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Posts posted by mpdkorat

  1. I am currently a little bemused with the customs here in thailand. I returned from the phils yesterday with my usuall 50 cartons of cigarretes of malbrough lights. I have been asked to put my bag through the x-ray which i have done before with exactly the same amount of cigs in, only this time they tell me i am under arrest for prohitited goods. I am then held in the airport for around 3 hours until they take me to some kind of big customs building i believe it was in bangkok, I am now a little worried as to what the ###### is going on. After some chap has told me that i am liable to pay 3980 baht per carton for fine i am even more shocked. The men then told me if i do not pay i will be taken to prison and wait until the judge can see me monday, this is friday evening so what am i to do, they take me with 4 men no uniforms in a car around to atm machines until i cannot draw any more out, they wanted over 200,000 but i could not get so they took 149,625, this was out rageous in my eyes, i have brought cigs before and they have never said anything. so a small fine would of been enough for me to realise not to do again. Now i know this must be a right long shot but is there anyway i can get any kind of money back, i am going back to england monday and all i have is a silly receipt that i cannot even read as its in thia, the british embassy was closed so there was not a lot i could do. Any comments/opinions welcome.

    One peed off brit in bkk :o

    You were lucky you were not arrested and spent some time in the gaol. If you did not take the money from the ATM thats where you would have been. A friend of mine had to lend someone 100K to get out of Nong Kai police station. I think his total bill in court was around 250K. My friend is still waiting for his money. He was bringing in 50 cartons too.

  2. I have just asked my good lady if she knows the name of her temple and she says hers dosent have a name its just called the same as her village name.

    One other thing she mentioned was ask her what clothes she will be wearing, according to the wife she says she should be dressed in white.

    Good luck with whatever you decide but i wouldnt throw away 2 years over a suspicion until i was fully aware of the facts.

    So her Wat does have a name then ‘Wat Village name’ but it will also have another name.

    Yes women wear white when they live in the temples, but not all of the time, you can wear regular clothing as well. I believe that they discourage the wearing of mini skirts, hot pants and see through blouses.

    I did know of a temple in Inverness Street, Kentish Town; run by a priest called Doctor Love. He insisted that his followers wore black, preferably PVC. He claimed that he could clear the passageways to you conscience, leaving you with an inner glow. I heard he was arrested outside a male toilet in Potters Bar, wearing a Mini skirt and high heel shoes.

  3. Good for her. I'm sure I would have written a book, bought a small guest house on the proceeds, calling it the Cell Block and spent the rest of my life selling carrot juice to sympathetic travelers.

    Well done Sandra!

    I have no idea how much in royalties she recieved from her book but if as you say she will open a guest house on the proceeds it will be a small one and she will be sorely restricted as to wher she can open it.

    As a convicted drug smuggler the list of countries open to her a very small, from what I read the conviction is for life and will never be "spent".

    Perhaps she could open a guest house in Skegness?

    Actually I meant I would have opened a guest house if I had been the one caught. But as I do not smuggle heroin I will never have the chance.

    It's not that difficult to travel too. The States, Australia might be a problem, but most other places you just lie about your convictions. Pattaya is full of people with colorful backgrounds.

  4. I am surprised no one has mentinoned the book forget you had a daughter by Sandra Gregory

    'If only someone would give me a chance,' she said, acknowledging the desperation in her voice.

    There are those who have expressed resentment about Gregory's early release, about her decision to write a book, even Oxford's decision to offer her a place was criticised by some sections of the press.

    'It hurts when all people can see is Sandra Gregory the drug smuggler. I hope now people can see beyond the crime.'

    Good for her. I'm sure I would have written a book, bought a small guest house on the proceeds, calling it the Cell Block and spent the rest of my life selling carrot juice to sympathetic travelers.

    Well done Sandra!

  5. One other thing the guy that I visited told me was when I asked him if he could transfer to a British Prison.  He told me he could, but it was widely considered that life in a Thai prison was much easier than life in British prisons.  Many of them didn't want to be among hardened criminals in the UK.

    Sounds strange, but I swear this is what he said.


    I saw an interview with a British woman who was transferred back to the UK to complete her sentence. She said the same thing. He comment was that while the conditions were tough in Thailand, it wasn’t a soulless place. She wished that she didn’t get transferred back, as the ‘nicer’ UK prisons are much harder to serve time in as the general population and prison staff were more hardened.

    Food for thought.

    This is what I have been led to believe too.

    Hard for a nice young backpacker serving time for having heroin in his bag to give his cell mates a blow job. Having said that horses for courses........ I can just see the old lag serving time for robbery in Wormwood Scrubs welcoming the new inmate from Thailand. “So you think the Bangkok Hilton was tough then, get your lips around this hansom man”

  6. Turn Thailand into an ecological paradise like it was only say 60 years go for the last 500 years or so.

    Get rid of all chemical bases agriculture and farming practices and go 100% organic all the way.

    Promote the original Thai ways in farming, aquaculture, fishing, etc as well as the arts and music.

    Thailand will have so many tourists coming they wont know what to do with them all.

    Tourist are afraid of all the environmental hazards of this country and think its just a bit too risky to come here and get poisoned from all the toxic technologies in place presently.

    Follow the Thai Kings examples of self-sufficiency and 100 % natural farming and you will see everything change quickly!

    You are so right!!! But there is just one problem with your theory. Once you get it back to how it should be, people would return and spoil it again. I think Thailand is fast running out of places to spoil. I really enjoyed Tak Province. I believe Isaan was like that once.

  7. I heard that left handed people use a different part of the brain which makes them more creative.  Also, their live expectancy is meant to be on average less than the right handed people by 10 yrs, sorry Daleyboy. :D

    Can someone confirm?

    D4mm looks like i will have to wipe my ar5e with my right hand from now on

    Right handers usually use paper :D

    Or the "Bum Gun"... :o

    totster :D

    Wish I was left handed. Bum gun just exploded in my hand flooding the toilet.

  8. I think that most Thai's know the name of their village temple unless they are a little thick. We are assuming it is her home local temple aren't we?

    A lot of temples are known by more than one name and it does in fact seem that sometimes even local people don't know any of them. I remember once driving around a particular district in Ubon trying to find a temple that we had the name of. It took ages. People umm and aahed and asked other people and we got sent to other temples. The best thing to do turned out to be asking a monk.

    As long as she can tell you exactly where the temple is, I wouldn't be that worried about her not knowing the name

    You may have a point. I just asked my wife to give me the name of her local Wat, after giving me the names of four local Wats I told her that was enough??

  9. Clear out the lager louts, clean up the streets, re-liberalise the licensing laws and hours of operation, improve the infrastructure, get rid of the peadophiles, allow go-go's / clubs to operate within a common decency standard (no live f#cking, razor blades, etc.), get rid of corruption in the police force (haha), put the skytrain all the way to Walking Street Pattaya (you'll thank me DaveT), get rid of the beggers and hawkers selling cr@p, protect foreigners rights in local or legal disputes, allow foreign ownership of property, license ALL providers to the tourist industry operating in Thailand, clamp down on the crazy and sometimes non-existant driving standards, arrest the criminals / Drug sellers, reduce the Chinese package tours and most importantly only ever serve me a beer that is Ice Cold...no excuses ! !

    Sounds like a winning election manifesto. You just need to give every Changwat 5 million baht each and you will definitely get in. I suggest you call your party Farang <deleted> Thai Party (FFT). This could be the start of something great!

  10. Agree with Thetyim, its not that unusual for girls, as well as boys, to enter the Temple for a while. Especially if told to by a monk or if she/her fa,ily think she needs some time to reflect (on what's been or what's to come). I don't think a month is that unbeleivable - I know guys that have spent 3 months as 'temporary' monks.

    As to the Temple name, she might have thought you wanted the English translation of the name - thus, she dosn't know. These are usually in Pali, so Thais do not necessarily know the meanings. Mybe she doesn't remember - sometimes a local Wat has a 'pet' name

    I think that most Thai's know the name of their village temple unless they are a little thick. We are assuming it is her home local temple aren't we?

  11. okay let me get this right, she has been with you for 2 years, you basically look after her and her family.  why on earth would she want to return to the bar?!?  have you been treating her right?  its not like being a bar girl is anything people aspire to, let alone miss it enough to want to return to that life.  i don't see it.  these girls get into the bar business so that they could end up with a farang, travel the world and basically live contentedly for the rest of their lives! 

    some of you out there really have issues.

    Unfortunately that is not the way it works a lot of the time. Many bar girls get a buzz out of working in bars, until they tire, then go home, then tire of home and go back to the bars. Have you not heard ''You can take the girl out of the bar, but you can not take the bar out of the girl’’?

    I'm not saying that in this case it is, but the fact that she does not know the name of the Wat is just a little strange in my opinion. It is also true that females do go into temples for a period of time for the strangest of reasons.

    PLUS not all Thai girls like being out of Thailand, even though most girls that have never been abroad dream about going, but once they get the chance, a very large percentage just want to get home.

    If you are not sure check it’s not that difficult….. Up to you……

  12. Let us imagine you were appointed Minister with responsibilities for tourism in Thailand. What innovative new ideas would you introduce to improve tourism in the country?

    I have two ideas (from the top of my head):

    1. The Thai tourist authority should attach itself to every major international sporting event eg Open golf championships, Cricket Test Matches, Super bowl, FA Cup  etc. etc. offering the winners plus families a 14 days free luxurious holiday in Thailand. The only conditions being i) control of all photographs on boarding and departing Thai Airlines ii) winners must offer one day during their holiday to meet the press and public.

    2. Start a Thai Culture Youth Work Program, inviting young people (farang) between 19-26 to visit Thailand at specially reduced prices. These young people will be offered lectures on Thai history, Buddhism, Thai music and dance etc; they will have to work about 4 hours everyday in some labour intensive (agricultural etc.) Thai industry, for this they will receive guided tours of all the sights of cultural and historical importance in Thailand. Accommodation will be basic but clean. This, if managed correctly, will create young ambassadors for Thailand who will naturally promote the land as an ideal place to visit.

    Hey Tom isn't there enough farangs here already?

  13. When either a farang or a Thai is apprehended by the police, do they have a right to fix the penalty (ie fine) there and then or do we have a right to insist on going to court.


    Speeding or overtaking on a white line

    Dropping a cigarette butt (even when you are a non smoker)

    Allegedly causing a problem in a bar.

    Etc etc

    Many times farangs are picked on by the Police and not knowing their rights just pay up - sometimes many many thousands.

    What eaxctly are ones rights

    I just pay. I do not worry about the ticket. I hope I will be able to continue to pay. I hate going to the police station. A pox on honest cops!!

  14. I started a topic lately on house design, but members started posting opinions on other matters, and it became less about house design and more about the use of toilet tissue and the impact on the sewer system.So I have posted a new topic inviting people to ask why thais do what they do. So post your Thai quirks and answers here!

    Here are a few whys to kick start the process.

    Why do thais have toilet rolls on the dinning table and a bowl in the toilet?

    Why do they add ice to a cold beer?

    Why do the red buses stop where ever they want to, even when it holds up traffic?

    Why do the roads have lines when no one stays in their lane?

    Why do thais have such a mai bpen rai attitude?

    Because it works...........

  15. So the first digit (in the "hundreds" position) will always be "x" - the number of times you want to drink

    and the last two digits will obviously be your age (this year - birth year) - unless you're 100 years old or more :D

    Next! :o

    Cheers for that. I'm a Maths idiot (nearly failed it at GCSE ! )

    Hey custard can you help me with this GSCE thing. Sounds like a venereal disease I keep failing those tests. BTW I'm an idiot too. :D

  16. Hey,

    I will be travelling to Thailand for 6 weeks in 2 weeks time. I know that when I enter the country i'll be automatically on a 30 day tourist but someone has brought to my attention that I will need an additional visa even though I will be leaving Thailand for Laos and re-entering.

    Is this true? From what I have read online and on message boards I guess it's ok once I leave and re-enter.


    You do not need a Thai visa but you will need a visa for Loas. Can get that in Nong Kai, but you are in the wrong forum old boy.

    Yeah I am aware of the the Laos visa for 30 dollars. Sorry about using wrong forum



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