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Posts posted by mpdkorat

  1. Hey,

    I will be travelling to Thailand for 6 weeks in 2 weeks time. I know that when I enter the country i'll be automatically on a 30 day tourist but someone has brought to my attention that I will need an additional visa even though I will be leaving Thailand for Laos and re-entering.

    Is this true? From what I have read online and on message boards I guess it's ok once I leave and re-enter.


    You do not need a Thai visa but you will need a visa for Loas. Can get that in Nong Kai, but you are in the wrong forum old boy.

  2. Evergreen Delux "Large Biz Style Seat?"


    Er yeah, hmmm 38 inches of legroom compared to 60 on KLM Biz Class!, Business Class Lounge with KLM compared to erm..........nothing!!! with EVA. 40kgs of Weight compared to 30 on EVA Delux. Oh and did I forget to mention the lie back seat that reclines back to an angle of 170 degrees with KLM Biz class?!?! EVA's  Delux is NO different to Virgin & BA's 'Premium Economy', hence the word 'CON' in 'Premium Economy'. Just a premium priced rip off, for people who want to pretend they're in a much better seat. EVA Economy class 34 inches legroom, EVA Delux Class "38" inches!

      The figures speak for themselves.


      Large business style seat with EVA indeed!  :o

    Sorry why would you want the extra 10 Kg's? Trying to squeeze the wife girlfriend on board. You are just so Cheap!! Do they have a coffee shop on KLM flights?

    Ah what are you doing with a tape measure after you have landed.

  3. The lines should be re-grounded by the power company every couple 100 meters or so, but is never the case here. Everything electrical I own, including the note book as well as the PCs has to be approached with caution, especially with naked feet on wet tile floors. The shock is not deadly, but annoying.  :o

    I must admit, since the tsunami the outages have been minimal, (all new powerlines for over 100 km  :D  prior to it, every time the skies darkened, the lights blinked and if it did not shut  down for hours, at least the computers quit, the compressor of the refrigerator had a hard time re-starting and upon re-booting the PC the admonishment came: "Your computer was not shut down properly. Alsways use the shut-down at the start menue".  :D

    Try buying a UPS (Uninteruptable Power Supply). I read on another thread about how some UPS's will provide surge protection and limited "grounding".

    I used to get those annoying little shocks and "prickles" when I touched my computer. Bought a UPS for 3,000 baht, problem solved.

    Plus, the main reason for a UPS is to allow you time to save your work and shut down your computer in the event of a power failure.

    I bought a UPS, came home one night after a storm and found that all my computer equipment including the UPS had blown up. I have alway been lucky like that. I now just unplug everthing and put a rubber mat on the floor. Call me a cheap charlie if you wish.

  4. Let us say, for arguments sake, you were really rich (at least as rich as a recently acquitted American pop star – who must never be mentioned again in this thread) and living in Thailand.

    What fantasies would you be playing out?

    Buy a fantasy parked staffed by girls all of whom are alone and without ANY family. They must be 100% female and at least 20 years of age and enjoy sleep over parties. Oh and a kebab shop....

  5. May 16th 2005

    I have no recollection of check in, only the vague memory that I had very little time in which to catch my flight.

    It’s all a bit of a blur and just how I got past all the airport officials without the aid of extra strong mints is anyone’s guess, but I can only assume that I had drunk myself sober and didn’t breath much

    So you had a good flight then?

  6. Anyone know a safe(ish) way of reporting some blatant police corruption? Is there an anonymous place to send a latter to "Mr T", someone once mentioned about an anonymous complaints box for Falangs. Is there something similar where people can complain about corruption?

    Thais seem pretty reluctant to speak up or complain about anything. I recall some previous protests in  Bangkok resulted in some people getting shot by the police. Im not suggesting we start a protest, but there must be some way to report police corruption and extortion.

    It really is not our job to sort Thailand’s problems. We will not be thanked and it will result in us having problems. Everyone in Thailand knows that corruption is endemic and try's to work around it. I do too.

    Anyway Thailand has the best police money can buy…….. :o

  7. My wife gave my amulet to her father (Som Jet), who now wears in all the time. Apparently it was a good one and I was not appreciating its powers. She sold my chain and bought a bracelet for herself. ‘’Som num Na’’ me. I should have shown the thing more reverence.

    I do have a small collection of amulets that I keep on my desk, the best one being the one my father inlaw is now wearing.

    I believe that Thai's have no problem with farangs wearing amulets.

  8. 351a5a92f8.jpg

    I was quite surprised to find this vending machine at Den Haag Centraal station (Hague Central Station) in the Netherlands early this year.  Since when did they start marketing the product outside Thailand?  Do they sell it elsewhere in Europe?

    I know this is a bit off topic, but this picture of a vending machine reminded me...

    I can't remember seeing any vending machines in Thailand.

    Just curious as to why ?

    There is a water vending machine not 20 meters from where I'm sitting now.

  9. Mum's a mai chee at a temple in town. So I guess it's a bit difficult to get  away from her. Not that we really want to.

    However, she is being a royal pain. I know she's looking after her daughter's interests and to a degree I'll fit in with that.

    I will not be dictated to though.

    Big conversations this pm at home and g/f's just gone to buy some food.

    She's evidently not happy with what her Mum's saying and we're both trying to find common ground for the Mum.

    I've basically said that I've got nothing to say to her mother at the moment.

    G/f friend has told me that if we're not Buddhist married next month, she's got to become a mai chee also. So that's bye,bye.

    Why do these things have to be so difficult??

    There's really only one problem and that's the mother.

    Your not going to like this but I think that this situation is all going to end in tears. Sua Yai it's your life and very dificult to advise you.

  10. Thanks for your contributions, this is exactly what I was looking for. Hope there are more people out there who feel like contributing.

    I guess you can see through my questions that I worry a little bit about the friendship part. One aspect of Thais is that many are VERY loyal in terms of giving and hospitality, and don't expect much in return. This is something I am trying to learn as well, because it is one of the nicest traits I can think of, apart from it being good for your own peace of mind.

    The language certainly helps to be included in Thai society, and I think it is one of the necessities to really get along here, but what are the others?

    The best way to stay in Thailand and limit the hassles you can encounter from time to time is to keep a fairly low profile. No problem having Thai friends in the village but keep them a little at arms length. If you allow them to get to close to you there will be problems getting rid of them, and they could become a nuisance. Do not forget they are fairly simple people that have very little.

    Yes learning the language will open up many doors and make life a lot more interesting and I would advice you to do it. But understanding Thai is a double edged sword. You will hear the unpleasant comments and understand them as well.

    BTW I moved back to the city after 4.5 years in the boonies. But thats me.


    Can anyone tellme if ADSL is available in the North East, the area I am talking of is 56 kilometres north of Korat towards Kaon Karn and has standart telephones.



    Korat City has. I'm using it. 56 Km north of Korat, the answer is no. But you can use a mobile connection thats quite fast I believe. Thats assuming you can get a signal where you are moving too.

  11. I recently got married, but sod that, tell us about the two girls.

    People are always aking these questions on marriage and relationships. I was trying to make light of the situation. The story is true, but costing me nothing was a lie. When I bought a telephone I had to buy two. When I bought gold I had to buy double the amount etc etc. But it was worth it!. The rest I will take to my grave and the way I'm going might not be so long :o

  12. Thanks for all your replies.

    Mum has flatly refused to allow us to get legally married first. We're currently talking about the sin sod and spreading the payments.

    Somewhere, deep down, I don't reckon her mother trusts me which is a shame. The more I get that feeling, the less likely I am to trust her. The g/f and I are just trying to be together!!

    I would not worry this is 2005, if you have no need to get married don't. It's a piece of paper that could cause you problems later. If you have a child that is a little different, but you can cross that bridge when you come to it. If the Mother in Law does not want you to marry; then that in my opinion is a win win situation. Just don't live to close to her.

  13. Thats the best advice, wish I had taken it :o

    I lived with two girls for 18 months, in the end they moved out, got fed up with me. ( I was naughty) They moved in together, but now they have split too. Cost me nothing and was a lot of fun.

    This has nothing to do with the OP.... you just wanted to tell us all didn't you.. :D:D

    totster :D

    P.S Cheers Ken.. :D:D

    Is this forum not about sharing things? So what if it was off topic, most posts are. Most conversations are. Do you not agree? To be pedantic so was the post I quoted off topic.

  14. also harryhacker got to the point she quit her job as very upscale massage girl yankees think all thais are poor havent quite figured it out yet but its very possible she was earning 2000$ us a month mabey more

    i suspect you are either very old or very young because your style of posting without using any commas full stops or other punctuation marks makes me believe you probably work as a telegraph operator or that you spend too much time in internet chat rooms and believe this is a normal way of communicating in writing but actually it is very annoying to read a post that reads like this because there is no stop anywhere a sentence can start when you least expect it and the risk of misinterpreting increases as well so please from now on humour us with trying to use normal typing rules i know this may sound very von oben but really when you read this post pls tell me honestly doesnt it make you feel a little dizzy in the head and will you really read it to the end i dont know and i think i have made my point now but i will still go on because i am procrastinating other things which are far more important and by the way whales are mammals and not fish i thought you might like to know as many people make the mistake of referring to them as fish when in fact that is completely wrong now you have a good day thank you very much and by the way the chances that your girl is makign 2000 usd a month are as slim as a north korean dissident who hasnt yet managed to escape the starvation

    Never do that again. I was not even able to finish. I'm still hanging onto the desk and my eyes are still spinning.......

    Edited bit.

    I have recovered now and quite frankly I do not care how much he sends her!

  15. Dakhar, don't sweat it. Some folks just like to fight. Such is life here, too.
    Ajarn, has probably gone a lot further in Thailand, than he could of in his own home country.

    Yes, and no.

    If you're referring to income, I was a univesity teacher in California before I moved here 20 years ago. Experienced university teachers there are paid quite nicely, by most anyone's standards... If it was about making lots of money, I sure wouldn't have chosen Thailand... As others have suggested, it's likely a lot easier for folks to make big money in their own country, than here...

    I came here for a change of pace, and to follow a dream of living in a foreign country. I was bored with California and wanted a new and more challenging direction in my life... I did fine for myself, I feel. I have no financial concerns, either.

    My only intention in this thread is help give someone more information and some ideas about finding whatever they want here. Any small idea can be expanded...

    Some here seem to want to throw a wrench in all this because of...? Maybe they're jealous of someone else's ability to 'make it' where they couldn't?.... Maybe it's something else... I really don't know...

    After a couple of such posts from them, I really don't care much about them, either. Some would rather go a different direction, so I won't get in their way :D

    Smart and creative folks can, and have, done quite well here for themselves in Thailand. Action is always the key, not talking/thinking about it. :D

    I'm off to take my action with a relaxing swim. Bye. :o

    Hi there. I just wanted to say that I found your advice very helpful and interesting. I am working on a small business right now and starting it with very little (read none) capital. So far feedback to my idea has been positive and I hope to be in business and in profit by July.

    I think I will be in profit too by July. I'm going to be a free lance Bar Girl. Just need to lose a little wieght, buy a few stunning numbers to ware and get a new mobile. I'll be in Walking street if anyones interested.

  16. Wedding reception and Buddhist ceremony only for us.  No legal registration planned.


    Thats the best advice, wish I had taken it :o

    I lived with two girls for 18 months, in the end they moved out, got fed up with me. ( I was naughty) They moved in together, but now they have split too. Cost me nothing and was a lot of fun.

  17. What is Jacks? :o

    Come out of Mike's place, turn right. Walk to 7/11. Stop. Look straight in front of you with the 7/11 on your right and you will see it. In fact you can see it from Mikes place on a good day with the wind behind you. Has a pool table too and seves piss ALL day

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