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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 27 minutes ago, starky said:

    Except that it's a fairly strong morphine based opiate that shouldn't be available out the back of dodgy pharmacies, particularly backyard cooked up imitations with no control. Surely you would have a script for your back pain wouldn't you? This isn't a crack down on legitimate prescribed medication. Or do you just self medicate with whatever you think is appropriate? 

    We should make McDonald's and beer illegal too. It's very dangerous to eat unhealthy food and get drunk. 

    While we are at it, lots of people spend too much time on their phones, neglecting their health and neglecting their children. We should ban phones too.

    • Like 1
  2. Someone called it a idiot tax and someone called it a retail trick.


    I think this does not make sense.


    There is a reason that a good business will give a small discount for larger quantities. 

    It gives incentive to customers to buy higher volume. Higher volume = higher net profit.


    Higher volume.

    Higher Profit. (!)


    When you set the trick price for the idiot tax you take away the incentive from the rational customer to increase volume.


    So the question is, how much do you win from rational customers increasing their volume as response to the given incentive.

    Vs how much do you win from "idiots" when they fall for the trick pricing?


    Are the idiots really making up for the rational customers?

    Are there so few rational customers here? So many idiots?

    Probably, it's usually such small amounts so who cares, we are in paradise etc ?


    wheres my San Miguel light. With lime.






  3. On 8/10/2018 at 8:53 AM, stephenterry said:

    You've answered your own question. Much as you consider Sweden to be the most advanced country on the planet, this is Thailand, and anything can and will happen here. Perhaps you'd do better back home where everything is so much more wonderful. 

    Lol completely missing the point again.

    I much prefer mai pen Rai over Sweden. Everything has upsides and downsides. I'm curious about both. Peace be with you man. Sorry if I upset you. I was in a bad mood.

  4. 29 minutes ago, tfc said:

    I have no idea about marketing strategies in Sweden.  In Australia I remember McDonalds combo meals, burger, fries and drink being cheaper than if I just wanted to buy the burger and fries, as I was never much into sodas even as a teenager.  I'd just buy the combo meal and tell them to keep the soda.  Years later when I was at university one of my compulsory minor subjects was marketing and the discussion came up because you'd not uncommonly see similar strategies at Woolworths or Coles where "family packs" were cheaper than the regular.  My marketing professor said it was a good way to get people "hooked."  They perceive that they're getting a good deal but the company or supermarket is still making a profit not a loss overall.  Perhaps street vendors don't use the same strategy because they never learned it.  

    I think every seller want to increase their quantity of sales. Even if it's at a slightly lower profit margin as long as net profits are higher and the organizational costs for the increased volume is not too high..(which would dip into net profits, so kind of redundant point..).


    McDonalds are drug dealers.... ;D

  5. 17 minutes ago, sanemax said:

    You have asked that question numerous times throughout this thread .

    I expect the reason is because things are more organised in Sweden

    Yeah, sorry, I get frustrated because so many replies ignore what I view as the essence of the question.


    But thank you for answering with something original. Swedes look up to Germany as being "very organised", so If your theory is correct, then we would rarely see illogical pricing in Germany either. 


    Anyone from Germany can confirm / deny? 


    Thanks again and sorry for frustration ?

  6. 12 hours ago, stephenterry said:

    Probably more convenient to pick up a four pack and a large bag of crisps than logical. Also, new supplies coming in could be more expensive than the older stock, which I suspect is the main reason for price variances. 



    Another one that completely misses the point..

    So In Sweden large bags of crisps are not convenient? And In Sweden new supplies coming in are never more expensive than older stock? 


  7. On 8/8/2018 at 5:49 PM, khunPer said:

    I don't know about Sweden, but in neighboring Denmark it happens same as in Thailand, so keeping eyes open and checking prices comes with me from my home country, where it sometimes were cheaper to buy a number of small packs, than a "discounted" bigger pack.


    Has to do with psychological prices; or easy prices, like the 20 baht and 30 baht chips, even 3 x 20-baht packs are slightly cheaper than 2 x 30-baht packs, as you get 9 gram more.


    And your beer bottles, you might pay little extra for the 4-pack carton sleeve with a handle.


    Always check content when comparing prices, for example some times the smaller 500 ml bottle might be relative cheaper than the "discounted" 750 ml bottle...?

    Dude, you are preaching to the quire, you think I would start a discussion like this if I didn't study prices constantly? ? hehe

  8. On 8/8/2018 at 10:32 AM, jgarbo said:

    As for the Swede's complaint: The chips are cheaper in the bigger bag -  Bt2.5/gm vs Bt2.65/gm the smaller. Standard discount for volume. The beer price I'd guess is a labeling mistake. Buy singles.

    I watch for "arbtrage" at supermarkets, eg a black rice vinegar I like is Bt28.90/625ml (big) vs Bt26.90/250ml. Crazy. A packaging/ barcode error. I buy as many big bottles as they have, when on sale. Seller's mistake. Caveat Venditor. HTH

    You miss the whole point. The point is that mistakes like this happen way more frequently in Sweden than in Thailand. As for individual cases, cool... 


    As for your advice "buy singles" .. Really? You mean I should buy the cheaper one? WOW, great advice. Your post really brings value to this place....

  9. On 8/8/2018 at 10:22 AM, LukKrueng said:

    maybe it's not errors. Maybe it's marketing issue based on local buying habits. The fact that it's not like in Sweden and not logical to you means nothing. 

    Means nothing? 

    I think it's because Swedes love complaining and Thais are the opposite. "Mai pen rai".

    This has huge impact on society, nothing gets fixed even though its obviously broken.

  10. On 8/8/2018 at 10:19 AM, Retiredandhappyhere said:

    Perhaps the big stores take advantage of the fact that mathematics is not necessarily a Thai strong point, and that most customers would automatically assume that the larger item would be better value.  Surely not?


    You only have to watch assistants or even the owners in the smaller stores, without up-to-date cash registers, using a calculator to work out the change required from a 100 baht note for a 70 baht purchase.  

    And Swedish people are presumed to be strong in Math and that's why store owners in Sweden don't try this?

    I still think it's more about that Swedes complain and Thais have mai pen rai. 

  11. On 8/8/2018 at 9:33 AM, hakancnx said:

    They cheating simple people who can not calculate. It's very well planned....

    Yes, sure, but there are people in Sweden that are too lazy or dumb to calculate too. Yet this does not go on there. WHY?

  12. Just now, Crossy said:

    The Swedes have sussed the original "big-pack better value" scam, now you're being subjected to the "buy too much and ditch half of it" scam.


    I wonder what the next stage will be.

    Exactly. This.


    The next stage is probably already happening. It's the buy the overpriced gadget (latest iPhone) for free without downpayment but with a monthly 900 years long subscription to insert overpriced phone operator here. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  13. 3 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Possibly a legal requirement, due to too many big-pack scams, dunno.


    Possibly, also, many people buy the big "value" pack and don't use all the contents before it goes off.


    Yep. That's a scam in itself. To trick people into buying more than they need. This happens in Sweden constantly. 


    Personally I always ask myself if I can use that much.. and I never buy huge amounts of candy or alcohol because I know I will consume much more if I do.


    Edit: it's illegal to promote alcohol that way in Sweden I think. Pretty sure. Prices for alcohol. Must be same no matter the quantity.

    • Like 1
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  14. 6 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Makro actually put a price each or per 100ml on the shelf tag, no need to do any sums.


    Yup, dashed annoying. It's supposed to make you pass things you wouldn't normally and impulse buy. We don't.

    All the stores in Sweden have the per unit price thing.. so it will say like.

    Price: 20 SEK

    per gram: 0.1 SEK

    for a bag of 200gram chips.


    I always do my own calculation, specially if there is a promotion. 


  15. 6 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    Businesses the world over price-gouge because they can get away with it. Eventually enough people complain (these days on social media), sales of the larger, more expensive, packs falls off and they move on to another scam.


    Up until relatively recently Thailand didn't have a supermarket culture so they are probably at the "scam point" that Europe was at 20-30 years back. No need to re-invent the wheel.


    I've noticed BOGOF (buy one get one free) packs that are the same price as a single pack. Until you look at the contents and find two similar sized bottles each only half filled (and truthful if you read the label). There are just soooo many ways that you can be taken ...


    Ok, so maybe swedes are particularly difficult to scam this way so the wise businessman in Sweden resorts to prices that actually incentives the big volume buyer. 

    • Confused 1
  16. 6 minutes ago, Daffy D said:

    I've given up in trying to work out the cheaper option. They will have a pack of say 100gm at a certain price and the smaller packs will be 35gm or some other odd number so even with a calculator it would take some quantum mathematics to work it out. The difference in price (if any) is just not worth the metal effort. I let the wife deal with it maybe she understands the logic.


    Another thing that annoys the wife (and me when I follow her round) is that they periodically change the location of their stock.  The wife makes a shopping list with the items in order as we walk round the store, quick and easy, then the following month they change it all round and we're zig-zagging all over the place trying to find the items we want...…..Grrrrrrrr!    

    Hehe sounds like they are trying to confuse you so that you spend longer time in the store and build up that craving for something sweet that will be presented to you near the register ? they do this in Sweden too.

    • Haha 1
  17. 1 minute ago, Crossy said:

    According to a single witness, you. That's 1/9900000 th of the population, I think we need a bigger sample size ?



    Ehm sure. What if I call all my friends and relatives in Sweden and ask them a bunch of leading questions? Would that hold up in court?

    But humor me, let's assume my testimony is legit. What could cause such a noticable difference in pricing practices between two cultures?

  18. 1 minute ago, Crossy said:

    I can't explain why YOU haven't noticed, and I'm not Swedish so I can't use personal experience.


    We certainly have other Swedish members, perhaps they could chime in with their experience.

    U can't explain it because there was nothing to notice because it happens extremely rarely in Sweden. 

    • Sad 1
  19. 4 minutes ago, Crossy said:

    I bet it does, you've just not noticed.


    It's a well known "scam" the world over, people "assume" the bigger pack is better value, it often isn't.

    Ok sure, it must happen in Sweden but I never noticed it in 30 years and I always check. Yet here I notice it countless times in just 6 years. 

    There is a clear difference. Explain or be considered off topic.


    Edit: how can u trust that I always checked in Sweden? Because swedish people always check! Maybe that's the answer right there.

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