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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 57 minutes ago, seahorse said:

    It's not an original theory.

    Why is Fifty Shades of Grey so popular?

    The Allure of Aggressive Men

    Why do women fall for bad boys?

    Chicks dig jerks

    The female preference for bad boys quantified


    Prepare to be shocked.

    Yeah definitely not my theories none of them. But I heard both theories before 50 shades of grey.


    The first theory about what hot girls are attracted to is from the "redpill community" and "pickup community" (use Google / Reddit) and the second one is old as the earth itself.


    The pickup community teaches how to be this guy without the bad / jerk part. I've seen previously unattractive male friends become attractive by just following the teachings (yes, looks don't really matter, it's the confidence that u get from looking good that matters, you can bypass the looking good part and just be confident (easier said than done, but possible)).


    Now I gotta watch 50 shades lol.

  2. 3 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Just another half man worm with no self esteem or self discipline. Where I come from you just don’t slap a woman around. I’ll bet a lot of forum members would like a chance to set this creep straight. Hope he never gets to drive a van again. 

    I can pretty much guarantee that he Will drive a van again if he wants.

    Also he will probably even refuse to pay the 5000 THB fine and nobody will do anything about it. Tit. Tons of laws, no enforcement.

  3. 15 minutes ago, connda said:

    Wanna know why this sort of thing is so pervasive in Thailand?

    Because you can assault and batter anyone you wish for only 5000 THB.  Think about it!  ????


    In the West you end up with a fine, jail time and a criminal record to follow you around the rest of your life.  That's before the civil suit which will put a serious hole in your net worth.

    Here in Thailand?  5000 THB is the price you pay for having low self-esteem and not having to keep your temper.  Wanna smack a woman around.  Not a problem!!!

    "5000 baht please - commit assault and battery now, pay later!" 
    And as far as being a minivan driver again - just move out of Bangkok.  Heck, move to Chiang Mai.  You can smack around a farang, a woman, a child for 5000 baht and probably keep your job.  What? You really think that Thailand has the database infrastructure and  manpower to track the driver, "Mr. Mana", across Thailand to assure he doesn't take a job as an angry minivan driver again?  <laughs> :clap2:

    The worst part is that he will probably never have to pay that 5000.

    • Haha 1
  4. 5 hours ago, huberthammer said:

    are you confusing the RTP with Thai Visa users? Everything that happens on KT which is not immediately explainable is declared another gruesome murder on here. 


    I really vote for a separate forum for KT so that Samui residents don't have to filter through all the BS that is written here on any KT fatality. 

    Lol, you clearly misunderstand me. Im saying that most likely there is no serial killer there as it all can be explained by shitty police work.


    • Like 1
  5. 7 hours ago, JLCrab said:

    What the SuraThani Provincial police commander  -- not the local Koh Tao police -- said was:

    “His death was caused by drowning,” (Maj.Gen.) Apichart said. “We believe it was most likely an accident. At this moment, we have not found any link to criminal actions.”



    I was talking about previous more suspicious cases in general.

    I think this case is not suspicious at all.

  6. 6 hours ago, Cereal said:

    That's true. But I think it's something a lot bigger than folks are willing to consider. It's a gut feeling.

    Could be. Could also be that police there is super incompetent and always try to sweep everything under the rug to protect tourism so it looks like they are protecting killers but actually they are just clumsy and trying to protect image of island.


    So let's take an example where they find someone and can't explain what happened. 

    Instead of saying "we don't know what happened" they will quickly dismiss it as an accident, because they are lazy, incompetent and they don't want stuff to drag out.

    Ofcourse if they are protecting a killer they would do the same.


    • Like 1
  7. 55 minutes ago, Cake Monster said:

    What is going on at this Island Resort ?

    There  really needs to be some serious and credible investigations untaken to get to the root cause of all these deaths.

    The amount of deaths on this Island really goes beyond a " normal " number for the size of the Island and number of Inhabitants / Tourists that are on there

    Do you have actual numbers / statistics to back this up or just based on your feeling? 

    PS. I agree there seems to be unusually shady cases there.

    • Sad 1
  8. 2 hours ago, HooHaa said:

    Why google when as i said I have been using the guys on Soi 11 for the last 15 years and have had no issues. The price is clear. No discussion, just ride and pay. 

    Well, my mistake. I wasn't talking about a specific soi etc. I've also had good experiences and bad with all types of taxis everywhere around Thailand. It's a mixed bag.

    You know where I never had a bad experience?? With grab.

  9. 6 minutes ago, kcpattaya said:

    It certainly works-up to its reputation "The Island of Death"...
    Can't imagine why people still go there, nor can't understand why the island is not shut down by the authorities...

    Probably because of the money from massive amounts of tourists that go there every year and survive. Also lack of evidence, you know, not rumours and speculation. Also, useless police force on that island. Thailand is not known for its ability to control it's police forces.


    • Like 1
    • Confused 1
  10. 2 minutes ago, bubba said:


    I attempted to take an official airport taxi from CNX week before last. I was quoted 250 baht for a standard taxi to the same destination for which I was charged 160 baht the previous week.


    Took out my phone, requested a Grab ride and the fare was 209 baht from the arrivals door. No haggling and my ride was a new Mazda 3 driven by a really nice CMU grad student who was occasionally doing Grab in the evenings to make ends meet.


    So yes, I'll take this so-called "illegal" Grab system as well. 

    Gotta love grab.

    I arrived at cnx on Friday night and grab was 245THB to San phak wan and airport taxi was 250THB so I took the airport taxi.

    I think grab pricing goes up a bit when it's Friday/Saturday night. All good.

  11. 10 minutes ago, Issanjohn said:

    Well actually I don’t take medication anymore nothing at all and I feel so much better I’m trying to get back in shape but it’s tough with all my old injuries and all the surgeries I’ve had 5 years ago plus.  But at least I’m feeling a lot better and healthier.  It’s like my brain reset like a computer ever since I stopped with the pain medication and I’m thinking clearly and I’m starting to feel and think like I used to again.  It’s so much better to avoid medication all together if possible unless you seriously need it which I don’t think I do anymore.  I personally don’t like anti depressants at all or anything else unless absolutely necessary.  

    Yeah good on you , I prefer being completely drug free myself as well.


     I think people should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as they don't harm others. If someone harms others because of drugs / addiction then that person might not be allowed to do drugs anymore, but don't take away drugs from ppl that didn't do anything wrong.


  12. 1 hour ago, Issanjohn said:

    No you misunderstand it’s not at all about dying from Cannabis that’s not at all what I meant.  The point is whether or not the medicine value in marijuana (the CBD OIL) is actually helping with the seizures or not.  You MUST have the exact correct strain of marijuana and the right dosage for the individual child that suffers from seizures if it’s not right it’s just not going to help the individual and the seizures could potentially get worse.  They must have more research on it because I’m all for using it I’m not against the use of medical marijuana at all they just need to know more about it is what I meant.  When I watched that CNN documentary I noticed that the parents were having an extremely tough time and they literally had to figure it out on their own because there’s not even enough research on the subject in America so here in Thailand there’s definitely not enough research because Thailand is even more conservative regarding medical marijuana than the states.  In the CNN documentary the poor parents man they literally had to abstract the CBD oil themselves and make sure the dosage was right to treat their daughter’s seizures.  They eventually figured it out but they had serious trouble finding doctors educated enough about the usage of marijuana for children with seizures.  They even had to move across country where they could legally buy it for their daughter. There daughter’s name is Charlotte so when they finally figured out exactly what she needed to actually help her it was named “Charlotte’s Web” after the story Charlottes Web.  


    Anyway I was not at all saying that using medical marijuana is a bad thing I was just saying that you have to be careful with it which you do especially in children because some strains can really mess adults up and cause paranoia and rapid heart beat.  And you have to make sure that it’s the right strain of marijuana and dosage of CBD oil that will actually help if not you’re just wasting your money.  The point is to help the child.  

    Meanwhile they let doctors give out anti-depressants like its the wild west,,, "oh this one didnt work for you? try this one instead!" 

  13. 4 hours ago, Galactus said:

    why is that???

    since when doing illegal business is correct and doing legal business is wrong??

    Authorities should eliminate grab taxi and its illegal services.

    Stealing jobs of motorbike guys living and working on their corners for decades. 

    Moreover, i never see any terrible service from motorbike taxi guys too. usually fine and yes, i am fine to pay them 30  baht more to support locals.


    Grab should be closed or terrible things sure happen. some will defend their turf and i do the same if i wore them.

    Think about it, you pay registration fees, mafia and all that shit and some foreign company from Singapore opens an illegal business and steal your job.

    How fair is that?

    Easy for a selfish foreigner living here for sometime to think this way. 

    I am sure you think different if you are the guy whose jobs are stolen by a half foreign owned company.

    The taxi mafia have enjoyed and abused their monopoly at the expense of the people for far too long.

    Nothing is preventing them from joining grab except their fragile egos and tiny brains.

    • Like 1
  14. 42 minutes ago, KKBrian said:

    How sad for this girl and her family may she rest in peace.

    Despite whatever she may have done violence is no answer .

    This monster who killed her did he really think that she was in love with him look at him and her he was as disillusion as a high percent of Foreigners here with young pretty girls who they find in bars.

    When will people wake up and smell the gravy!

    It can only end one way unfortunately.

    Looks has nothing to do with it.. but clearly he is an <deleted> so ofcourse she didn't love him.

  15. 16 minutes ago, moe666 said:

    No matter the situation right or wrong you do not break someones rice bowl and that is what the Grab boys are doing. Agree with you 100percent on complaining to the police, waste of time.

    I bet you would have said that same thing if you lived back when cars started replacing horses. 

    As new more effective technology comes it's gonna replace parts of older tech.

    Those who survive are those willing to adapt.

    If these motorbike guys had any brains they would install the grab app and increase their income this way. They probably have more knowledge and skills than all the grab amateurs combined. They would get high ratings and would get lots of rides and make good money. But instead they resort to violence and negativity like a bunch of losers.


    They can adapt, or they can fight something that is inevitable. Grab and services like that are here to stay and it may be illegal today but it's probably gonna be legal sooner or later. So better to start adapting asap than waste valuable time and energy swimming upstream...


    Like someone said earlier, every time they pull stunts like this it's free publicity for grab and negative publicity for themselves. They look like thugs. And people reading these news wonder what grab is and why they are so threatening to these thugs. And they wanna try it out. 

    Everybody living in Thailand (Thai people) have experienced the extortion they pull on ppl. (Ofcourse there's plenty plenty of good guys too). there is no recourse. With grab you can leave a negative rating and drivers that get multiple negative ratings will no longer get rides..

    • Like 1
  16. 2 hours ago, OneMoreFarang said:

    I don't think that is a good alternative.

    Bangkok streets are full of motorcycle taxis and many people want to use their service. And many of those people drive i.e. from BTS stations to work. So it makes sense that there are groups of ready bikes on those places. And the same is true for many sois.


    It wouldn't make any sense and probably would be big chaos if all the people who come out of the BTS would order bikes with grab. And that is just one sample.

    So then what is the problem?

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