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Posts posted by Phuketboy

  1. some of your comments are unbelievable......NONE of you have any idea what happened but you've all blamed something or someone. He is a tourist, he doesn't know that you walk away from a Thai confrontation, it may not have involved alcohol........wasn't a farang bar owner recently bashed and had his throat cut with a broken beer bottle by a few Thai teens over a dispute because the Thai's were sitting on the farangs scooter, none of you have any idea what has happened with this Aussie kid. What we do know is that too many foreigners are being viciously assaulted and/or killed in Thailand and something needs to seriously change eg; Thai attitudes to tourists and Foreigners.

    Actually I do know what happened. The Aussie is in the Australian army and was here on R and R after doing military training in Malaysia. He was drunk and got into an argument with a few Thai's. Instead of letting it go, he wanted to continue and fight. This was the result. The Thai also got stabbed by the Aussie, which isn't mentioned here. He will be reprimanded by his superiors once he recovers and can return home.

  2. This is what happens if you take a convicted pedo seriosuly, i told the whole forum he was a glory hunter from day one.

    So it seems it's the reward offered by the public, which was 714,000 but has now been reduced to 700,000 after (expenses?) versus 1 million that says the family has done nothing wrong but hasn't supplied DNA....plus the undisclosed fee for private police to chase Sean into fear....maybe another 2 milll..

    and another cop in dark sunnies looking just a little sus.pointing at a reward sign...but this is not the I didn't do it or I'll give you a million sign, this is the other one.....story just gets better..when will the official forensic reports reveal that Hannah was raped after she was SHOT and then attacked with a Hoe to cover the wounds and then raped after death...I have solid advice from those that know this is what happenned..photos prove it....where is the justice?

    Ozzy, the 1 million was offered IF THEY COULD find any evidence to suggest that one of those family members were involved. NOT to say they didn't do it. Therefore, if the police wanted that money, it would be in their best interests to try and link the family to the murders. Gee, I wish people would read things correctly, before putting the wrong twist on things.

  3. An increase in tourists???? Where the hell are they then? If anything there are less tourists here than there were this time last year. The other thing they fail to mention is the demographics of the people coming. At present we are seeing Chinese and Russian tourists, but these people do not support local businesses such as restaurants, bars and shops. Most are doing group tours where everything has been organised prior to their arrival. We are definitely not seeing these tourists going out and spending and partying.

  4. I think it's strange how one morning they are saying that Thailand didn't have the technology to be able to do thorough DNA testing to the point of establishing the race of the person/people. Then when the FBI were going to look at it, that same afternoon, they all of a sudden they had done the test and established it was of Asian decent. What a miracle, that they could get this technology so quick, or was it that they didn't want the FBI involved because they would uncover a lot more than what was wanted here. I say bring in the FBI and let them take care of the investigation.

  5. Nothing will be done if you don't report him. Maybe they will get one report and keep it on file, but if they are constantly getting reports from different people they will do something. It's slack <deleted> like yourself, who jump on here and complain rather than actually doing something about it, that is half the problem.

  6. Please K. Somchai how dis they get the vehicles out of the secure warehouses in the first place ?

    Oh my brain hurts.

    "I'm just popping-out with it, to the local discoount wash/wax/dry service down the road, no need to make a record of this conversation" ? rolleyes.gif

    Capt. Lawrence Oates of the Customs Dept., " I am just going out, I may be some time ".

    PS. So may the cars.

    If you read the article it clearly states that they had been taken out of the warehouses and put on public display but not returned. There is no law against putting them on display, but due to them not being returned, they have now committed tax evasion.

  7. I have thought about doing the same but there is nothing here, that I have found really interesting. Maybe I have to be looking around Bangkok but there is nothing here with real performance and a hotted up honda civic is just a girly as a as the next one. Coming from having cars back home with at least 400hp plus GTR, EVO, FPV F6, HSV Clubsports, HSV Maloos I really want something like this here. I might be wrong but unless you are paying big big money you are not going to find anything of this nature or equivalent to. Am I wrong here, or does true performance just not exist here?

  8. Goodness, you talk a lot of nonsense on here. You were earning 1,000,000 (1 million pounds a year) annually when you worked for yourself !!!!

    Then you go on to state that its not always about the money.

    You have said before that you are teaching now to supplement your hotel empire !

    Soooooo which is it.............. money's not important but you need it for your business empire.............. or................... you work for free ! blink.png

    Money's not important........... pfffffffffffft.

    The minimum wage for a foreign worker is dependant on the region your from, however for most of Europe, Australia, America etc it's 50,000. I can't believe people have taken jobs for less than this.

    Why is it always about the money? As an employee in the UK, I earned 550,000 baht/month salary, rising almost 4,000,000 baht/month when I worked for myself, (yes I have got my number of zeros correct).

    If I want to teach in Thailand for 30,000 baht/month, then that's my choice. But please 'streamline' the visa/WP process.

    I live in Thailand, but usually teach in Cambodia, Lao PDR and Myanmar, where the process for obtaining a WP is so much easier, (or no WP at all, in the case of Myanmar)

    There is much more to life than just money....

    Sounds like Simon43 speaks a lot of crap.

  9. Went to school with these girls and was friends with her sister Mercedes. These girls have stated many times they have never touched drugs but here are some facts. Both girls experimented with drugs at parties (have seen with my own eyes), their father was a known dealer and a few other people I knew at the time got gear off him. So based on this you can make your own assumptions. I to this day firmly believe that her father got her to carry the drugs maybe unwillingly over to her sister who was and still is living in Indonesia with her husband and children. Her father is a real piece of work, knowing that he only had a short time to live, he could have stated that he set his daughter up, which he most likely did. If he did, he would have been in prison serving time for no more than 3 years when he died and Schapelle would have been able to return to Australia to continue her life. Such a waste, but play with fire and one day you will get burned.

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  10. Strange comments... Russia is already in the process of invading Ukraine and you are blaming US and Europe. The separatist leader in a public interview said that there some 4,000 Russian citizens and military personnel 'on leave' fighting on the side of separatists. There are satellite images showing Russian armored vehicles crossing into Ukraine. Perhaps you even still believe Putin that there is no Russian military in Ukraine?

    Everybody loves to blame America. I think it's time to show Russia that we don't play. Russia is only s shell of their former self. They don't have the clout anymore.

    I'm not advocating war. That should be the last thing America should do. War doesn't benefit anyone, and Russia has a nice supply of nukes. Hurting Russia economically is the way to go. No country is going to come to Russia's defense.

    America and it's allies must set the tone. We also need to get China on our side. America has been in the process of putting troops in SE Asia. Hopefully, we don't have to use them.

    Thank god we have a president who can think critically and is rational. Imagine if Bush was president? We would have American troops amassed on the Russian border!

    It's a war between 2 countries and America need to stay out of it. America love to get involved in others problems and that is the problem. Russia has North Korea and China on their side, if it does break out which we all hope it won't, America would want to be damn sure they are ready.

  11. About time this happened, good on them for arresting this lot. It needs a strong arm to enforce the law not people who are scared and shaking in their boots. It seems that we finally have people who are willing to work and clean up this scum from the streets. Personally, I would cancel their licence, confiscate their tuk tuks, crush them and then send them the bill. It's easy enough done.

  12. Yep, I had an accident of my own some 5 months ago and ended up rear-ending some old fart who slowly eased out of his lane to prepare to take a right onto a small side road while I was trying to pass him. I guess no one ever bothered to teach him how to properly apply the brakes and use the right-hand turn signal and THEN TURN so I ended ramming him in the rear and that was that. Of course I had every reason to be angry with the old country bumpkin's reckless driving but why bother? Where would it get me? Anyway, down to the police station and I'M the one who had to pay the 400Bt fine because I hit him in the rear (That's Thailand for ya, if you hit someone from behind you are ALWAYS wrong) but my insurance guy showed up and after 2 hours I was out of there. It really pissed me off, though. This is the first accident I've been in since I've been here (10 years) and my truck was less than a year old (Mazda Bt-50 4-door 3.2) but the real pain in the ass was having to wait almost 5 months just to get my front windshield replaced. Thank goodness the body damage was minimal so that was taken car of in about a month but the windshield took FOREVER. Anyways, not a good experience at all so remember 2 important things before you buy a car or truck and hit the road: 1) Never, NEVER assume that the other drivers around you know how to drive or understand the basics of driving because many, many don't. Therefore, ALWAYS be ready for some idiot to do something stupid because they will and you'd better be prepared for it. It will happen every day. 2) If you do wreck your vehicle, your dealer and/ or insurance company is not going to be in a hurry to get your car or truck back on the road again and sometimes it will take months before your car or truck is back to its original condition.

    Not just in Thailand but in Australia as well. If you run up the arse of someone else you are at fault because you should be leaving enough room to allow to brake if something should happen. Basically, if you run up the arse of someone you are either travelling too close or not paying attention.

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  13. A vehicle is only as safe as its driver

    Spot on...

    see above - a totally facile comment (par for the course?)

    See above, a completely sensible comment, one can wrap themselves in bubble wrap for safety and if you can't drive capably no amount of "safety" features or vehicle size is going to help you or the others around you on the road. I drove a small SEAT Cordoba there for years and guess what? No reason to feel unsafe, in fact felt/feel VERY safe as did/does my family, because of WHO was/is driving the car they ride in..

    I would be more concerned about the other drivers on the road, especially here. You could be the best driver in the world, but if your surrounded by idiots who can't drive to save themselves then the chances of having an accident rise considerably. The only thing one can do is buy the safest car possible and drive with caution.

  14. Think I might go and work as an accountant somewhere. I haven't studied it and don't have a degree in accounting, but running businesses for many years and have worked with figures and money daily. Would anyone of you hire me to do your accounts? Probably not right? So why on hell do these people think they can come and teach here? Get a degree so you know what you are doing, then you can go looking for teaching jobs. When looking for a school for my daughter I asked the question, do all your teachers have degrees? If they didn't there was no way in hell I was sending my daughter there. As it was we found a great school, with a fantastic english program all taught my REAL teachers with degrees.

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