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Posts posted by cbluck58

  1. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    I wonder what the UK Embassy is actually doing. The outrage expressed by people on the Internet has been helpful in putting focus Thai and Burmese leadership . The only thing missing are statements from the UK. Please correct me if I am wrong.

    Uk can learn a lot from your stance of strength and you will not be messed with quite as easily as you have been in the past. Anyone afraid to speak up from the FO when it is a military junta that seized power in a coup, regardless of the "show" they are giving you, is essentially a coward and You and Sean McAnna should stay hidden in the shadows of this affair so we don't have to clap eyes on either you until you can both step up. Good lord What will it take UK ?

    The accused aren't UK citizens. Nothing they can do.

    The victims were !!!!!

  2. <script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

    Quite simple really - when you order, stress very strongly that you don't want the meal brought out in drips and drabs. You could offer them a monetary incentive.

    Never understand why farangs seem to be afraid to ask for what they want - I have no problems in restaurants of simply asking them to bring all the food at the same time, if that is how I am inclined at the time - just ask politely and explain if needed.

    I also have had no problems on occasions when asking them to bring the children's food first because they were hungry .

    How do you expect people from a different culture , with a different language to understand what you want if you are too timid to ask.

    I am not talking about being boorish and demanding here , just politely asking for what you want - works for me all over LOS.

  3. Is it possible you are being mistaken for a couple rather than father/daughter and this is why you are garnering so much attention?

    This is probably a lot closer to the truth than some of the other posts - they think you are a DOM - I get it too when I go out with my daughter of the same age - maybe they are intrigued that farangs can behave in the same way that they do.

  4. The Similans are not what they were but then again where is .....

    If you go with Seabees in Chalong, you can book the children who are too young to dive , to snorkel off the same boat that takes you diving and for a 7 year old that is a good intro to the whole scene.

    The boat staff will really do a good job of taking care of them whilst you are under and they will enjoy the snorkelling.

    I have done this with my own daughter and she was diving as soon as it was legal, getting an OW at 12 years old.

  5. Not forgetting of course that, as with all medical crises , the more cases you declare , the more money you get from the WHO to deal with it most of which is never spent on the poor bastards that make up the numbers.

    Huge sympathy for any person contracting any kind of terminal illness or disease whether to not it is a result of their behavioural patterns or simply through ignorance - a death sentence is still a death sentence and the more public awareness and efforts to prevent senseless early deaths , the better - and I don't care what their sexual orientation is, I am confident enough of my own not to feel threatened or afraid of others.

  6. 'According to police, the Burmese workers confessed to sexually assaulting Witheridge and murdering her and Miller on 15 September. Police also insist that their confession is backed by DNA tests and CCTV footage in the area.'

    All of which evidence will never now see the light of day - why should it ? They have a confession , yeah right !

    ​The moon is made of green cheese and Santa Claus is real too - maybe a ghost made them do it.....

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