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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. I want to clarify something and maybe make some peace here if at all possible.

    I mean absolutely no offense and i could be wrong.

    It could also be just me, my imagination, coincidence, their culture, thery are drunk or i am simply off:

    I have noticed on a number of occasions how quick to get angry and show it the Brits (in pattaya (and thailand maybe)) might be.

    I do not notice this as much with other cultures but i have noticed many thais in pattaya now copy this behavior.

    Again, no offense meant, and i could be way off course, it's simply something i noticed on a number of occasions.

    I know this does not go over well on TV because the majority of expats in thailand are probably still british but perhaps some friendly light can be shed.

    If not that, i hope to make peace here.

    If i am wrong, again, i apologize and please, as you were.

    (sorry for the typo in OP but i think you all got it)

    thanks all once again

    I do have one theory but not yet ready to say, better someone else says it.

    If you care to continue this topic the question is: Where are the expats MOST friendly in Thailand?

    If there is such a thing.

    (mods feel free to change the subject/topic title to such)

    I see your point but would explain that the Thai Visa community will point out the reverse; as any positive comments about Thailand or expats who live here are taboo I think.

    My advice would be to ask where are the worst places for an expat to live and then go wherever in Thailand is not mentioned.

    In my opinion you are an arse licking child of the worst kind who can not withstand others opinions <deleted>.

  2. Without a legal prescription are you sure its real viagra ? If not it could give you a bad case of the runs ,imagine having brown stuff running down youre pants when being stopped by the boys in brown.......biggrin.png

    Been here 10 years and that's a new one on me. Fake Viagra gives you the runs? Why pray tell would the fakers go to the trouble to buy ingredients that causes diarrhea? Speaking of that how would you know that with a prescription the doc in a clinic was pushing real meds? Everything might be fake, even the bar girl might be a fake bar girl!

    And why did the chicken cross the street with viagra in his pocket?I would keep such things in a cabinet in my hotelroom or condo etc.....

    I still have to meet the first overaged teenager in my country carrying boner pills 24/7 in pocket with or without prescription.

  3. Pensioners do not belong under the categorie expat .

    Definition from the OP organization. They do include pensioners under the term expat; read below.

    The term “expat” derives from the Latin prefix ex (out of) and the noun patria (home country, native country, or fatherland). In today’s globalized world, as the reasons for going abroad become more diverse, it’s no longer easy to find a concrete definition for this term. That said, the word “expat” is generally used to refer to people who temporarily or permanently live in a different country than the one they were born in or whose nationality they have. Expats usually choose to leave their native country for a career boost, or to fulfill a personal dream or goal, rather than as a result of dire economic necessity.


    The Retiree

    There are two types of people who retire overseas. There are those who moved abroad for work and simply decided to stay, and those who decide to spend their remaining years in a warmer climate. François (67) and Mathilde (64) are the latter type of retirees.


    All very nice and in the dictionary of my home language it does not say that pensioners are considerd expats voila....,and those with dosh to spend have adresses in Luxembourg for tax reasons wich most high earning pensioners and engrit teachers and digital nomads do not have in Thailand.

    The article you quote in the OP lists pensioners as expats. Unless you want to call your self a liar, retired folks are ex pats too. Maybe you want to change your op and add that in your opinion as opposed to any accepted definition in the world that retirees are not expats.

    Apologies if I did not understand you correctly.

    Nope i do not feel the need to apologize because just about every moron can put stuff on the net and it can contain absolute <deleted> and people who are not internet savy will believe such <deleted> ,for instance do you believe wiki pedia or Thaivisa?

  4. Pensioners do not belong under the categorie expat .

    Definition from the OP organization. They do include pensioners under the term expat; read below.

    The term “expat” derives from the Latin prefix ex (out of) and the noun patria (home country, native country, or fatherland). In today’s globalized world, as the reasons for going abroad become more diverse, it’s no longer easy to find a concrete definition for this term. That said, the word “expat” is generally used to refer to people who temporarily or permanently live in a different country than the one they were born in or whose nationality they have. Expats usually choose to leave their native country for a career boost, or to fulfill a personal dream or goal, rather than as a result of dire economic necessity.


    The Retiree

    There are two types of people who retire overseas. There are those who moved abroad for work and simply decided to stay, and those who decide to spend their remaining years in a warmer climate. François (67) and Mathilde (64) are the latter type of retirees.


    All very nice and in the dictionary of my home language it does not say that pensioners are considerd expats voila....,and those with dosh to spend have adresses in Luxembourg for tax reasons wich most high earning pensioners and engrit teachers and digital nomads do not have in Thailand.

  5. Man up, show them who's the boss. You're paying for the bills and yet you're being treated like crap. If you don't exert your authority, they'll take advantage of it.

    Not every kid from a single parent relationship would like his mom to be kuddled by some village idiot from Europe on a goat cheese pension,her sons are making a statement op they hate youre goat cheese gut forever and coming from a single parent up bringing my self i can understand them so trying to make them feel different about you will just turn against you any way you try to turn it.

    • Like 2
  6. I would say Blankenberge on the Belgian coast no wannabe tough guys asking around about pepperspray and tasers and gun permits on Thai wife's name in said place and one can actually safely cross the road with a zimmer frame in said place .....

    And specially no old fella engrit teachers high on viagra and testosterone gels scrubbing it violently on their nutsacks thinking their Ahmuld or Sylvester stallone or jean claude vandamme

  7. Cambodia wasn't that good then ?

    have you ever been to asia??? cambodia and bkk are 2.5 hours away by bus ...... bloody hell i thought toad was stupid.

    your full of it ,,FALANG,,,


    what is a falang is my first question? , and the quickest i ever got from Suvarnabhumi airport bus terminal by mini bus to the poi pet border leaving at ruffly 5.00 pm is is 3 hours with a 30 minute refuel because there was a big line up because all the companys use the same petrol station.

    second question is have you ever even been to los?

    Took me the best part of six hours by bus Nakonchai air a few times to get from Buriram to BKK thats about 400 km and by minivan between 4 to 5 hours and more expensive no re fuel needed in most cases and same traffic jams and roads.

  8. For me the best defensive weapon is my own body as trained in Kickboxing and self defense, we were trained how to handle attackers with weapons, speed is key and having that confidents of knowing how to fight gives a person a kind of oar about them and in return are less likely to get attacked.

    Not everty body is in said physical shape to do such things and when i was a young guy i have seen bouncers and so called martial artists having the living sh@t kicked out of them by street brawlers.

  9. I understand what you're saying. I'm simply unable to enter into a conversation that includes me buying a house in Thailand because I can't own the land and I could lose it.

    Therefore it is worthless to me and I'd never buy one. If I did buy one, it would literally have zero value on my balance sheet.

    I don't believe you. You could compare the cost of condos or rental properties but you won't because you know there is no comparison in price. You can own a condo in Thailand and you can own a condo in the USA. So what's the problem?

    It is like me saying that I will only compare Etan trucks knowing that you can't buy one in the USA.

    Again maybe zone planning and consumer rights or home owner rights are not the same in both country's ,the Thai government doesn't give a hoot about foreigners in property dispute's

  10. You're talking about two different sectors there.

    Helpdesk/Software support doesn't fall into the category of vocations I was talking about.

    A helpdesk/IT support guy can hardly be considered a digital nomad. Not least because they generally work on shift rotations. Difficult to do that from a condo in Ari or a beach hut in Phuket

    Nope some of said people are also doing the developing side of certain software stuff and are not banging Thai punani on a daily basis so maybe you can tell us the secret of youre succes?

    The secret of my success??

    Well, firs off, I'm not a digital nomad but I WAS an IT headhunter in the financial sector for several years so I know what I'm talking about. Even now I have old candidates who became friends who make 15, 20, $30,000 a month developing in C#, C++, Java, php and none of them are speaking Punjabi or Tagalog.

    But hey, if you know better . . .

    Yeah ok whatever and under one of youre other name's here on tv you claimed to be some online stockmarket trader wonderboy........

  11. I find it amusing how many people dismiss making money from websites or other internet-related vocations as being unsustainable long-term. An entire generation of people - young and old - happily buzzing away making fantastic money say otherwise.

    Not everyone is looking to build a Facebook or Alibaba - some people are just content to pull down $2000 - $5,000 a month from their website business or freelance vocation for working a few hours a day and enjoying time with their friends and families.

    I remember when people used to say that email would never supplant snail mail. We know how that panned out when more people stopped writing letters and sending postcards. Ironic, then, that it is e-commerce that has emerged as snail mail's saviour with companies like Amazon accounting for a huge chunk of revenues for many a national postal service.

    Naysayers suggest it's not real work as if "old world" professions or back-breaking menial labour are the ONLY paths to prosperity and security but they're being left behind by a generation of smart, savvy folks who know how to turn innovation into revenue . . .without postponing the fun in life until they're too old and infirm to enjoy it.

    I work for a company that has about 20.000 employees world wide we use SAP on a daily basis and most IT work is being outsourced to the Philliphines and India nowadays because they can do it for a fraction of the cost compaired to the west.

    Last week i had an issue concerning my outlook express on my company laptop the only thing i needed to do was call them via a voip and connect to a vpn and in 20 minutes everything was fixed while i was sitting in my livingroom in my house in Belgium.Most multinational corperations worldwide outsource their IT work to said country's

    And said people can be called on a 24/7 basis depending on time lines from different regions of the globe so when entertaining or banging Thai females on a 24/7 basis i wonder where or how those didgital nomads can get certain jobs done.

    You're talking about two different sectors there.

    Helpdesk/Software support doesn't fall into the category of vocations I was talking about.

    A helpdesk/IT support guy can hardly be considered a digital nomad. Not least because they generally work on shift rotations. Difficult to do that from a condo in Ari or a beach hut in Phuket

    Nope some of said people are also doing the developing side of certain software stuff and are not banging Thai punani on a daily basis so maybe you can tell us the secret of youre succes?

  12. I find it amusing how many people dismiss making money from websites or other internet-related vocations as being unsustainable long-term. An entire generation of people - young and old - happily buzzing away making fantastic money say otherwise.

    Not everyone is looking to build a Facebook or Alibaba - some people are just content to pull down $2000 - $5,000 a month from their website business or freelance vocation for working a few hours a day and enjoying time with their friends and families.

    I remember when people used to say that email would never supplant snail mail. We know how that panned out when more people stopped writing letters and sending postcards. Ironic, then, that it is e-commerce that has emerged as snail mail's saviour with companies like Amazon accounting for a huge chunk of revenues for many a national postal service.

    Naysayers suggest it's not real work as if "old world" professions or back-breaking menial labour are the ONLY paths to prosperity and security but they're being left behind by a generation of smart, savvy folks who know how to turn innovation into revenue . . .without postponing the fun in life until they're too old and infirm to enjoy it.

    I work for a company that has about 20.000 employees world wide we use SAP on a daily basis and most IT work is being outsourced to the Philliphines and India nowadays because they can do it for a fraction of the cost compaired to the west.

    Last week i had an issue concerning my outlook express on my company laptop the only thing i needed to do was call them via a voip and connect to a vpn and in 20 minutes everything was fixed while i was sitting in my livingroom in my house in Belgium.Most multinational corperations worldwide outsource their IT work to said country's

    And said people can be called on a 24/7 basis depending on time lines from different regions of the globe so when entertaining or banging Thai females on a 24/7 basis i wonder where or how those didgital nomads can get certain jobs done.

  13. I find it amusing how many people dismiss making money from websites or other internet-related vocations as being unsustainable long-term. An entire generation of people - young and old - happily buzzing away making fantastic money say otherwise.

    Not everyone is looking to build a Facebook or Alibaba - some people are just content to pull down $2000 - $5,000 a month from their website business or freelance vocation for working a few hours a day and enjoying time with their friends and families.

    I remember when people used to say that email would never supplant snail mail. We know how that panned out when more people stopped writing letters and sending postcards. Ironic, then, that it is e-commerce that has emerged as snail mail's saviour with companies like Amazon accounting for a huge chunk of revenues for many a national postal service.

    Naysayers suggest it's not real work as if "old world" professions or back-breaking menial labour are the ONLY paths to prosperity and security but they're being left behind by a generation of smart, savvy folks who know how to turn innovation into revenue . . .without postponing the fun in life until they're too old and infirm to enjoy it.

    I work for a company that has about 20.000 employees world wide we use SAP on a daily basis and most IT work is being outsourced to the Philliphines and India nowadays because they can do it for a fraction of the cost compaired to the west.

    Last week i had an issue concerning my outlook express on my company laptop the only thing i needed to do was call them via a voip and connect to a vpn and in 20 minutes everything was fixed while i was sitting in my livingroom in my house in Belgium.Most multinational corperations worldwide outsource their IT work to said country's

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