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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 21 minutes ago, jrjrjr said:


    and you you would have until the rest of your life to dream about it ❤️

    if anybody could do anything I would know it maybe, I am renting 20+ condo in BKK and Pattaya...

    So yes, keep dreaming about your marvelous powers ❤️




    Maybe something like this will happen in Thailand too.. fining tourists seems to fit with Thai thinking ????

    • Haha 1
  2. Just now, jrjrjr said:


    and you you would have until the rest of your life to dream about it ❤️

    if anybody could do anything I would know it maybe, I am renting 20+ condo in BKK and Pattaya...

    So yes, keep dreaming about your marvelous powers ❤️


    I think going Price is below 50k for Thai hitmen... Make that in a month... 

    I take it you're a psychopath then.. no remorse no empathy for others.. 

    Or maybe I'm wrong and it's just the way it goes in Pattaya.. I guess in place like Pattaya you have to expect some noise from neighbors. Good luck on ya. 


    • Thanks 1
    • Haha 1
  3. 7 minutes ago, jrjrjr said:


    yes no problem, I only print fake 1 month contracts and if someone asks why customer left earlier I just have to find a stupid excuse. Whatever condo management think, they have to evidence and I am safe ❤️



    You are laughing when I ask if you feel bad for your neighbors? Is that because u think they are fine or are you a psychopath?

    • Haha 2
  4. 18 hours ago, oldlakey said:

    You are obviously more of a threat to Thailands very existence than the annual heap of bodies 

    With my business Visa and work permit?

    Ofcourse you think I'm an overstayer. Would make sense.


    I'm just disappointed every time they have a crackdown and the crackdown is not for road safety. I spend lots of time on the roads and so do my loved ones and I don't want any of us to get hurt. This should be top priority. But it's not. 


    I understand that immigration police is not traffic police... But still... Annoying that nothing gets done about road safety...need to vent.


    • Like 1
  5. Are most of these overstayers also doing other crimes? If not, why bother? Use the resources to fix road safety instead... I drive 2 hours every day on the world's most dangerous roads and I haven't had my license checked since Songkran... Meanwhile these morons gotta check my passport every 90 days... Oh well...mostly young Thai men dying on the roads anyway....the same ppl who should be fighting for democracy .. sorry for rant lol.

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  6. 2 hours ago, LolaS said:

    I live there, no where to be seen or felt smoke or air polluion

    I live in northern hang dong (just South of outer ring road and on Monday they burned in the moo baan on the other side of a field from my moo baan. The smell was Terrible. But it lasted only a few hours.

  7. 2 minutes ago, Munson said:


    Nonsense, high THC Full Plant Extract cannabis oil is used for many conditions, including curing cancer. 

    In many cases the high is part of the cure.

    Call it placebo if you Will but feeling positive and high actually boosts the immune system or something. In clearly not a doctor but it seems to make sense.

    • Like 2
  8. 36 minutes ago, lincolnshire poacher said:

    Smoking anything is a bad idea, there are numerous other ways of using it.

    I remember Adam Faith starring in a TV program many years ago that explored the different ways of promoting it when it became legal. Marijuana chocolate anyone ?

    People will still smoke. At least if it's legal there's a bigger chance of finding clean products that are not completely soaked in dangerous chemicals/pesticides.

    The market for buying edibles and vaporizers would blossom too. Reducing harm further.


  9. 14 minutes ago, mike324 said:

    Yes the system sucks, that is why I'm looking forward to fx companies such as transferwise.  At the moment everyone is in chains. The industry is changing fast, just hope Thailand would allow transferwise to operate by sending money out of the country too. 

    Transferwise is a good alternative.

    Sadly they have some semi-hidden fees... For example if you fund a transfer with a company/business credit card they add extra 1.5% making it total 2.5% in fees.. meaning they charge 2500THB for a 100k transfer.. I'm pretty sure it's the <deleted> credit card companies / banker cartels fault but...just saying...

    I still use transferwise for all my transactions into Thailand.

    • Like 1
  10. 56 minutes ago, Ling Kae said:

    You forgot the fees. The sending bank fees and the receiving banks fees. It adds up to a lot. These days a lot of people are just bringing CASH, no fees and better rates than the TT rates and no 220 baht foreign Card ATM charges.

    Yes, I did forget about that.

    Swedish Banks don't add a fee to send money, they try to take it by making the exchange themselves and they have a really bad rate.

    I never noticed any fees when receiving here in Thailand (KTB). How much are the fees from the receiving bank?


    *Edit* scratch that. Bank in Sweden charges flat fee of 50SEK (~180THB) for transfers outside EU.

    They also charge 40SEK for taking incoming transfer from outside EU.


    God I hate banks.


    That being said, unless the receiving Thai bank charges huge amounts and the fee is flat for receiving I would still do the transfer rather than bringing cash for big amounts.

    0.2% penalty + 50SEK+200THB fees is definitely worth it for large transfers.


  11. 1 hour ago, cat handler said:

    Ha ha ha, really, so she lied and expects a court to believe her or anyone for that matter. Here let me show what a lie does to your CREDIBILITY, “Kate accuses James of breaking into her home, raping her and and stealing all her underwear, a police investigation finds at the time James was serving Jury Duty and couldn’t possibly have committed the crime. A year later Kate accuses James of breaking into her home and raping her and stealing her underwear, this time James doesn’t have an verifiable alibi and denies committing the crime.” So who would you believe?


    People are not perfect and people can tell lies and truths in the same conversation. Just because she lied about motorbike doesn't mean she lied about getting raped. Ofcourse it also doesn't mean that she didn't lie about getting raped. 


    Ofcourse it hurts her case, I'm not stupid.


    Goes both ways, lets say he forced her on the motorbike under gunpoint, it doesn't prove that he raped her.

    It would hurt his case, and he may be found guilty based on it. Innocent people are found guilty all the time.


    It's possible in reality that he forced her on the bike and then didn't rape her.


    No matter what happened regarding the motorbike trip it doesn't prove 100% what happened after. 


    She also has a good reason to lie about getting on the bike.


    Is it possible that she got on the bike of free will? Ofcourse.

    Is it possible that she then got raped? Ofcourse.


    If that is what happened, then she has a good reason to lie about getting on the motorbike of free will. Because she would be afraid that the cops wouldn't believe her if she said she followed him. Ironic..


    Not sure if your mind is capable of holding all these conflicting ideas at the same time and see all the possibilities... But if you can you will see what I'm trying to say.

  12. 18 minutes ago, Ling Kae said:

    You still got to load with money coming from home and that is not free and the rate is far lower than exchanging cash at a Exchange booth. 

    In my experience the rate is really good if you transfer from a foreign bank into a Thai bank. The trick is to not allow the foreign bank to make the currency exchange and let the Thai bank do it.


    Todays SCB TT buying rate for USD is 32.25.

    Super rich is 32.29.

    Super rich is slightly better. But you said far lower, and that's just not true.

    It differs less than 0.2% 

  13. 17 minutes ago, cat handler said:


    Yes, and he FORCED her onto a motorbike in busy Walking Street, that makes perfect sense if your a bar girl.

    It is possible that she lied about this part and still told the truth about everything else.

    Look, I will do it now. 1+1 = 3. 2+2= 4.

    It's also ofcourse possible she lied about everything.

    It's also possibly a translation issue. Maybe he actually coerced her to come on the motorbike.

    Or maybe she did come out of her own will and too ashamed to admit it.

    Just because you are victim of a crime doesn't mean you can't lie about some part of the story. I wouldnt recommend lying but shit happens. The world is not black and white. Sometimes the victim tells a lie. 

    It's not uncommon for any victims of a crime to leave out any self incriminating or embarrassing part of the story.


    Don't get me wrong, it sounds like I'm trying to do mental gymnastics just to defend her at all costs.

    I know that women can be crazy and fabricate stories like this completely. It's very possible she is lying about everything. But the motorbike part doesn't really tell...

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