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Posts posted by mpdkorat

  1. I don't drink much beer but many of my friends do and they have asked this question so I'm turning it over to you..............

    Local beer is not expensive, foreign beer made "under license" is not expensive (Heineken, Guinness, Beck's are all made in Asean -- Malaysia mainly but also Thailand).

    Am I missing out somehow.. I pay 150 baht a can and it doesnt matter if I buy 20 or more cans.. Thats from Macro cash and carry.. on tap its 250 a pint locally.. All the cxans have the import alchohol sticker / seal on them...

    So can I get locally brewed Guinness ??

    i am like 99% sure Guinness is not under license to be brewed anywhere in AESAN

    Thanks for that :o What is that dark beer with the white head called that is coming out of Malaysia called, do you know?

  2. I think the OP was on about "thai" whisky, Sang Som, MeaKong, Mungorng Tong ect. Which in comparison to "thai" beer is a lot cheaper. You can but in beer(archa, chang ect) for about 25 bhat a bottle, but when you think a bottle of sang som is 130 bhat and you can get Mungorn Tong (very simular to sang som) for 90 bhat a bottle it is comparativly cheaper to drink whiskey. (they are wholesale prices BTW).

    Yes Thai whisky is cheap, the problem is it make yout ankles swell up and you go blind, <deleted> where has the keybaord gone #^%@*

  3. Duke, sorry you didn't see anything of value in my post, maybe if you expanded your thinking and opened your mind a bit more, you might get some points..

    It's not about Who you know, or even what you know... It's about what you do. It's about hustling. It's about details.  My teacher story was just an example of 'thinking outside the box', there's no limit to the income from such a simple idea as that, done on a large scale. Think a bit more about potential down the road, not just what you can put in your pocket today.

    Be creative. Don't set roadblocks for yourself, ie, "you need a fortune to make a fortune". Too many have proved that to be untrue.

    Broaden your thinking, and the world will become broader, too.  :o

    ''Thinking outside the box, broaden your thinking''. That goes without saying.

    It's not about Who you know, or even what you know'' Yes it is and at all levels of business.

    ''Be creative. Don't set roadblocks for yourself'' You do not need to set road blocks the Thai's will assist you on that one.

    Your teacher story was a good idea an extra 60,000 baht goes a long way here. But your not doing it now why?? Road block......??

    Yes you can make money with great effort and luck. Better to wait till you have it and wait to you are ready to chill out, then come here to retire, leaving most of your assets in your home country where they will be much safer for many reasons.

  4. I have been in Thailand, for two years, speak decent Thai compared to most of the farang, I have listened to. And have dated poor girls and rich girls, BG and non-BG, alike.

    From what I take of this forum, every topic that concerns women comes down to money..............everyone wants to be with a girl that cares about you and not your money, well there is only one sure way to know.

    Find a wealthy or middle class girl, and then tell her your poor.

    My last girlfriend I dated for 3 months, she had plenty of money because her family owned quite a few restaurants.

    She was constantly taking me out to places like the Hyatt, Convent, and Oriental.

    Did it work in the end? No.

    But I definitely knew that she wasn't after my money, because I consistently pretended that I made about 20% of what I actually do.

    Of course this scenario won't work for a poor isaan BG, but then again, if your 20 years older than a girl, you speak her language like a 2 year old, and you think she is with you for some reason other than money, than maybe you need to close the valve on the canister of nitrous oxide, that you've got your lips rapped around.

    Can you give me her phone number I could do with a few free meals. I'm even prepared to close the valve on a canister of nitrous oxide and rap my lips around it. Sounds like a blast........

  5. I usually get people to bring me over Branston Pickle, beef stock cubes cant think of much else. A lot of people bring their own tea bags and for me a real treat would be some

    Strange you should say that I have just had a conversation with a guy just in from the UK and he asked me what I needed. I said ''Branston Pickle and beef stock cubes'' You can get or make most things. Good bread I miss too, but this forum helped me solve that problem. I now get fresh bread in the morning.

    I had my dad post me some Garam Massala. I do like my curry's.....

  6. The situation in the UK is now ridiculous

    We have to employ blacks, pakistanis and other such people who are generally rude and lazy. We are not allowed to keep our own culture, practice our own religion in our own schools. Its not allowed to make someone feel as an outsider - for instance saying to an immigrant "I find your behaviour rude, its not the correct way to bahave in this country" is considered very racist. Personally when I live in another country I try to assimilate with the culture as far as possible.

    The situation now, we have many muslim communities who generally dispise the English people - the streets arent safe. As an English Brit many rural ethnic areas are out of bounds. You simply wouldnt go there, we are being outnumbered.

    ######ing Pakistani, arabs, Turkish.

    I hope one day to have England free from all those lazy people, because England never in its history went into a country imposing rules as in a colony.

    In actual fact, the reason there are so many Pakistanis in the U.K. is because however many years ago, WE were the ones who were too lazy to work in the corner shops etc... So we welcomed them to do the jobs for us, naturally they brought their families and had children and the rest is history.

    They came mainly from Kenya first then Uganda. I don't think that we were to lazy to run are corner shops, the Asians just organised it better. The West Indians were brought in for labour reasons.

  7. this kinda ties into my other post when i was mentioning the farangs that live in thailand.. any way
    Impossible whistling.gif (unless your a complete and utter ponce)

    i lived a fine lifestyle of being retired, getting drunk everyday, having as much parties as i wanted and unloading a lot..

    Where you drunk when you wrote this pissed, I mean post. For my benifit what is unloading a lot?

  8. 2500 pound can last a year in pattaya easily.  That also includes getting drunk every 2nd day ( calculated "getting drunk"= drinking a 26 of sang som )

    What planet are you living on :D 2500 pounds wouldnt last you 3 monthe let alone 1 year. I think you must have made a miscalculation somewhere, either that or you live in a carboard box and eat out of dustbins :o

    I need more than 2500 pounds per month!!! Sigh!!

    But at least I live well.

    With 5500 pounds, having housing and car/motorbike to rent, your life will look much more like the one of a MONK, but if you're happy ......

    OPS A MONK IN PATTAYA???? Am I missing something??

    I live off about 100K per month and I struggle some months. Better to save more money before you come. Nothing worse than watching others enjoying themselves while you are counting your pennies.

  9. Being tall in Thailand has it's drawbacks.

    You can never do anything surreptitiously. Virtually everyone sees you and recognises you.

    Headaches are normal (even without the booze). Door frames in Thailand are much lower than in the West.

    Toilets are invariably located under stairs requiring a lean back stance or a stoop, both of which result in wet shoes.

    Falling down hurts.

    I can agree with this. Also when you need to take a dump in a thai toilet i tell you what it is a long way down to the pan even in the ski jump position, an awful lot of splashback :o

    Talking about toilets why do the Thais like to make the entances lower. I'm always banging my head on the frame. One advantage of being shorter.

  10. I just think its more noticable with the asians.

    You really see it when they have lived here in aus or nz for a couple of years.

    In auckland three years back i rented a house to a korean family,came back from thailand 2 yrs later and i couldnt believe the size of the two boys who were 9 and 11.

    Sure its indulgence,but also inactivity,imho kids are a lot less active these days and dont do much to burn off all that sugar and carbos.

    They spend all their time in front tv,playstn,computer,

    Do you think that if people living in a culture where the children get fat even when good food is available is an indication of an indulgent attitude in that culture.   This is a question...not a flame and this includes many cultures...not just Thai culture.

    The three teenage kids that live next door to me never leave the house accept to go to school. They just Watch TV etc. Strange. I used to out in the morning and came back home at night when it got dark. Skipped lunch and climbed trees.

    I'm eating lunch now, but still climbing trees. Now I go out at night and come back in the morning....

  11. Not sure where to post this,  so it's going in here

    Did you know that every Chumwat has its own flag

    Animated gifs available here for all 76 Chumwats


    Choice of two sizes.   Free

    thanks Thetyim


    Just a suggestion, but if TV members put the name of the Chumwats under there members name it will help identify the name of the Chumwats.

    How did you put Pratchin Buri under your flag, not quite sure how to do it.

  12. Even after all these years am a little reticent to drink the rain water from the large concrete jars.Probably stems from living in the super sanitised UK for so many years.

    I have no problem drinking rain water straight from the jar; but find it difficult getting out of the jar after my thirst is quenched.

  13. If you could stretch your funds, dee jai, go for an international school to give the kid a proper chance. :o

    You're absolutely right, of course, but the problem is that international schools in Thailand are all run as businesses on a 'for profit' basis so the stretch is a pretty considerable one. ISB and Bangkok Pattana, which are generally considered to be the best and most established of the international schools, charge a one-time registration fee of B200,000, annual tutition of B600,000 or so, and a host of other small fees every year. There are other and cheaper international schools, of course, but as with most things in life, there are no bargains. You get pretty much what you pay for.

    Is Dulwich Collage in Phuket still called Dulwich Collage. ISR's in Pattaya; do they still have that ex head teacher from Rodean there. They were both quite pricey I believe.

  14. Just before six oclock this morning, Sunday, the door bell chimed bringing our peacefully sleeping household on to red alert. The cause of this rude intrusion into our dreams? The Electric man wanted his wedge. My wife whispered (as if not to wake the whole house) ' Don't nag him,it's his job' I duly paid the man with as much of a smile as I could possibly muster, and returned to my pit. To no avail. I was awake and that was that.

      Can you just imagine what chain of events that would unleash had that happened  in the U.K.? Or Australia. Or America.  :o

    Got up at 12.15pm today. Found the electric man sleeping outside my gate with my bill in his hand. I took the bill put the money in his hand and went back to bed.

  15. Do you think Thai's are getting fatter? I do. I first came here in the late 80's and you would occasionally see a Chinese shop owner’s son, who was over weight and was generally referred to as lovely. There seems to be a lot more of these lovely girls and boys these days. Is Thailand going the same way as Europe and the states?

  16. Old threads are sometimes resurrected - typically by Newbies browsing through all posts - and other members respond thinking that they a "current". This one here for example:


    I was wondering if threads could be closed automatically after a time period without  new posts being added.

    Or do we want them always to be open? 

    This would need a software change by Invision for sure.

    My fault will not do it again. Just didn't check the date of the previous post.

  17. Wanna start a new thread and tell us how Thailand works, and how the guys that come here work, and of course, how you work? :D

    i work a lot, 10 hours a day :o

    When referring to how middle- to -older aged men work i was thinking more towards the (admittedely this is a stereotype but in a lot of cases its true) way a lot of older people come over and meet their "wives" etc at the whore bar kinda thing, and buy them out of their somewhat seedy profession, and then settle down.. everyones different and everything but its just ive seen this happen a ton and the way some of these girls work some of these guys is amazing. Anyways people seem to be a bit testy so, take it easy.

    I think what you are trying to say is that sad old dried up men come over here to pick up nice fresh you girls from Bars? Is there a problem with that??

    There is no problem meeting your partner in a bar, as long as you make sure you both are happy and getting what you want, as long as you use a little common sense and do not run into it TOO blindly. Obviously there are dangers in hitching up with a bar girl, especially if they have been working for a few months. Then the dangers will increase as they have learned the ropes from the old die hard whores. Yes you are right that some old men come over here to find wife’s who are generally younger, but the bars are also frequented by younger men, but not quite so many. Why is that? More of a conscience or just that they do not have quite as much money as the older bar stool companion?

    Try going into the Marine Bar in Walking Street Pattaya, plenty of acne clad youths dribbling at the local totty there.

    I’m not being defensive; really I’m not that old. I just want you to look at yourself and your own behavior.

  18. 8 years.....  :D  been through - sars, bird flu, tsunami, motor bike accidents, crippled for 6 months, 9 wives (not really it was more like 10  :D )... It has been great!  :o

    8 years also (+ 10 years regular part time) 4 wives really, 3 katoys (couldn't swear to that) 1 horrendous motorcycle accident, 3 months being rebuilt. Lost a 6 bed mansion in Jomtien, a resort in Petchabun, two 4*4 trucks and more motor cycles than I can shake a stick at. My current wife (24 Years old) is now pregnant with my first child; I will be 48 when the kid is born. I’m getting fat and loving it here.

  19. Hello,

    im am from Germany ! FGor one week i have met a girl from udon thani living in Germany for 4 years now !

    I have never had a relationship with a girl from Thailand !

    Can someone tell me how a Thai girl show her love ! Sniff kissing /homme etc.etc ??

    She tells she loves me ! I have spoken with girlfriends of her and they all say she really loves me !!


    Try sniffing with your tongue in her month, if she reciprocates she really loves you. I have always used that as the Bench Mark from true love. Do not forget to use a condom though.

  20. You may not agree with him, but he is one of the most entertaining conversationalists I have ever met and I am quite happy to still call him a good friend after all these years.

    Not much of a writer, though, judging by the atrocious "book" on Thailand he was trying to publish.

    Speaking of books, might I suggest one that was given to me recently. It's called Siam Smile/s by "Hugh Watson" (not his real name) and published by Bangkok Books.

    I never heard or saw any book being written by LG on Thailand, even when I stayed at his house. But the book I have always found most helpful in understanding Thai ways from a Farang perspective is Neils Muldar's Everyday Life in Thailand, which I believe came out in an updated version under a new title some years ago.

    I can assure you he did write one. It was all about his personal experiences in Thailand. I read it, he wanted my opinion on it. I told him it was interesting and that if he was lucky might sell locally in Thailand.

  21. For such a quality of helmet you just wasted 244 Baht, when I want to ride with lower protection I just use a 5 Baht condom on my head ...... it fits perfectly :o

    Yes I like that idea!! Perhaps we could get Honda to take it up as a safety slogan.

    "Wear a condom and enjoy safe riding''

    BTW where do you buy condoms for 5 baht

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