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Posts posted by cbluck58

  1. This guy isn't a victim.

    He is a former inmate and a violent, abusive and dangerous alcoholic.

    This is the second incident from him in less than a week.

    He needs to be taken into custody by the BIB before he hurts some one or kills himself...or both.

    Earlier in the week he threw every bit of glass and crockery in his house, plates, cups, saucers, light fittings, out on to the street in front of his yard. This was in the evening around 8pm at night. This is a busy but small thoroughfare and both lanes were scattered with shards of broken glass and pottery. A dozen or so people had the tires on their cars and motorbikes shredded as a result of this lunatic and his acting out. He was hurling abuse and kitchenware at several young Thai girls that were commuting home from work on their scooters. To my utter amazement the police were called but did nothing because the Greek was out of his tree on booze and he had locked himself inside his yard behind the gate.

    He claims to be broke and has no money for food. But have a look at the photos in the article...How come he has money for cigarettes and booze?

    This loser needs to be locked up and then deported.

    If this is the case then please pull the story as well as locking him up and deporting him.

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