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Posts posted by mpdkorat

  1. I am in Thailand this time on a 30 day tourist visa and will need one extension

    before I return to work, previously I have gone over to Cambodia for an extension but can not afford to use up a page and a half for this extension.

    I am staying in Patum Thani approx 60/70 kilometres northwest of Bkk

    and Burma looks a lot closer and have been told that visa runs are easy.

    The man who told me this is not very reliable.

    Can anyone give me info on border crossings available and requirements of Burmese immigration, I am married here and have all documents, and was also told by the same guy that with a marriage license I can get a two month extension on a 30 day tourist visa.

    Mai Sot - They do not put in the large visa stamps in your passport, but I have only done this run using a Non Immirant O visa

  2. Probably the hardest thing to learn is how to react when you do come off....most people tense up in anticipation...it is much better to try and stay loose and flow with it.

    Easier said than done, but I agree, it's the same as having a fall when you're drunk, you're less likely to sustain injury if relaxed.

    It is always better to come off when you are drunk. I have done it a few times and I’m convinced it saved my life on at least two occasions.

    I bought a helmet in Lotus for 249 baht. I dropped it the other day while trying to put it on (I was sober). The helmet split in two; do you think this helmet was a fake/copy?

    $249 baht for a helmet??? I eat dinners over here for more than that!!! :o

    You must be one of those rich farangs :D

  3. It is fair to say that money matters is a VERY common conversation topic among Thais. Thais do not ask each other how much money they make, but the question is very commonly posed to farang - it is one of the top 30 questions I have gotten from people since I came here.

    At times I answer honestly, other times I just smile and say "enough to live by (พออยู่ไดู้่ paw yoo daai)". If they  persist I will just say I dont want to talk about it.

    As for being shouted at, I have gotten "###### you" and "mother######er" a few times. I guess the little lads need to practice their English. Fair enough.

    They keep saying ''handsom man where you go'' to me. Not sure what to make of that. Worried that if I stop thy may ask how much money I earn...

  4. I have heard a lot of people say negative things about rural Isaan not so much on this site but on other sites and in public. I was talking to one guy in Big C Khon Khen when out of the blue he comes out with all people that live in villages are stupid and anyone that listen to them are the same. I told him i live in a small village and he shut up real quick. I find rural Isaan great fresh food, nice people, no polution, no whining expats, except my mate John but he is a old pommy barsted so you got to expect that. I have lived in many places Phuket, Bangkok, Khon khen, and have to say Isaan is the best for me. If you go to rural Isaan and dont have a good time it proberly because of one of the following. Your not man anough for Isaan. Not orgnized. You wife is not looking after you and is no good. Your wifes faimly is no good


    but if you went to the African equivelent, a mud hut in the middle of the jungle,how would you get on trying to start a conversation about computor science. Or in a little hick town in the backwoods of Kentucky where the only chance a young man has to have sex is with his sister or cousin,and talk about the politics of Europe. Even in America a lot of them have never heard of Europe. As the old adage goes 'You pays yer money,and take yer chances'

    Well I've paid my money,took my chances and have never been happier in my life. ISAAN I love you.

    I had sex with my ex wifes sister, does that count? My current wife does not have a sister and her brother is ugly. The only danger is the mother.......... My saving grace is that she lives an hours drive from me, so I should be OK :D

  5. To all you new comers that are interested in coming to Surin for the Elephant festival and have either never been before,don't know where Surin is,or just trust web sites, beware of thaifocus.com.

        On their Surin page about the Elephant festival a box flights to Surin are available. If you follow this directive you will probably end up on Surin beach in Phuket. Another truly 'Amazing Thailand' cock-up

                                Try it

                                      :o  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D  :D

    I'm due to drive down to surin for the Elephant festival in November. I will be staying with a Thai friend. I believe the festival is on the 3rd Saturday of November is that correct. I will pop in to see you when I'm there this time too.

  6. OK, here's the answer I got at Immigration today. If you need fingerprints taken, Immigration at Suan Phlu can do it for you. If your embassy provides a particular card for the fingerprints to be taken on (as with the US Embassy) you should get that card and take it with you. Otherwise you'll get the standard card printed in Thai.

    As for who needs to send fingerprints for a criminal record check, it seems to depend on what types of record check your country offers. The certificate I got initially says "Name Check Only" and states that without fingerprints, they cannot guarantee that the name matches the person applying. Sounds logical to me. I guess there could be more than one person with my name and birth date.

    Name check is British Police speak for criminal records office check (CRO check). For this you need full name, date of birth and place of birth, height, color of hair and race. They will also require you to supply other details such a color of eyes, marks, tattoos and places frequented or anything else that would distinguish you from the other person with the same name and details. You can get your own CRO check by filling in a form at the police station and paying a fee. I’m not sure that they would be willing to process your fingerprints though. If they were it would be a long wait as you would keep getting pushed to the back of the queue. Not sure if I’m 100% correct on this, as it is a long time since I have watched The Bill.

  7. Probably the hardest thing to learn is how to react when you do come off....most people tense up in anticipation...it is much better to try and stay loose and flow with it.

    Easier said than done, but I agree, it's the same as having a fall when you're drunk, you're less likely to sustain injury if relaxed.

    It is always better to come off when you are drunk. I have done it a few times and I’m convinced it saved my life on at least two occasions.

    I bought a helmet in Lotus for 249 baht. I dropped it the other day while trying to put it on (I was sober). The helmet split in two; do you think this helmet was a fake/copy?

  8. When I eventually leave the big city and move out to the more rural areas I'm getting mongooses, dogs and whatever else I need to keep away snakes based on your experiences! :D

    King cobras in the toilet, you just dont need that with a morning changover do you. :o

    Snakes aren't the only nocturnal hunters to worry about either... :D

    Centipedes and scorpions can also be found inside the house at night.

    If you have to go to the hong nam in the middle of the night, my advice is to always turn on the light to see if you have company.

    Scorpions in Thailand are no problem (from the genus Pandinus or Asian Forest Scorpion) - sting hurts but no lasting damage. Centipedes no matter how small from the genus Scolopendra can easily kill a baby or dog and would almost certainly put even a big guy in intensive care. DO NOT GET BITTEN. By the way, almost all flat bodied centipedes in South East Asia are Scolopendra type. Millipedes no problem.

    Those Centipedes are locally known as Da Kaap and they scare the crap out of me. A few months ago I was watching TV, when I saw one scurry across the floor and under the sofa. I jumped up and informed the wife what I had just seen. Together we slowly moved the sofa out and there was no Da Kaap. Suddenly the wife screamed. I jumped up in the air doing a double backward summersault with a 3 point degree of difficulty and landed on my big toe, causing it to break. I almost landed on the Da Kaap as well. I just remember my wife hitting furiously with broom till it just looked like bread crumbs.

    They are dangerous, they move quickly and they can be aggressive. I always move around the house with the light on and check the bedding before going to sleep.

    BTW the one we saw that night was about 25 cm long, I’m not joking.

  9. He also let me read some books that were very banned in Thailand. They were much more interesting.

    I'm always more surprised at the books that aren't banned in Thailand than the ones that are. I've seen Alec Waugh's Bangkok : The Story of a City in Asia Books as well as Thailand: Origins of Military Rule. Despite its innocent-sounding title, Waugh's book is mostly about the aristocracy and the strange death of one of the country's monarchs.

    Its nice to be able to read everything. He did give my one book to read by a South African Called the Devils *** Can't remember the last word. Google didn't help me either. Writen in the late 40's. Very interesting. With luck the full title will come to me about 3am this morning.

  10. I never heard or saw any book being written by LG on Thailand, even when I stayed at his house.

    Good! That means it was never published. But the extracts he posted in SCT are still there on Google Groups, usually prefaced by words like, "I humbly enclose a short extract from my book."

    He did write a book. I have no idea if he published it or not. But he gave me a copy to read that he printed off his computer. It was OK but would never have sold very many. I just read it out of curiosity and politeness. He lived about a mile from me at the time. He also let me read some books that were very banned in Thailand. They were much more interesting.

    He also offered me his thesis to read. I declined………..

  11. Have to agree with you on that one.  I also live in  a small village and will be moving to an even smaller one when I finish the house.  I really enjoy it.  I get to the big smoke every now and then but I really enjoy being back in the sticks where life is a bit slower and quieter.

    There is a saying 'Farangs building thier own prison' Meaning building a house especially in rural thailand. Be careful not for everyone. I love it. I have spent 6+ years living in the sticks. Takes a little getting used to, but you can always run to the smoke for a few days R&R when it all gets on top of you.

  12. Repeated at 

    Saturday 19.10

    Sunday   02.10

    Very good programme about the real 'Bangkok Hilton' featuring prisoners Andrew Hawke and Michael Connell.

    ...and the life size concrete giraffe in the executions area to 'brighten up the place'.

    Thai times?

    Well its Sunday and 2.19pm and there is a French guy flying around in a light aircraft on BBC world at the moment?

  13. We also had a vist from a king cobra at least I think it was as it was just on dark hard to see and the dogs were going off so I walked around to have a look from where I was standing it looked to be 1 1/2 to 2 meters long it took off under the fence. I have started puting in sensor light around the house to make it a bit safer to walk at night. But they are real bad this time of year. I ride motor bikes/ push bike most mornings and lately I see about three every morning. A mate down the road has killed two in his toilet in the last week

    Watch your step


    I was visiting the in laws the other week in the middle of bum <deleted> no where. When I had occasion to use the outside latrine. On completing my business I reached for the bowl to clean the effected part, open which I noticed a rather large snake head peering out from behind the ong. It gave me quite a turn, in fact enough of a turn to cause me to leave the sanctity of the room with my trousers round my ankles. This gave my extended family and friend’s quite turn, and they all pretended not to notice.

    I explained what I had seen and my pregnant tiny wife grabbed a stick and charged into the Hong Nam followed at a distance by her elder brother. At this moment in time I was doing up my trousers, ‘honest guv’. After a short period of time a meter long + snake came out, followed by my wife and elder brother. The snake stood up and extended its hood. I now new that I had shared an intimate moment with a cobra. Brother and sister surrounded the snake. The snake spat at the brother (apparently 60% of Thai cobra’s can do this) and the wife struck it on the back with a stick and didn’t stop till it looked like jellow.

    I asked why they had killed it. The answer was they did not want it to return. Seems fair to me.

    I have since showered

    BTW if you do kill a snake crush the head, they can still bit when dead apparently.

  14. A few years ago a friend of mine who I used to work with found a very young girl newly employed in a short time bar. At the time she appeared to be quite pleasant to all. He felt sorry for her and moved her into his home in Thailand. I at the time was very single and enjoyed the pleasures of life. She was quite a pretty girl and seemed to get on with most people, but not me. I had a string of girls, basically a different girl every time she saw me. The hostility towards me started, it seemed to be her new quest. I think I made things worse by the fact that I completely ignored it and would sometimes go to their home with a new girl and she would be asked to make dinner for myself and the lady.

    She would come into a room say hello to everyone accept me, and glare at me sideways when she thought no one was looking. But of course they were looking. It was a source of amusement to all the fact that she had taken such a dislike to me for no apparent reason. I went off to work on a job in a different country and my friend followed shortly after that. The only way this girl could contact her boyfriend was to call my phone and ask to speak to him, probably this first time we had ever spoken.

    On returning to LOS everything was back to normal, but by now I had a permanent girlfriend. I could see her at the starting block trying to tell my new partner that I was a complete tart, but the new girlfriend never gave her the opportunity; as she already new that I was and did not want to hear it from her. This again made her even worse and she became hostile to my new lady, soon to become my wife. We again ignored it and would enter a room full of friends and the ladies would talk to my wife in preference to my friend’s girlfriend which again made matters worse. By this time it had been going on for over two years and was all getting a bit out of hand.

    My friend who is still my friend asked me to break the ice with his girlfriend and speak to her. I agreed as he was my friend, but in my heart of hearts new it would all be futile and of course I was right. My attempt to befriend this girl blow up in my face and I was given a tirade of abuse in a room full of people. I was accused of everything in a hysterical burst (Som num na) my friend and I agreed not to attempt that again and we both pulled my wife off his girlfriend.

    My friends relationship ended quite recently when she moved out of the house and into the house of a younger guy (who I believe was also a bit of a tart in his time). She also removed a 100K in baht from his bank account, leaving him a bit short for a while.

    Footnote: My wife and I are quite friendly with my friend’s new girlfriend.

  15. I used to be a regular SCT poster at the time LG was a posting

    I was an avid reader and lurker ( not poster )

    at that time too, fun wasn't it ??

    Last time I looked at SCT ( long time ago now ) it seemed to have

    degenerated into one large flame war :o

    TV seems the place to be now to get good information on Thailand. I do hope that it does degenerate the same way as SCT did. TV is moderated, so we should be OK. :D

  16. Camerata :  be carefull

    Remember the outcome of the Laurence Godfrey v. Demon Internet Limited case ??? LG won !!!!!    :o   :D


    I met Laurence Godfrey shortly after he won that case. I used to be a regular SCT poster at the time LG was a posting. Strange Guy indeed...... The demon case was not the first case that he won if I remember correctly.

  17. I have lived in Thailand for eight years and have had about 18 years experience of Thailand. I love the place and am still very happy to live here. But the more of us who move here the more the Thai's attitude changes towards us and it really is not getting better in my opinion.

    The best way to live in Thailand is to be able to support yourself independently in some form or another. To keep a fairly low profile, i.e. do not become the best friend of a Thai Policeman, even though they are the best police money can buy (sorry could not resist that).

    I’m not quite sure why some of you are attacking the content of the op when anyone who has lived here for any length of time knows it is reasonably correct. 'Caveat Emptor'

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