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Posts posted by cbluck58

  1. A signal of any kind in Thailand just means

    " I am about to do something - not necessarily what I am signalling, but something; but then again , I might change my mind and not do it....."

    My favourite is the guy in the right hand lane , doing 50kph with a right hand indicator on because he is going to either u turn or turn right 4 kilometres up the road.

    • Like 2
  2. Hold on to them - whatever they are worth now , they will be worth more in the future when you might need the dough.

    I also have over 500 pristine rock albums including some very collectables - I put With the Beatles on Ebay last year and had an offer of 3k in 10 mins - didn't sell it though.

    Alternatively , buy a turntable and enjoy the irreplaceable sounds.......

  3. There is a lot of good information on the chain, most of which I will admit , I was unaware of, however I have never experienced any kind of formal fine or set of rules or indeed a log book to fill in on my car which was on red plates for nearly a year.

    I bought it from a reputable dealer in Bangkok ( Toyota main agent ) , drove it to Hat Yai , then drove it all the way to Mukdahan , passing through Bangkok and then back to Hat Yai, all on red plates.

    I even got stopped for speeding three times on red plates and was only obliged to cough up the usual 100 THB in order to proceed.

    At no time, was any reference made to the red plates.

    I guess you just have to take it as it comes.

  4. I agree with the guy who gets pissed off being smacked in the back by their negligent attitude to the weights on their back.

    Secondly most of them sweat and smell too much.

    Thirdly - invent your own culture - hippy back packing belongs to the 70s when we used to bus it from Earl's court to Katmandu and then walk / bus /hitch into SE Asia. Same with the outfits people - do something new !

    Lastly , you don't need a back pack out here - do a Jack Reacher and only carry a toothbrush ; chuck dirty stuff away, get a bath and buy new - it is so cheap , you can travel the whole region with a 7/11 plastic bag !!

    • Like 2
  5. Dogs are pack animals - stop your bike and get off - approach the leader ( who will be easy to identify in most cases ) encourage it to come close, make a fuss and then sink your teeth in its ear as hard as you can - they will leave you alone after that I can assure you.

    Good idea to have a bottle of disinfectant mouth wash at hand........

    And a glass eye to pop in after the dog removes your real one.

    On this we are in complete agreement - in a thread marked by some incredibly silly 'advice' this must rank right up there with the silliest (and potentially the most dangerous) of the lot.

    Methinks Mr.Worldwide you take life a little too seriously if you cannot spot a wind up when you see one.

    Have a great life...but lighten up.

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