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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 21 minutes ago, NCC1701A said:

    Police said Tuesday that a dozen men will be arrested for sharing claims on Facebook that a British tourist was raped on the tourist island of Koh Tao.



    Wow that's so disgusting. So sad. Extremely sad. Wow. Dont know what to say. Shocking.



  2. On 9/2/2018 at 8:16 AM, Briggsy said:

    Being told you are doing your job poorly in front of others = Perfect example of loss of face.


    Result = Anger


    I am just surprised there was no violence.

    Hehe yeah it is surprising with no violence. But think about it! How many foreigners come to Thailand and cause faceloss everywhere?Must be thousands of cases of  "faceloss caused by tourist" every week in Thailand. yet relatively few cases of violence. This is why we love Thai ppl. They are not prone to violence and they are usually very polite and well meaning. Good hearted. Just like most ppl in the world.

    • Like 1
  3. 37 minutes ago, RickTik said:

    Big Joke should follow through on this.

    People have gotten away with making false charges for way too long.The USA has been plagued with that.

    This woman just getting "banned" is getting off easy.

    Is there a history of false rape charges I Thailand that you are so concerned about?

    What would be her motive for lying about that? 


    You know what people have also gotten away with for faaaaaaar too long in Thailand? RAPE. Most rapes go unreported. Thai cops refuse to take rape reports seriously. 

    Well, Thai police refuse to take any crime reports seriously as they are too busy collecting tea money.. but u get the point... 

    I don't see this huge amount of false rape victims.. where is the bunch of innocent men who's lives are ruined??

    But we know that many women's lives got ruined forever by sick rapists.

    • Like 1
  4. 2 hours ago, dallen52 said:

    She's in trouble if she is telling lies he said. 

    But didn't he already say there's no evidence of it happening. 

    So basically telling lies.


    Make up your mind...

    Yeah, this.. this points to LOW IQ that I often sense when I read about any Thai officials public statements ... They say so many things that requires very little logic to poke holes through. 

    Makes me think they are very bad at logic themselves (low iq / low education) OR they are so confident in their position and know that nobody will challenge them so they are just lazy and let their mouth run off without concern for being called out on their bull... Maybe it's a mix of both... Sad.. Thai people deserve better leadership...or do they?

    • Like 1
  5. 4 minutes ago, varun said:

    It's a twisted world out there.


    Maybe, just maybe she is actually lying or not telling the complete story - there is no shortage of attention whores who'd do anything for a splash in the tabloids.

    All we have is her testimony that she was raped - maybe she was shitfaced and horny and wanted a roll in the hay with one of the island boys.

    False claims of rapes do happen.

    It's only confirmation bias regarding Koh Tao that is leading us to assume she was a rape victim as well - not hard evidence.


    I think most likely she was raped. It's the simplest explanation. It fits completely. Imagine how hard it could be to report a rape to Thai cops.. men too probably ... And then she finally reported it once she calmed down a little from the schock etc.


    Your idea fits too. But I think rape fits better.

    If she just had some drunk sex she probably would have been embarrassed and not reported it. Unless she is psycho. IMHO. Which is plausible. But she got raped is even more plausible.

    • Thanks 1
  6. Is it Up to the police to decide punishment (lifetime ban)?


    If she wanted victims fund money, how come according to Koh tao police she didn't mention being raped during initial report? Surely any scam involving getting access to victim fund money would include her reporting the rape initially? Or is she playing some type of 4d chess that I can't see?


    Surely Big Joke who has decided to take the role of judge as well as media reporter and investigator would understand that accusing someone of being a liar should come with a proposal of motive for the lying..... Did I miss it? What is it?


    Let's say that we should trust the Koh tao police (huge stretch), then she first didn't report rape and then she claimed rape.

    A scammer would planned it for some time and would have a straight story.

    A rape victim however is going through all types of mental break downs.. for lack of better terms.. first failing to report to a couple of arrogant looking pigs (my imagination) is completely <deleted> understandable.. I don't even report when my car gets damaged because I don't want to deal with those "people" they call police.

    • Like 1
  7. 2 hours ago, Brunolem said:

    Just using "affordable" because hobz, whom I was quoting, brought up the word...and she is a hot Western woman...

    I was trying to use the word in the sense that what attracts women.

    Women don't want the money, they want a life style, that money buys.

    I'm not talking about legitimate prostitutes. 

    Where to draw line, blah blah.

    But I meant like, what attracts women. Looks, confidence, personality, being able to provide.

    Being able to provide means you need to afford a satisfactory level to make up for the stuff u might lack in looks or personality or whatever.. chemistry. 

    And this takes less in Thailand than in 1st world places.. so ofcourse it attracts certain ppl..  makes shitloads of sense to me.



  8. 3 minutes ago, CG1 Blue said:

    I wouldn't be too sure about that.  I'm perfectly capable of getting with western ladies, but on the whole I prefer Asians. Actually I realised the few western ladies I'm attracted to tend to have Asian traits.

    Who's to say the OP isn't the same?

    Anyway, we digress!

    Ofcourse it's possible, but I would bet it's more than 50%.


    Think about it, most hot white girls are below 30-ish years old right?


    Most foreign men in Thailand are retired. Right?


    So why would a below-30 yo white girl be with a retired white man?


    Ofcourse it's all possible, but in general u know....


    How many retired white men can attract a hot young white girl?? 


    But here in Thailand it's pretty common for retired over 50yo foreigners to have below 30yo pretty hot (subjective) Thai girlfriends.


    • Like 1
  9. 9 minutes ago, Sumarianson said:

    It annoys me that every time I get food or a drink in 7 or any other outlet, they give me plastic spoons forks straws, all without asking. There is no consideration for the environment. I hate the dirty stinking klongs and the fact that the Thai's are actively polluting the waters they fish from. I am frustrated by the open sewers even in relatevely new complexes like Asiatique and Central Praram 3. The stink is disgusting and very unnessary. I hate the fact that it is always too hot to go for a walk and even if you could, in Bangkok you would find it unpleasant and polluted. I do not find Thai people particularly helpful especially if you are looking for directions. My partner hates asking others for directions and I had that with my x also. My partner found it a whole new world when she went to the UK and especially Ireland and continues to rave about how friendly and open  people are. You do not see this in Thailand. There is no effort apart from very minimal in central touristic locations to beautify the landscape and plant trees and flowers. There are no local childrens parks to speak of. Where they exist they are equipped mostly with dangerous and outdated equipment. No good late night take away's. Depressingly hot all the time. The worst is the fact that if you don't own a business or you can't be or don't want to be a teacher then you are deprived of the most basic right that all humans everywhere should be entitled to, "to work". The basic right to feed and clothe and provide for yourself and your family. 

    I don't like the fact that you pay more for a Honda HRV in Thailand than you would pay for a BMW 3 Series Coupe in leather in the UK, and the HRV is made in Thailand with Thai hands. 

    I don't like the lack of clarity in the law. While I don't agree with the overbearing traffic laws in the UK and elsewhere, I do think the is room for great improvement in Thailand. 

    Starting with television commercials showing how to use lanes on a highway and how to drive in town with courtesy. Making sure there is a proper test for driving but not the crap in the uk. Earned licences showing your skill and understanding on the road. CAT, does anyone remember that? Concentration, anticipation and toleration, that last one gets stretched to the limit in Thailand. You may say, why are you here then? Well it is not by choice, lets just leave it at that.

    I think 711 and CP are somehow the same in Thailand. One of Thailands richest families. Can you imagine what great peoole they are? 

    I wonder why some foreigners tells me to boycott CP.

    They stopped selling big rolling papers in all 711s in Thailand. Meanwhile u get a plastic straw in a plastic bag in a plastic bag if u buy a condom ..

  10. 3 hours ago, 55Jay said:

    Or it could just be you, looking for code and hidden meaning when there isn't any. :crazy:    Which may be one of several reasons why @NCC1701A

    has found peace living AWAY from silly farangs with attitudes like yours.


    BTW, money works GREAT in the West. Just takes more of it is all. 

    Hehe yes, I feel ya, and yes, it works in the west too, but it takes more money than most have.

    But almost any foreigner can afford a Thai lady.

    And I still think this is what OP actually meant. He likes Thailand because he can get laid because he can afford so. It has nothing or very little to do with women in the west not being women. I bet unless OP has some fetish for Asian or Thai women (not at all unlikely) he would prefer a hot white girl. But he can't attract or afford one.

    PS, I know because I am one. Yes, go ahead and laugh at me. At least I'm honest. And I know, I just know I'm not alone.

    • Haha 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, Brunolem said:

    Still works very well in the West, but only for the "lucky" few...


    So-called "celebrities" or "socialites" are very high maintenance call girls, so expensive that the salaries of the football players and other athletes, who are the only ones who can afford marrying these Rolls Royce of prostitution, had to be substantially increased in order to help them cope with the costs!



    Yes, it still goes on in the west on all levels. 

  12. On 8/22/2018 at 8:59 AM, Scottjouro said:

    Do you have a Thai license or have ever visited a Thai DMV ?...dont tell porkies now...times have changed in getting a Thai DL, not so easy as even 15 years ago when i got mine...

    Took motorbike license about 5 years ago and car about 2 years ago. 


    It probably was even easier before, heard it was 30 questions instead of 50.


    But the practical test is bullshit still today. It doesn't prove that you can drive. At all. 


  13. 29 minutes ago, gaff said:

    The only thing that will happen is that more people will buy their license, nothing else.

    Anyone must be totally dumb to believe that they will drive any better because they will have a license.

    It might even be worst: feeling safe with coppers because they have a license, only the sky is the limit...



    Yes. But its a good step towards improvement.


    The next logical step is to start taking / confiscating the drivers license of speeders, reckless drivers, serial violators etc.


    • Haha 2
  14. I don't think a driving license in Thailand means u can drive safely. 

    So what difference does it make if everyone has a license or not??


    The license test is basically a glorified parking test. Means u can park. That's it.


    They need to increase fines for reckless driving, drunk driving and speeding.


    Then if they could set up a camera system everywhere that catches all the illegal lane changing I would be very happy.



    • Like 1
  15. 13 hours ago, AYJAYDEE said:

    you obviously know little about the theories of addiction


    Addiction itself is not a huge problem unless it causes harm.

    For many people addiction to pain meds solves bigger problems than they cause.

    Price is part of the equation. If a drug is illegal, it's price goes up, this means that the addiction for some becomes a bigger problem than if price was lower.

    The random quality when something goes to the black market is also a problem. 

    It has been shown in research that when a positive outcome is not certain, the addicts mind somehow craves it more.


    Let's mention tainted drugs too. Dangerous.


    Many of the addicts problems are created by the laws that are supposedly put in place to make their problems go away.


    Anyway, if ppl in 2018 havent realized this yet I don't think they ever will.  


  16. 11 hours ago, overherebc said:

    If produced by a registered licenced and controlled company where's the problem.

    Back street factory no audits no control no hygiene where isn't the problem????

    The arguement isn't the fact that the legally and carefully produced drug helps people.

    It's the illegal and uncontrolled production that is the problem.


    Better to legalize and control / license / certify everything than try to push stuff further underground and thus risk increase for everyone. 


  17. 18 hours ago, bkk6060 said:

    Probably because they knew the 50mg. are the Thai brand which in fact are being manfactured by the illegal factories.

    Although cheaper, my experience is those pills made me sleepy.  More like a Valium reaction.


    The 37.5 are imported and actually work like Tramadol should relieving pain.


    The 100 mg. are also imported.  They work on a slow release.  Usually over 200 b for 10 pills.

    You are the right track except the "fake" pills are actually real and don't make people sleepy. I think u had bad luck with some antihistamine instead of tramadol.


    I think the slow release pills are less prone to abuse and thus still "legal".


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