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Traveling Sailor

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Posts posted by Traveling Sailor

  1. Pipelines do not just spring leaks! Root cause is likely an anchor dragged across the pipeline from a ship anchored near a restricted zone where the pipeline route is. The wind has been very strong these past few weeks offshore and if the pipeline is not buried, I'm not surprised. I am surprised the pipeline is not buried like they are around Samui?

    There are radar surveillance systems designed to watch for just this type of incident. ConocoPhillips paid for such a system putting radar stations into Singapore, Batam and Bintan after installing the West Natuna Gas Pipeline that goes from the Natuna Sea to Jurong Island in Singapore. They also buried the pipeline in the shipping lane to 10m deep below the seabed.

    10m is very deep and not the industry standard, but the PSA in Singapore paid RJ Brown to conduct an anchor drop and drag study about 30 years ago and concluded that with the type of seabed in Singapore, 10m depth, top of pipe was required.

    Hope PTT has used the same diligence and there is some better reason than an anchor drag for this.

    Hope? You've got to be kidding. This is Thailand. Businesses here have no legal need to do any of the above. If there are rules, which I doubt, they are not enforced and businesses know it. So, they don't do any of the above. Not in Thailand.

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  2. "Asked whether the establishment of the new Centre for Control of Organised Crime meant that Bangkok was worried that the Phuket provincial authorities could not handle the growing criminality on the island, Mr Tarit said, “No. But the DSI is able to apply the law more rigorously than the provincial officials.” "

    I wonder why that is. clap2.gifcheesy.gifcoffee1.gif

  3. From the look of the bridge , not the only person to have hit it !

    Another undertrained driver without the skills to drive a bus

    Lucky no deaths this time

    Sent from my iPhone 6

    using ThaiVisa app

    "Mr. Anurak claimed he did not notice the bridge in front of him, which was only 2.8 metres high above ground, as he was focusing with the leading car. Moments later, his tour bus, height 3.3 metres, crashed squarely into the bridge."

    Where do they get these drivers? Perhaps the same places the British Navy got their sailors back in the 1600s??

  4. Thank God - a positive story from Thai Visa.

    Yes! Too bad TV left out this lady's amazing feat of teaching herself how to paint pictures using her feet. I saw her live on Thai television and she is truly awesome.

    Hopefully, now she will gain some reward for all her hard work. Her paintings should bring in enough extra cash so she will be able to provide a better life for herself and her family in the months and years to come.

    I wish her all the best. She deserves it more than most.

  5. How about a fee extracted each month from each vendor that obstructs any portion of any sidewalk? A fee of 1,000 baht per month per vendor would probably solve a lot of Bangkok's funding problems. coffee1.gif

    They already pay a monthly fee to the BIB whether they obstruct or not.

    Obviously the payment is not enough to keep the sidewalks clear of vendors so pedestrians can use the sidewalks for walking, which was my whole point. (See "each vendor that obstructs any portion of any sidewalk.")

  6. They have 20mn tonnes in the warehouse, and they want to put RFID chips in it now. Good luck with that one.

    As though this will stop anyone leaving a pile of them under his desk and have the computer claim that "yes, there are 20,000 rfid chips in the building currently, which means we definitely have xxxxx amount of tonnes."

    "A real-time system to check rice stockpiles and radio-frequency identification (RFID) microchip embedding at rice sacks in mills are warehouses participating in the rice pledging scheme will be set up to prevent more corruption. The minister said the Public Warehouse Organization and Marketing Organization for Farmers have been assigned to conduct a feasibility study and an investment budget by the end of next month."

    Obviously they are not interested in stopping any of the current corruption. It seems there is enough now, so more is not needed. The goal has been met and all the players are corrupt enough already. Perhaps what he means is, "We don't want any more corrupt players because it might bring down the house of cards". coffee1.gif cheesy.gif

  7. most people don't have bill pay with a Thai bank. I'm pretty sure you need a work permit for that type of account. good question by the op. I have wondered this myself. hopefully some answers will be forthcoming

    I live in a small village and have to deal with the Provincial Electricity Authority. I usually pay at 7-11. When I go to the Electricity office, they do not understand "credit". Same with the local TOT office.

  8. Was this another Facebook hire ? A professional would have done his homework and known about the bullet proof windows.

    Nah, this one was an amateur. The next one will know more than this one.

    Doubtful! Most Thais that I know of are incapable of learning from their, or others, mistakes. Every day I see Thais on motorbikes, riding in the rain with no rain gear. And, how long has rainy season been happening here? Duh!

  9. Fake or Real??? There is audio technology known as "Voice Printing". If they claim it is fake why not get it tested.

    Because if they did; It would be the intelligent, "right" thing to do, and it would prove that the tape is real.

    This government does not want to do the right thing. This government is afraid of the truth because they are basically dishonest. But you knew that, right? .

  10. While I could be very wrong, it sounds to me like another shining example of superior engineering. Here in the Thung Song area the power company seems unable to build electrical plant that works when it rains. Roads are not built to withstand rain. Houses are built on sand that washes away when it rains. Even though Rainy Season has been happening around here for hundreds of years, people still don't seem to be able to build with rain in mind.

    Why do you suppose that is?? rolleyes.giffacepalm.gifcoffee1.gif

  11. Hello CAPTNHOY,

    I also bought a Samsung "smart" TV. Turned out to be really DUMB. When I put in the air card and hooked it to my wireless network it decided to use the same IP address as my computer. Before I could use my computer again I had to take out the Samsung air-card and remove the Samsung software from my computer. Before I removed the Samsung air-card, I too looked at all the sites available for what I thought would allow me to watch movies, etc. Like you, what I found was sites that allow me to see what movies, etc. other people like/dislike. What a waste! These sites may be great for people who cannot form their own opinion, but I could care less what other people like/dislike. I will form my own opinion, thank you very much.

    So, based on my experience, I would say that the Samsung "Smart" TV is pretty dumb. I have found it totally useless for doing anything except watching DVDs (smile.png ) and/or Thai TV (bah.gif ).

    If any one has figured out how to watch English language movies on this "Smart" TV, I would be grateful to hear about it. wai2.gif

    Aircard? Mine has Wifi built straight in. You can login with your Samsung account if you have one on your phone.

    It can see every media player and storage in the house and plays whatever I want (I have media players for other TVs that are older).

    It has voice control, which works well, and gesture control, which I don't bother with.

    I have a Bluray player, but I don't bother with that since I got the Mede8er and found a nice source for disk images which I can't mention on here because it's against the rules.

    It's certainly better than a "dumb" TV, but even with one of those, as the poster above says you can use Navi-X or an Android Stick to smarten it up a bit.

    Thanks for the information. It tells me that there is a lot that I don't know. I have a Bluray player attached to the TV, but the terms 'Mede8er", Navi-X" and "Android Stick" are new to me. I have TOT ADSL with a wireless modem for my computer. I guess I am behind the times. sad.png

  12. Hello CAPTNHOY,

    I also bought a Samsung "smart" TV. Turned out to be really DUMB. When I put in the air card and hooked it to my wireless network it decided to use the same IP address as my computer. Before I could use my computer again I had to take out the Samsung air-card and remove the Samsung software from my computer. Before I removed the Samsung air-card, I too looked at all the sites available for what I thought would allow me to watch movies, etc. Like you, what I found was sites that allow me to see what movies, etc. other people like/dislike. What a waste! These sites may be great for people who cannot form their own opinion, but I could care less what other people like/dislike. I will form my own opinion, thank you very much.

    So, based on my experience, I would say that the Samsung "Smart" TV is pretty dumb. I have found it totally useless for doing anything except watching DVDs (smile.png ) and/or Thai TV (bah.gif ).

    If any one has figured out how to watch English language movies on this "Smart" TV, I would be grateful to hear about it. wai2.gif

  13. "Recently, Udon Thani also received report concerning another alleged online dating scam. Ms. Ratri Bhodiraj, 39, visited the police on 20 June and told them she was scammed by an American individual she met in online dating site.

    According to Ms. Ratri, an American with the name Mr. Jason Smith who lives in California told her he wanted to marry her but she had to wire him 90,200 baht for procedure fee, which she did. The wedding never took place, Ms. Ratri said."

    This from the same article.

    Congratulations Mr. Smith! After hearing of so many Thai girls scamming farangs, it is nice to see it happening the other way round.

    It is amazing that after all the warnings, there are still people that fall for the "On-line dating" BS.

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