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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. I often wonder as a person not living in Thailand why the twenty or so same posters boast about their great life in LOS on TV forum from dusk till dawn on a daily basis.

    Don't you people have nothing else to do or are you guys getting paid by the TAT or something?

    We don't have to wash the dishes, hoover the carpet, cook food, go shopping or mow the lawn. TV fills in the spaces between drinking and sex.

    I got a dishwasher after my divorce does a good job en doesn't nag like my ex Thai wife,life is good.....and concerning cooking since no more Thai food is being prepaired in my kitchen my house doesn't smell like somebody threw a teargas canister in my house on a daily basis :-)
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  2. In my opinion this sort of broadcasting is against common decency - having a laugh at the expense of an invalid. "everyone's favourite beggar"? Do people have favourite beggars.

    Why not just kick a man when he's down. I have had to beg before and it really could happen to ANYONE.

    Is it illegal to beg n Denmark? If not, he should sue Coconuts or whatever the name of the source is.

    Sue coconuts,are going to sponsor his case?

  3. i don't understand some posters . . . if you had to suffer from the Elephantitis Leg Disease, and all your government grants you for the rest of your life is peanuts , how would your life be like ? so instead of staying in his home country, he decided to put "adventure" an his flag and pull out of the "safe" harbour.

    I am a disabled person myself, and I just don't need your mercy . .. I can do things people of your kind will envy me for.

    My respect for Elephantitis Man . . begging is one way to do, but mind you folks. This guy will not sit there all day long, there will be an end to the day and he will be somebody socialising with somebody else.

    Act smart is what our century calls for. Warren Buffet is one more example, on the scale of big.

    Try looking up on the whole story of said person ,he would be on disabled benefits and can get good medical treatment in Angela Merkel land, after a few do gooders gave him some serious cash to fly back to Germany he was seen splashing his ill gotten gains in certain bars with Thai "social workers".

  4. I have learnt that it is not the same place it was when I was young. When you are young you are look at things differently.

    I have learnt that if you stay and have children it is much much better for them to be educated in the west ( others will disagree).

    I have leant that life is disposable and that if you die here under whatever circumstances it doesn't matter.

    I have learnt that the rich detest the poor, even though many align themselves as red shirts.

    "I have learnt that the rich detest the poor, even though many align themselves as red shirts."

    That's something that I've not observed.

    That said, I've heard, in general terms, if I could express it delicately, folk from Cambodia aren't at the top of the Social Tree.

    you have not observed because youre a naieve plonker wearing very rose tinted glasses .

  5. When i was a teenager i always felt enlightend and reborn after smoking a funny fag.And i like being an agnostic that does not listen to religeous rhetoric that only has the soul purpose to keep man kind in line.

  6. 'Belgian national Patrick Lagrou, 54, was arrested for growing 20,000 marijuana trees in his country, the record and largest number, as well as running an illegal trade worth around EU25 million. He had entered Thailand and worked on a farm in Phang Nga, police said."

    Now then, this farm, where exactly would that be now?

    Maybe he can show you when he is back in Thailand in a few days,There was no international arrest warrent issued by the Belgian courts and according the a spokes person on the Belgian news concerning his arrest in Thailand he is free to gocoffee1.gif

    The guys arrested in said article are small time crooks bigger fish at large in Thailand with loads a money to pay of police and officials .

    Make Thailand a safe and better place my @rse.cheesy.gif

  7. I am from Belgium and he was on the Belgian news yesterday and there was no international arrest warrent issued for him by the Belgian courts he was free to go,some English news agencys need to get their facts right thats how people get in trouble with defamation and libel court cases in Thailand.

    Very funny how some of these English rags in Thailand are run by foreign criminals.

  8. A waste of time, the boyfriend probably already knows about you and can't read English anyway.

    A few shared pictures of the two of you would have been far more effective. He could have drawn

    his own conclusions from them without you saying a thing.

    Yes but i bet the Thai boyfriend was enjoying the monitary benefits from the op kind a like pimping ,OP grow a pair and stop acting like a juvinile at youre age move out of the country and get some life experience Thailand is not for working and young foreigners but for old age pensioners with mommy issues.

  9. Tempels in isaan are also known to give loans at extortianate rates to poor farmers via the village heads because they cant handle money themselves,last year Thai tempels in my country tried to get funds from the goverment taxpayers money for the so called upkeep of their tempels whilst some monks in Thailand are driven around in top brand German cars in Thailand luckely the government told them to basicly eff off.....concerning funds.

  10. Op, there are lots of chaps like that here that need mummying. I find it all rather sad for these guys and for those that have to seek permission to go out, even though they are the breadwinner and their wives do nothing. These blokes need to grow up and grow a pair of bolllocks.

    How about instead of think of it as a permission seeking, think of it as a form of respect. Maybe they want to give their wife a respect and let the wife know where they are going so that the wife does not need to be worried. "Happy wife is a happy life."
    So handing over the money means respect. Kind of a weird concept.

    Are you serious? Did you read what I said?

    Yep, hand over your money cause I know how to spend your money better than you. Some women are more responsible and more frugal than men. It would make sense for men to let their women take care of their money and their financial situations.

    Although, aside from having jointing funds, I believe husband and wife should still have their separate emergency funds.

    After reading about Thai household debt and seeing myself how Thais live way beyond their means i would think twice before handing over my hard earnt to people who still need a calculator to do simple maths a six year old can do without a calculator in my home country.

  11. OP, I think the expats are secretly love Thailand. They just don't want to admit it yet until they leave Thailand; they will find out that Thailand is one of the best countries to stay.

    In youre dreams lady,in youre dreams and old age pensioners are not expats .......when the rose tinted glasses start coming of and the viagra starts wearing off what else has youre great country to offer?

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