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Posts posted by mpdkorat

  1. This thread has absolutely nothing to do with Chiang Mai per se, so I'm moving it to General. Probably should have move it to the Trash Bin ... rather trollish.

    I though basically it was pretty accurate and very good advice for the wannabe Thai resident. Really quite hard to argue with his comments.

    trollish ?????? Who cares he has a point to make..........

  2. I get my Lamb from Foodland, around 3-400 Baht for a large shoulder. Love the stuff, get a bit sick and tired of the local pork/chicken/beef.

    You can aso buy legs and shoulders of lamb in Makro Stores (Again NZ Lamb)

  3. I don't know about Korat- never been there yet, but there is a chain of shops in Bangkok that sell the "high-end" kitchen and household gadgets called Verasu. They sell bread makers and other cool stuff.

    I know that they will ship to you anywhere in Thailand if you are interested.

    See this link-

    Click here!

    Hope this helps.    :D

    Bino took you just over one minute for you to get this question right, a little slow :o

    Who started this Forum? it's bloody great!

  4. Ok here is a question for you guys. I really miss good warm fresh bread in the morning. I would like to buy an automatic Bread Maker such as a ‘’Breadman Ultimate Bread Machine’’ Anyone know where to buy one in Thailand or better still Korat. There will be a nice cup of tea and fresh toast, with marmalade to the person giving the answer.

  5. Chiangmai girls or from northern are most beautiful in Thailand. Miss Thailands , Miss Universe are from northern thailand. We seldom have Miss Esaan as Miss Thailand, Miss Esaan is only for Farang. :o

    ''Miss Esaan is only for the Farang'' ................

    Between the ages of 18 to 35 years there must be about 4 million ladies in Esaan to go around boys :D Lets get cracking long way to go..................

  6. Me and my Thai girlfriend are thinking of opening a shop on Koh Phangan. I of course would be illegaly working. If i put everything in her name but was working and hanging out in the shop would i still get in trouble. If there is no proof that its part my business and my visa is OK would i get away with it? Is it too much of a risk? has anyone got any experience doing this?

    I would put it all in my name save you and your girlfriend worrying about it. :o

    No seriously, if you are working on a budget then the income on the business will assist you with the day to day expenses, but do not expect to make a fortune. There is nothing wrong in you renting the property in your name, which will give you some security if you and your girlfriend split up. If you also live in the same premises, that gives you a legitimate right to be there; so when asked what you are doing there all the time you reply, I live there. With regard to the business let the girlfriend take care of that you can’t

  7. Well...

    This is my first post...i discovered this forum just 1h ago...to be quick...

    I'm an Italian student in Australia

    She is a Thai student in Australia

    So...What I should bring from Italy for them? (Mum & Bro)

    I was thinking some liqueur for the mum ( www.disaronno.com ) because it is a typical Italian product...but I'm not sure...I don't know very well the Thai traditions...

    Maybe some perfume for the mother (Duty free on the plane) and a Manchester United shirt for the young brother. Does Italy play football?

  8. Will may be you have confidence in this matter ,  and what if I give you address of as les as 100 of english teacher who living in apartment  in  rent of 3000 bhat  par month and  have girl fried from soi  4 nana plaza  and all  nearly all evening drinks  one or tow beer in  same  bar in soi 11 of sukhomvit .  see  iam not disturb personal life of any one , even I am ready to help them as I do  lot of time  ,, I means in general   , we talk that why falang have to be like this in top of all that education , knowledge , experience  and  great moral that thy gain since or during there education time from there own  home town or country .. the falangs that sale drugs in kowson  road  or steeling each other passport and sale  to  medal eastern people   or trafficking the thai women to all over europe  ,, we live all this  for talk in same other time ..   even this is crime that if  falang tray to change religion of children of our country  from buddhism   to Christianity or other  religion  ..   sad ,, sad ,,  .

    Is this another troll or just a wannabe English teacher!!

  9. I have been to Thailand quite a few times but have never really done much traveling north of Bangkok. I'm not sure why this happend, maybe the draw of the ocean. My next trip will be for six months so Chang Mai is definitely on the list. The question is which do you prefer. The mountainous region of the north or the south? I know it's a simple question but there is alot of difference between the two.

    If you have six months then you have time to visit the north and the south and make your own decision. I live in Korat and I love it here. I live in the centre of Korat so I'm able to buy some of life’s comforts, but not all of them. But I'm only a short trip to BKK, so not really too much of a problem for me. I do have to say that I can speak reasonable Thai which does make life her a little more interesting but on occasion just as taxing :o The advantage of the more tourist friendly places like Pattaya is that English is widely spoken and you can buy most things that you need very easily. But if you want to really experience Thailand visit some of the other places where the track leading there has not been beaten to death.

  10. :o

    As said the Grand Continental and The Hotel Continental are not the same place.  I have stayed at both; and Grand Continental is not grand.  I much prefer The Hotel Continental myself.  Believe the only time you might need reservations in Georgetown is at the end Ramadan - I never made reservations and always was able to find hotel rooms.

    Should have waited a bit longer before making my arrangements :9 Thanks for aot of very useful information guys....

  11. Patrick at the Hotel Continental will reply to your email inquiry in a jiffy: patorikku@hotmail,com (take out the comma). Others on this board and have recommended his services as well I believe. Also, easily the best value for money/comfort hotel in Penang (imho) at 80 RM with a pool on 6th floor.

    I can recommend Patrick at Hotel Continental also. Very knowledgable and efficient service. The hotel is also clean and comfortable, with lots of things in walking distance. I paid 98 Ringgit last March.

    He can also arrange round trip transfer to the airport on request.

    I've always contacted him at the [email protected] email address.

    I have made a booking at the Grand Continetal Hotel Penang. Is this the same hotel as the Continental hotel?

  12. I’m off to Penang soon with my Thai wife. Can anyone assist in supplying the name and contact details of Visa Agents in the Penang area that could assist me with my application for a ‘’One Year Multiple Entry Non Imm O Visa’’. I would like to be in the position of contacting them first to see what the current situation is with regarding multiple entry visas. So email, phone numbers would be handy. Thanks….

  13. Ladies and Gentlemen, I apologise to you for that rude man's behaviour and you might like to know that we have cancelled his extension and when he tries to leave Thailand he will be arrested as an overstayer"  The room actually burst out in spontaneous applause !!

    No moral or point to the story, just thought it was interesting and you might like to hear it.  Pete.

    I wonder how they managed to cancel his visa extension without his passport?

    Oh they can :o

    I can see them not entering the extension on the computer and maybe even flagging his name with some comment like “###### him around”…. But they have not removed the extension entry from his passport.

    He will behave like a lunatic when he is told he has no extension. I would love to be a fly on the wall for that one.

  14. When I flew on North West Airlines from the U.S. to Japan there was a steady stream of fuel pouring out of the end of the wing - many, many gallons.  The pilot said it was normal and that heat expansion from sitting on the ground for too long was causing them to discard fuel.

    How routine are large fuel discharges like that?

    Very common. Fuel expands rapidly when heated. would you rather some fuel leak out, or have the wing explode due to excessive internal pressures.

    Too bad they don't teach basic science anymore.

    Lucky we have you around to teach us all here. Maybe next time you will give us a class on manners. Are you German??

  15. no offence meant...but, funny thing is...

    I'm German, the jet engine was indeed invented in Germany during WWII and we call the plane fuel... kerosene  :o

    I'm English and I know nothing about jet engines or any other engine for that matter. But I do know where google is. check this out:


    But I'm sure Frank's jet was a lot less boring and quieter.

  16. Hello everyone. I'm just browsing through this forum fantasizing about living in Thailand and reading all the posts made me wonder what everyone does for a living there? any threads I've seen about jobs imply that its very difficult to get anything other than teaching yet I didnt get the impression there were many teachers posting here. Pardon my nosiness but how do you all make ends meet in Thailand? or do you mostly have private incomes from home that strecth a lot further in Thailand?

    I work as part time motorcycle taxi driver. I do not like doing this because it interferes with my sleeping. My girlfriend works in a bar, but she is not so good looking and as a result she doesn’t get so many customers. I have to work to supplement the family income. We get by.

    BTW do you have a girlfriend I know a very pretty one........

  17. Ministry orders strict police action on paedophiles 

    BANGKOK: -- The Ministry of Social Development and Human Security has asked police to take strict action on paedophiles following the recent arrest of a Finnish man thought to have involved over 400 Thai boys in his paedophile operations.

    Stressing that the sexual abuse of minors was a punishable offence even when the children involved had apparently consented, she warned that all paedophiles faced heavy criminal charges.--TNA 2005-04-26

    This is a true and recent story. I will also make it short. I was told by a member of the Bar staff. That a farang guy had just checked into the hotel with a young Thai boy. I asked the girl did he show any ID, she said he had not. I asked the girl a few more questions and sort of established that it was all not quite kosha. I was with a friend of mine who had also heard all of this and we both decided to investigate. I went to the room with my friend and knocked on the door. I was eventually answered by an Italian male about 30 years of age. I asked him if he had a young boy in the room and he denied it. I then pushed past him with out any great violence and went to the bathroom, where I found a 9 year old boy hiding behind the door wearing a towel. My friend then grabbed the Farang and was just about to beat the shit out of him till I told him to stop and leave the room. The wife of the owner (Thai) arrived. I explained what had happened and I asked her to call the Police and to take care of the 9 year old who was now dressed. The boy was out on the landing with my friend and several other people. While I was in the room the owner’s wife told the boy to run and prevented my friend from following him, just long enough to allow him to get away. I was then told that the boy had gone. So the owner’s wife said it was not worth calling the police. I kept hold of the guy and made other arrangements to call the police. They eventually arrived. I explained what had happed and gave them the digital camera I had taken off him. They questioned him for 5 minutes. Told me they had nothing to hold him on and would be letting him go. I said did he have a passport to prove who he said he was and they replied no. I said did you check the camera they said they didn’t know how. I told them I would help them. They told me it would not be necessary. They let him go.

    My only regret is that I did not allow my friend to do what he quite clearly wanted to do, and to this day he reminds me of this.

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