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Posts posted by snake24

  1. snake, do you really think being branded a 'Thai apologist' is something that would injure me in any way ? Water off a duck's back.

    Here's another couple you might like to roll out at some stage:

    - weekend warrior. A tag I've never shied away from, but at least I admit what the status of my involvement in Thailand has been - we are still waiting for details of your own trips to LOS.

    - sex tourist. Again, I've never tried to deny my misadventures, but at least I know what people are actually talking about when the conversation goes down that road - please furnish your own first-hand knowledge of Thai nightlife

    Bring it on.

    Snake is a disgruntled singaporean who wants to get out of singapore because there are too many aliens there MrWorldwide.


    Wow smart move there sherlock you know how to use the search function. Mind telling me how that gives you any leverage in this topic at all?

    None whatsoever.

  2. snake, do you really think being branded a 'Thai apologist' is something that would injure me in any way ? Water off a duck's back.

    Here's another couple you might like to roll out at some stage:

    - weekend warrior. A tag I've never shied away from, but at least I admit what the status of my involvement in Thailand has been - we are still waiting for details of your own trips to LOS.

    - sex tourist. Again, I've never tried to deny my misadventures, but at least I know what people are actually talking about when the conversation goes down that road - please furnish your own first-hand knowledge of Thai nightlife

    Bring it on.

    Snake is a disgruntled singaporean who wants to get out of singapore because there are too many aliens there MrWorldwide.


    So another disgruntled Asian malepassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gipassifier.gif.pagespeed.ce.4LsapYv4zC.gi complaining about, that farangs are getting all the good females??sad.png

    I didn't know being a singaporean meant one was automatically asian and to talk about getting "good" females on a thai forum when you can literally find female company almost anywhere in thailand. Btw this is exactly the opposite what mrworldwide was trying to refute to me that farangs are boasting how much superior than they are, in their own minds, by saying they are bigger sized and are sex gods attracting females which is a form of shamless boasting but then in the same measure complain of discrimination when they get charged higher prices cos they are farang and i wanted to show the irony in which mrworldwide disagreed with me. You on the other hand actually prove me correct and honestly where did u get the idea that farang are getting all the good females? The bar girls are the good females?

  3. snake said:

    The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

    Please show me a single post where someone has made that claim. Your wording reeks of a combination of small man syndrome and Asian smugness -

    It was the first thing I thought as well. It will be interesting (or maybe not) to see if he comes back to answer it..........

    Going by many of his posts The OP is either a very clever troll or has some real issues...........coffee1.gif

    What would you like for me to answer?

    It's plain to see in this forum itself they don't explicitly state it out loud but it's still pretty apparent.

    Example: the laundry topic. Some of them complain how expensive it is like around 30bht for a shirt but then again 30bht for a shirt is expensive for a local thai but not for them. Maybe they were charged those prices cos they aren't from around here.

    What the hell does that have to do with physical stature or perceived physical attractiveness ? Any chance that you could revisit your own OP ?

    Oh it sure does. Does statements like thais wouldn't be able to fight 1 or 2 foreigners aka farang sound familar to you? Does thai men couldn't fight me one on one sound familar? We hear this countless number of times. Did you do reading comprehension in school? What this implies is that farang men assume they are larger in size compared to thais and asians in general not stated out explicitly but the point is noted unless you don't know how to read between the lines.

  4. snake said:

    The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

    Please show me a single post where someone has made that claim. Your wording reeks of a combination of small man syndrome and Asian smugness -

    It was the first thing I thought as well. It will be interesting (or maybe not) to see if he comes back to answer it..........

    Going by many of his posts The OP is either a very clever troll or has some real issues...........coffee1.gif

    What would you like for me to answer?

    It's plain to see in this forum itself they don't explicitly state it out loud but it's still pretty apparent.

    Example: the laundry topic. Some of them complain how expensive it is like around 30bht for a shirt but then again 30bht for a shirt is expensive for a local thai but not for them. Maybe they were charged those prices cos they aren't from around here.

  5. Around half of marriages fail world wide, then there's the defacto relationships then there's the short term relationship, im guessing there is a hugh amount of single parent family's world wide.

    If you never noticed it in your country you weren't looking, if your in Australia the sitting government regular attacks welfare cheats and by there accounts a fair chunk are single parent family's.

    Someone is sensitive, nothing racist written on this topic.

    Only a dislike of perceived western supremacy !

    Well maybe nothing clearly racist, just ethnic and class labelling. There is a big chip on the OP's shoulder and from his track record, which I haven't studied, only come across in random ways, a healthy dose of misogyny which he feels he can get away with here amongst all the boys. Don't encourage him he might go away

    Oh quit making up allegations with your pseudo psychoanalysis.

  6. snake said:

    The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

    Please show me a single post where someone has made that claim. Your wording reeks of a combination of small man syndrome and Asian smugness - fwiw, I consider Thais to be some of the most beautiful people on earth and, pound for pound, some of the most physically gifted. It's only the lazy people who dont look after themselves that fit Stickman's rants about 'fat Thais' - that would be the same in Denmark or Sweden, both countries renowned for the stature and physical beauty of many of their citizens. Thais are getting taller and heavier - take a look at some of the schoolkids compared to their parents - but I dont walk around Thailand thinking 'I'm so much bigger and stronger than these guys !'. Only an idiot would carry that attitude into a nightlife precinct, even if the average Thai was 4' tall and weighed 90lbs ....

    thai apologists like you don't count yes they consider you one.

  7. Advantages: Seen as richer helped largely by the exchange rates of western currency vs thb and also the fact that unions are are stronger in the west and the pay is more generous as that a farang in any sector of society from lower to even upper middle class would most likely be better off than his thai counterpart.

    Cos of this he attracts a fair share of female company for the males and while the males think it's all down to his physical appearance let's be honest the fact that he has the potential to give his thai partner a higher standard of living also adds in the to the attraction or maybe the only attraction in some cases.

    Yes thinks he's better looking than the locals, more intelligent, a better human being all up to the individual and individual circumstances.

    Anyway here are the cons:

    Gets charged higher prices compared to locals and other foreigners that are non farang. Yup that's right since you have higher spending power it's only fair you get charged more. Maybes gets singled out in a beating when it's a thai vs foreigner fight. Yup looking so vastly different does have its negative side too.

    The funny thing is the same farangs who are boasting on how much of a superior human specimen compared to the thais in terms of physical appearance, stature etc complain that they get charged higher prices in tourist places or who knows any single time a thai has the opportunity to rip him off. That's the irony of it all and some of you guys sound really offended you get charged higher but don't mind being singled out when well when it involves female attention i suppose.

  8. Not sure about the overall percentages in Thailand, but I would guess that somewhere around

    60 % of the girls that work in the sex trade have children they are supporting. My brother,

    who has a bit of a savage wit, refers to these children as " farm mistakes"..... Meaning when

    the girl was 16 or 17, and could not really resist, the Thai farm boy down the lane slipped it in

    without a condom. Girl now becomes pregnant, and the farm boy is long gone. So the true

    tragedy of these kids is that they grow up without a father, and a mother who shows up now

    and then with presents, before jumping on a bus and heading back to the bar.....

    So for the farangs who enter into relationships with these girls, it can go one of two ways.

    Either the guy is happy with his new instant family, or he blows the girl off telling her he

    has no intention of spending all his time and money raising the child of a Thai man.......wai2.gif

    Now what sort of ppl do these children grow up into? I would fanthom the odds of them becoming outstanding citizens would well..... lets' say the odds are stacked against them. You see there is a significant percentage of children born into such a situation.

    The situation here in Thailand is certainly tragic for these children. It may sound

    odd, but in some ways there are parallels with the black community in America.

    Where there are vast numbers of black children that do not have a father figure

    to guide them, and a mother that is part time at best, with the grandmother doing

    a lot of the child rearing. The Thai children are probably better off because of

    a much more supportive extended family..

    On my very first trip to Isan 13 years ago, I went out to visit a bar girl I knew who lived in a small village way outside of Yasothon. We were both there for about three days. Her son, about 5 years old, was in 7th heaven. His mom was there with presents for him, and this strange farang with a giant motorcycle is taking him for rides in front of the other village kids.

    And then it time for the two of us to leave........I will never forget that scene....He was sitting at the base of the stairs up to the house surrounded by all the shoes, watching us leave. As we finishing packing and getting ready to roll away, he started screaming and crying his lungs out. And then he was so angry, he started picking up all the shoes and flinging them at us. I was watching with my jaw hanging down, and the bar girl sort of hits me on the shoulder telling me to go quickly... So does this social arrangement affect the kids ??? Yes.....

    You know i thought of the black kids in the US and this movie came to mind starring denzel washington as some coach i think a baseball coach and it was during the 60s so ppl were openly racist and this white kid who was a student and not much older or the same age as the black kid he was interviewing was asking him some very offensive questions like do you even know your own father. Aside from the rudeness and offensiveness to look at the situation it seems like being born was a mistake because it seems like you are not really going to get a lot of care and it just goes on and on. It isn't even new. Probably been ongoing since what? Ancient times. Kid comes from some disfunctional, broken family grows up that is if he manages to grow up and then breeds a whole new generation of disfunctional children. Situation isn't even unique to thailand probably occurs in every country in the world and of course in the enlightened, superior western world.

    Oh yes your description of the scene where the son is angry cos his mother and some strange man that is rich are going to leave him reminds me of my own childhood not in similarity but how stark the contrast is and i also mentioned this to some thai fren i was visiting but i couldn't say it out in thai but anyway my childhood is rather similar to many of my peers in my country in that we lived with our parents and saw them everyday. My mum and dad were happily married and nope my mum didn't bring home any strange men nor did my dad and it was just me, my siblings, and my parents in my household until today. I saw my mum everyday until i went overseas for university or if i went abroad on holiday and my situation is rather normal amongst ppl of my country or at least with my peers. Now it's totally different with thai children. Where parents would visit their kids say once a month in the provinces and then go back to bangkok for the rest of the month while kids were studying in schools. Kids would grow up and perhaps travel to bkk which is very different from say a western family in the US. Unless the parents were divorced kids stayed in the same house as the parents which is pretty different from the thai way. Let me start a new thread about that soon.

  9. They rely on tips from rich Farang like yourself.

    Tips would be even more if their young daughter did a little bit of the sucky suck me love you long time thing.

    Maybe she does, have you asked?

    I don;t deal with getting my clothes cleaned by some local shop. I either get them dry cleaned at the hotel or my nice thai friend goes with me and we clean them via the automatic washing machines and then ironing them at her apartment.

  10. Not sure about the overall percentages in Thailand, but I would guess that somewhere around

    60 % of the girls that work in the sex trade have children they are supporting. My brother,

    who has a bit of a savage wit, refers to these children as " farm mistakes"..... Meaning when

    the girl was 16 or 17, and could not really resist, the Thai farm boy down the lane slipped it in

    without a condom. Girl now becomes pregnant, and the farm boy is long gone. So the true

    tragedy of these kids is that they grow up without a father, and a mother who shows up now

    and then with presents, before jumping on a bus and heading back to the bar.....

    So for the farangs who enter into relationships with these girls, it can go one of two ways.

    Either the guy is happy with his new instant family, or he blows the girl off telling her he

    has no intention of spending all his time and money raising the child of a Thai man.......wai2.gif

    Now what sort of ppl do these children grow up into? I would fanthom the odds of them becoming outstanding citizens would well..... lets' say the odds are stacked against them. You see there is a significant percentage of children born into such a situation.

  11. I personally know of a few men from my country that married thai ladies and get this that already had kids with someone else.

    Absolutely shocking. This would never happen in the UK.

    The UK stands as a shining beacon of nuclear families and statistically proven that there are no single parent families in the UK, let alone any single parents that actually know each other. Hallelujah.

    I realised that coming from a more traditional asian country of course it would sound silly especially to the enlightened westerners who are always ahead of us asians

    • Like 1
  12. I personally know of a few men from my country that married thai ladies and get this that already had kids with someone else.

    Now what is even more odd is that these 2 guys are friends, work in the same industry both from the same country both of them married thai ladies and both thai ladies now know one another and both these ladies have a child with some thai guy that they either were married to in the past or probably out of wedlock i mean what are the chances of that happening? One of the guys had the son of his thai wife attend his wedding and shook his hand cos i think the son is around 6 or 7 yrs old and she now has a new baby with her new husband. Oh yes one of the ladies used to work in some japanese karaoke on silom and do a bit of the night trade turning tricks.

    I know of another thai lady who got knocked up by some thai guy and he ran away she has a daughter that studies in australia i think, she was to marry this farang guy who then ended up marrying her ex best friend so they aren't best friends anymore. Now she's hooked up with a new thai guy and i think getting married not sure cos she stopped contacting me and i even had her new bf msg me on whatsapp **profanities removed**

    Anyway it's quite shocking to think that there is perhaps a large segment of the population that didn't grow up in a nuclear family and probably didn't have both parents around to raise them and i suppose the concept of marriage with 1 partner is actually a western christian type of concept because in the olden days of thailand men could legally marry a few wives. Not very sure about that but i do think it should be the natural order of things in most families the world over to have a man and a woman rear a child but i suppose ppl that actually grew up in such a family are in the minority. Getting ahead of myself here cos i just want the discussion to be focused on thai single mums and they seem to constitute a large portion of thai families with children.

  13. I think OP needs to add in death by misadventure, suicide vs death by the natives killing them off cos well the title sort of has the implications that somehow foreigners are getting offed by the locals.

    An emphatic NO to that. We arent here for a statistics class.

    says the dude that was correcting OP that was putting "i think" and "by a mile" in the same post thereby implying that the OP needed to get some stats in order if not his post wouldn't make sense.

    Nice 180 degree turn.

  14. Perhaps the Chinese don't have the recent experience of political upheaval that the Russian Empire had. So long as the emperor is far away, I don't think they care whether he wears a denim shirt or a silk robe.


    Putin never wears a shirt when astride his white stallion.

    Every woman adores a Fascist,

    The boot in the face, the brute

    Brute heart of a brute like you.

    ― Sylvia Plath, Ariel: The Restored Edition

    The man of literature, OCH, will probably know that Sylvia was married to Poet Laureate Ted Hughes, and committed suicide.

    Have not read his poetry, but with his lovers dropping like flies, he must have been much like Putin in many ways.

    Putin is a poet, too.

    All Russians have poetry, its in their blood.

    I am not, though, a man of letters.

    speaking of russians my favourite russian is yuri boyka who isn't even a real russian mind you but the protaganist from the movie undisputed 2 and 3 played by scott adkins who put on a very convincing but stereotypical russian accent.

  15. I would hate being 21 years old - and on a low income in Thailand.

    Being "hansum" and young, is not always the best way to get the attention of the really hot girls here. And if they are not super hot, then I actually do not find Thai-girls that attractive.

    mind you hansum and young do not go hand in hand together. that would imply that any random 21 yr old male person would automatically be hansum while all middle aged men are ugly. brad pitt would have to be ugly since he is much older than 21.

    • Like 1
  16. Oh please trust you to go into some racist type of tirade talking about the penis size of an entire race of men. Well i can say japanese men are much more generous than farang and well you had to twist that around as to them having small wangs, came fast. blink.png Anyway for a guy that is overweight for most of his life well how big can he be? cheesy.gif It's always this type of sickening postings that somehow are acceptable cos asians are at the butt end of it but look how defensive the farang becomes when any small remark no matter how small it is is made on them being inferior.

    You'll need to take that issue up with the legions of Bar Girls in the country that have recounted that story, oh and the WHO may have something to say about it too.

    Anyway I notice another one of your witless attempted flames, is that why you joined the forum? To flame the members?

    Legions of bar girls? Oh lord what have we here so you know legions of bar girls, had conversations with them on the penis size of their johns or rather the johns of a certain nationality to have come up with that conclusion. cheesy.gif So you're pretty close to legions of bar girls and want to get into conversations with them on the penis size of their johns and somehow when they were stating the size of the various johns they had from various nationalities managed to compare penis sizes of the various nationalities and found out that the japs had the smallest ones. 1zgarz5.gif Are you by any chance gay or have gayish tendencies? I don't think any straight guy would want to know about that sort of information.

    I'll make sure i put more wit into my future 'attempted' flames. cowboy.gif

  17. Honestly sex is boring after a while it's always this thing going into that hole then you try to stick it into other holes then you need the toys, the strangers, the pets, then forced sex, then getting younger sex partners then you need the drugs to make it more exciting. What a pain.

    What sort of pets?

    Dobermans or any large hound cos well you know from pictures when you google "animal sex" they seem to have larger ones although it looks well weird. If you live on a farm whereby you can actually ride on them then it's the best. Horses are the best but i think it's better for the females and the gays.

  18. Hubby of my wife's favorite cousin is a Senior Sergeant Major. Twice in the past 5 years I've been stopped and hassled. Both times I simply took out the phone, called him, told him, "I need a little help." hand the phone to the nearest, highest ranking officer. There is a short conversation, the phone is handed back with a smile, a wa, and "have a good day, Sir," or "ok, you can go".


    A lowly sgt major? Not even an officer? You better not be counting on much help should you ever get into any real trouble.

    He mentioned senior sgt major cheesy.gif i honestly wonder what could the conversation have been. Hubby of wife's favorite cousin: sawadee kup, good day sir i know this farang he's a good honest bloke even if he looks kind of dumb. Please let him pass he's as harmless as a baby kitten i promise you good sir, i'll buy you a drink. Constable: All right i will give you face.

    *passes phone by to just1voice and smiles at him* constable: have good day sir. wai2.gif

    just1voice: All righty! my high and mighty cousin in law the high ranking senior sgt major strikes again! Everyone respects him. I am a somebody in thailand. clap2.gif

  19. As 'farangs' we get discriminated against daily by the Thai Police and people want to send their 'partners' down there to assist them - <deleted> that!!

    In all the 20 years that I have been coming to Thailand and living here I don't think I have ever been discriminated against by the police or anybody else foe that matter.

    I must live in a different Thailand to you.

    . Or you could simply be oblivious to the facts

    What facts?

    The poster said as farangs we get discriminated aghainst daily.

    Any quotes, pointers to where he gets his "hard facts" from?

    Is there ANY reference to anything at all or was it just his opinion.

    I gave my opinion as it applies to me. I didn't imply that all the farangs have the same experience as me which is what the poster did, nor did I qoute any facts, just my experience.

    How do you figure that I am oblivious to the facts.

    Give me the facts, references, quotes, posts, in fact show where what the poster said is true and perhaps then I will believe you.

    How many farangs are in Thailand? Get a survey of perhaps 20% ALL across the country and publish the results and THEN tell me.

    Until then please get YOUR facts correct before posting.

    I suppose he ignores the fact what an obnoxious trolling meany look he has and just attributes it to the fact that he's a farang and the police are racist something that some black ppl in america like to use.

  20. And like a swift wind all the westerner masterbaters and supremacists come in and start to self congragulate and fap to themselves "yeah china has improved baby, china has embraced our culture!! This is the way to go this is the way!!!!!"

    yet one day it turns out the same exact thing has happened to thai students, about 70% of the supremacists start to change "noooooo!!!! don't embrace dirty western culture! Keep thai culture pure!!!"

    remaining western supremacists: You dam_n thai apologists! You have betrayed us! Although we still want to remain staying in thailand while maintaining our superiority and one day travel to countries like china to see how inferior they are to us!

    It's baiting. And your own woefully inadequate efforts don't make the rest of us masters.

    To make wit more biting, you should add wit, not malice.


    on the contrary i find it rather adequate. It did get a reaction out of you of course you wouldn't admit to it.

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