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Posts posted by Kudel

  1. Yeah sure and every five years you can spend more money renovating said cheap house Thai style and zone planning is also out of the question in Thailand ,I once was in a place called Nong Khi i think it was called a few foreigners had some mansions built and a few years later some Thai bussiness people built a manure factory there for the local farmers the hole place smelled like kaka 24/7.Or how many times have people read complaints after buying a sea view condo only to have another condo building being built blocking their sea view and apparently not all people want to move half way around the globe because the pussy expence ratio is better in Thailand think with the big head not the little one.

    With home rents cheaper in Thailand than parking garages in USA it does make sense to rent in Thailand. I'm enclosing a photo of a manure factory for those that don't know.

    If ever intrested i rent out garage boxes in my home town they look better and are bigger then some of those shoe box condo's some of the tv high rollers live in it's 80euro a month.

  2. It seems to me that people tend to focus on one thing instead of the overall. Some things will be better in one place but worse in another. If I average out the cost in both places they are about the same. I have no problem flat-out saying that Thailand has some of the worst roads and worst drivers of any place I've ever seen, and it proves it by being the 6th most dangerous place in the world to drive. How do you put a price on that?

    Someone mentioned German cars. Maybe he meant Volkswagen which is one of the best selling cars in the world and is made in the USA and is cheap to buy.

    For my 2 cents I'd just like to invite people to buy the following. Remember, a house will include the land in your name.

    2.5 million baht with land, price is negotiable always.

    2014 Toyota Corolla well equipped - 548K baht

    15.6" Toshiba laptop with Windows 8.1 included 11,200 baht

    40" HDTV 9500 baht

    Edit: Where I live there is no sales (vat) tax and these are out-the-door prices. All but the house are brand new.

    The little lie. It's the house price. What city are you comparing purchasing a used 2000 sq foot house in? Decatur has no ocean or mountains or tourist attractions. GA weather is very bad in the winter and too hot in the summer. I'd say the middle of Issan. Certainly not Chiang Mai or Bangkok. So what is a 20 year old 2000 square foot home going for in Issan? 800,000 baht with the land in the family name son or daughter (they are going to take care of you anyway so...). Lets do the house numbers. USA 2,544,000 baht Thailand 800,000 baht = 1,744,000 baht. Spend 250,000 baht to have a contractor in Thailand get the house up to whatever spec you want and you have saved a million and a half baht buying in Thailand.

    Different strokes of course and I'm an old guy living on a pension. I do very well on my pension in Thailand kind of a Hugh Hefner with short dark haired women who don't speak English.

    Trophy wife in USA cost me $52,000 (her auto, clothes and trinket payments) per year in expenses. Thailand $12,000 a year in expenses. So I'm doing fine. I just bought her a real Seiko diamond watch with mother of pearl for a pittance.

    Tomorrow is going out to eat day and I'll spend a couple of fifty bucks on dinner at the best restaurant in town. The best place that everyone takes the selfies from. She'll be happy.

    To recap; what is the most expensive expense? House Thailand less than half. Second most expensive? Partner expense. Thailand about 20% of USA expenditures.

    Now if you want to compare a single guy renting an apartment in the USA and Thailand it's silly cheap in Thailand.

    If you are a young working guy with children - go the USA. Old guy with young girlfriend or young guy with no girlfriend go to Thailand. Although I'd be hard pressed to recommend any young man who wants a future to live in Thailand. I didn't. I was here at 22 and went back home to make my fortune so I could retire to Thailand.

    Yeah sure and every five years you can spend more money renovating said cheap house Thai style and zone planning is also out of the question in Thailand ,I once was in a place called Nong Khi i think it was called a few foreigners had some mansions built and a few years later some Thai bussiness people built a manure factory there for the local farmers the hole place smelled like kaka 24/7.Or how many times have people read complaints after buying a sea view condo only to have another condo building being built blocking their sea view and apparently not all people want to move half way around the globe because the pussy expence ratio is better in Thailand think with the big head not the little one.

  3. And some Japanese car brands are cheaper to buy new in my country then in Thailand Honda Accord with V6 engine and full option costs 5000 euro less then in Thailand but of course nobody buys Japanese cars here nowadays as some most German cars are cheaper then jap cars.

    That is amazing. You say that German cars are cheaper than Japanese cars in America?\

    What will they think of next?

    How much is an Sel 420? Still over a 100 thousand, probably.

    Nope i live in a small country in Europe called Belgium looked up the price for said Honda Accord two years ago on the Honda Thailand site and the Honda Belgium site and said model was about 5000 euros cheaper then in Thailand with the then currency rate's, and some of youre fellow yanks have said that jap cars are cheaper to buy in the states then in Thailand and a decent Volkswagen or AUDI or some Benz and some BMW models are almost in the same price range as jap cars .

    If driving a benz after twenty years you will still be able to buy spare parts of the shelf and cheaper then jap cars parts in most European country,

    's if you can still find said spare parts .

  4. Most land in Buriram is owned by Bangkok high rollers and the girls from certain bars in tourist places have really been trying their best at getting farang hubbies money invested in said provence.

  5. So you want to self medicate without knowing any of the side effects of said product and without prescription ,I often wonder why such topics about illigal doping products are not closed by the mods .

    Most of the crap available under the counter in Thailand are made in some obscure places in china without any quality control and clenbuterol is very old school and if you get some i hope you don't have any former heart problems .

    Apparently a few body builders on juice trips to Thailand have died there.

  6. One only has to wonder why the worlds richest people don't retire in Thailand ?And about bringing you're hard earned in to Thailand i often wonder why most of the richest Thais plonk most of their cash in offshore tax havens and buy top end property in place's all over the globe in place's such as Londen ,indeed a place where some of you came from.

  7. Because some people who claim to be university grads married to chinese thai woman ask stupid questions and apparently have never heard of internet search engines like google.

    And i like to piss off wannabe engrit teachers because they can not understand that some of us don't come from a country where English is the first language.

    And i like reading the comments from most of the headcases on the news section concerning Thai politics.

  8. I doubt if it's in the teacher's job description to beat a student.

    The job and the responsibility of a teacher is to teach.

    The responsibility of a parent is to Discipline.

    Back in the day, if a student did something wrong in the US, he was escorted to the Principals office for a decision to be made whether to send the student back home, back to class, or suspension.

    Very simple.

    No need to bring a Police type state into the class room.

    Back in the day, we had these:


    It was very simple, teachers taught and disruptive elements were sent to these places.

    But along came PC, the nanny state et al, and things have been going downhill ever since.

    Yeah lets hope youre kids never come home after having the crap slapped out of him or her,like that mentally challenged Thai kid a few weeks ago that came home bleeding out of his rectum after getting the crap beaten out of him by his teacher.Great parenting skills some of you have.

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  9. Two years ago was invited to a becoming a monk party somewhere in a village around Buriram,walking around with my youngest son on my arm all of a sudden the two local village drunks started having a go at my then wife and daughter calling them some very dirty names.

    So both of them could barely stand on their feet and then wanted to have a go at me ,so i bitchslapped one and the other one ran away with some of the guests chasing him down the soi.

    And the twonk who was ordained as a monk left the temple after a few weeks because he could not handle the monkhood apparently,lovely countryw00t.gif ahumm.

  10. OP: the nearest I have seen regarding effort to make life in LOS more accommodating for expats had to do with that fellow involved with the English-language television station in Pattaya. He's a middle-aged fellow, I think he is a Dane. He heads an organization that holds regular forums that include local authorities and farang business owners, joint social functions, etc. It seems he works hard trying to dispel the negative image that foreigners in Thailand have. In 2004 they organized fund raising and loaded up a few trucks with supplies and drove them to the tsunami-stricken areas; I thought "this guy is smart, he knows if he just handed the $$ over to a charity..." and won my respect.

    It's been a few years since I've been to Pattaya so I couldn't say if he or his organizations are still around.

    As for your rights in Thailand, fuggetabout.

    You are joking right ?Look on google about these people you might be very surprised about the past of some of these people and their expat clubs and charity's

  11. I don't see why a woman in today's world cannot be independent, confident, accomplished and still find a successful husband. What is wrong with women having both? If a woman desires to change her priorities and devote her life to a family instead of career what is wrong with that also? The world of equality should allow people to do whatever they want and not be judged or judge an entire culture on your limited perspective. OP get a life.

    My criticism is not about a woman marrying who she wants. She can marry up or down thats her choice. What I mean is that families should stop teaching their kids to only go for the sucessful man. In Europe we have female lawyers dating with low earning men. No problem at all. But in Thailand it is still frowned upon. Women should date and marry the men they love regardless rich or poor.

    Wel in Belgium where i live i still have to meet the first construction worker or electrician married to a female doctor,lawyer ,or dentist forget it......

    Even a lot of self employed people who own small medium sized company's would be dead against their kids getting in to relationships with hourly paid working class people.

    The class devide is truly alive and well even in 2014 in the west.

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