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Posts posted by snake24

  1. to jmccarty wow u are a long term resident of singapore and that is great sure u know everything there is to know about the country but you aren't a local so at the end of the day how should i put it you probably don't have huge ties to singapore. Does your family live in singapore? The thing about getting a perspective from a foreigner or long term resident rather than a true blue citizen is that often these long term residents are able to relocate back to their home countries or somewhere else should situations change in sg. Long term residents often have lived in a number of countries like yourself having lived in singapore and thailand and elsewhere. I assume you are married to a singaporean. Long term residents often settle long term because they have married someone in that country.

    Anyway usually the ppl that ask these kinds of questions have not lived sufficiently long term in a foreign country such as myself so i would perhaps need to stay in a few neighbouring countries for weeks to months to see how it feels like.

    On top of that it is probably better not to buy a new home or even a car cos most of the time these come with loans and will tie one down. At the end of the day i will definitely need to make the big choice whether to buy a new home in which i have chosen to stay in singapore or to migrate out hopefully being able to withdraw CPF and so on rather than to have bought a home and a car and then decide halfway to sell them off and migrate.

  2. They showed that vid on channel 7 news, why did that guy just stand there waiting for some more aggro?. Covered in blood,he should have legged it. Where were the BIB?.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ 2 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    Was it because of this thread here?

    It's odd that no names have come up at all or at least the location or the reason for the beating.

  3. The only problem is that is that the criminal thais in these areas often have knives or even guns and that makes it difficult for other foreigners to come to help and give these little <deleted> a real beating, because we all know that in a fair or even numbered fight that the thais would get their <deleted> royally kicked by a group of whites.

    And the overzealous moderators will probably delete this post as well.

    I think this is just your opinion. Ask a thai and he would probably say the thais would win cos they are tougher even if they are smaller. Pointless making up imaginary scenerios.

    • Like 1
  4. do singapore call a bit on the side as a gik too

    Nope definitely not. Very few thai words make it into the singlish lexicon in fact none that i can think off. Most singaporeans that don't have a good understanding of thai culture know the universal sawadee kup just like how everyone knows ni hao ma in mandarin.

    It's just that there are many thais residing in singapore and many singaporean men are married to thai women and thai disco themes are popular in singapore so it's not surprising that someone from that country would know some of the slang words or it could be a thai person residing in singapore that set it up.

    My wife says that they are posting on many Thai only language sites (clubsideline.com) which makes me think its a Thai educated overseas. Unless, its a foreigner who reads and writes Thai that well...doubtful.

    opps i think you quoted my post wrongly.

  5. By the way, if these idiots ever messed with Mike Tyson they would each be knocked out within a few seconds....one by one...they wouldn't stand a chance even in a group.

    ...or the dude from off of the Babycham Advert.....

    Is it reggae dancehall star babycham? That's the only cham i know about.

    As for mike tyson well comeon he's a champion world heavyweight boxer and ppl like him are as rare as they come what are the chances of someone like him showing up? He's a guy already had the body of a fully grown man in his teens or was it early teens and could easily bench 200lbs without training. Then he took up boxing and you know became an absolute beast.

  6. please correct me if i am wrong and slightly off topic, sorry, but to all the Thai apologists out there.

    i seem to remember a few years back a guy having the living crap beaten out of him in Phuket in front of his wife and kid/kids by a load of taxi drivers for parking in a legitimate parking bay.

    do you feel in some way that their behavior was justified ? coffee1.gif alt=coffee1.gif> whistling.gif alt=whistling.gif width=19 height=18> wink.png

    I've rechecked and honestly, I can't see any Thai apologists in this thread. What I can see is a couple of posters saying that, contrary to the beliefs of some, farangs are not at risk of being attacked by gangs of men and when that sort of thing does happen it's very much the exception and in many cases the farang will have brought the beating on himself.

    As for your man in Phuket: on the surface you'd have to say no, the beating was totally wrong. But I'd like to have been there to understand the circumstances and who said what to who and how was it said. Having lived in Patong for a number of years I understand the taxi/parking scenario well, despite that it would be difficult for me to imagine that the man was beaten up without cause. But if for example the taxi drivers said hey, you can't park there, this space is reserved for taxi's and the man replied, get stuffed, there's no sign saying I can't, then, well...!

    I think his idea of a thai apologist is anyone here saying that that sort of behavior those thais were displaying is actually pretty typical in many parts of the world and certainly visible in the western world. Hell many western countries are a hotbed of violence. Then on the other end of the spectrum we see these guys commenting about thais attacking in packs but then again isn't gang violence like this common with all groups of ppl i mean it's not like thai men have the sole distinction of fighting in a pack others do it too. The difference in this video is i believe that those group of men attacking this farang don't know each other. They weren't in a gang yet they all ganged up together to attack him which meant he must have done something to cause a group of strangers to work together as a collective. I don't think you would see this that often in the western world at least with the majority caucasian but the minorities would probably do it.

    • Like 1
  7. When you see the way farangs behave in the bar areas im amazed there are not more of them getting beaten up daily- and in most cases it would be well deserved too. So kudos to the Thais for showing so much restraint, i say.

    I agree.

    I'm amazed sometimes about how much crap bar owners, managers, staff, etc must take from certain customers.

    That would never ever go well in the west.

    Those customers would be out the door very fast, with help from 2-3 not so professional bouncers.

    Having said that, I'm no fan of group attacks like in the video.

    However, if a drunk/aggressive Mike Tyson character started with me, the only way for me to not become severely injured would be to have help, and basically overwhelm him asap.

    Mike Tyson character...what kind of drivel are you talking....the man looked middle aged, overweight, out of condition, intoxicated and in no way looked like, dressed like or had the demeanor of a fighting type...in fact he was just the kind of victim preferred by these gangs of half human half monkey vermin ... i don't recall one time any victim in any of these kinds of videos looking like a dangerous or hard to handle person....says a lot to me about the culture of the country.

    These attackers really are cowardly thugs...a long time ago I had one of their type attack me...he swung a pathetic Thai boxing style kick at me, I held his leg for a second, let the little turd go and walked off laughing...I imagine if I had been drunk, if I had been slightly less fit or confident, if his mates had decided i was an easy target etc that I might have received the same treatment as the man in the video. This was songkran by the way and the cause was I told this man not to squirt water on me...anyweay, that was a little lesson about the temperament of the people....

    By the way, if these idiots ever messed with Mike Tyson they would each be knocked out within a few seconds....one by one...they wouldn't stand a chance even in a group.

    Dude if you are out on the streets on songkran you are bound to have water shot at you. That's just the way it goes. Everyone in general is in a playful mode so i don't know why anyone would be aggressive towards you unless you were aggressive towards him first?

  8. I've looked at this several times including freeze framing. The guy with the gold and black t-shirt does not look Thai to me. You can't see a good shot of his face but look at his profile features. He, his friend in the white shirt, and the guy who pulls him off all look similar nationality - but not Thai.

    Have a look - maybe I'm wrong, the eyes are getting old now!

    To tell you the truth there isn't a standard look for thais. Some are really dark, some are fair, some look chinese or east asian but are not japanese, chinese. Not to mention luk kreungs. I don't know why whites just somehow define ppl purely on physical appearance when it's much more hence that guy starting the thread about farang ignoring each other when they don't even know one another and probably speak a different language.

  9. Can someone please post a link.


    Btw guys if you want to comment on facebook here is the link to all the videos on this person's profile and there are tons of interesting videos he has i think it is mostly on thailand/malaysia not very sure but interesting to watch and will provoke a response go search a bit thru the videos and you will find the video. Direct link to the vid causes it to be embedded in here and some of you might not know the link to post on FB.


    Video is titled ****Foreign language removed**** aka tourist beaten - thailand.

    Can see a few farangs in there calling the thais cowardly and a few asians some writing in chinese how disrespectful some farang are

  10. TS is actually basing it on race. Ignoring the fact that there are other foreigners that are not farang and of course thais themselves that might be from another province, village and let's be honest most thais in bangkok are from another region.

    There really isn't a need for a farang to see another farang and of course both of them are almost 99% of the time foreigner in thailand being so obviously foreign to acknowledge each other cos both of them happen to be foreign cos that's the only thing they would most likely have in common. Foreigners. That's it.

    Does it really make any sense at all to say hi to a stranger all because he kind of looks like you?

    Farangs have so many different cultures and languages too so it's not like they are all actually similar to one another. I doubt it.

  11. To be fair, there were a number of locals including women who tried to intervene

    Thank you. Every one of these threads goes the same way - look at these cowardly Thais laying into this defenceless Farang. I agree that this is a nasty video, but how many of us come from countries where something like this - and often much, much worse - does not go down every weekend ? Spend some time in Sydney, Melbourne or Brisbane at 2am and tell me where you'd rather be.

    How many TVers have been attacked by a group of Thais ? I dont know the percentage, but I can guarantee that it would be significantly smaller than the number of Thais who've suffered a beatdown at the hands of their own countrymen. Doesnt make it right, and the men in that video are undeniably cowards, but if they had wanted to go on with it would one man have been able to stop it ? If that had been an Australian city, the good Samaritan would have joined our victim at the hospital, or worse.

    Might be tme we accepted that this is the way it is, and stop mouthing off about 'aikido' or whatever : we're all seven feet tall and bulletproof behind a keyboard. The Marquis of Queensbery simply doesnt exist in any modern city I've been to - time to start working on your hundred-metre dash.

    good post, i know its THAI visa,but there was a farng beaten up by 5 others, in stoke,birmingham,blackpool,get my point.

    A useless post to be honest,its even on a pattaya forum,someone asking is it walking st, so many silly rumours

    oh the vid is also on the pattaya section of this forum or some other forum?

    Hopefully there will be a story and even a name to it.

  12. I've got to contest a point here. My father ran a doorman company for years, he had 45 bouncers working for him, you can imagine they were handy with their fists.

    I watch videos like that and they enrage me, bouncers have a duty of care towards their clients, all of their clients. A good doorman never raises his hands, he ushers people out the door and if need be sticks them in a taxi home.

    Why? two reasons.......we've all been that guy that's had too much to drink at some point. It doesn't matter if you're a little drunken lamb, or more aggressive with the mouth, a good bouncer will see you out unharmed. We have all been that vulnerable at some point.

    The second reason is that violence begets violence. You put the boot in on that night, you better expect a return visit, especially where I'm from. You better be handy then.

    Two years ago three bouncers gave me son a heavy kicking. My reaction was he must have deserved it so that's a lesson learnt. I don't think he was very happy about that. I was then approached by someone that told me they had taken a liberty. It turned out that my son had complained about a G-Star jacket being stolen, and the bouncers thought they would negotiate a settlement. By the time they were finished two were holding him on his knees by the arms, the third was putting the boot in.

    As a father, picture that scene in your mind. None of those guys work on the doors in Glasgow now.

    A doorman that puts the boot in is not a doorman at all, he's a psychotic dog. It's one thing to be involved in a street fight in Thailand, bouncers kicking your head off is unforgivable. They are supposed to be keeping you safe, not hospitalizing you.

    So what you are watching on that video is inexcusable.

    Dude don't get your point at all what does that have to do with the situation here? Those ppl beating him up are not bouncers. They look to be the stall owners so no nothing in their job scope in being "professional" towards misbehaving drunkards assuming that was the case. Seeing the reactions though the most likely scenerio is that he really provoked the attack and the bystanders including other farangs and that farang/middle eastern guy who did not even attempt to aid him show that he was in the wrong.

    Unlikely he's going to get revenge too. It's not like he's some thai gang leader boss and could somehow activate some men to retaliate.

  13. Back in my country of origin, I saw a man being stopped and asked for a light (for a cigarette). The person lit his cigarette and stamped it out on the provider's face. He was given a severe kicking, lifted of the ground and thrown onto the railway tracks below by the 5 people who had given him the kicking. I was 11 years old at the time, this was the first death I had seen.

    The victim's crime? Wrong religion, wrong place. When I hear the generalization of all Thai's being cowards because of their 'pack attacks' I would suggest to the people making the claims to look a bit closer to home to see the global trend for these sort of attacks.

    There are 'cowards' everywhere you look, but in most places these attacks would not even make the local news as there are more serious crimes happening.

    It is an unfortunate fact of life that these sort of things happen, but they do. Nobody deserves it, until you know what it was dished out for; 99% (estimate) of the time there is a reason (valid or not), these are not random attacks.

    What country are you from? Were those guys charged? Was it an unprovoked attack?

    Was hoping to see the cause of the attack on the video i posted.

    Thought one of you guys might actually have chanced upon it or heard from the grapvine or who knows maybe a news report but looks like we'll just have to assume he was drunk got a bit mouthy and hence the retribution there.

  14. do singapore call a bit on the side as a gik too

    Nope definitely not. Very few thai words make it into the singlish lexicon in fact none that i can think off. Most singaporeans that don't have a good understanding of thai culture know the universal sawadee kup just like how everyone knows ni hao ma in mandarin.

    It's just that there are many thais residing in singapore and many singaporean men are married to thai women and thai disco themes are popular in singapore so it's not surprising that someone from that country would know some of the slang words or it could be a thai person residing in singapore that set it up.

  15. extremely moronic question from the op.

    Firstly farang simply means european or caucasian looking person and you know that in europe alone they have a whole bunch of countries that speak different languages with different cultures. That farang u see might not even speak the same language as you. It's like a chinese /korean/japanese/tibetian seeing each other say in europe why would a korean say hi to a chinese for example? Cause they look similar?

    It's just damn retarded you wouldn't say hello to a stranger would you? So does this mean you should acknowledge a stranger because he might come from the same country as you or looks similar to you?

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