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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. I have been coming to Thailand for 28 years and following the politics for that long. In the early days before internet I would drive 45kms every week to get a copy of the Saturday Bangkok Post. I was living in Thailand during the 91 coup and the 92 slaughter, and then when I returned to my home country I read the Post everyday on the internet. I have now lived here for the past 10 years. During the past 28 years I have never seen anyone more corrupt than Thaksin and his cronies. From the beginning of the Thai Rak Thai Party, there was corruption, when Thaksin paid MPs from other parties to join his. Then he put his assets in his maid's and chauffeur's name to conceal them. It it was not for the vote of one dubious judge Thaksin would have been banned from office shortly after he became PM on corruption charges. So don't try to say that others are more corrupt than Thaksin. Sure he has helped the poor from Isaan more than any other PM, but that does not excuse his corruption. The middle-class of Bangkok are getting sick of paying for this corrupt government and thus the demonstrations. This protest seems like a true peoples movement. Unlike the Yellow Shirts that were mostly financed by the Manger Newspaper Group, and the Redshirt Protest that was financed by Thaksin, this protest seems to be financed by the people. On Friday during their protest march they raised around ฿8million in donations from fellow protesters and others. These protesters aren't being paid, on the contrary they are paying. Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    You really drove 45 km to buy a crap newspaper and still you have a very narrow minded look of youre suroundings after so many years sad very sad.And a few flaws in youre story also fella.
    It was the only really good newspaper then. I read it religiously as did most foreigners at that time, their sports coverage was good .There was no cable..
    I felt I posted a fair review of what has happened. At the time, back in the 80s, it was hard to get any info about Thailand and the Bangkok Post was the only English newspaper available. At least I made an effort to find out all I could about Thailand. If there are some faults in my story please point them out, I am by no means perfect, and am always trying to increase my knowledge.

    Sent from my i-mobile IQ X using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    There is huge inequality here. The rich treat the poor badly.

    There is a lot of sympathy for the red shirts objectives but they need to dis engage from taksin.

    I'm with issangeorge in regards the first impression of taksin. The country was very depressed after the Asian crisis, chuan lekpai was a definition of inertia, taksin came across as a can do rich guy. He was what the country needed. Then he over reached himself, corruption became untenable.

    He has totally miscalculated almost at every step..

    I would also like to know the flaws in issangeorge post as I was here at the time..you must remember We hardly saw any farangs and I lived in a soi off Ekkamsi at the time? Information in English was very limited.

    To answer the question in youre last paragraph wich is almost an answer its self information in English was very limited at the time,and we al know wich family's own both English newspapers so how can one claim that corruption is much worse now then so many years ago when only reading the bkk post ,sorry i dont buy that.
  2. I was a girl on line one time. For two weeks. You would not believe how dumb some guys are. It was an internet place in Pattaya.

    So thats what internet daytrading is al about some farangs claim to be doing in Thailand .I thought the best way to make money in Thailand was posing and advertising as a fake farang lawyer on Thailand centric websites and ripping off foreigners.
  3. I see what you mean. Here's a snippet from todays unbiased, unemotional article from Cartalucci's blog

    I kid you not tuzki-bunny-emoticon-048.gif

    Yep but that BlogSpot also provided irrefutable evidence and links proving that Thaksin together with his best mate Hun Sen organised shipments of arms and weapons to the North and Northeast of Thailand in 2009/2010. That weapons were obviously used to kill other Thais. Do you approve of armed shipments to other countries in order to kill your own compatriots?

    Furthermore, www.landdestroyer.blogspot also provided clear evidence that on the first night of the conflict in 2010 the red mob brown boots ambushed soldiers killing five of them instantly. That is how the whole violence started. There is a video evidence proving that red mob supporters were armed with M16 automatic weapons as well as men in black fully armed mixing up together with red mobsters. But that is something you don't want to acknowledge even to this day. A testament to your intellectual dishonesty.

    Finally, an excellent article which totally exposes NYT as a totally biased source in this current Thai crisis. Maybe something to do with the numerous PR agencies the man from Dubai is paying in order to give his side a good media coverage. Of course, that is another subject you do not want to talk about.

    More Dishonesty About Thailand's Upheaval From the International New York Times


    Do you believe everything you read on the net, author of said website clearly states that he is an economic refugee from the states and clearly has an axe to grind with his home country including the press.

    His probably oone those guys that came to Thailand found a Thai woman and now everything in the west is crap and Thailand is heaven.Talk about biased reporting.

  4. How about the way they secret the bottle far away from your table, so that you have to wait for them to top off your glass. I just get up and grab it, so that it remains handy by my side. Call me irresponsible and crude..but that's the way I like it.

    Whether large or small, up market or down, every bar in Thailand I've frequented has always either left the bottle on the table or on a small trolley next to the table.

    Unfortunately drinking beer in Thailand usually means drinking yellow, fizzy stuff; whether from a bottle, can or keg. But it's better than nothing. Even English bitters are usually in a bottle or can and so pasteurised, homogenised with all taste taken out (that's from a song, but I can't remember which or by whom).

    Stella may be Belgian, but it's still crap. There are many excellent beers brewed in Belgium; Rochefort being a particular favourite of mine. Is it available in Thailand?

    www.belbev.asia have a look on this site Rochefort is available in Thailand according to theyre website .
  5. US beer is the worst tasting crap, so anything is a step up.

    I'll be in the US for three more weeks. Come and see me. I will prove that you are wrong. Many excellent beers now in the US. The major well-known US brands do suck, though.

    I saw a program on tv a while ago about micro breweries in the us they seem to make some decent beers some of these guys come to Belgium sometimes to learn and look for quality ingredients and recepy's.But putting ice in beer like chang is to lower the alcohol content i learned that the hard way a few years ago in phuket two large bottles with a meal and woke up the day after with a terrible headache the so called chang over.
  6. If a volunteer is allowed to carry ''weapons'' he should have a security check with the law of their country regarding if he has a record. Easy really if the real BiB want to bolster their numbers with unpaid staff.

    As for dodgy TPV, well, folk can become dodgy at any time, even a clean bloke. I am sure there are dodgy real BiB out there.

    Whats the point of having such a check done ?In most european countrys for most offenses one gets a clean slate after a few years and we all know whos running the tpv in pattaya.
  7. Of course it is not "illegal", to be illegal it would have to be in the Criminal Code and needless to say there is no reference to AEDs in the criminal code.

    I find that the term "illegal" gets misused quite a bit here. Usually a Thai person(s) says something along the lines of "not allowed" and that gets misinterpreted by farangs as meaning as illegal. Whereas it just means that in the mind of the Thai speaker(s) this was something not acceptable/not usual to be done, or they were not sure it was acceptable (in which case in Thailand, best not done) and no implication of a criminal statute.

    In this particular case I don't think "not allowed" is correct either but can understand where that misunderstanding would come from since the whole idea of paramedics as we know them isn't really found here. Hence most Thais would simply assume that this is something only a doctor would have the training to do properly. (Actually many Thai docs would not have a clue how to use it).

    so can you please as a mod provide us with al the legal stuff about giving first aid in Thailand ,apparently a lot of so called legal companys are sponsors of this website so they must be able to answer said topic.And dont think be sure.
  8. Aed divices in Europe are type one the idiot proof kind and are placed in most public buildings and company's.

    A couple of months ago i got an earfull from people on here concerning an incident whith a farang operated diving school on phuket where de boat took off and left the divers to fend for themselves .

    Its not only about first aid training and learning how to use the device ,for instance lets say i am on a beautiful diving trip in the andamen sea something bad happens with one of the divers ,what are the emergency procedures these dive operaters have in place?is there an emergency helicopter available to airlift the victims quickly ,Has there ever been an exercise done with dive operators and rescue service meetings toolbox talks etc..... I am pretty sure no will be the answer to most questions concerning the dive industry in Thailand.Cowboy stuff at best.

  9. Most so called foreigners living in Thailand hate Thaksins guts because when he was prime minister he made the visa rules more strict to stay long term in Thailand specially for people living on fixed income from abroad and border runners and people living long term in Thailand on back to back tourist visas and working illegally in the country as dive instructers or whatever.

    Remember a few years ago when most foreign currency's fell to the baht it was mass exodus for these kind of people to cambodja and vietnam.

    When reading most topics concerning the political problems a lot of posters don't wont this country to prosper because they would like nothing else then to see the Baht take a nose dive so they can stay here cheaply and take advantage of cheap woman.

    Quite pathetic really.

    Even the satire website notthenation has taken the piss with these of kind of thaivisa barstool experts many times already.

    • Like 2
  10. Well the United States won the Philippine's from the Spanish as a result of the Spanish American War in 1898, after the Philippine- American War 1899-1902 the Americans defeated the revolt of the people of the Philippines and made English the primary language of, the government, education and business, The US controlled the Philippines from 1898 to 1946.

    So to answer your question, Why the people of the Philippines have more English speakers and teachers then Thailand, was a result of 48 years of English language was forced on the people of the Philippines as it official language!


    First of all sir it was never forced on the Filipino culture. They did have two bases there but are now down to one and Subic Bay is located outside of Angeles city.

    English is there second-language because of the American influence, that is correct! I visited many schools when I was in the Philippines basically because I was a principal from the USA. They are taught English on the first grade level through the 12th grade level. They are the third largest English speaking country in the world. They have approximately 94% literacy in the Philippines.

    I visited a first grade class with 51 students and you could hear a pin drop. When working for my Doctorate I also did a survey of some of the Filipino educational systems. Their curriculum is very sound and their universities are basically top notch. The number one University is located outside of Manila in Quezon City and the number two is in Dumaguete. The International Universities are totally top notch and with the core of instructors that they have it appears that they are extremely sound.

    To sum up most of the questions asked here, it mainly depends on the lecturers or the instructors at the University that makes them a sound and quality-based educational system.

    If Thailand had this quality of instructors I truly believe that their educational system could have possibilities, But they must change the curriculum in order to meet the accreditation requirements. Thai students can only be as good as the instructors or the leaders of that individual school. Thai students are extremely intelligent if Instructed properly with quality educators. Once again do not give total Autonomy to the owners of the school and the school must meet accreditation because the teachers are qualified but not in English. This is not the problem of the teachers but the leaders of the school.

    I'll agree with you to a point. There are major cultural differences too. Thais are taught not to question authority and not to lose face So independent, analytic thinking is not a trait that is developed in the school systems, nor is risk taking. And in order to learn, you need to to do both. You need to be willing to make mistakes and then learn from your mistakes. That doesn't happen here. And there are some excellent instructors here. Don't let that Doctorate go to your head. Unless those cultural issues are addressed, effective learning doesn't take place, regardless of how dedicated an instructor is.

    I didn't see those issue in the PI school systems or with Filipino students. It's a different culture. So please don't arbitrarily blame it on 'poor instructors' or 'poor curriculum'. Within the education system, Thais need a 'quantum leap' in their cultural perspective .

    My Doctorate is in Technology and Curriculum and it is not going into my head! I have 12 years as an administrator in the USA and three years experience at an international University in Thailand. I've had teaching experience and have taught teachers from different countries to teach English in their home countries to their students. I have nothing to prove to you nor am I my trying to prove anything to you other than voicing actual facts as I have seen it in the past years. You cannot compare to my qualifications nor experiences so basically cheers! Quality of the curriculum in this country is less than desirable because my daughter attends a Thai school. Her English is better than the instructors.

    To enter into a cultural background is the least of the educational problems in Thailand. If you wish to speak to me use respect and not tell me that something is going to my head it offends me talking to an unintelligent individual from some country who feels they are a little more arrogant than others.


    As a none engrit speaker youre engrit sucks big time.
  11. Suthep is the only one who dare to bring them down openly. But too bad because of his past wrongdoing, people start to question his credibilty and his real intention. Accusing him of trying change the current " TS DEMOCRACY" system to his dictatorship.

    The reform party should have find a new face with clean records to challenge the TS regime. Then probably will shut these pro-TS mouth up.

    All these TS supporters conveniently pointing on Suthep while nothing is talk about the current govt.

    The current picture is painted like a ex-con man, a madman, a cun_t man, or whatever man they can put Suthep as is trying to take down our beloved YL govt. A government who is scamming caring for the nation and the thai people.


    So many are helping TS. What will Thailand's destiny be??

    wai.gif Sa toot........

    je ne understaind pas what you are saying????
  12. would you support them if you married your own kind in your home country ?

    same same answer should apply...

    buffalo ATM

    the day you run out of money, if the day you are useless to all of them and will be replaced in a snap

    @ belg i assume you come from Belgium like me judging by the name on your avatar.When married in Belgium if the husband or the wife has a parent or parents in an old folks home and the parents dont have sufficient funds to pay the bills for the old folks home the goverment will force the children to help pay for said bills they will even go so far as to confiscate money from bank accounts as to take a second mortgage on the childrens property and even running away to a foreign country and having youre income or pension paid from Belgium will not help you for one bit.Talk about sick buffalos.
  13. None not high priority on political agenda list of all partys in Thailand ,but there are certain groups in Thailand wich would rather see the back of you and a person living on the basis of retirement in a foreign country is not an expat.

  14. Sorry but this website has some strickt rules about certain topics and this topic makes me sick to the stomache......

    After reading some posts here.

    You are joking? Jeez it is an innocent question. If you don't like younger women go get yourself an old hag at soi 7 in bkk. Maybe you have one already. Ok to each his own. I like my girl who is 30 plus .. Again.
    Do you like do dress her up in a schoolgirl uniform at age of 30?

    Kudell, you are one sob. Up to you. I'm sure you get your kicks other ways.

    a guy calling a woman of age 30 a girl says enough for me ,so youre comments mean nothing to me old man .
  15. Sorry but this website has some strickt rules about certain topics and this topic makes me sick to the stomache......

    After reading some posts here.

    You are joking? Jeez it is an innocent question. If you don't like younger women go get yourself an old hag at soi 7 in bkk. Maybe you have one already. Ok to each his own. I like my girl who is 30 plus .. Again.
    Do you like do dress her up in a schoolgirl uniform at age of 30?
  16. In my country age of consent is 16 but if the potential partner is over six years older then its jail time as a sex offender/pedo.

    Which country? Do you mean that any greater than 6 year age gap is illegal? Or just for 16 year olds? Can a 23 year old guy date a 17 year old or is that illegal? Strange country!
    16 year olds pal just at legal age.Nothing strange about that ,just ask jimmy saville and gary glitter and the bbc for al i care .i hope you dont have a teenage daughter .
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