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Everything posted by mushroomdave

  1. And this guy has this right!
  2. He is so scared now......I sure wouldn't want to be arund him and a Big Mac these past few days that's for sure! Don't you feel sorry for the man-child these days????? 🤣 🍺 🤣 🍺 🤣 🍺 🤣 🍺 🤣 🍺
  3. I guess someone talking to/dealing with his bf Putin has made his bronzer run a bit more than usual !!!!
  4. I wonder if he and his MAGA idiots are "tired of winning" yet???? Can't wait for the morning coffee November 6 with the chants again.....LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP!! 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
  5. Exactly correct! The idiot tried to take the news cycle back after a terrible 10 days or so, with that black journalist/NABJ interview (that went great right Donald?). And then this happened! Couldn't have written it better! Back to the tanning bed grumpy!!
  6. Perfectly put! Kamala talks policies more than the orange man-child "ties to". And his is "Project 2025".....55555555555555. Good luck with that idiot! You go girl !!
  7. Perfectly put!! Why listen to someone's opinion who can't even vote in that country and thrown out of the boarding gate's door on his a**!!!
  8. The headline of your link starts "Trump campaign says".......exactly!! And from all the legal analysis I have seen/read, it's all legal as the donations officially are sent to the "Biden/Harris Campaign".....but if you want to grasp at straws like his whole campaign is now, so be it. Good luck in court with that......I hear The Orange Man has a good record there!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  9. I hope all the recent bad news the orange man is getting from his staff is going in his good ear this past week or so!! I want to make sure he hear's all of it correctly!! Big Macs and KFC are seeing a spike in sales near Mar-A-Lardo of late I am sure!!! Kamala......you go girl!!!! LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP, LOCK HIM UP !!!
  10. You sure have the orange man turning red these days!!.......you go girl!!!!!
  11. She is using his own chilidish playbook on him and good on her! So what if the agreement was with a different candidate......he would do the exact same and they got out front on it. Plus childish idiot orange man tried using her laugh against her and they turned the tables on him with that too. Everyone knows he steaming and I love it. What does he hate?......Women. What does he "really" hate?....Black Women!! And now he is seething!! (and when I say black "women" I mean Kamala and Beyonce.....🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣
  12. Good luck with that idiot!! Oh and I hope those tears don't make your bronzer run too much today!! Lock him up, lock him up, lock him up!! 555555555555555555555
  13. They must be so happy winning that......but I think Dominion Voting Systems are still counting the green from Fox paying settling for almost 800 million!!.....oh and I hope they keep the party going as they can't avoid the next train coming too.....Smartmatic Voting System's "2.7 Billion Dollar Lawsuit". Good luck with that Fox!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  14. Yes and if you look above, I already corrected that error in respose to Jingthing's post....and the "could be" is in reference to possible first VP now...... But thanks!
  15. Noted and edited to be "could be" the first VP. Thanks so much!
  16. Yes my 2nd pick after Shapiro. It wouldnt be a big deal that he's a senator as there is a Dem. Governor to name his replacement so that shouldn't matter to her or the party.
  17. My money is on Josh Shapiro, governor of Pennsylvania. A former tough prosecutor like Harris, family man marrying his H.S. sweetheart, and beat his far right Republican opponent by over "15 points" in the governor's race. But the 2 main reasons: (1) Dem's would win Pennsylvania more than likely. (2) He "could be" the first Jew to be Vice-President. And Kamala already celebrates Jewish holidays with 1st husband Doug Emhoff. So I am sure they all will get along fine at dinners. Bet on Shapiro!
  18. Well I think the Yankees may argue there as they have won 26 more times than the jack-o-lantern!! Although it would be interesting some day seeing Don Jr doing lines of coke off the oval office desk! Oh well.....this was a good laugh to wake up to with the morning coffee, thanks man!! 555555555 🤣🤣🤣🤣
  19. Get some Easy Off Oven Cleaner if you can. My brother is a cop in Peel Region/Toronto and says a lot of the stolen cars they do retrieve, have a can of the stuff laying inside....usually alongside "The Club", the anti-theft device people put on their steering wheel . The Club wont faze them as they just spray the cleaner in the lock, wait about 10 seconds he says and snap it with a hard device, usually a hammer and it comes right off. There's a certain ingredient/chemical Easy Off uses that will eat away at the lock's insides.
  20. " 700,000 baht !!!! "......Well that's just plain highway robbery!!
  21. "Donald Trump Faces Decline in Support from Black Voters" Hmmmmmmmmmm......I wonder why???? 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
  22. If they had "nearby" CCTV evidence right away, why wouldn't a warrant be issued right away?
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