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Posts posted by snake24

  1. You have to love ThaiVisa and all the other anonymous forums.

    The amount of BS spouted here in one day is incredible, when I see Farangs in real life 99% are scared of their own shadows, they are old. haggard and past it, yet on ThaiVisa, they are full of piss and wind, 28 years old millionaires asking for advice...............yeah right.....................

    The other day there was the guy guy that took a Thai guys ATM card and threw it away, with no comeback, absolute BS,

    I know it's just a forum, but jeez, at least try to make the BS a little bit believable.

    OMG it's them carrying that western imperialistic mindset dependent on race. Honestly is there ever a farang that thinks he's just simply one of them? No never at all they always think they are different aka superior.

  2. I see where your coming from Patrick. but back in the UK, I did not hear or read about fights with odds of about six to one, I am not saying it did not happen, it did, but in the eight years I have lived in Thailand, never a week goes by without reading in TV and the Stickman Bangkok website about six Thais beating up one Farang. If Thais have a gripe about Farangs taking their woman, and I can see where they have, why does one Thai never go up to a Farang and try and cause trouble without his backup? Odds of about six to one is never acceptable, no matter what reason there is. If I had a gripe against anybody back in Scotland, I would approach them by myself, and sort it out by myself without the need for any backup.

    "Never a week goes by" is rather an exaggeration! Thais will back up their countrymen and there is certainly a thuggish Thai element most often found in places like Patong (Phuket) and Pattaya. To say the same thing wouldn't happen in a western country, particularly if a "foreigner" was beating up a local, is ridiculous.

    OK, I will refrase that, hardly is the word I should have used. I did not say it never happened in a Western country, read my post again. I say again, only cowards and thugs beat up one man at odds of about six to one, in any country, and the Thais are renowned for that.

    Fair enough. However, I don't really see a virtue in our thugs being braver than Thai thugs and I don't see the thuggish pack mentality as being particularly a Thai thing.

    I will take a very big bet that the person posting about the thugs from his country isn't an asian but more likely a farang and guess what i have a 99% chance of being correct. The only odd thing is if you show this person of thugs from his country beating up a lone person he will still say somehow the thugs and men from his country are "tougher" and more "honorable".

  3. Also a bit of difference between Patpong and Patong. One being in Bangkok- where this video wasn't filmed- and one being in Phuket where it was possibly filmed... but find me a wind open space in Patpong like that, I'll be amazed.

    Some ppl have mentioned the place is in khao san which is in bkk.

    Anyway i was hoping someone would at least know the story that led to this beating and some names.

  4. snake24

    "You left out india. India is still a shithole and was probably better off under britain"

    Google is your friend. Well my friend anyway. India is the 10th largest economy in the world. Seems pretty dam_n

    racist for you to refer to it as a " shit hole"..... Why are you dragging the moronic phrase of white " supermacy"

    into the discussion ? My reference was to the rule of law, which clearly countries thrive under when it is just

    and fair.. Ah it takes all kinds on TV.

    So what if india is supposedly the 10 largest economy in the world when like what 80% of it's ppl living there live hellish lives.

    It isn't moronic at all but a fact that whites have that sickening mentality that they are superior yet the majority didn't accomplish anything except for being born white. I am correct when threads like china or chinese come up you need to have ppl writing racist white supremacy stuff or something offensive at chinese and might i add white supremacy is still the underlying theme and very relevant even in the US. Travon martin comes to mind and even though the offender wasn't technically white well he is regarded as one.

  5. How does it feel like to be just another one of them and being lower down on the social scale so to speak rather than being a farang and someone/something of interest even if you are a totally failure of a human being but still attract attention cos of your race in thailand?

    How does it feel worrying about how you are perceived by complete strangers?

    It doesn't but isn't it odd when these farang start to boast how strangers/ the locals in that country they resided in saw them as something great simply cos they were farang somehow they being strangers wasn't a problem.

  6. 20090906_01.jpg

    What you do not seem to understand is that the outrage people voice always comes from the myth that the British were comparing Chinese to Dogs in the park.

    This just is not true, as you can see from the image you posted.

    This image does not even state that Chinese or foreigners are not allowed in the park, only that unaccompanied children are not allowed. The outrage is misplaced, and is a crock of sh__T, I still say.

    There have been many cases throughout history of one country occupying the lands of another country and then barring the new "foreigners" from many places and privileges.

    Don't get so bent out of shape about history you just learned this decade, but see it in perspective instead.

    It is things like the forced importation of opium to China that the British should feel guilty about.

    Although, some people do enjoy having a bit of opium, now and again.

    Happy Pipe Dreams

    What does item 1 say? The Gardens are reserved for the foreign community.

    You must have a reading comprehension problem if you can grasp the context.

    My point remains, that a country occupied and abused over the centuries will develop under those influences. It is you who needs to put it in perspective. This is something former colonial occupiers do not get. They left a legacy of pain and suffering that still damages countries today. No better example of this is the legacy of Residential schools in Canada that the former British colonial masters imposed upon the native peoples. It screwed up the natives but good. One sees similar in Australia. And in China, the same approach of Chinese ghettos and restricted areas applied.

    You don't get it do you? Foreigners come into a country and then set about telling the locals that they must accept the religion of the colonial power(s) and that parts of the country are no longer theirs. In the meantime, the foreigners extract the wealth of the country leaving the occupied people nothing. And you wonder why there is resentment and a nationalistic furor? Even my family who benefited from the European colonial rule acknowledges this. We had lavish homes, and Chinese servants. The best education, That disappeared after the Japanese took over, but some of the furnishings my family sent out are considered museum pieces. They probably paid a pittance for sculpted wood furniture hand crafted over years. I still can't get over the ivory handled cutlery, that aside from being illegal today is worth a king's ransom. I have no guilt, as I did not participate in the enslavement, exploitation and the abuse of the Chinese. However, I can appreciate their resentment of the French and British due to the 2nd Opium war, and I can certainly understand the hatred of the Japanese for what was done, and I can see the resentment of the USA because of the American

    involvement in the Boxer Rebellion and its support of the corrupt Chinese Nationalist government.

    Know how the Chinese rebels were treated after the 8 nations breached the Peking walls?


    Some things don't change over time, and some countries keep repeating their mistakes.

    There was good colonialism, and then there was bad colonialism. Countries colonized by the French were left

    stripped. Virtually all former colonies of the British are now successful economic powers. America, Australia,

    Canada, and Singapore spring to mind. Because they left behind the greatest gift of all, the rule of law.

    If the British had in fact colonized China, then China would most certainly would be most powerful country

    in the world right now.

    "However, I can appreciate their resentment of the French and British due to the 2nd Opium war, and I can certainly understand the hatred of the Japanese for what was done, and I can see the resentment of the USA because of the American

    involvement in the Boxer Rebellion and its support of the corrupt Chinese Nationalist government."

    Well, given the level of atrocities that the Japanese inflicted upon China in WW2, and the fact that America's entry into the war saved them from being a new colony of Japan, I would think that people in China would be singing praises of America. Ah gratitude, such a difficult thing to find. Oh wait did we enter that war too late too? Euro trash in bars are always telling me America entered the war against Hitler too late........

    Interesting photo of the Chinese men in stocks. Here let me see if I can find a photo of Japanese soldiers during the rape of Nanking, throwing Chinese babies in the air and catching them on bayonets......

    OH <deleted> to be honest here. You left out india. India is still a shithole and was probably better off under britain. Same with pakistan and bangaladesh.

    Uk couldn't colonize china not because they didn't want to. It's also BS to say china would have been better as a colony of the UK. No way. If that was the case china shouldn't even amount to anything at all today and not be the biggest threat to the US the sole superpower in the world mind you. The UK today is the US lapdog how does it feel like becoming the servant of a former colony? That must be the biggest insult of all. Maybe you try to comfort yourselves hey they have the same white skin as us or at least the majority of them (DUH).

    Oz, US were pretty mighty by themselves cos the british ppl themselves settled there. Same with the boers and south africa. Singapore became great cos the majority are chinese.

    I am correct when threads come up about chinese you will always see white supermacy type of crap in them and of course racist insults. It's like seeing a pink unicorn if the 2 don't appear at all.

  7. We have a stand nearby that is cooking and serving dog. We are wondering if anyone knows a way we can turn them in to authorities. We would appreciate any information anyone can provide. Please only info regarding a way to turn them in is appreciated

    Why would you want to? It is not actually illegal to eat dog in Thailand. They obviously have customers or they would not be trading.

    Sent from my i-mobile i-STYLE Q6

    dogs are men's best friends and you know that many farangs don't eat dogs so since they don't it others cannot do it especially asians in their own countries.

  8. guys guys comeon talking about dating websites having hookers? I mean duh it's a fact that unsavory ppl use these dating sites to either scam money from truly love lorn ppl from either sexes. Who hasn't heard of some poor sod male/female that got cheated by some 'lover' with a fake profile on the other end.

    These sites also attract free lancers too and of course geniuine ppl. It's the same almost everywhere.

  9. Regarding the bargain basement Chinese apologists version of history, the pain , death and suffering the Chinese government/dictatorship

    has visited up the Chinese people makes anything done in the colonial period look like minor stuff.

    While it is certainly easy to bash China on many different levels ( Tibet, repression, crap products) , I would like to add my personal

    experiences traveling there. It is important to form the distinction between a people and their government. Exactly like Thailand, saddled with

    a horrible government, yet if you travel in rural Thailand you will meet wonderful people. China is the same. I traveled by myself

    on a motorcycle in central China for three months. The friendliness shown to me was astonishing. People going way out of their

    way to help me countless times. If I was eating with Chinese friends at a restaurant, they would not EVER let me pay for anything.

    I would eat in restaurants by myself. When I tried to pay the bill one time, the old woman at the cashier desk refused my money,

    and told me in broken english she was proud I had chosen her restaurant..... And yes did meet up with a bit of greed here and

    there. A medium level hotel that tried to charge me for bottled water when the word complimentary was written on the bottle. Was a great

    scene at the reception desk with me pulling out my dictionary to show them the meaning of the word...... :-)

    The other part that amazed me was watching CCTV in my hotel room, and watching virtually a nightly recap of the horrors that

    Japan wreaked upon China in WW2. China is keeping this issue on the front burner in the minds of the people. I had the

    overwhelming sense that there is a big payback headed towards Japan.

    Regarding Chinese tourists, yes they can be a bit noisy, and are certainly making a bit of a bad reputation for themselves.

    As Thai people, Chinese people, and Japanese people all think they are the master race, it is always a bit amusing to see

    their worlds collide , and they try to decide who is the most superior.......

    Regarding theblether invading China, I had no idea such powerful people existed on TV....

    So what do u think of china now? I actually think it's rather unfair that you being a foreigner get so many perks when ironically foreigners probably think worse of china compared to the chinese themselves.

    Anyway i find the part ironic in this statement.

    As Thai people, Chinese people, and Japanese people all think they are the master race, it is always a bit amusing to see

    their worlds collide , and they try to decide who is the most superior.......

    How about white ppl thinking that too? I mean they have an entire forum dedicated to that called stormfront.

    What a minute:

    That actually is a half decent site, and they put out quite a few good YouTube videos.

    Their research is accurate, usually, even though you may not like their politics.

    So, always worth reading or watching.

    so u think stormfront is actually a good site where you see farangs constantly praising themselves as the master race?

    I suppose chinese/japanese and east asians should start one too there are many good facts to back it up but somehow i feel you wouldn't agree. No wonder many ppl say westerners are racists and arrogant. It's actually true.

  10. ...

    FYI chinese isn't a torturous language based on pictures and i can speak and write both in english and chinese perfectly fine so i suppose it takes a certain intelligence to master chinese.........

    You're kidding no-one but yourself

    don't blame anyone else if you don't have the brains to master chinese and mind you speaking chinese is easy cos most of the words are mono syllabic.

    Mind explaining to me why so many asians and ppl can easily speak english but if you manage some simple chinese phrase that a 5 yr old kid can speak you expect applause?

  11. Mind you thai black magic is considered one of the most powerful in south east asia perhaps behind indonesia and cambodia. There are practioners of white and black magic and they are called arjans or teachers.

    The religious tattoo for example the sak yant is one of the most popular methods of protection and so is the wearing of various amulets. One very popular amulet is the amulet of khun paen. Khun paen is one of the thai characters of folk lore and he is said to have cut open his own wife's belly and taken out his dead unborn child and roasted it and cast a spell unto it turning it into a kumantong aka a child spirit. Khun paen is famous for being sexually attractive towards the opposite sex and i believe he had 2 wives and his name in thai means philanderer. Hence if you wear a khun paen amulet it's supposed to make you more attractive to the opposite sex. You can also request to get the kumantong from these arjans these are child spirits that will protect you and they are well known amongst the people of south east asia. You just need to feed them sweets but don't feed them blood if not it will corrupt them to become evil.

    One very famous arjan is arjan nu. He is the one that tattooed the sak yant unto angelina jolie and it cost i think something like a million USD. I am sure you guys must have heard of this.




    I went to that link and i saw these western ppl getting these tattoes as something like a joke like something for fun when these tattoes have religious meanings in them. It's just silly to simply tattoo something with religious significance unto you when you don't even believe in it. Oh well.

    I am sure angelina got the tattoo cos she wanted to connect closer with her adopted son maddox something like getting involved with his culture even though he is cambodian.

    That is Cambodian script. A well oiled lovely script it be. God my life sucks compared to Brads. mellow.png

    it might be cambodian but the fact is it's also done by thais.

  12. The story you mention of Dogs, Chinese, and Parks, is a apocryphal crock of sh__T, my friend.

    Pls don't get too far bent out of shape here.

    Nationalism is definitely alive and well in China these days.

    But very often it is intentionally stirred up by the government in order to create a diversion in the minds of the citizenry, so that the LaoBaiXing will be distracted from the more important topic of how to overthrow their government and institute democratic reform.

    What you do not seem to understand is that the outrage people voice always comes from the myth that the British were comparing Chinese to Dogs in the park.

    This just is not true, as you can see from the image you posted.

    This image does not even state that Chinese or foreigners are not allowed in the park, only that unaccompanied children are not allowed. The outrage is misplaced, and is a crock of sh__T, I still say.

    There have been many cases throughout history of one country occupying the lands of another country and then barring the new "foreigners" from many places and privileges.

    Don't get so bent out of shape about history you just learned this decade, but see it in perspective instead.

    It is things like the forced importation of opium to China that the British should feel guilty about.

    Although, some people do enjoy having a bit of opium, now and again.

    Happy Pipe Dreams

    it says children unaccompanied by foreigners.

    Well bruce lee's famous chinese and dogs scene is shown in movies and nobody has ever come out to dispute it is false.

  13. Both my kids are learning Chinese at their school and also the weekends.

    I want to learn too as it might come in handy one day.

    Is it worth it though if all the Chinese are learning English?

    Still think that spending a lot of time learning Chinese is a bit of a fad, only only makes sense

    if you believe that the Chinese will be the new economic masters of the world, and in order

    to get a job at their companies you must speak Chinese. Your children would be far bettered

    served by being able to speak perfect English. My child starts school this year, and she certainly

    will not be spending time to learn a torturous language based upon pictures.... :-)

    oh lord have mercy it's the 21st century now and we still have ppl that write like this. You would have thought the british empire was still reigning supreme. If one learns a language only because they believe the language of that country is going to become supreme in the world then well don't bother learning thai, japanese, russian and only learn english. You seem to be much more at home in a place like stormfront.

    It's posts like this that prove i am correct when i see westerners talk about chinese there is always that need to bash it or post something to show that they are superior to it. Can you imagine the outrage some ppl would feel if someone wrote about thai like this way.

    Still think that spending a lot of time learning Thai is a bit of a fad, only only makes sense

    if you believe that the Thai will be the new economic masters of the world, and in order

    to get a job at their companies you must speak Thai. Your children would be far bettered

    served by being able to speak perfect English.

    FYI chinese isn't a torturous language based on pictures and i can speak and write both in english and chinese perfectly fine so i suppose it takes a certain intelligence to master chinese.........

  14. Regarding the bargain basement Chinese apologists version of history, the pain , death and suffering the Chinese government/dictatorship

    has visited up the Chinese people makes anything done in the colonial period look like minor stuff.

    While it is certainly easy to bash China on many different levels ( Tibet, repression, crap products) , I would like to add my personal

    experiences traveling there. It is important to form the distinction between a people and their government. Exactly like Thailand, saddled with

    a horrible government, yet if you travel in rural Thailand you will meet wonderful people. China is the same. I traveled by myself

    on a motorcycle in central China for three months. The friendliness shown to me was astonishing. People going way out of their

    way to help me countless times. If I was eating with Chinese friends at a restaurant, they would not EVER let me pay for anything.

    I would eat in restaurants by myself. When I tried to pay the bill one time, the old woman at the cashier desk refused my money,

    and told me in broken english she was proud I had chosen her restaurant..... And yes did meet up with a bit of greed here and

    there. A medium level hotel that tried to charge me for bottled water when the word complimentary was written on the bottle. Was a great

    scene at the reception desk with me pulling out my dictionary to show them the meaning of the word...... :-)

    The other part that amazed me was watching CCTV in my hotel room, and watching virtually a nightly recap of the horrors that

    Japan wreaked upon China in WW2. China is keeping this issue on the front burner in the minds of the people. I had the

    overwhelming sense that there is a big payback headed towards Japan.

    Regarding Chinese tourists, yes they can be a bit noisy, and are certainly making a bit of a bad reputation for themselves.

    As Thai people, Chinese people, and Japanese people all think they are the master race, it is always a bit amusing to see

    their worlds collide , and they try to decide who is the most superior.......

    Regarding theblether invading China, I had no idea such powerful people existed on TV....

    So what do u think of china now? I actually think it's rather unfair that you being a foreigner get so many perks when ironically foreigners probably think worse of china compared to the chinese themselves.

    Anyway i find the part ironic in this statement.

    As Thai people, Chinese people, and Japanese people all think they are the master race, it is always a bit amusing to see

    their worlds collide , and they try to decide who is the most superior.......

    How about white ppl thinking that too? I mean they have an entire forum dedicated to that called stormfront.

  15. When my wife told me we must take 9 pigs heads to the temple i agreed without question.


    Did you carry them?

    I double bagged them in 7/11 bags, twas a task not akim to ritually flogging oneself with a Birch branch. The sway of the branch helped diminish the hoard of flies attacking our offering.

    Afterwards i was truly enlightened and roamed the land for a year preaching the path to enlightenment living of hand outs, then returning to accolade and acceptance.


    why not you adopt some kumantongs too?

    You can also attend the kin jay festival and pierce your cheeks and it's a chinese festival.

  16. Mind you thai black magic is considered one of the most powerful in south east asia perhaps behind indonesia and cambodia. There are practioners of white and black magic and they are called arjans or teachers.

    The religious tattoo for example the sak yant is one of the most popular methods of protection and so is the wearing of various amulets. One very popular amulet is the amulet of khun paen. Khun paen is one of the thai characters of folk lore and he is said to have cut open his own wife's belly and taken out his dead unborn child and roasted it and cast a spell unto it turning it into a kumantong aka a child spirit. Khun paen is famous for being sexually attractive towards the opposite sex and i believe he had 2 wives and his name in thai means philanderer. Hence if you wear a khun paen amulet it's supposed to make you more attractive to the opposite sex. You can also request to get the kumantong from these arjans these are child spirits that will protect you and they are well known amongst the people of south east asia. You just need to feed them sweets but don't feed them blood if not it will corrupt them to become evil.

    One very famous arjan is arjan nu. He is the one that tattooed the sak yant unto angelina jolie and it cost i think something like a million USD. I am sure you guys must have heard of this.




    I went to that link and i saw these western ppl getting these tattoes as something like a joke like something for fun when these tattoes have religious meanings in them. It's just silly to simply tattoo something with religious significance unto you when you don't even believe in it. Oh well.

    I am sure angelina got the tattoo cos she wanted to connect closer with her adopted son maddox something like getting involved with his culture even though he is cambodian.

    • Like 1
  17. I would assume the Chinese are more anti-Japanese than American; however, I have no idea what they have been taught. With the internet, maybe they can read more about December 1935, and some must know we backed China in WW2 and saved them from the Japanese. I definitely agree they are learning English very rapidly, and the number of dialects of Chinese in China must be astronomical. I've only been there twice, and it's all generalizations. Don't trust the goods or food; however, the people are generally friendly and definitely smart. I like the Chinese for their arrogance, and it is amazing the Chinese Triad could control gambling in the entire world. That is impressive power and influence. Anyhow, I also remember reading that in 1860's Bangkok was about 25% Chinese, so I'm sure there are millions Chinese-Thai who surely don't look down on Thais, while speaking Chinese and having some deep Chinese cultural roots. Beijing, like Chiang Mai, have similar, yet different, pollution problems; however, CM has better weather. Yes, I first choose the climate. Since I know i can find good people anywhere. sorry for the random thoughts....

    Actually i find it a joke that some western ppl are shocked that ppl in china are anti western. What's new? Aren't middle easterners anti western? What do you think afgahni, iraqis think of western people? Then what do western ppl think of ppl in china and then it projects out to all chinese not from china? Probably not in a very good way focusing only on negative aspects but that is totally fine and then have the gall to feel shocked that china is anti western. Respect should be mutual but it seems that when it comes to china somehow china is expected to bend over backwards. Mind you china is just like japan with the ability to build itself up from poverty. It seems like only east asian nations can do that. Korea, japan, china come to mind. East asians aren't racist in that they won't attack you or make racist remarks openly at you maybe they won't communicate with you or think poorly of you but is that really important when racism from whites, blacks, hispanics means your life might be in danger you will be harrassed yet you won't get this type of treatment from an east asian but somehow extend the definition of racism to them so that they are equally as bad all because they don't think too kindly of someone of another race.

    Would you call blacks racist if they didn't rob and attack ppl of other races and just thought badly of them? What about muslims in europe? Oh yes they cannot be called racist.

  18. which moron mentions that chinese isn't useful cept for in china?

    I don't blame the chinese for having a hatred of the west and please for a western person to call chinese ppl racist is like the biggest joke.

    Until you see chinese enslave an entire race of ppl and prevented them from even sharing the same drinking fountain even though they are officially free pls don't call them racist.

    Who even cares what a chinese person thinks of the thai or anyone else for that matter?

    Would you call a white person that didn't beat up a chinese but just thought poorly of them racist?

    No you wouldn't yet if a chinese person thought like that of ppl of other races they get called racist?

    To the OP you mean that chinese guy the one who you were the godfather of his daughter had females literally swarm all over him in the bar? Your writing isn't very clear it's all over the place.

    Anyway when i notice western ppl writing about china and chinese ppl in general they always or rather it seems a lot of them have that superiority complex about them. Like they just need to add in how dirty, stupid looking, or just something negative about chinese ppl and then how shocked some of them are when they find out chinese ppl are actually very hospitable. Yes they are but notice how everything positive gets overlooked and only the negative remains which is the opposite of western ppl.

    I also notice fewer defenders of chinese ppl compared to the thais like few white supremacists speak poorly of thais would get some farang telling him off but it somehow seems lesser when chinese are involved.

    Anyway mind you many non chinese speak chinese and learn chinese culture and it's very varied with like over 10 dialects with 2 widely spoken dialect and one if the national language of china called mandarin and the other is cantonese with the various chinese dialects like hokkien(fukkiense), hainanese, foo chow etc.

    Chinese ppl are found in probably every country in the world. They have chinatowns in almost every western country i believe. Chinese ppl also dominate the economies of various SEA nations like thailand, indonesia, malaysia, singapore, philippines. Yes some of them have adopted the host country's culture but they are still chinese racially. Many american chinese too.

    Also the culture of china chinese is rather different from the chinese of other nations just like how english are different from ozzies and americans.

    Anyway i need to reiterate this most ppl seem to love to only focus on the negative aspects of chinese ppl and culture which is ridiculous as chinese ppl are also very welcoming and accepting of others.

  19. OP - The Chinese have definitely NOT bought up Burma - Chinese cars aren't even allowed to drive more than 10km inside Burma and Burma's government back in 2010 or 2011 suspended a dam project, the Myitsone project I believe it's called due to environmental and social concerns. There is a considerable anti-Chinese sentiment in Myanmar (not to the point of violence or anything like that, just simply a distrust and dislike of the Chinese). Even in the Chinese-Myanmar border town of Mu-se the atmosphere is overwhelmingly Burmese, with the Burmese influence in neighboring Ruili much more prominent than any Chinese influence over on the Myanmar side in Mu-se so I don't know who told you otherwise. Foreign language signs, including those in Chinese language are supposedly banned in Burma, with only English and Burmese being allowed and some Chinese language signs were removed in a neighborhood of Mandalay recently according to a news story published by elevenmyanmar. You will see a few Chinese signs in the Chinese border areas but it's minimal compared to neighboring Laos. Perhaps you mean Laos being bought up by the Chinese - where so many parts of the north are full of Chinese investments, traders, business people, tourists, Chinese registered vehicles and Chinese language signs etc. that you could be forgiven for thinking that those parts of Laos have been annexed by China.

    Just so if you want to know the rebels and all in the shan state and the automonous regions have lots of chinese influence. These were former nationalists that lost to the communists during the chinese civil war. The shan state where they produce heroin and so on yes it's the Wa army has a leader with a mandarin name and i believe he is chinese or a chinese national from nearby yunnan.

  20. Mind you thai black magic is considered one of the most powerful in south east asia perhaps behind indonesia and cambodia. There are practioners of white and black magic and they are called arjans or teachers.

    The religious tattoo for example the sak yant is one of the most popular methods of protection and so is the wearing of various amulets. One very popular amulet is the amulet of khun paen. Khun paen is one of the thai characters of folk lore and he is said to have cut open his own wife's belly and taken out his dead unborn child and roasted it and cast a spell unto it turning it into a kumantong aka a child spirit. Khun paen is famous for being sexually attractive towards the opposite sex and i believe he had 2 wives and his name in thai means philanderer. Hence if you wear a khun paen amulet it's supposed to make you more attractive to the opposite sex. You can also request to get the kumantong from these arjans these are child spirits that will protect you and they are well known amongst the people of south east asia. You just need to feed them sweets but don't feed them blood if not it will corrupt them to become evil.

    One very famous arjan is arjan nu. He is the one that tattooed the sak yant unto angelina jolie and it cost i think something like a million USD. I am sure you guys must have heard of this.

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