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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. @donutz.

    I have not read what type of schengen visa the op's girlfriend has got i could have missed it.There are many travel restrictions for Thais also to the european union because many people where mis using this type of visas to get married and get settlement.

    Many country's like my own have closed this loophole.

    Most thai woman i have known that have applied for a visitors visa type C where all granted the single entry type + one transit to Belgium witch means they where not allowed to go outside said country's borders for the duration of their stay.If she has this type of visa she will not be allowed to just hop over to Denmark to get married.

  2. @Kudel. There are no border controls and there is free access by tourists to all Shengen states. When were you last there? 25 years ago?

    You can use a Tourist Visa from any Shengen country to get married in Denmark. Of course you can call or mail a Danish Kommun as I said. They are very helpful and will make sure the paperwork you have is in order before you travel..

    Once married with the multlingual Certificate you are married. Whatever.......

    So no problem for Pete Beale and his beloved to go there and hitch up and avoid the red tape of other European countries.

    End of story, Kudel.

    Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    No 2006 ,and not allowed to marry on a schengen tourist visa with one entry wich are issued by most embassy's now,she will not be allowed entry to denmark with her visa for germany.

    Free travel is only for citizens who live and work in the eu and have the right paperwork to do so.end of story remember the story about a thai mother and her daughter who got kicked out of denmark a while a go.

    One can not mary on tourist visas in the EU end of story.

  3. Get married in Denmark. Make an appointment at the town hall, Stay 3 or 4 nights to get resident status, say your vows and go home with a multi language certificate.

    It's easy. Denmark is well known for this. You don't need EU passports. Look on the web... We married in Tonder just over the German border. No issues getting it recognised

    Did you do everything yourselves or use a company to organise the wedding in Denmark.

    when my now ex wife came to Belgium on a tourist schengen visa ,she was allowed entry to Belgium with one transit during travel and was not allowed to even hop over the border with me for shopping to france or to holland.

    She has a tourist visa for germany and will not be allowed entrance to denmark and one is not allowed to marry on schengen tourist visa end of story.

  4. There's more then a few foreign con men residing in Thailand posing as respected members of society and when disgrunteld customers coming knocking on their door to get their money back said conmen will use Thailand strict defemation and libel laws to their advantage even if the complainers are right .So maybe you could contact one of them on how to proceed 5555555.

  5. interesting story sirchai,

    my wife wants us to go to the uk or belgium to educate our daughter.she's 3 and a half now and speaks dutch, english and thai.

    i often wondered why she would want to do this. maybee here lies my answer.

    by the way, i got lots of time to do this as im only 44 and my wife 33.

    but she has a good government job with perks and i get free medical.so it hard to decide.

    but thanks for an inteligent and informative post.

    good luck to you and your boy.

    You most have a wonderchild then?My youngest is about the same age as yours and all the kids in his class can't knit one sentence togheter in Dutch at their age and he attends school in Belgium and is also half Thai.
  6. I like pissing of the spelling nazis with my very bad English,some people just don't seem to realise that a lot of members are not native English speakers,and i once met a German guy many moons ago in khao san road who was an English teacher so if you ever meet Thai people who speak English whit a ahnuld schwarzenneger you know where they studied......get to tha choppa.

    And i also enjoy reading the posts from the nutjobs on the news section concerning the protests in Thailand ,Thailand the hub of the farang mentally ill.

  7. before we emigrated we ran a thai social club in Farnborough ,when we left there were over 60 members, the ex bargirl section did not last long they soon got bored when I hid the ping pong balls and lady fingers!

    The last couple of years a lot of massage parlour owners and there Belgian hubbys have been arrested on human trafficking charges there modus operandi was recruiting via such social clubs but no ping pong balls where hurt during this.

    We have one Thai temple where the bargirls from khon kean rule ,and in another the bar girls from nong kai its like a competition between temples quite funny actually.

  8. Saw one on stage today at Asoke during a heated speech from the Thai mob leader...defintely not a backpacker, older guy, well dressed.

    Whats the story ?

    Tosspot extraordinaire....

    . . . or perhaps a long-term expat businessman with Thai wife and mixed kids who understands that his taxes (for example) and contributions to the country are being mismanaged and feels the need to do something about it in what is now "his" adopted country and place of residence.

    of which he has no rights nor say in you mean ?

    or the one where he has no more tenure than 12 months at a time....


    edited to correct a spellin mistook before some numbnutts picks on me.

    Maybe have a look around on the Drummond site there are some storys and pics there of suthep togheter with some dodgy farang developers on koh samui.

    Many foreigners apparently invested their retirement nest egg with these guys and lost all their money ,maybe its one of them standing next to suthep on stage.

  9. Nice, JLCrab...

    If I thought all Thai women were the same, I wouldn't have bothered started this thread. Of course, maybe I just need to be broken and convinced that they are...

    The women I've been meeting and/or talking to are between 20 and 30 years old, usually middle class, speak fairly good english, and have gone to university. A couple of them have even split the bill with me, surprisingly.

    The ones I've maintained contact with haven't indicated any interest in my money, so I'm giving them a chance. They know I'm a schoolteacher here, so obviously, I'm not sugar daddy material at this time in my life. One or two girls I'd been seeing started asking me to buy them shit, but I quickly cut things off with them.

    i claudius, I'm a math and English teacher here. Might stay and progress to University level, might not.

    Youre and Englisch teacher wich means you have no money and will never drive a lambo.
  10. @OP: Whether you agree with what they are doing or not is it not better to actually be part of what THEY believe in rather than being the mighty keyboard warrior dissing those that actually get off their sofa?

    what they might believe in would be okay in their home country's ,but in Thailand they could get in to some serious trouble freedom of speech is a whole different ball game in Thailand.
  11. This is for people who dont live in Thailand but are married or living with a Thai partner or have some kind of other connection with Thailand.

    Do you think such clubs serve a purpose?Do they promote Thailand and its people in a good way in youre home country?

    We have two in my country wich i know about and a few years ago one was contacted by a television producer making a series about Belgians with foreign partners from all over the world and of course said club with many members all over the country and in thailand presented their "top couple"wich was a 70 year old wig wearing retired Belgian man living with his 19 year old ladyboy in Chiang Mai apparently already living togheter for two years .One can only imagine the jokes being made again in media about this and Thailand after.Apperantly it came out later said couple couldnt get a visa for "her"to Belgium because the old fella was discoverd on some very kinky websites triying to lure lady boys to Belgium to work in prostitution,what a farce

    I have attented a few partys and meetings in the past such as info night on retirement in Thailand where some of the speakers where property developers in Thailand and where telling crap and outright lies about owning property in Thailand.I find most of these clubs to be useless and run by bunch of amateurs.Is this the same in youre respective countrys?

  12. Asia Society is a leading educational organization dedicated to promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships among peoples, leaders and institutions of Asia and the United States in a global context.

    promoting mutual understanding and strengthening partnerships. Definitely describes the man and his cause, good work.

    you are joking or on drugs right didn't some of his boys threaten to march on the us embassy a few weeks ago?
    • Like 1
  13. I would avoid reading info on websites and blogs wich are heavely sponsored by people with vested intrests in the tourism industry concerning Thailand .Such comments of said people should be held legally accountable if something goes wrong.

    During the 2010 red shirt riots i read an article of a young western couple that got caught up in a gun battle between the army and the red shirts in Bangkok because everybody on the net told all was well and lovey dovey and hotel staff where they where staying failed to tell them not to stroll in said part of Bangok after orders where given in all Thai media that deadly force was going to be used the hotel was not far from the red shirt stronghold apparently.

  14. .........apperently a happy few from switserland have a bussines to promote in Thailand ,i for one do not believe that one of the richest countrys in the world would put all theyre old folks on a one way ride to Thailand .

    You added that AFTER I had replied to your post.

    More fool you, if you don't believe it,

    I know what I believe and it's that Switzerland doesn't house some of the richest (if not THE richest - period) folk in the world through bending over backwards in looking after its poor and/or vulnerable.

    One of us is exhibiting his naivety on this particular point (hope it's not me).

    Well after 9/11 switserland had to give up some of its banking secrets,i do hope you know how to use a search engine on the net?
  15. I posted the "exporting Grandma" article. Seeing the cost of care in the UK, the often pretty unsatisfactory standards (to put it mildly) as exposed by various media exposes, it seems to have its merits. Too outlandish for any government to consider maybe....little bit like drug legalisation.

    When foreign media talk about Thailands political problems they are full of crap etc....but when an article apears by foreign media concerning eldery care al is good. Strange.........apperently a happy few from switserland have a bussines to promote in Thailand ,i for one do not believe that one of the richest countrys in the world would put all theyre old folks on a one way ticket to "heaven"
    • Like 1
  16. I find it very strange that there was a big advertiser on this site last year promoting a care home for the elderly in chiang mai ,seing many elderly expats complaining here about getting a decent health insurance at an affordable price in Thailand i would like to hear the comments from those few elderly swiss suffering from dementia about their situation in Thailand because i am sure these people need a lot of medical attention and most of their health insurances in their home countrys will only pay out when staying in their home countrys for treatment and said care home is being run by a swiss guy just a bussiness advertisment i think .

    Specially in a country where they can not even take decent care of their own poor,handicapped, and orphans.

  17. I have been in two different places in Canada where the people are sent to die. Pathetic. One had a patient strapped to a potty chair. The care they were receiving was abysmal. People in their pajamas and a robe just sitting in their wheel chair in the hall ways looking off into nowhere.

    I have had the privilege of seeing the care of an elderly gentleman here in Thailand. the care given was far better than what they could get back in the west. This lady stayed in the hospital until the Gentleman passed away. The care given here is far more personal than the care given in the old folks homes back in the west.

    To the Thai's it is not just a business they care for the people.

    Out of these 3 examples you can judge the whole elderly care system in the west ?its just a new emerging bussines in Thailand dont be silly.
  18. A few years ago people in the west where introduced to something called positive discrimination wich basicly means if for instance a native from a certain country would get in to financial problems because of job loss or something like that and wanted to claim benefits or some other kind of financial help from the government he would be more scrutinezed after paying taxing his hole working carreer than for instance a refugee fresh of the boat from Africa.

    This of course has backfired on leftwing governments and political partys by losing all their votes to rightwing partys because voters are fed up by this thus stricter immigration laws are put in place to keep their voters.And thats why you get incidents like this with the Thai mother and her daughter in Denmark.

    I was in Denmark in November and it is a nice country .And dont forget how many TV members have said they came to Thailand because they where fed up with all the bloody foreigners and immigration laws in their home country.

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