will be telling you "Just go back home". Its always... Don't say anything bad or you will have to leave! BAD BAD FARANG!... How dare you criticizes the Thais! LOL!!!

    Funny that I have never meet this attitude, when talking or discussing with educated Thais. Even they, can also see that Thailand and Thais are not always perfect. But present your opinions for many Farangs here and suddenly you are turned into a "Thai-hater".

    Not long ago Thai-policemen kidnapped two foreign tourist and held them hostage for ransom money. Is that a perfect country and the actions of perfect people? Am I allowed to say that this is very wrong and represents a big problem for Thailand? Will it help the Thais, if someone says this is going to far in relation to corruption? Or should we just all be quiet and smile - and of course just "Go Home", if we can not accept it? Should Thailand be a place where you can not go to the police, because of the fear of never returning?

    I am not Thai, I will never be Thai and I have no wish of becoming a Thai. In other words, I am not a Thai-wannabe. But that does not make me a Thai-hater, it just makes me a realist. And "Yes" I live in their country and with Thai-people. But this does not mean, that I have to just accept everything they throw at me. If they unknowingly offend me then I say so, just like they tell me if I offend them. If different cultures are to live together in harmony and understand each others way of thinking, then they must be willing to listen and respect each other.

    The claims that Thais are sooooo tolerant and non-sensitive is totally BS! Unless of course you live your life in a Go-Go bar or talk about corruption. Thais are no more tolerant or non-sensitive than other people. If you think so, it is because you are still in the illusion-phase, smartly created by the Thai Tourist industry.

    And where is the tolerance, in saying that people who state their own opinion about Thais and Thailand should just "Go Home"? And how will a society ever change and become better, if people are just told to "Go Home", if they come with their own opinion?

    Tolerance goes both ways. The last time i checked thailand is a pretty tolerant place that's why many foreigners go there.

    It's ironic you are chiding thais and being sarcastic about their tolerance when you are the intolerant one here.

  8. I went to China for the first time recently. Before I went, I had so many preconceptions of what China and Chinese people would be like based mainly on my time in Thailand and experiences with Thai people. Boy was I wrong, and in a big way. Thai's and Chinese are so unalike yet both are developing Asian nations.

    I don't want to start Thai bashing as I actually quite like Thailand in small doses but Thai people largely have alot of developing to do, as a developing nation.

    Let me see. China is way better right?

    Also china wasn't as negative as you thought it would be right?

  9. Like it or not, in western, democratic thinking it is the attractive people who get voted into power. Take a look at recent past US presidents. The same is true in Canada. And physically ugly man or woman would have no chance of being elected. It is charm first with brains and sensible policy a distant second.

    Well why did Obama get voted over mitt Romney? Bush? Al gore looks better than bush. You really have to be damn ugly to look worse than Clinton.

    I would regan and Kennedy were good looking bit regan used to be an actor anyway.

  10. They call us 'barang' I believe.

    Serious? Barang is a malay word for stuff and we used it in the army like put down your barang barang aka put down the shit you are carrying.

    Parang is also known as machete in sg/malaysia/indonesia and is even more famous than the english equivalent machete.

    Yep. It's barang in Cambodia. The upside is that some will no longer be annoyed by being called farang. tongue.png

    why is parang known as machete in malaysia and not white person?

  11. Yulia Tymoshenko, former PM of Ukraine, is another contender for the title...


    .. a shame she's locked up in the nick for dubious activities.

    She has a clear disadvantage though.......

    she isn't asian.

    Her name isn't a problem it sounds asian enough but we would need to color her hair black to make her look more asian. Why you would ask?

    Well there is this thing called yellow fever that produces a sort of bias and by taking out the yellow fever factor by making caucasian looking females more asian the field is more level.

  12. I find that the ad is quite bold in the fact that it is advertising a (artificially) dark skinned model that is pretty. Normally dark skin goes with with being awkward, dumb, ugly, and low class, in Thai media that is. So good for Dunkin Donuts for breaking out of the norms.

    Now they need a little help in naming their products: Charcoal Donut???

    Key thing u need to note: Dunkin donuts isn't a thai company but american so you need to wait for a thai company to do something similar before commenting.

  13. Dunkin' Donuts should immediately withdraw this ad, publicly apologize to those it's offended and ensure this never happens again.

    I suspect they're going to have to search for a long time before they find the people in Thailand (the Thai's) who've been offended by it.

    Black...... I mean african....... ppl?

    White guilt cos of slavery and asian/thai guilty cos asians are easily bullied?

  14. Guys basically what OP is saying is that he needs a place where they still see a farang/gaijin/ang moh/whatever those khmer ppl call white ppl/

    They call us 'barang' I believe.

    Serious? Barang is a malay word for stuff and we used it in the army like put down your barang barang aka put down the shit you are carrying.

    Parang is also known as machete in sg/malaysia/indonesia and is even more famous than the english equivalent machete.

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