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Posts posted by cbluck58

  1. it happens everywhere unfortunately - there is a culprit - the cringing human rights do-gooder mafia who won't let right thinking people string up paedophiles.

    if they were to step away from political correctness towards what is right ,there might be a chance.

    anyone who abuses a child has lost their human rights already.

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  2. This is not uncommon and for all the obvious reasons however, it amazes me that Singapore Immigration Officials would imagine anyone wanting to come to Singapore unless they had to or anyone staying longer than absolutely necessary.

    What is the attraction of staying in an overpriced open prison populated by persons incapable of independent thought or action, manipulated by a Government that is only interested in profiteering from multi national corporations.

    You wouldn't think of living in a shopping Mall at home so why stay in Singapore.

    You got it - I detest the place........

  3. I am 58 and not grumpy generally - must be because I am content with who I am , who I am with, where I live and how I live and my life in general however.........

    When I see people from my native country behaving like animals in my adopted country IT SEVERELY PISSES ME OFF - since these persons are generally younger than me , perhaps they construe my attitude as that of a grumpy old man and perceive me to be just that .

    Perception can be altered by circumstance....look at yourself before you look at others.

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