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Posts posted by snake24

  1. thailand as a country in the region of south east asia isn't too bad. The best country would be singapore in terms of GDP and development. Thailand might be second or maybe malaysia i don't know. Thailand is better than cambodia, laos, vietnam and of course burma. Indonesia and the philippines are much worse than thailand. Go live in manila and you would wish you were in bangkok.

    Have you been to Vietnam in the past several months? It is catching up to Thailand at a rapid pace! Last time I was there I was completely shocked how far they had advanced in the 3 years since I was there before. Saigon's subway is supposed to open by the end of this decade.

    Thailand is also evolving, but at a much slower pace. There's nothing wrong with that, but I think most people on this forum wish it would happen much faster.

    No i have not i am basing it off the country's reputation. I mean the hype has all been on china for example and some ppl still think china is in the shitter.

    No offence to vietnam at all but when you are lower down in the development index you improve faster. It's just a fact of life. We could apply this to lifting weights. A 90lb weakling is able to bench 90, then 120, 130 lbs so it's like what 130% of his bodyweight. An intermediate lifter at 200lb can bench his own weight but probably has problems when it's 230lbs which is a lower percentage compared to the novice lifter but would you consider the novice lifter stronger?

    You see it's just simply a part of nature to improve faster when you are right at the bottom.

    A novice stock broker is going earn 200% of his usual earnings. A novice lifter can lift 150% of his bodyweight and a poorer country can earn much more in gbp compared to a richer one.

    What happesn when the novice lifter becomes an expert lifter? Good luck improving your lifts by 150% likewise good luck for vietnam to see the type of current growith it is seeing after reaching thai standards/

  2. what about these



    she's younger than yingluck but not too good looking and she runs some insignificant country like slovenia?


    she's the pm of trinidad and tobago and doesn't look african/indian but caucasian


    she looks so korean but isn't from one of those asian countries


    am tired of this

    But perhaps we could include into the mix lady pms that were voted in because of the reputation of their brothers that used to be ex PMs? Perhaps that would be a fairer comparison?

    • Like 1
  3. O.k...hottest female PM past and present!

    No Maggie Thatcher fans though!

    Any nominations???

    Yingluck is still imho no1 till proven otherwise.

    here here!

    the competition is utterly dire.... list of female PM's

    so the hottest female PM to grace the world is Yingluck!?Does no one else come close? Maybe we should present her with an engraved trophy and interview her on her thoughts?



    6 years older than yingluck but just ended her term...............................

    ok it's hard to think of her in sexual terms maybe cos she's not a model but a pm just like you don't get a football star to run your cabinet?

  4. Not hard to find cheap, desperate *everything* in Cambo, but they can still manage a genuine smile. Other than child beggars in the border towns, they also tend to leave me alone - definitely no Pantip-style touts IME. Really cant think of anything that was better than what I can get in Malaysia - beer was cheaper, but I'd need a hell of lot of it to live there, and Malaysian food absolutely hammers anything the Khmers can come up with, IME. Say what you will about Malaysians - they can cook and I'm up for all bar the very spiciest. Yumbo ! biggrin.png

    It's all swings and roundabouts, but Cambo remains a country-of-last-resort for mine. OK, cheap clothes - great, but how many shorts/t-shirt combinations do you need ? wink.png

    There isn't an exact malaysian authentic malaysian cuisine if you get my drift and it's mostly from the 3 major races.

    Also the crime rate in malaysia...........................


  5. Guys basically what OP is saying is that he needs a place where they still see a farang/gaijin/ang moh/whatever those khmer ppl call white ppl/ as unique and like the saviors to the area aka special treatment. A place where he can stretch his currency even further. Now it's like what 30-40 thb to 1 USD or 1 GBP but that;s not good enough. You need a place where you can spend 10 GBP to get a 5 star hotel and of course thailand does not have that i mean it's a 3rd world country and cheaper to live in then say milan or paris but still not THAT cheap.

    Well then you guys are in luck. The region of SEA is just waiting for you and let me tell you indonesia is actually the 2nd best place to get punnay after thailand and the philippines ranks after that and you can stretch your currency even further BUT there is the issue of security.

    Anyway many cheap places abound in the south east asian region. Manilan, jarkarta, cambodia, laos, port moresby if you are looking for some adventure and want to partake in some life risking activites. Just avoid singapore and all is fine.

  6. No competition out there for the title of Miss/Mrs PM Worldbiggrin.png



    Angela merkel in a red dress?

    She controls germany which controls the entire EU and is many times more powerful than thailand. ..........

    then again look at this:


    Born: June 21, 1967 (age 46), San Kamphaeng, Thailand

    Height: 1.70 m


    Born: July 17, 1954 (age 59), Hamburg, Germany

    Height: 1.65 m

    OK thailand is better than the EU.

  7. 115778-yingluck-shinawatra.jpg

    Can you find a PM hotter than her???

    *transforms into a caucasian male who somehow has a 99% chance of having yellow fever*

    OH my god!!!! She's a goddess!!!! She's hot who gives a shiat what her policies are. She's hot!!!!! She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!She's hot!!!!!

    *goes out of caucasian male with yellow fever into typical male mode*

    <deleted> she's old!!!!!! I mean having been fed on a diet of hot sports models and pop stars and porn actresses she's nothing and the fact that she is asian does nothing at all and she's a politician so her looks have 0 correlation with her policies.

  8. Thais, once they have visited other more advanced places realise how screwed up Thailand is.

    Problem is, unlike us, they feel ashamed at being completely powerless to do anything about it. So would rather not hear about it.

    I would be exactly the same. Could you imagine going to north Korea and trying to explain why the country is screwed up? It's the same here to a lesser degree.

    Well to be fair to the thais try and bring up neighbouring countries next to thailand like cambodia, lao, burma and see how much worse off they arre compared to thailand.

    Unless you bring in singapore which is a small country so doesn't have much influence anyway.

    Here's the problem. Thailand is actually better off compared to the likes of laos, cambodia, vietnam, burma.

    How do you get a country to improve when it's better off than it's immediate neightbours.

    I suggest a special machine to teleport thailand between say USA and Canada. Now then you can see the great contrast.

    • Like 1
  9. Guys just follow me for a while think of yingluck as a CAUCASIAN female.

    Yup try to imagine her as a white female. Suddenly ratings of her drop by 1000000x

    That's it. Yingluck becomes caucasian suddenly isn't hot anymore.

    Anyway what does being the head of state have to do with one's looks?

    Again i ask you to use your imagination. Yingluck is a hot white chick = damn she doesn't know anything about running a country let her suck some dink.

    Yingluck is a middle aged asian female = she is so progressive, she is bringing thailand to the next level, her farts smell like roses, she brought the entire thai kingdom to its present greatness!!! *grabs penis while thinking of this*

    • Like 1
  10. attachicon.gifSid+Vicious4.png

    There used to a loads of Thais wearing Sid Vicious T-shirts. I wonder if it's because he liked the swastika.


    The Thai greeting, sawasdee ka, comes from the same Sanskrit word as swastika.

    I see sid vicious in that picture NOW and NOW we have a big problem. Yup the same bloody group of ppl that were calling the thais insensitive when they see sid wear that Well let's just say they aren't so aggressive in telling a person like sid and preaching "morality" to him. Other than the fact that sid would not only tell them to "f***" off and beat them up for good measure and so would his fellow sex pistol band mates well you cannot get thru to someone like sid would you? His band promoted anarchy in the UK and in this same instance might i showcase to all and sundry the double standards from the western perspective in judging ppl.

    White dead iconic punk band member from iconic band wears offensive T-shirt = he's edgy, he's so daring, he's so brave.

    Asian or thai person does the same = he's an ignorant f****** that should respect the feelings of people miles and miles away from his country that are now residing in his country.

    • Like 2
  11. It's the same reason why they wear Che Guevara t-shirts, it's because they think it's fashionable, no other reason. Ask all the thais wearing Che Guevara shirts where he's from and I guarantee you none will know.

    Ask all the farang wearing them and see how many actually know where he's from...

    Lets commission ABAC to do a poll for our benefit, it'll be worth a giggle...

    The would probably go something like ahhhh ahhhhh puerto rico? Cuba? Just pull out any latin american country.

  12. Fascinating thread. There are those practical souls who have solutions for these sorts of problems, most of which involve going to Homepro or Wasadu and checking out what is on the shelves around the drainage & plumbing Department, thanks guys. Which is what most people would do. Then there is the OP who sounds like a pumped up ex military Colonel Blimp up in his ivory tower expecting the peasants to be at his beck and call 24/7, try getting a plumber in the West at 6pm on a Sunday, good luck and get your credit card out. And he needs to tone down a bit. Shouting or voice raising will get you nowhere here. Then there are the pedants, one of whom presents us his great knowledge of Thai by informing that there is a second Thai word spoken as now meaning stale or rotten, except that is not pronounced the same at all, followed by the second pedant who with great disdain points out that neither word in a mandarin tonal language sounds like now. Get real man, most Thais that don't know English hear the word now as meaning cold, get it, its the one that sounds like that, forget the tones. I also enjoyed a few little gems of advice from some of the normal people on here.

    So here's this bloke shouting now at this Thai landlord who standing there not sure what to do, except wondering why the guy is cold, perhaps he could have offered to get some blankets. I think this would make great TV. 555

    now in english doesn't sound like cold in thai. Are you sure you can speak either english or thai?

  13. Did u know the original thais came from china from the dai tribe in yunnan china and they conquered the various ppl and tribes in the south east asian region and those darker skinned ppl eventually took up thai culture and customs and names and became thaiized. Same thing with the ppl in issan but it occured later.

  14. Custard creams, rhubarb crumble & custard and the wind when out walking, bright sunny days that still have the cool breeze.

    Familiar faces and being able to understand what people are talking about 100%.

    Custard creams, rhubarb crumble & custard and the wind when out walking, bright sunny days that still have the cool breeze.

    Familiar faces and being able to understand what people are talking about 100%.

    Stop, Stop sad.png.pagespeed.ce.5zxzyGiJz0.png .........................smile.png.pagespeed.ce.CwSpBGGvqN.png

    The odd thing is like you guys are talking as if you were refugees that were forced to flee from your home countries to go into a new country when in reality you chose to leave your country which in terms of standard of living is ranked higher than thailand and voluntarily live in thailand even marrying the locals, setting up businesses and the like.

  15. On the question of neo nazism i noticed many facists whether they be in europe, US, australia take on nazi symbols and salutes as a sort of movement to target minorities in that country and immigrants and it's obviously racist in nature since they promote the view that aryans are the superior race but why don't some of them see the irony like russian or english nazis see that during ww2 their ancestors were killing or being killed by the real nazis from germany. It's just so weird that they would adopt on the symbolism of a regime that their own countries fought against if you want to put it into say an asian context you could say that chinese, koreans, thais, laotians adopted the japanese bushido code of honor and used that to target foreigners in their countries or non asian looking ppls it wouldn't make sense at all.

  16. Mate ... I'm sorry for your loss.

    AA 'lost' a bag of mine once. Had to do the form etc at KL.

    Flew to Australia and to their credit, the bag arrived a week later and sent by taxi from the airport to where I live.

    What was sad was one time, while patiently waiting for my bag to appear ... a lone handle ... yes, just the handle ... with the bar coded luggage tag appeared on the conveyor belt ... never did see the bag with no handle though ... rolleyes.gif alt=rolleyes.gif>

    Mate ... I'm sorry for your loss.

    AA 'lost' a bag of mine once. Had to do the form etc at KL.

    Flew to Australia and to their credit, the bag arrived a week later and sent by taxi from the airport to where I live.

    What was sad was one time, while patiently waiting for my bag to appear ... a lone handle ... yes, just the handle ... with the bar coded luggage tag appeared on the conveyor belt ... never did see the bag with no handle though ... rolleyes.gif alt=rolleyes.gif>

    Thanks David, I must admit I laughed out loud when I read about your handle on the conveyor belt, I bet the baggage handlers were watching you to see your reaction too biggrin.png alt=biggrin.png> clap2.gif alt=clap2.gif>

    speaking of the handle that came off it also happened to me on one of my trips to thailand. Thank god i bought another luggage. The wheels and everything were attached to the handle while the bag and luggae were screwed on so if it comes loose there goes the handle and the wheels. It's a standard design for this type of luggage and the luggage is usually made of soft material. Prefer the hard metal casing one where the wheels and the handles aren't screwed on but like a part of the design.

  17. Waiting for someone to come in to say it's a budget flight and well yes that is it. That is why my check in luggage is made up of some tough material not those soft type of bags.

    Yes, a hard case with a good strap round it is really the only option for checked-in baggage. It's worth paying a bit more for a hard case, as the handlers can chuck them around all they like, and unless they are dropped from a great height (not unheard of), they will remain intact.

    Talking about the strap thing. I used to own the strap when travelling to the US. Once i was told to open my luggage cos it weighed unusually heavy and this was like 2 years after sept 11 so i do so and then had to close my luggage again and put the strap thing back and i forgot to lock it inside the luggae handle. Hope you can picture what i am saying so anyway the strap came off and was lost when i reached my destination. Was quite a good strap too.

    Anyway the hard baggae casing is to protect the stuff inside the luggage and one should always put the utmost care when leaving his own property in the care of others cos nobody else gives a sh!t about someone else's stuff. My macbook has a nice casing too.

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