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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 10 minutes ago, KKBrian said:

    I think everyone immediately felt sorry for her and believed her story.

    But what if she is lying?

    The police have charged him with rape without evidence that is worrying.

    Then the poor tourist from the UK is told she is lying when she calls rape from a Thai.

    Surely to charge someone with rape and kidnapping they woill need some solid evidence this is a serious alleged crime.

    If he is guilty he deserves all he gets but what if he is innocent?


    Cops can be extremely good at sensing who is lying and who is telling the truth.... That being said...TiT

  2. 42 minutes ago, orchis said:

    how does one 'get forced onto a motorbike'?

    Yeah that makes no sense...

    Could be shitty journalism.

    Could be he somehow threatened her and she got scared / couldn't think straight.

    Could be that she lied about this part because she regrets getting on the bike and thinks if she tells that she got on the bike of her own free will then nobody would believe the rest.


    Or it could be she lied about everything.


    No idea... He said she said...


  3. On 9/8/2018 at 2:21 PM, jak2002003 said:

    Maybe you are the one with the mental issue of sugar addiction.


    I know you have great faith in that myth.  But for the benefit of the other posters:


    High sugar foods do cause a release in dopamine (the feel good neurotransmitter), BUT so does listening to music, having sex, exercise, eating any food that tastes good, petting you cat, and a foot massage.  


    From a biological view, the amount of dopamine released from high sugar food is nowhere near the same released from addictive drugs like heroin and cocaine!!!!!  Sugar does not destroy brain cells, as heroin and cocaine do....nor does sugar cause an intensive painful and physical withdrawal like these addictive drugs.  


    From a psychological view, humans crave the things we are forbidden to have.  So if you think you are addicted to sugar, you will think sugar is bad.  You will see sugary snacks and food.. tell yourself you can't have them... and then..... you want them, crave them, and then eat them.  Then it feels like you are actually addicted to sugar.


    And, please don't say it's a conspiracy theory... from the multi million dollar sugar giants lol.  


    Again... like many other posters have said, just consume less calories each day than your body needs... you will loose weight!!!  









    "Rapid swings in blood sugar levels caused by eating too much sugar or too little sugar can sometimes cause headaches" 





    Mental addiction is not a myth.. but I understand what you are saying.. but I think you are wrong.. it's not from I heard it's real and therefore I got it.. it comes from those swings you get when you drink a sugary drinks for example. For a while you feel a boost in dopamine from the sugar.. and also increased energy.. then comes a crash.. and you crave more... Nothing mythical about it... Just basic brain chemistry... Brain starts associating sweets with a dopamine boost.. this is mental addiction.. but it's not a myth. 


    But mental addiction comes with physical symptoms. The symptoms are real.. sweating. Headache. Dizziness. All mental. But all real. 


    Mental addiction can be way way harder to stop than physical.


    You think mental means not real or ?? Or you think mental addiction is easy to overcome?? I don't understand how you thinking..  hehe I'm sure you mean well but...



    PS. I'm on your page that calories is the key ... But my road there is different.. what I'm saying is that the easiest way to reduce calories is by cutting out sugar... But we both want the same thing to lose weight. And that is to reduce calories... Keto doesn't work unless it reduces your calories.. and it does because it's hard to eat too many calories from fat and protein.



    Edit: another link.. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/m/pubmed/15987666/


    So if sugar triggers a dopamine release that's clearly addictive.. and it's not because it's "forbidden" .. or even if it is.. the easiest way to overcome it and losing weight is to go cold turkey IMHO.. but a gradual decrease could also work but seems way harder... At least it never worked for me... 




    My final word on this matter is that if someone has a hard time cutting calories they should at least experiment with cutting out sugar completely.  Probably even do that as the first attempt.



    • Like 2
  4. 13 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

    They say losing weight, and I have studied and dieted for years, is 75% what you eat, as in calorie intake, and not more than 25% exercise, unless you are an exercise fanatic!


    At 50Kgs and Thai, I don't really mind how tall or short she is, I doubt very much she is overweight and this is probably just a vanity trip.


    The less you need to lose, the harder it is to get off as well. They say one of the very best exercises is speed walking for losing weight along with a balanced diet. Yes, it is true that cutting carbs speeds up weight loss and this has been proved that the human body absorbs protein much more slowly. So, if you go on a high protein diet, low carbs, the body takes the path of least resistance and uses up the carbs first, hence quicker weight loss.


    However, it is also said when people come of these diets, such as Atkins which is very low carbs, then they overeat and compensate and often end up heavier than when they actually started weight watching.


    In all diets guys, it is a simple fact of calories burned against calorie intake. If you burn more than what you consume, you will lose weight provided there are no medical reasons.

    I think you miss a key element. The mental aspect. The addiction to sugar. Tackle this and everything else is automatically better / good.

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, jak2002003 said:

    Suggesting that someone stop eating all food for up to 6 weeks to loose weight is just stupid and dangerous!  Your body needs nutrients, vitamins, minerals, amino acids etc to stay healthy.  Depriving it of these for weeks will result in damage to your health.


    I read through all these posts and I see the same old weight loss myths popping up.


    To loose weigh the healthy and less stressful way is simply this:


    Consume fewer calories each day than your body needs.


    Slow weight loss over several weeks / months is the way to go.  This way the weight will stay off.  Quick fix diets may loose some weight, but once over people tend to get even heavier than they were before the diet.


    Exercise is healthy for your heart and body... but not useful for any real weight loss as it really only burns a small percentage of the calories up.  Your bodies own metabolism uses up most of the calories.. even just resting.  


    Choose to eat healthier foods (ones with lots of fiber, lower in calories).  Give up all the processed junk food... fast food, sweets, cakes, pies etc.. and ALCOHOL (which has a lot of calories in it).  Choose foods that will make you feel full and are slow to digest.


    No need to torture yourself with fasting, eating disgusting tasting slimming foods, getting chemical injections or tablets and the rest on the nonsense.


    And, those people thinking carbs are bad, or coconut oil is super, go and look at the latest research findings!!!!





    You miss the most important part. It's the addiction to carbs. Everybody that I know that is overweight is addicted to sugar. 

    Telling them to count calories and eat less doesn't work unless they have insane discipline or motivation (if they had this they wouldn't be overweight anyway). It simply doesn't work.

    Keto, cutting out sugar almost completely or completely means you are actually tackling the sugar addiction issue. When you eat mostly fat you can try to eat as much as you want and you will still lose weight. Because nobody that I know can eat so much fat without feeling absolutely horrible. It's very easy to control the amount of calories then.


    You don't have to go keto. But it's the best way IMHO to tackle sugar addiction. 


    And the problem is almost Always sugar addiction.


    Now you will quote some research saying that sugar addiction is not real. Go ahead. Won't change my mind.



    • Like 1
  6. 11 minutes ago, Esso49 said:

    And now he is smoking pot whilst live streaming.   It may well not be illegal but really is this the  correct image of a sane billionaire ?   Howard Hughes must have been his role model.

    He took on puff and didn't even inhale. He looked at Joe Rogan and and said it had no effect on him.

    This tells us he never smoked pot. A good thing for him probably. Shows how innocent he is. Cute really.

  7. 19 hours ago, janclaes47 said:

    No it is not ridiculous. My understanding from Musk's own comments is that Vernon was offered free legal services, so he better sue in every country that is concerned in this defamation case. The more court cases the better, as they are all independent, and will carry different charges.



    Well he was here 3 months ago, and maybe one day he will return, or be on a flight that makes a stopover in Thailand.

    Don't these countries have some kind of double jeopardy rules? Otherwise it would be much more common to sue ppl in multiple countries?? I think the UK us and Thailand is just a first negotiation tactic. This will be settled out of court. 

    If not he will pick one of those countries I guess??

    Please correct me if I'm wrong and excuse my ignorance ?

  8. 1 hour ago, mizou198 said:

    It's not about justify. It's trying to explain and share opinions about what leads her to her death.


    This is crystal clear for me :


    If you always drive too fast, expect one day to get an accident 

    If you like to fight, expect one day to get beaten

    If you use drugs, expect one day to make an overdose


    And if you repeatedly scam people, expect one day to meet a bad one...


    She is partly responsible, for what happen to her.


    It's not victim blaming, it s statistics. The more dangerously you live, the more problems you get

    If you live you will die. So you are partly responsible for your death because if you didn't live in the first place you wouldn't die .

    • Confused 1
    • Sad 1
  9. 3 hours ago, Bluespunk said:

    And is continued in your post. 


    She destroyed no ones life. 


    She was just living hers. 


    You don't like someone seeing more than one person, then move on. 


    But those suffering from fragile male ego syndrome can’t do that. 


    For them it’s all about possession. 

    You don't know that,,, and I don't either... So I'm not gonna say much,,,,, but it's possible she was LYING while TAKING TONS OF MONEY from these guys,, that IMHO can be life ruining to the victims.... but ofcourse she didn't deserve to get killed for it. Maybe slapped. 

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