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Posts posted by cbluck58

  1. Who the Hell is this guy to make demands such as this?

    He is Suthep, leader of the anti-shin government.

    His demands are valid... It's a protest don't forget.

    I hope he gets what he wants. He has my full support and the support of many in Thailand including huge amounts of academics and professors. People who have a lot more understanding of this country than you or I.

    And People who have a lot more money than others.....

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  2. Some people must really stand out as "marks." In 15 years of traveling and living in Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, Indonesia, and Malaysia I've never been the victim of a crime of any kind. On the other hand, I've got friends who get clipped on just about every visit...strange. Maybe it helps that I don't drink so always have my wits about me and don't wear flashy watches or jewelry and usually dress like a poor backpacking tourist.

    I think you are right - I have only had one mugging attempt directed at me in 30 something years ( unsuccessful).

    I do however wear a gold chain and a real Rolex but I get left alone. I have slept drunk in rain ditches, bars , roadsides and never yet been a victim - just lucky I guess.....

  3. You have to put your foot down and not be intimidated by your wife claiming- Thai culture -.

    I told my wife early on that the only culture in our house is our culture - it took a while but she got the jist of it in the end.

    The other weapon that I had was that MIL and FIL work for me on our farm in Isan and I know they steal so they do tend to play by the rules because they know I know-leverage is power.......

  4. It is the complete disregard for the mechanics of a democratic system that I find outrageous.

    If you lose the election , you find the strongest opposition that you can muster in the democratically elected parliament , and wait until the next duly announced election to try ad fight back - you do not occupy airports, the streets of the capital and government offices with gangs of paid up protectors , you wait, you plan and you try to win the next time around.

    Another question I must raise is how does a non elected , appointed council fit into a democratic government ?

    We all know such a council would be wholly made up of Suthep and his cronies who would probably arrange to be council members for life, thus rendering the parliament incapable of doing it's job - lawmaking and running the country.

    • Like 1
  5. What makes driving here dangerous must have slipped my mind in the last post

    Diminutive Thai ladies in large cars unable to see much over the dashboard.

    Headlights that are never dipped

    Mobile phones, I pads , DVD players

    Screaming , climbing children without seat belts

    Motorbikes in general

    Thais in any prestigious car such as a Mercedes thinking they have more rights than other road users

    Lack of signals

    Condition of old vehicles


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  6. As I stated on a previous post , I drove from Sadao to Mukdahan earlier this year and had no problems except being pulled for speeding twice.

    The most dangerous thing I encountered were roadside markets which cause people to just stop without warning because they see something they want.

    Thai drivers do however drive too fast, they tailgate like crazy and if there is an accident they love to rubberneck.

    I have travelled extensively in the region and the other feature that Thais have , as do all Asian drivers is a complete lack of spacial awareness.

    They are also very lacking in courtesy on the road.

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