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Traveling Sailor

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Posts posted by Traveling Sailor

  1. Tramadol can be bought from any drug store in Khon Kaen. I've even been OFFERED a variety of benzodiazepines and painkillers that are illegal. Like all laws in Thailand, they don't mean much.

    In saying that, the drug that causes the most deaths/suffering in Thailand is advertised and no t controlled - alcohol.

    The fruit and veg out here glows in the dark. Chemicals that are banned around the world are sprayed here at 300x the humandanger level, and then the veg is put on shelves and kids like this one in the OP will be eating it every night. Most people don't know or care about toxic chemicals that are sprayed, eaten or drank, be that from supermarket or pharmacy. Its really tragic and sad, and the chemicals in pills, food and drink, when imbibed by a mother, will go into the developing foetus and cause all kinds of permanent defects in the child before it even emerges into the world. All unregulated and governed by a 'these chemicals are cheap and so are you' anti-human philosophy. Meanwhile the politicians chat about Yinglucks hairstyle, and bringing back Thaksin.

    Could not agree more!

  2. Isn't the photo in your passport already not good enough, how many photographs do you need attached? You have a pic of a guy in his passport then a pic of the same guy attached to a visa sticker what's the point? If you want to stop criminals entering the country via legal methods then don't grant them a visa. How will this prevent a criminal obtaining a visa on arrival.

    Use your head a little. If the visa doesn't have a photograph, there is nothing to compare the passport photo AGAINST, to see that it's valid. It certainly makes using stolen visas harder. As much as people here seem to think criminals posess amazing technology to bypass this by changing it to their own photo, it certainly would be near impossible to do on a thin visa, or at the very least expensive and difficult.

    Whereas right now all a person has to do is steal a visa and slap it on one of their pages and bam! Now able to enter Thailand. Granted I think there's a name on there but most immigration officials aren't that thorough. But they do usually look at the front page's photo, and if the visa had a photo they could easily spot the difference. Remember many immigration officials only spend a minute or two, sometimes less than a minute on approving entry.

    "there is nothing to compare the passport photo AGAINST." TRUE! In Thailand it is true. However, when entering China, the customs official has a computer. He/She types in country and passport # and up pops all the information that was gathered by the Chinese embassy where you applied for a visa, which takes several days to process. If the information does not match, you are arrested for attempting illegal entry. The Chinese are smart, intelligent and clever. They know what is necessary and they do it.

  3. Why don't you offer to take over the payments for your friend and have her/him pay you back later?

    Come on men, that's is just bad advice!!! If he/ she can't pay the mortgage now, chances are he/she won't be able to pay later. Never do that, especially in Thailand where farangs have very limited rights when it comes to real estate ownership.

    While I totally agree with Alex, might I suggest that if you are living in the house, offer to pay rent in the amount of the monthly mortgage payment. I am sharing a 3 bedroom, two bath house and I pay 12,500 baht a month. It has worked really well for two years now.

  4. 3 things.

    Those who hit from behind are at fault.

    An older gentleman driving his wife and child usually is a quite careful driver.

    The owner of the bus company will have the drivers ass for dinner, grilled,

    if he is fully at fault or partially, so start the cover story instantly.

    Probably true in Western countries. However, this is Thailand.

    1.) When a farang is involved, it is always the farang's fault.

    2.) True

    3.) Driver will not be spoken to. Might lose face. Neither bus driver or bus company will be charged. See #1.

  5. How stupid can you get.

    Space the bleeding desks out, <deleted>

    And take away their cell/smart phones. And check their hands, arms and pockets for notes. Do all of that and they might not cheat. However, they might loose a lot of "face".

    Kkkkk to do all that for an exam ...better to auto fail them all :-)

    And miss the chance to see if there actually are any students who study?? I know it sounds iffy, but there might be at least one student who is there to get an education.

    • Like 1
  6. I Guess thats why they want 800K in a bank account for retirement visa, something happens to you without insurance, at least some costs are covered, i could be wrong...coffee1.gif

    That's a bit far fetched. Once the retirement visa is issued then the bank account can be drained immediately.

    Not only that but, if you can show 65,000 baht of income coming into Thailand every month, the 800,000 baht in the bank is not required.

  7. There is a Samui Storage & Moving Solutions place, run by a Brit, I think. I have emailed them a couple of times and they are very friendly. You can find them on Google Search.

    I am moving to Samui in October and will visit again in September. I found a nice little one-bedroom house, 100 meters from the beach, for 800 baht a month in Maenam. The only problem with it is no hot shower. Hopefully I will be able to work with the owner and get that changed. rolleyes.gif

    All the best to you.

    800bt a month is that just for the cold shower how much for the rest of the house.

    OOPS! Sorry, I meant 8,000 baht a month.

  8. <deleted> naked guy on bike.


    If you think Thai men are as big as Western men, fine. It's not true though. I can't apologize either if I'm telling the truth.


    Western countries (selection)

    Iceland 16,5 cm

    Denmark 15,9 cm

    Italy 15,7 cm

    Sweden 15 cm

    Germany 14,5 cm

    France 13,5 cm

    USA 12,9 cm

    Shortest in the world

    China 10,9 cm

    India 10,2 cm

    Thailand 10,2 cm

    South Korea 9,7 cm

    North Korea 9,7 cm


    In a past life, I spent 7-8 years working in the online porn business.

    I've seen statistically significant amounts of, everything.

    Asian men have smaller dicks than farang. It's a fact.

    My dick, plays on the double feature screen

    Your dick, goes straight to DVD.

    Who cares though? Be thankful you got one, put it to use smile.pngsmile.png

    I've got a mate with an 8.5" monster.... he says it's great for bragging, but honestly has had a lot of trouble with it.


    Who gives a crap??? I''m surprised this post is still here. Doesn't have much to do with the topic.

  9. The Explosion happened today at 2pm. One hour later already comes the statement:

    Phuket Provincial Police Deputy Commander Saneh Yawila said, "We do not think it was politically motivated."

    Enlighten us, oh Unparalleled Provincial Police Deputy Commander, how and why do you know this so fast?

    It is because they don't think. That's what he said and I believe him. Why think? It is better to just to say what you have been told to say. No thought necessary. rolleyes.gifcoffee1.gif. hit-the-fan.gif.pagespeed.ce.6UelFDbFNJ.will come later.

  10. I have accounts at both banks. However, if you are bringing money in from another country, Bangkok Bank is the one to go with. They offer Direct deposit and (FCD) Foreign Currency Deposit accounts. They are the only Thai bank with branches in other places like NYC and London. It's a bit of a hassle to get the DD and/or FCD accounts set up, but once set up they work well and offer a very good exchange rate. I can always get my money in 24-48 hours and the fees are reasonable.

    Good Luck!

  11. I don't know the difference between Lomprayah and Raja. The last time I did not take Seatran, from the Seatran Ferry Port, it was a total rip-off. They did not leave when they said they would and the ferry was way over crowded. As long as there is a choice, I will always take Seatran.

    You are getting me confused here.biggrin.png

    Raja & Seatran are the big car / truck ferries,Seatran is the better one,they both leave from Dongsak from neighboring terminals.

    Travel time approx 1.30 to 1.45 hours.

    Lomprayah terminal is further up North & also services the KPG Somstrem (?). Lomprayah is not a car ferry but a Highspeed Cat, true they run eratically between Samui & Dongsak route and most time delayed or replaced with a high speed boat.

    Travel time approx 45-50 minutes.

    Sorry for the confusion. I was confused too, having never heard of Lomprayah or Raja. I only know about the two terminals at Dongsak. There is a service that leaves from the International terminal at Dongsak that does not carry cars, just people. That is the one to avoid. bah.gif Seatran is nice, and a fair price. thumbsup.gif

  12. There is a Samui Storage & Moving Solutions place, run by a Brit, I think. I have emailed them a couple of times and they are very friendly. You can find them on Google Search.

    I am moving to Samui in October and will visit again in September. I found a nice little one-bedroom house, 100 meters from the beach, for 800 baht a month in Maenam. The only problem with it is no hot shower. Hopefully I will be able to work with the owner and get that changed. rolleyes.gif

    All the best to you.

  13. I use internet banking

    Cash transfer route

    UK bank ---------- Bangkok Bank(London) -----------Bangkok Bank(BKK) ------------Local Bangkok Bank branch

    Money arrives within 24 hours

    Never experienced any problems.

    Similar for me. USA bank ->Bangkok Bank (New York) -> Bangkok Bank (BKK) -> Into my savings account. Never more than 48 hours. However, exchange rate for small amounts about 2 points below standard. (28 not 30 baht/$)

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