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Posts posted by snake24

  1. The OP thinks too much.

    Just come across here and enjoy your time.

    If you come here and do not 'copulate' with Thai girls then something is not right.

    Why wouldn't you?

    And to the guy saying the OP should have relationships with bar girls until he knows Thailand, nonsense, at 21 the guy can have his pick of young Thai women for free and doesn't need to bang bar girls or pay for it.

    Nothing is free in Thailand my friend.

    the nice girl that works in the bar doesn't actually count to some of the peeps in here as having paid for sex. That's the beauty of thailand. In that it is very easy to blur the lines between actually scoring which means said male has sexual attraction, 'skills' vs paying for sex which some see as the behavior of a loser.

    Of course when they start sending the nice girl some money from overseas it doesn't count as them paying for it cos they did it out of their own free will.

    • Like 2
  2. 1. Most guys come to Thailand for the easily available sex.

    (Not always for sex with a woman)

    2. Who cares about relationships, enjoy the sex.

    (Not as much risk as your western government would have you believe)

    This seems interesting, sex is easily available? Is that by means of flirtation or well, darker methods? Myself being from South Africa prostitution is a big industry here, but I wouldn't touch them with a 10 foot pole.

    Can you elaborate on the lack of risk? I've had safe sex drilled into my head since I was 6, because of the high number HIV/AIDS sufferers in Africa/South Africa.

    You see in thailand you don't actually call them prostitutes. No no no. That bar girl dancing in the ago go bar isn't a hooker by any means even though you can pay the barfine bring her out wine and dine her and then pay her somemore and have your way with her but she isn't a hooker. I mean you would think the large number of foreign men dating their bar girls and marrying them would be insane would you?

    That's the magic of thailand. The bar girls/massage/call girls can be available for marriage, dating, having a good time and you see that's how you avoid the stigma of the loser having to pay for sex especially in most western countries or in south africa where it's no nonsense bang bang thank you mdm stuff. Many of the girls look rather normal and even attractive no bottom of the barrel stuff.

  3. 1. Most guys come to Thailand for the easily available sex.

    (Not always for sex with a woman)

    2. Who cares about relationships, enjoy the sex.

    (Not as much risk as your western government would have you believe)

    in regards to 1.

    These guys would go no they didn't actually go into a bar to get a thai girl dying for them or that the girl they are with somehow isn't a hooker or some woman of the night.

    In regards to 2.

    You can actually enjoy relationships and sex by dating your hooker. How many times have you seen some foreigner bringing his bar girl out on a date. Certainly isn't uncommon in fact on the contary too common. Then again that isn't anything when you consider how common it is for them to have a long distance relationship with that bargirl and sends her money and some even end up marrying them which again is rather common.

    Oh yes to further add on now these girls working in these bars/massage places etc are just like regular ppl so when work ends they might go out to a club for some fun and yes you can hit on them and i don't know it seems like if you manage to hit on such a girl outside of her work place you have scored even though just a few hours ago some poor shmuck was paying 5000thb to do the ol' in out with her. That's how some guys hold themselves to a higher standard by asking out the girls dancing in the clubs and some of them work in those types of places.

  4. Dude, imagine your are Brad Pitt. Understand?

    Dude, imagine your are Brad Pitt. Understand?

    Brad Pitt is a celebrity, he doesn't even need to leave his house to get 1000's of girls. He could quite literally post on his Twitter, if he even has it, that he's accepting requests for intercourse and fangirls would line up for him - possibly from all over the world.

    You really can't use him as an example.

    he is being sarcastic about it. Cos some of these foreigners actually think they are like stars.

  5. @snake24, as always you seem to be able to type words and even sentences which, while often correctly spelt and grammatically correct, add nothing to the discussion.

    What is your point? I was merely commenting on how small he was for his size at 6ft and 70 kilos soaking wet and then he suddenly just jumped upwards more than 2x his weight and how odd it was for him to have some type of liquid at his back which added 20kilos to his overall weight and he just simply ignored it.

    I am just amazed how does someone just simply grow 2x his size and it's mostly all fat. I mean it's just hard to believe.

  6. And like a swift wind all the westerner masterbaters and supremacists come in and start to self congragulate and fap to themselves "yeah china has improved baby, china has embraced our culture!! This is the way to go this is the way!!!!!"

    yet one day it turns out the same exact thing has happened to thai students, about 70% of the supremacists start to change "noooooo!!!! don't embrace dirty western culture! Keep thai culture pure!!!"

    remaining western supremacists: You damn thai apologists! You have betrayed us! Although we still want to remain staying in thailand while maintaining our superiority and one day travel to countries like china to see how inferior they are to us!

  7. The thread has been very interesting to read, and many of the contributions have been insightful and revealing. Unfortunately a couple of members have posted in regards to racism and to be brutal about it, they have humiliated themselves.

    The entire cause of the downfall of China from it's preeminent and dominant World position was Nationalism and Racism.

    King George III sent an emissary to the Imperial Court to request that China consider trading with the West. What happened next is one of the most appalling misjudgments in human history.

    The Emissary requested an audience. For two whole years negotiations took place as to the court protocol. It began with a demand that the Emissary should prostrate himself in front of the Emperor and crawl towards him. There was no way a Royal Emissary of the British Court was going to do that.

    Arguments went back and forth as the Chinese were intent on ramming their superiority down the throats of any visiting diplomats. They regarded these individuals with contempt, convinced that the Middle Kingdom was the centre of Planet Earth and that every other country in the World should bow obediently to their gracious power.

    They enforced this policy throughout Asia, Japan, Korea and other nations would bow to the Chinese Emperor, and be regarded as inferior childling nations by the Chinese. Another example of Institutionalized Nationalist Racism.

    Anyway, the issue was trade, vast quantities of Chinese goods were flowing to the West, the simple question was, how about buying some stuff from us?

    After two years an agreement was reached, a painting of King George III was placed behind the Emperor, hidden behind a silk screen. The Emissary approached and bowed deeply. Those watching ( that didn't know about the painting ) were of the opinion that the King of Britain was kowtowing to the Emperor, as an Emissary represents the Regent. This farce suited the Face issue that the Chinese Emperor was trying to present. It was essential for him to portray himself as the leader of men, the Most Powerful, Most Blessed Regent in the World.

    The Emissary wasn't bowing deeply to the Emperor at all, he was bowing deeply to the hidden portrait. After listening to the request made on friendly terms for China to consider trading with the West, and the UK in particular, the Emperor dismissed the Emissary with a contemptuous " We are the Middle Kingdom, you have nothing that we want or need ".

    Yup, that's what he said to the UK Emissary right on the cusp of the Industrial Revolution. When word got back to the British Royal Court they were enraged. Instead of a situation where silk, tea and porcelain would cross the oceans one way, while wool and industrial technology would flow the other between friendly trading nations. Chinese Nationalism and Racism caused a split.

    It was essential that the West force open trade with China, China was sucking in all of the capital in the form of silver. It was effectively bleeding the West dry.

    You can date the downfall of China from the moment that Emperor opened his mouth. He sealed the fate of his nation that day. If China had traded, they would have built themselves up to being the preeminent manufacturing power in the World in the early 1800's. Could you picture the Chinese getting their hands on rail and steam technology back in the day? No one would have come close to overcoming their trading power.

    What really happened was that the Brits rolled out their arms manufacturing, steam ships, incredible naval resources et al. They forced open the market and the rest of the Western countries rejoiced. I'm delighted to say it was two Scotsmen, Jardine and Mathieson who were at the forefront of this trading conquest.

    Yes they rammed Opium down the throats of the Chinese, however people choose to ignore the fact that it was willing throats. They wanted it. The Emperors of the day were enraged when they realized that they had fallen off their lofty perch. Little Britain could roll in at any time it wanted and boot them all over the place. The Chinese went from Omnipotent to Impotent in one wayward sentence from the Imperial Mouth.

    This is the true nature of the Rage In China. They were humiliated, but to make it even worse, it was a self inflicted wound, caused by their Racist Nationalist agenda.

    After the Americans sailed into Isolationist Japan and shelled them, bullied them, into submission, the Japanese grabbed hold of the technological expertise provided partly by the US and exploded into being a militarized and industrial force. It was the ultimate humiliation for China when Japan, who they regarded as being inferior monkeys, came a calling. What you saw at Nanking, disgusting as it was, was pay back for centuries of Imperial domination by China.

    Payback is a bitch huh?

    The Chinese and Chinese apologists date all the faults and humiliations from the first Opium War. The Chinese Communist government cannot tell the truth, and the truth is that it was China's own fault that they didn't grasp the hand of friendship when offered. They can't tell the truth that all the humiliations came as a result of their superiority complex, their nationalist, racist agenda.

    They still stoke the Nationalist, Racist fire. Members here have stated that they have seen the degree of vilification directed towards the Japanese. I stand by my additional contention that there is institutional hatred of the West in the system too.

    My OP addressed the issue of racism in China right away. I explained that was behind a lot of the dynamic that you see with the Chinese here in Thailand. They are disdainful of the Thais, they don't hate them, they just regard them as inferior.

    Talk of White Supremacy is dribbling garbage. It's intellectually vacuous to argue that point. The real danger is the return of a centuries old Racial Supremacy mindset in China. The Chinese Communist party has been fertilizing that crop for decades, you better hope that we don't one day reap what they have sowed.

    Here's the full text of the letter Chinese Emperor Long sent to George III of Great Britain in response to the king's offer of trade relations with China.

    The letter is replete with references to the superiority and supremacy of the Chines in all of the world and in the affairs of all the world.

    It represents the 5000 year history of Chinese racism that the world is facing in the present.

    In accordance with the "fair use" rule of TVF, I present three choice lines from the smugly and self-satisfied supremacist letter that makes clear the historical Chinese state of mind that they are the undoubted and unquestioned supreme overlords of the world.

    Emperor Qian Long: Letter to George III, 1793


    Swaying the wide world, I have but one aim in view, namely, to maintain a perfect governance and to fulfil the duties of the State: strange and costly objects do not interest me.

    As your Ambassador can see for himself, we possess all things. I set no value on objects strange or ingenious, and have no use for your country's manufactures.

    It behoves you, O King, to respect my sentiments and to display even greater devotion and loyalty in future, so that, by perpetual submission to our Throne, you may secure peace and prosperity for your country hereafter.

    thank you for an interesting link. I see the letter totally diferently to you as in fact a very complete measured and polite response to a King of a foreign country whose letters contained always a list of his majesty and that of his county his subject and his widespread realm.

    Opps better be careful remember you cannot write anything good about the chinese and even if you somehow managed to prove that he was really polite that idiot will still give an excuse why it is perfectly fine for britain to invade china. Of course were the situation reversed he would change his stance completely showing his biasness.

  8. "So why do Thais have to deal with a problem of a western culture?"

    That is a pretty ignorant question. The world is round, we share it. Thai's don't have a divine right to be protected from foreigners, borders are a man-made thing. If anything I encourage more cultural exchange so we can all learn what works and what doesn't from each other.

    this is an ignorant answer! any country decides on what level of foreign culture to be involved with. For example, there is no western problems in neighboring Myanmar and many other countries. You can call them a dictator regimes or whatever, but the reality is they chose not to adopt a destructive western way of life. This is there choice, and you have nothing to do with that.

    The guys involved in biker gangs are great guys, they live by a code which is alien to most of the people on here.

    and I thought any alien coming here to Thailand from abroad should live according to the law of Thailand....

    5) There would be so much more to say to prove you wrong, but I'll stop here and simply assert that your comment has been written in pure envy, because you will never be a part of any MC or Biker Community here in Thailand, because they chose who will get in and who not - and an ignorant pottymouth who haven't got a clue what he's talking about will be at the very end of the cue, just like you. I imagine you sitting with tears of envy in your eyes on your 2nd hand Honda Dream gazing at those groups (families) of guys who live an adventurous life, ride a great bike, wear a jacket and colors with a beautiful bird riding pillion, bypassing people like you without even noticing, because whiners and complainers are simply not on their screen.

    or thanks for that awesome reply, I red it carefully, especially when you describe me in tears because of envy to MC gang members..

    Actually I would consider a great shame for me to be a part of this primitive hierarchy...

    May be it's hard for you to imagine, but a man can be happy without buying a most expensive (and most ugly) motorcycle, cloths, without having tattoos on his body (which I consider a sign of mental disability), without being a part of a gang, or anything like that.

    For me it's ok to drive a second hand Honda Dream if it meets my requirements of convenience, functionality etc. Because I don't need to prove anything to anybody

    Actually I feel so sad about low-incomed farangs who spend there pitiful pension to buy a useless toys just to show off.

    They live in the cage in there own brain....

    awesome reply!

    • Like 1
  9. Fair points Lawrence. You have the benefit of a western education and a life experience outside of the confines of mainland China.

    Many mainland Chinese people don't.

    My experience of work and life in Beijing left me with a feeling of reluctance on their part to embrace western thinking and methods. To put it simply and without wishing to be prejudicial, an obstinacy to embrace different thinking.

    I am unsure why there are times when the west think its important to think western

    I am unconvinced it benefits the general public with little interaction with foreigners.

    What's western thinking really ? liberal and civil rights, free press and an ability to vote and eating sausages, beans and cornflakes ? :-)

    The Chinese who are well connected to the net knows that liberal rights seems important and yet the protests does not lead to better standards of living,

    Free in Australia where one owners owns all the papers and openly supported the opposition and directed the press ? They chuckle at it and compare it to theirs and are no different

    As for the ability to vote like the west, they see Iraq and Afghanistan which were "liberated" by the west yet remains unsafe for woman to shop at markets or play on streets and they think maybe the CCP is no that bad. Anyhow I cannot see the logistics of having 1.3 billion people voting without the west claiming there are spoiled votes, invalid ballot stuffing or the likes. I believe they just decide its not the way things will work for them

    Chinese is an ancient language that is pathetically out of date, as is the Thai language and other languages of this region, but not only in this region of the world.

    One can say many things about the Chinese language, to include that it has only one tense - the present - and remains based on pictures rather than words, which are symbols. This affects how people think. Does one think in pictures or does one process symbols, i.e. words? Does one make distinctions of the past, present, future, or is there only one dimension to life and to thought itself?

    The Chinese form of government always has been dictatorship. Dictatorship was the common form of government before the European Enlightenment. The European Enlightenment led to the resurrection and extension of ancient Greek democracy which continues to the present and will extend beyond the present indefinitely into the future.

    China however continues to worship dictatorship and its ancient attitudes and elitist beliefs. Dictatorship however is a dead end in the modern world, a reactionary form of government. The Chinese call themselves the middle country or place of the world, which implies that the rest of us are subordinate, or peripheral, to the Chinese. Why do the Chinese consider themselves as the central people of the world, the central place? What accounts for this trait, which can only be characterized as a clear sense of superiority, supremacy? Well, it's not because of any Enlightenment, which the Chinese haven't ever had. Their claim is based only on the fact they are THE CHINESE. This however is no basis of any such claim. It is a claim to world centrality based exclusively on ethnocentrism, perhaps even racism, each of which is an invalid claim.

    China today continues to stand firm for hierarchy, dictatorship, censorship, elitism, inequality, a one party state and one dimensional thinking, absolute rule, no rule of law, punishment of protest or dissent, having only the subordinate-superordinate relationship, quashing free thinking or innovative approaches, and so much else along this line.

    China offers nothing new, better or qualitatively different from the modern world and the ways in which the modern world separates us from the deep dark human past.

    The world remains a crude enough place as it is. The Chinese would take us back in time rather than recognize the present state of human development. The Chinese offer humanity no prospect of any future, only more of the deep, dark, distant past.

    What makes you say the language is out of date? Mind you chinese isn't the only language that has over 5000 years of history what about non tonal languages say tamil? What is your opinion?

    Have you heard of a country or a place called taiwan? Also hong kong is majority chinese too.

    Chinese are called racist because they named their country the middle kingdom? Well check the map and you can see that china is right in the middle so they are correct. Also i wonder what do you think of enslaving others and seperating them and creating hierachy based system just purely on race in places like south africa is that racist?

    Look at you commenting on Chinese offering humanity no prospect of the future? So pray tell who does? The finnish? germans? british? americans? norwegians? Thai? Japanese? It would be a great big joke if someone wrote such a sentence in this manner. The Thai offer humanity no prospect of any future, only more of the deep, dark, distant past. How is that fiat currency and banking system from the west coming along for you? Oh yes that really offers humanity a prospect of a future indeed. How was the promotion of this guy dying on a cross been doing? Really helped the world eh?

  10. This posts indicates why you are one of ones not on the list. You seem to want to deride people without necescarily knowing the facts. Everyone on my list discusses the topic. You seem to use the topic to attack. How did you guess you were not on the list.

    not on what list? i was pointing out my obervations and i was correct.

  11. The thread has been very interesting to read, and many of the contributions have been insightful and revealing. Unfortunately a couple of members have posted in regards to racism and to be brutal about it, they have humiliated themselves.

    The entire cause of the downfall of China from it's preeminent and dominant World position was Nationalism and Racism.

    King George III sent an emissary to the Imperial Court to request that China consider trading with the West. What happened next is one of the most appalling misjudgments in human history.

    The Emissary requested an audience. For two whole years negotiations took place as to the court protocol. It began with a demand that the Emissary should prostrate himself in front of the Emperor and crawl towards him. There was no way a Royal Emissary of the British Court was going to do that.

    Arguments went back and forth as the Chinese were intent on ramming their superiority down the throats of any visiting diplomats. They regarded these individuals with contempt, convinced that the Middle Kingdom was the centre of Planet Earth and that every other country in the World should bow obediently to their gracious power.

    They enforced this policy throughout Asia, Japan, Korea and other nations would bow to the Chinese Emperor, and be regarded as inferior childling nations by the Chinese. Another example of Institutionalized Nationalist Racism.

    Anyway, the issue was trade, vast quantities of Chinese goods were flowing to the West, the simple question was, how about buying some stuff from us?

    After two years an agreement was reached, a painting of King George III was placed behind the Emperor, hidden behind a silk screen. The Emissary approached and bowed deeply. Those watching ( that didn't know about the painting ) were of the opinion that the King of Britain was kowtowing to the Emperor, as an Emissary represents the Regent. This farce suited the Face issue that the Chinese Emperor was trying to present. It was essential for him to portray himself as the leader of men, the Most Powerful, Most Blessed Regent in the World.

    The Emissary wasn't bowing deeply to the Emperor at all, he was bowing deeply to the hidden portrait. After listening to the request made on friendly terms for China to consider trading with the West, and the UK in particular, the Emperor dismissed the Emissary with a contemptuous " We are the Middle Kingdom, you have nothing that we want or need ".

    Yup, that's what he said to the UK Emissary right on the cusp of the Industrial Revolution. When word got back to the British Royal Court they were enraged. Instead of a situation where silk, tea and porcelain would cross the oceans one way, while wool and industrial technology would flow the other between friendly trading nations. Chinese Nationalism and Racism caused a split.

    It was essential that the West force open trade with China, China was sucking in all of the capital in the form of silver. It was effectively bleeding the West dry.

    You can date the downfall of China from the moment that Emperor opened his mouth. He sealed the fate of his nation that day. If China had traded, they would have built themselves up to being the preeminent manufacturing power in the World in the early 1800's. Could you picture the Chinese getting their hands on rail and steam technology back in the day? No one would have come close to overcoming their trading power.

    What really happened was that the Brits rolled out their arms manufacturing, steam ships, incredible naval resources et al. They forced open the market and the rest of the Western countries rejoiced. I'm delighted to say it was two Scotsmen, Jardine and Mathieson who were at the forefront of this trading conquest.

    Yes they rammed Opium down the throats of the Chinese, however people choose to ignore the fact that it was willing throats. They wanted it. The Emperors of the day were enraged when they realized that they had fallen off their lofty perch. Little Britain could roll in at any time it wanted and boot them all over the place. The Chinese went from Omnipotent to Impotent in one wayward sentence from the Imperial Mouth.

    This is the true nature of the Rage In China. They were humiliated, but to make it even worse, it was a self inflicted wound, caused by their Racist Nationalist agenda.

    After the Americans sailed into Isolationist Japan and shelled them, bullied them, into submission, the Japanese grabbed hold of the technological expertise provided partly by the US and exploded into being a militarized and industrial force. It was the ultimate humiliation for China when Japan, who they regarded as being inferior monkeys, came a calling. What you saw at Nanking, disgusting as it was, was pay back for centuries of Imperial domination by China.

    Payback is a bitch huh?

    The Chinese and Chinese apologists date all the faults and humiliations from the first Opium War. The Chinese Communist government cannot tell the truth, and the truth is that it was China's own fault that they didn't grasp the hand of friendship when offered. They can't tell the truth that all the humiliations came as a result of their superiority complex, their nationalist, racist agenda.

    They still stoke the Nationalist, Racist fire. Members here have stated that they have seen the degree of vilification directed towards the Japanese. I stand by my additional contention that there is institutional hatred of the West in the system too.

    My OP addressed the issue of racism in China right away. I explained that was behind a lot of the dynamic that you see with the Chinese here in Thailand. They are disdainful of the Thais, they don't hate them, they just regard them as inferior.

    Talk of White Supremacy is dribbling garbage. It's intellectually vacuous to argue that point. The real danger is the return of a centuries old Racial Supremacy mindset in China. The Chinese Communist party has been fertilizing that crop for decades, you better hope that we don't one day reap what they have sowed.

    Absolute garbage and what makes you think china would have benefitted if they had agreed to trade? Since when did the west especially in those times ever agree to fair terms? No if china had agreed to trade they would be at the losing end. I was correct that when it comes to talks on china discussions there will be racist comments made about chinese and how inferior china or the chinese are. Why even concern yourselves with how chinese view the thais when almost everyone else does the same with regards to other races/nationalities? There is nothing wrong talking about white supermacy. Now imagine if there was a chinese forum called say chinafront in which you had to be a chinese to even post in there and all day long they were boasting on how superior they were you would have called that the dumbest forum in the world and how deluded those dumb chinese are but there isn't such a forum but there is a white supremacist forum that promotes that thought and you are totally cool with it. Mind explaining this to me?

    Anyway it's all good now cos we have all sorts of ppl in the third world living in western and european countries now. The colonies that the west made out of these countries are suffering retribution now. It's good that we get to see mosques and temples etc being built over there. Yes these ppl deserve a better life. Would you agree with my point here?

    It's called free speech in the marketplace of ideas.

    so it's perfectly fine to have an east asian supremacist forum right?

  12. I know my experience with westerners.

    Makes racist remarks and thinks they are ok, has supremacist ideas and thinks it's ok but in the same vein calls others racist and racial supremacists and chides them and flames and condemns for it but thinks it's fine if he has the same exact mindset.

  13. To whomever it may concern:

    Could we get Lawrence as our official China apologist?

    Snake24 is an embarrassment to the forum with his semi-literate racist ranting.


    semi? huh.png

    I try to see the best in everyone

    I can easily write better than you and in other languages too how many chinese words can you write? You're illiterate by any measure.

  14. The thread has been very interesting to read, and many of the contributions have been insightful and revealing. Unfortunately a couple of members have posted in regards to racism and to be brutal about it, they have humiliated themselves.

    The entire cause of the downfall of China from it's preeminent and dominant World position was Nationalism and Racism.

    King George III sent an emissary to the Imperial Court to request that China consider trading with the West. What happened next is one of the most appalling misjudgments in human history.

    The Emissary requested an audience. For two whole years negotiations took place as to the court protocol. It began with a demand that the Emissary should prostrate himself in front of the Emperor and crawl towards him. There was no way a Royal Emissary of the British Court was going to do that.

    Arguments went back and forth as the Chinese were intent on ramming their superiority down the throats of any visiting diplomats. They regarded these individuals with contempt, convinced that the Middle Kingdom was the centre of Planet Earth and that every other country in the World should bow obediently to their gracious power.

    They enforced this policy throughout Asia, Japan, Korea and other nations would bow to the Chinese Emperor, and be regarded as inferior childling nations by the Chinese. Another example of Institutionalized Nationalist Racism.

    Anyway, the issue was trade, vast quantities of Chinese goods were flowing to the West, the simple question was, how about buying some stuff from us?

    After two years an agreement was reached, a painting of King George III was placed behind the Emperor, hidden behind a silk screen. The Emissary approached and bowed deeply. Those watching ( that didn't know about the painting ) were of the opinion that the King of Britain was kowtowing to the Emperor, as an Emissary represents the Regent. This farce suited the Face issue that the Chinese Emperor was trying to present. It was essential for him to portray himself as the leader of men, the Most Powerful, Most Blessed Regent in the World.

    The Emissary wasn't bowing deeply to the Emperor at all, he was bowing deeply to the hidden portrait. After listening to the request made on friendly terms for China to consider trading with the West, and the UK in particular, the Emperor dismissed the Emissary with a contemptuous " We are the Middle Kingdom, you have nothing that we want or need ".

    Yup, that's what he said to the UK Emissary right on the cusp of the Industrial Revolution. When word got back to the British Royal Court they were enraged. Instead of a situation where silk, tea and porcelain would cross the oceans one way, while wool and industrial technology would flow the other between friendly trading nations. Chinese Nationalism and Racism caused a split.

    It was essential that the West force open trade with China, China was sucking in all of the capital in the form of silver. It was effectively bleeding the West dry.

    You can date the downfall of China from the moment that Emperor opened his mouth. He sealed the fate of his nation that day. If China had traded, they would have built themselves up to being the preeminent manufacturing power in the World in the early 1800's. Could you picture the Chinese getting their hands on rail and steam technology back in the day? No one would have come close to overcoming their trading power.

    What really happened was that the Brits rolled out their arms manufacturing, steam ships, incredible naval resources et al. They forced open the market and the rest of the Western countries rejoiced. I'm delighted to say it was two Scotsmen, Jardine and Mathieson who were at the forefront of this trading conquest.

    Yes they rammed Opium down the throats of the Chinese, however people choose to ignore the fact that it was willing throats. They wanted it. The Emperors of the day were enraged when they realized that they had fallen off their lofty perch. Little Britain could roll in at any time it wanted and boot them all over the place. The Chinese went from Omnipotent to Impotent in one wayward sentence from the Imperial Mouth.

    This is the true nature of the Rage In China. They were humiliated, but to make it even worse, it was a self inflicted wound, caused by their Racist Nationalist agenda.

    After the Americans sailed into Isolationist Japan and shelled them, bullied them, into submission, the Japanese grabbed hold of the technological expertise provided partly by the US and exploded into being a militarized and industrial force. It was the ultimate humiliation for China when Japan, who they regarded as being inferior monkeys, came a calling. What you saw at Nanking, disgusting as it was, was pay back for centuries of Imperial domination by China.

    Payback is a bitch huh?

    The Chinese and Chinese apologists date all the faults and humiliations from the first Opium War. The Chinese Communist government cannot tell the truth, and the truth is that it was China's own fault that they didn't grasp the hand of friendship when offered. They can't tell the truth that all the humiliations came as a result of their superiority complex, their nationalist, racist agenda.

    They still stoke the Nationalist, Racist fire. Members here have stated that they have seen the degree of vilification directed towards the Japanese. I stand by my additional contention that there is institutional hatred of the West in the system too.

    My OP addressed the issue of racism in China right away. I explained that was behind a lot of the dynamic that you see with the Chinese here in Thailand. They are disdainful of the Thais, they don't hate them, they just regard them as inferior.

    Talk of White Supremacy is dribbling garbage. It's intellectually vacuous to argue that point. The real danger is the return of a centuries old Racial Supremacy mindset in China. The Chinese Communist party has been fertilizing that crop for decades, you better hope that we don't one day reap what they have sowed.

    Absolute garbage and what makes you think china would have benefitted if they had agreed to trade? Since when did the west especially in those times ever agree to fair terms? No if china had agreed to trade they would be at the losing end. I was correct that when it comes to talks on china discussions there will be racist comments made about chinese and how inferior china or the chinese are. Why even concern yourselves with how chinese view the thais when almost everyone else does the same with regards to other races/nationalities? There is nothing wrong talking about white supermacy. Now imagine if there was a chinese forum called say chinafront in which you had to be a chinese to even post in there and all day long they were boasting on how superior they were you would have called that the dumbest forum in the world and how deluded those dumb chinese are but there isn't such a forum but there is a white supremacist forum that promotes that thought and you are totally cool with it. Mind explaining this to me?

    Anyway it's all good now cos we have all sorts of ppl in the third world living in western and european countries now. The colonies that the west made out of these countries are suffering retribution now. It's good that we get to see mosques and temples etc being built over there. Yes these ppl deserve a better life. Would you agree with my point here?

  15. This current CCP group of leaders know they are unpopular and the Internet community of the young will soon want an alternative voice

    The question is the balance ...you can have trials, remove gift giving and even punish the higher ups but at the end of the day human nature is skeptical and most think its insincere or not enough so having a choice does not make people any happier

    It's still the basics that counts in happiness .. family , love, education for the kids and a safe home (or many beer) and in this you have to at least give some credit to the CCP for uplifting the country out of poverty to its current state

    To whomever it may concern:

    Could we get Lawrence as our official China apologist?

    Snake24 is an embarrassment to the forum with his semi-literate racist ranting.


    No use trying to curry favor and the next post is 100x more racist than anything i have ever written.

  16. Certainly not. Never fit in before neither. I'm a free thinker, I do as I please and I won't pay taxes. The USA is full of sheep. When I do go for a 2 week - 1 month holiday back, I'm usually regretting it before I even leave the airport. I keep a registered, insured vehicle and a UPS Store mailbox that has a physical address for any mail. I no longer have an actual residence but still have many acquaintances and friends. I'll be going back in November for 7 weeks and taking a Thai national with me since I've managed to secured a 10year USA visa. So photo ops in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Georgia, Philadelphia, New Jersey and NYC around Christmas time are on the agenda. Hopefully will see some snow too!

    May I ask, how you get by ..."I won't pay taxes " ?? Just curious.

    And why are you going again for 7 weeks, if you normally "REGET" it, after only 2 weeks?

    And you are taking a Thai with you (with a 10 year visa) ...WHY, if it sucks so much? And visiting at least 6 different places, that all must suck too right?

    And you keep a car there ...for your frequent visits I suppose? Do you manage to register that, without paying any taxes?

    Sorry, but I always find it a bit weird, when people say they left the US, for various reasons, relating to that they "hate it". I can believe people come here for reasons that are BETTER for THEM, HERE, like mostly it seems to be women for many, but as an American, who really enjoys travel and living in other countries too, I never have felt any hate towards the US, and I do pay my taxes.

    I actually really like/love the US and I don't even visit nearly as often as you seem to, and no longer have a car or anything there. I just wish a massage ( a regular, legal one, cost the same as here, or nearly, and medical costs could be the same, then I would be a very happy person)!

    I think that many of is believe that by living in a culture in which we are outsiders, we are ipso facto free thinking radicals and not bound by conventions, which is seen as a good thing in current anglo-saxon culture. Personally, I find myself just the same, and now that Eurosport carry the Superleague, and I can get the raboBank Pro12 on the internet, then I might as well be living in Stranraer or some other godforsaken remote outpost of Empire.

    Personally, I find that I can do without chillis if need be, or massage-parlour hookers, and that I can relax and enjoy myself on a beach whether it is 30 degrees or 13 degrees. Maybe some of us can't afford a coat.

    I think a lot of us have been brainwashed into the European ideal of hot weather, parties and skanky women on the beach


    Thank you for that. My life is simple. Less is more. I live below my means which allows me the freedoms to do what the others who are busy following the Jones' can't. Fancy cars, SUVs, parties, status, the bling and blang, fakeness I can do without. Believe me, I've had it and its not my thing. I've brushed shirtsleeves with celebrities at private functions. I have personal phone numbers to people you can only dream of ever talking too. Never phased me. I know people by first name from all realms of life from celebrities to mafia families to street-beggars, hustlers and prostitutes..the USA has all that and more. Bring back the old days where there were values, morals and when people treated everyone with respect. Until then I'd rather die here in paradise then to live in a 3rd world country like the USA in the direction its going. AMEN

    I am YeaBiGgiEs and I have spoken on this day.

    wow who have you met? Who do you know personally? Bill gates? Warren? From your nick you sound black so do u know ppl like jigga, diddy, money mayweather?

    You do sound a bit like buddha.

  17. Thai women must use some sort of voodoo. Look at all the silly men they seem to mesmerize and take under their spell. There are hundreds of stories on thaivisa of men who get taken in by some bar girl and lose their entire life savings after only a few weeks or less together ..

    Was it you who once said on another topic that you took youre ex-husband in Canada to the cleaners........

    wow now this sounds like some hot gossip that is interesting.

  18. Not all Chinese are light skinned, old CGF on a trip with me to Thailand was repeatedly spoken to in Thai, the Chinese I kept seeing on my Asian travels last year were also far from light skinned.

    I use to think..."who are these babes" (fair, very well groomed and very stylish) wandering the "farang' shopping centres of BKK until I met a couple of Japanese women at a club...yet on my trip to Japan few Japanese are so fair....

    They have whitening clinics in BKK so im guessing there most places in asia...........been said here many times...Asians have a desire to be like us farangs....white as the driven snow.

    I doubt asians desire to be like farangs they just want to be fair. Could i say that farang that dye their hair black want to be asian?

  19. ok i swear i have seen like tons of pictures on facebook like this and personally know a few thai chicks that fit this category.

    Firstly you have this thai person male or female that looks chinese/japanese/korean east asian BUT isn't from any of those races.

    Ok fine and then when you see the pictures of them with their parents/grandparents they look a few shades darker. That's right their grandparents/ parents are much darker than them so it's kind of hard to believe they are actually related.

    It's like this with japanese or koreans or chinese. Their grandparents and parents look chinese or korean etc same skin tone and everything. It's like you see this japanese person and his grandparents look filippino.

    To put this into a farang perspective. Well you see this northern european person with blond hair and blue eyes and then his grandparents look like southern european with dark hair and eyes and skin you would be shocked wouldn't you.

    it's pretty common among the thais fyi

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