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Posts posted by cbluck58

  1. My daughter has been here for some years and , mainly because we live close to a border post , she has never been in the position of overstaying her visa .

    When, however, we changed her visa class to an ED visa, which for various reasons we couldn't do on arrival here I was told by the Immigration officer that they are unconcerned about children under 15 overstaying anyway.

    I have since had conversations with several Immigration officials ( my local golf club is owned by them and there are plenty there every weekend ) and they have all confirmed the same.

  2. Remove all the mirrors except one for make up and hair - take off the indicators as they are seldom used and make the bikes slimmer so that they can be parked up even closer to your car even though when you parked , you took the trouble to pick a safe and clear space.

    The seats obviously have to be extended according to size of family with a roof canopy to keep out the sun - this could double as a cargo carrier or seating for extended family.

    A sensor that can react to traffic lights changing with an audible alarm so that people know the lights have changed if they are too busy texting to see.

  3. Earlier this year I drove from Songkhla to Nakhon Phanom - I have a GPS but didn't use it - I find them distracting - and didn't listen to my wife's directions at all because by the time she would have got to the info I needed , we would have passed the road I wanted. This is not because she is stupid or superficial , it is just the way Thai people explain things.

    The answer to road navigation in Thailand is planning - I printed out the entire route from Google maps , memorised the road numbers and we got there and back with only one wrong turn in Bangkok on the return journey.

    Moral - if you want it done right , do it yourself as there is no help out there that is of any usewhen it comes down to getting from A to B - even the road numbers seem to disappear and change at will on some routes......

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