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Everything posted by mushroomdave

  1. I'm with Hillary......sitting back and laughing at the daily news stories as those good old walls keep getting closer and closer!! What's that Hillary?...Oh right: "LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP!!" ????????????????????????????????
  2. I stay right near there and this past January, my friend visited and stopped in to ask. They said no more than 2 weeks. He went in 14 days before / in / out / easy!
  3. I moved to Thailand and very happy with my business degree........mind my own BUSINESS......don't get in other people's BUSINESS........don't do BUSINESS in Thailand!!
  4. I'll stick to paying cheap rent, NEVER buying. A lot less headaches / ever a problem with neighbors, landlords, noise etc, I can be on my merry way!
  5. I have only one thing to say after reading stories like this. Happy I rent !!!!!
  6. The story leaves out who actually owns the vehicle as it states: "The vehicle operated by driver Term Nuo" (and one of the top 20 "vehicles" featured on the police list) And he said he "hadn't received any notice to settle the incurred charges". So "IF" the company he drives for does own the vehicle, why would he receive any notice at all?....duh! If it is in his name, well you better open that wallet of yours now buddy! ????????????
  7. Over the 23 years I lived in Taiwan, you should have seen what they put on theirs at times!!!! ????????????
  8. Correct. But shouldn't his name be entered into the system from wherever he set out too? Should have been caught right there. (only way not to would have been if the notice was issued while in the air)
  9. Exactly correct, not long indeed! And he better get the stronger bronzer ready for that Georgia heat as that's his next stop in the indictment tour! What' that again Hillary??? " LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP !!!! "
  10. If you are in the area of Immigration Soi 5 Jomtien, a little stationary / gift shop right next to the Post Office I've used these guys for years and 1,000 B. I think I did see a sign of late saying 1,100 but I have had to be picked up different times for the aiport from Jomtien between 3-5 am and they are always sitting there on time. I just walk in and deposit 500 and pay only 500 to the driver. (may help to have your address written in Thai as there isn't much English). https://www.google.com.tw/maps/@12.896828,100.8697801,3a,75y,327.86h,91.26t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sL5Egb9EZ0k1VYFdlxU4msw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?hl=en&entry=ttu
  11. In the Pattaya News video link, it said the driver: "was extremely shaken up and concerned". Well...."if" that's the driver at the end of the video, he dosen't seem too shaken or concerned to me......especially with the little laugh at the end!!! (knowing here, he may be more upset having to pay for the wall) https://fb.watch/lbf_X-HJ5V/
  12. Yes maybe speed......but I still say most of these unexplained /odd / "speeding" / brake failure / wet road accidents are idiots doing this:
  13. Wow......so fast! I thought it was just yesterday they started! ????????????????????????????????
  14. You can barely have 2 cars pass each other there now.....well, be careful on those sidewalks now people!! Unreal!!!!.....but again.....TIT !!!!
  15. Full article link states the other victim: Mr. Gleb Solovel, 23
  16. Oh poor baby, so much stress, it must be hard for him.......well then idiot, if it was self-defense, why not stay, state your case and fight it? (but you hide like an animal) Because you are guilty that's why? Scumbag!
  17. Let's see what the coppers find (LOL) but I still say most of these unexplained accidents (or "brake failure" / "wet road") are idiots doing this:
  18. Well if the body was in the temple, it won't be for long now!!
  19. I still say most of these unexplained or "brake failure" / "wet road" accidents are idiots on their phones or glancing at them. Do you think the coppers would think of that? Oh yah, forgot.....TIT !!! ???????? ????
  20. Well Jackass has lots of them so buddy Putin better have lots of ink that pen as that list gets longer and longer each day.....especially in Georgia !!????????????????????????????????????????
  21. Well he better convince 7,000,000 more people than last time to vote for him.....and from what I see, not many Dem's have jumped ship, and he has lost (as usual) more Independents (of the few he had) and even some of his own red-necks....so you do the math! Got a life preserver for anyone wanting to join old jackass down in Mar-A-Lardo!!! ????????????????????????????
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