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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. Immigration Laws - Are Thais Subject To Retaliation In Other countries?

    Retaliation for what?

    If you are a Westerner you can come here for study, work, retirement, marriage on one year extensions very easily, or as a tourist for months at a time! Arriving as a tourist you don't even need a visa if your stay is less than 30 days (flying in) which I guess 95% of tourist's time here is.

    Why on earth does that need to be 'retaliated' against? :huh:

    I see you've only just joined ThaiVisa,maybe you new to Thailand,could that be why you ask such a question.
    Yingyo i have no problem with Thais coming to Europe,the visa systems for foreigners you mention above are all designed so foreigners who want to stay long or short term in Thailand bring money in to the Thai economy wich is actually a very smart move from the Thai goverment.

    Once Thais are in the system in Europe they can work but most of them send most of theyre earnings to Thailand so thats what we call a one way street.

    A few days ago a guy was complaining on the Thai language forum because a school quoted him a price of 90.000 baht for a Thai language course.

    In my country Language and integration courses for foreigners are free also job training is free ,help with legal issues and if needed translaters are free ,health care costs next to nothing and i could go on forever etc.....

    So are Thais or other foreigners treated badly here ?I do not think so the op has clearly no idea what he is talking about.

    So do you get the same in Thailand?

  2. Actually, I have. I've gone through residency and am a citizen now. Rather than basking in self-pity, I've actually done it.

    So tell us all the/your hoops to get it . OH, and if a retired guy can do it too. thumbsup.gif

    Afraid it's a sign of the corrupt world of false standards we live in.

    Those in the financial services, banking, stock markets, etc. who add absolutely nothing to the world but problems are considered valuable members of society, and those who actually contribute to society like teachers and manual labourers are seen as worthless.

    As an example,

    It's a topsy turvey world, where Thai based IFAs who skim from peoples pension funds are valued members of Thai society worthy of citizenship, where the pensioners living in Thailand who are having their pension funds skimmed are not worthy of citizenship.

    Wish I was. sad.png But more than happy that I have given a few Thais a life. But, Thai authorities do not recognize that fact.sad.png

    No need for sad smiley faces trans,after reading camaratas guide to Thai citizen ship and compairing it to how Thais obtain citizinship in my country it will have cost him a lot of cash and said Thais in my country next to nothing just living here for a certain amount of time would suffice .yeah visa rules really suck in Europe.But he will never say on this forum how much it really cost him money wise and time wise to obtain said nationality.

    3 years waiting.

    12,000 baht official fee.

    Sent from my iPhone using ThaiVisa app

    Sorry i dont think so,because it clearly states that a foreigner has to pay a minimum of 4 years of paying tax in Thailand .or has it changed again?
  3. Actually, I have. I've gone through residency and am a citizen now. Rather than basking in self-pity, I've actually done it.

    So tell us all the/your hoops to get it . OH, and if a retired guy can do it too. thumbsup.gif

    Afraid it's a sign of the corrupt world of false standards we live in.

    Those in the financial services, banking, stock markets, etc. who add absolutely nothing to the world but problems are considered valuable members of society, and those who actually contribute to society like teachers and manual labourers are seen as worthless.

    As an example,

    It's a topsy turvey world, where Thai based IFAs who skim from peoples pension funds are valued members of Thai society worthy of citizenship, where the pensioners living in Thailand who are having their pension funds skimmed are not worthy of citizenship.

    Wish I was. sad.png But more than happy that I have given a few Thais a life. But, Thai authorities do not recognize that fact.sad.png

    No need for sad smiley faces trans,after reading camaratas guide to Thai citizen ship and compairing it to how Thais obtain citizinship in my country it will have cost him a lot of cash and said Thais in my country next to nothing just living here for a certain amount of time would suffice .yeah visa rules really suck in Europe.But he will never say on this forum how much it really cost him money wise and time wise to obtain said nationality.
  4. Op has it ever occured to you as to why some european embassys are becoming tight on granting visas?

    There has been and still is a big problem with human trafficking of Asian woman to Europe to work in so called massage parlours.

    Like i said in another topic look it up on the net,After being married to a Thai woman for ten years and having contact with our local Thai community i can not count anymore how many of these parlours have been raided by police here.some of these woman where married and doing this out of free will many of them where lured here by there so called boyfriends on tourist visas .

    Visa laws are becoming more difficult because they want to protect woman from this kind of crap,but people wanting to settle here with good intentions are having trouble obtaining visas because of people with less good intentions.

  5. I've been through the UK visa process for Thai nationals and it is not pretty. In fact it was nasty, harsh and unfair. A cruel ordeal.

    Even after six months of refusals and going to court and winning a court order the person at Heathrow immigration still tried to refuse entry even though we had a three year old with us. It got very heated with the immigration officer even screaming after us in the bitchiest of tones that we had to be out in six months! This was a six month family visitor visa.

    We were back in BKK within three weeks.

    All to easy to complain about visa procedures to western countrys on internet forums without knowing the the real story why applications have been turned down from both sides.
    • Like 2
  6. Google food piramid ,In the west kids learn about this in grade school no need to stuff youre kids full of expensive vitamins because pharma companys say so.

    Nothing like a good healthy diet and healthy food can be found in Thailand no matter what the farang where can i find a 50 baht meal crew say on forums like this one.

    You have obviously never read the reports on the Pharma companies their drugs have killed up to 600,000 people in the USA alone.

    On Vitamins a few of them a a yes for many people to take, a top one that a lot of doctors prescribe them selves and for their family is Vitamin B3, read up on it, another is Vitamin K2 this is needed because you need at least 20mins in the sun a day to cover 45% of your body it is needed for 1thing to help produce a certain protein in your body to help protect your skin from skin cancer as your body does not produce it. Another is CO Q10 for general well being.

    But for this guys question one main vitamin you should give children is Vitamin C. It is a main protector for a lot of fevers and fight against inflammations etc. I buy a lot of vitamins on the Internet as they are so expensive at the shops. www.puratins pride.com

    I am 72 and touch wood have never suffered any real problems and been taking Vitamin C, E for more than 30 yrs and over the last 10yrs also Vit D3, K2 and CO Q10 never suffered prostrate blood flow and have sex no problem without having to take anything. 23 yrs ago had a triple bypass never had angina since sugar levels between 5.6 and 6.1 blood press 140 over 85. Do your selves a favour guys.

    you need to read my post again fella,because i think you suffer from dementia .How the hell can you compare youre intake of vitamins and drugs to that of a young child read your post again you silly old sod.<deleted>
  7. Denmark and the Netherlands are a few countries that have changed from liberal to banana monarchies which are Xenophobic. Everything to please the uneducated dumb voters.

    So same same Thailand.Before you make comments like this maybe you would understand such voters who have worked all there life and paid in to social security only to see all of it going down the drain on immigrants who have been living here on benefits even third generation.People are fed up with this and said countrys are not the welfare register of the third world.

    I for one am very happy Belgium is also taking a hard stance on this matter because its getting out of hand and multiculteralism does not work and its a proven fact.

    I could write a book about migrants in my country but...........

    • Like 1
  8. Google food piramid ,In the west kids learn about this in grade school no need to stuff youre kids full of expensive vitamins because pharma companys say so.

    Nothing like a good healthy diet and healthy food can be found in Thailand no matter what the farang where can i find a 50 baht meal crew say on forums like this one.

    • Like 1
  9. Following further on line research this appears to be a terrible story of exploitation. Thai berry pickers arrived at a location that had been stripped of berries by other pickers weeks earlier. After a long fruitless struggle new batch of berries appeared but company decided to move them to another area which had already been picked clean.

    This is a terrible scam against the Thai berry pickers. Somebody is making large amounts scamming third world peasants.


    All very nice but who are the people who recruited them in Thailand in the first place ?Surely Thai middlemen must have been involved.

    When Thai woman are "saved "from slaved prostitution in my country police would always arrest Thai female recruiters who have been living in my country for a very long time and keep there contacts in the motherland to recruit the girls and there farang hubbys would take care of visas and such.

    I can not keep count anymore of how many of these so called Thai massage places have been raided the past few years .

  10. in here finland this was known on news.

    the owner of the company told , thais quit picking too early.

    well..another thought

    Why do Sweden and Finland use Thai people to pluk fruit ?You have to fly them in from halfway around the world when you can just as easely get fruit pickers from countrys like Poland like fruit farmers do in my country descent hard working folk and most of them return every season and never any hassle with them.

    I do not believe for one minute That the Finnish and Swedisch governments would allow such slave labour in this day and age.Do you have some more info from Finnish newspapers or websites because Thai newspapers are crap any way.

  11. ah i see so happiness is living a quiet rural lifestyle i am sure they have farms in england too and quite countryside places but somehow he had to choose to do this in a foreign country.

    There are tens of thousands of farms in England, but every farmer I ever met had a few bob, it's not the peasant lifestyle of the Thai farmer. For many, farming is a very lucrative lifestyle, albeit dodgy at times.

    But personally, I lived a long time in Rural England and almost every farmer I knew complained about money all the time but were minted. disregarding the few disasters to hit cattle farming (foot and mouth) etc.... most years they make a fortune. They all seem to have very expensive top quality John Deer equipment. A bit more well off than your typical Iron Buffalo driver.

    They have the EU to thank for this, untold amounts of subsidies whether or not anything is produced.
    Yes but the union is cutting down on a lot of these subsidies,like when they sent inspectors to countrys like Greece and Italy where cattle farmers where getting subsidies for farming cattle only to find out that most of them did not own any cattle.

    And yes every so often one sees european farmers complaining on tv and in the background one sees a top of the line merc on the driveway.And the person in the op might like his basic lifestyle but thai farmers dont apparently when visiting Isaan last year i was amazed of all these so called poor farmers driving around in theyre new pick up trucks and motosays.Some of them also had state of the art farming equipment.

  12. Would I get married and pay my wife a salary in England?

    Completely out of the question

    I got married and in England paid my wife my entire salary, most of my pension, and my inheritance from my parents, for 30 years.

    Although, at the time, I didn't realise that was what I was doing.

    In Thailand it's more obvious and you have the choice, to do or not to do.[/quote If legally married in Thailand without the right paperwork like a prenup she can claim 50 % of youre stuff.

  13. Google ... "Free Dating Sites Reviews" ... I don't believe the ineptness and internet illiteracy of people in this day and age.

    It does annoy me when people say Google it. We all know we can Google it but its more fun on a forum plus often when you do Google it goes to some forum with the answer. Thank god for forums, less know it alls please
    So you would trust most guys on a forum like this one over youre own opinion,look many a story has been written on the net over the years over said sites.joined one myself for fun a few months ago cancelled my account after two weeks ,i had the feeling i was fishing for a goldfish in a pond of piranha fish but had a good laugh with some tricks the woman on said site tried to pull on me.And some morons actually end up marrying some of these woman go figure.
  14. I find the so called testimonials very funny on some of these dating sites,

    I met my now thai wife living with me in my home country six months ago on said dating site before we got married we chatted a long time on skype i met her one time in Thailand and we married and got her a visa to stay in my home country.

    Bull no foreign embassy in Thailand will ever see this as a bonafide relationship so no visas and affadavids to marry will be granted.Says a lot about these dating sites i think.

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