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Posts posted by cbluck58

  1. Getting back to Thai people and dogs though - they are the single most irresponsible pet owners I have eve seen and I do not generally subscribe to Thai bashing in this forum.

    To turn a dog out into the street where there are unvaccinated street dogs, dogs rancid with mange and other appalling skin conditions and then let them back in later to have contact with your children etc. is not just irresponsible , it is madness.

    Are they unaware that humans can contract rabies ?

    Add to this the crapping and pissing all over other people's property and it is not an attractive scenario.

    • Like 1
  2. During the days of Empire, the East India Company stopped its expansion at the Afghan border, after a couple of exploratory forays, stating it would be impossible to expand further because you cannot win a fight against people who are not afraid to die.

    It is not only Thais who do not learn from their past mistakes - ask all the widows and single parent families left behind by the guys who died there, sent by politicians that didn't learn from past mistakes...

  3. I'd miss everything - I chose LOS to live in because I like it .

    There are bad things, most of which do not affect me, but they are far outweighed by the good things, most of which do affect me.

    I do not have bureaucracy problems because I am rarely in contact with them and I love living here.

    I'd miss the sycophantic <deleted> that get on this forum and moan endlessly about petty issues and the roads and being ripped off by Thais etc., etc., etc.

    If you don't like it here, why stay ?

    There is no shortage of outbound flights - get on one and don't come back.

  4. Just to complete my advise, talking about alpha dogs and training.....

    The first most important than anything having a dog, alpha or not, big or small, and of any breed...is that the owner or owners become the leader, the BIG alpha.. If dogs see you in that way, and you get that kind of respect, you can get good behavior and obedience even from the wildest street dog....and unconditional love. If you need to have your dog chained inside your house...you do not need a dog, and the your dog do not need you.

    The second most important, is routine and discipline. Scheduling all the meal (one a day) and activities, at your convenience, in the way you can follow without changes. Dogs will adapt very fast and will know the schedule even better than you.....but also can get confused with continuous changes. Your schedule cannot be very flexible.

    To have a well trained and loving dog is an amazing experience. A wonderful relationship, sometimes not easy to understand by people without a dog. I never owned wild street dogs before. Learned a lot. My Thai dogs spend a lot of time on the streets playing with other street dogs. Fighting with other dogs is also OK. They need their own "space" too....but...they have a curfew. After 6PM I close the gate, and they know that. Believe it.

    My dogs are very friendly, my neighbors loves them and they trust them with their children, but.... when they are inside the house with the gate close, any intruder will be welcome in. That is something typical in Thai dogs, and very convenient....not need for alarm system.


    Your dogs spend a lot of time on the streets --- with dogs whose health status is unknown to you, whose vaccination status is unknown to you, crapping and pissing on other people's property - you are an irresponsible dog owner to say the least and as such should not be offering advice at all.

  5. Potential thieves take note - I have 3 dogs , a young , but massive and still growing GSD, a Husky and a Soi Dog that seems to be some kind of terrier - the GSD is male , the other two female - they are easy and I have no problems with exercise , etc., as they play together all day long - just three times as much dog shit to clear up compared to having just one.

    Whatever you end up with just be prepared to take proper care of it, or them , and not adopt Thai style of letting them out in the Street all day which is outrageously negligent and anti-social.

  6. Well done darling Yingluck!!giggle.gif.pagespeed.ce.AcGRO3FsZu.gif width=20 alt=giggle.gif pagespeed_url_hash=1819233433>

    Glad to see that you haven't been intimidated by the rent-a-mob and their nutcase leader!!

    And isn't the army of any country supposed to back an elected government??coffee1.gif width=32 alt=coffee1.gif pagespeed_url_hash=2220208811>

    Apart from the 'darling' bit , you are absolutely right mate !!

  7. US has nothing to worry about, Suthep and these anti-goverment leaders are more politically alligned and would probably rather visit countries like Zimbabwe, North Korea or Burma.

    100% wrong. The pariah states you mentioned have always been Thaksin's role models.

    "Democracy is not my goal." Remember?

    And instability in SE Asia suits the yanks down to the ground. Combine that with their Arab mates, who Thaksin was offering the Thai rice fields to, remember, and you have a counter to China taking over Africa.

    Easy to work out.

    Learn to read and think.

    I think that if you talk to any Vietnam vet, they may well disagree with your comment that instability suits the yanks - the entire reason for the conflict there was to try and stabilise SE Asia against the spread of communism and all the money that the US poured into Thailand at the time was for the same reason.

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  8. Freeze their assets , they should confiscate their assets. The law here in LOS is not very well respected but it will be even less respected if these morons are allowed to take things into their own hands.

    Just arrest all the protestors and ship them north to Isaan , if they live long enough amongst the red shirts they will have their asses frozen instead of their assets.

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