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Posts posted by hobz

  1. Slightly off topic but i just got a drivers license today and there was a segment of the new video on how and when to use a horn.

    In the segment a female driver is sitting alone in a parked car and a male is aggressively knocking on the window.

    The parked female uses the horn and i am not kidding: 4 or 5 people surround the male agressor and beat him with sticks and proceed to beat him even after he is laying on the ground offering no resistance. 

    Staged ofcourse, but they are actually teaching mob mentality from government insititutions.

    Beyond hilarious.

  2. 1 hour ago, Eligius said:

    Yes. Thais seem to believe in some sort of sympathetic magic of words, spells, incantations - especially if they are written down. That is as good as job done. I've seen it a million times: they simply write down what sounds good and grand, post it on their company or institution wall  - and that's it, that's all done and dusted - no need for any further action. Saying a thing is so makes it so.


    It's totally crazy.

    Its even more crazy that they do it over and over again with the same results. Like literally the definition of crazy.

  3. 59 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    Once again there are always most of the people with critic, sarcasm and funny comments that rule the forum. As you all can see, changes has been happening. More things are coming all the time. Some people that live up in the blue with thier comments, are questioning why the police and the corruption is not okey and gone after already 2 year. When something is rooted so hard for so long time, it´s nothing that happens under a short period of time. This thing that has started will take approx. 20-25 years to come into full effect. Just continue to don´t understand that and post in a negative attitude, instead of seeing something positive and understanding that things take time. The situation that is right now with a lot of crime and corruption also took a long time to reach.

    I think its because they are doing the same mistakes over and over again and its clearly ineffective. 

    You are mistaken when you say that stuff is improving, its not. Not even slowly.

  4. 29 minutes ago, Ludo55 said:

    I guess these cameras will be conveniently turned off when they go around to all the bars every month to collect their protection money. This is so common, it makes you wonder why nobody has ever been charged. Just ask the bar owners, on the side with a hidden camera

    Because nobody in their right mind goes after the mafia, i mean the police. Try filming the cops with a hidden cam and then go to the station,, see how long you survive.

  5. Just now, Happyman58 said:

    Omg 7% What joke I saw 3 Minivans today 2 were speeding and the other would of to but was held up by a car Now here is a riddle to show you the law is just a big joke See if you can answer the question? Can some one tell me why do police in Thailand stand at lights that are working and blow there whistle to direct traffic? Are you not guided by the colour of lights? The cars have to do what the lights say not the cop blowing the whistle Am i missing something here?

    Thai traffic police is the biggest problem. These people have the power to save thousands of lives every year and make a ton of money at the same time... But they are not.. Why? Because the world health organization has given them the top priority of putting helmets on motorbike drivers. So thats what they do, set up checkpoints and check helmets... And occasionally they go insane and "direct" traffic into a screeching halt, i have no idea why

  6. 18 minutes ago, geisha said:

    If anyone is responsible for the drastic fall in European tourists and the massively destructive publicity that Thailand gets throughout the world, it's because of these crazy drivers , daily road killings, and scamming taxis. Maybe the authorities  need to admit this once and for all , stop making excuses, and act !

    I think its the dictatorship part mostly. People dont want to support a dictatorship that all they know could burst into violence any day again.. Also the taxi mafia extortion prices..

  7. 3 hours ago, slapout said:

    The numbnuts in control of the majority of traffic volume on the roads  here just can not seem to be able to adjust to changing conditions, be it weather, road condition, volume of traffic, etc. They seem to be thinking about their final destination and ignore the need that can/will arise that requires them to change what they are thinking about.

    Some people are discribed as being unable to walk and chew gum at the same time. Safe driving requires total mind set on driving, not carrying on a consversation, looking at the country side, having a snack, etc.

    Thai people are not great thinkers / adaptoids in general, specially when it comes to foresight. It's not that they are genetically inferior, it's just the way their school system is set up and how they are thought not to question anything about anything fron home / culturally. The last part has its upsides too, i love how thai people dont make a scene about something minor that a swede would make a fuzz about.. 

    But this questioning stuff is what leads to an analytical mindset. And thais seem to lack it. Or maybe im wrong and all above is bs... I didnt do a real study...just thinking...

  8. On 2/2/2017 at 10:51 PM, Prbkk said:

    That may be true but it's also worth noting that the vast majority of 5 year olds will have these accidents from time to time and the vast majority of them do not go on to lead life as a sociopath or psychopath.

    It is a dreadful story and the crime of this guy is just about the most horrible on the books...and still dramatically underreported.

    Yes ofcourse, i did not say that all kids that soil themselves become sociopaths.

    But in this case it makes a lot of sense, if this "man" punched him in the face in public, just imagine what he has done at home when nobody can see.


    If you think this kid is not at high risk to develop mental disorders you are just extremely naive. And no, its not the kids fault!! I never said that.

  9. Some 265 drivers were not up to scratch. Of these 25 were banned from driving in the future. Of the remaining 240 many had no license or a license of the wrong kind.


    Imagine what was wrong with those 25 that got banned.... 

    And the remaining 240, many had no license or wrong license.. And what else? 


    Im glad they go after the drivers (the drivers and their reckless ruthless driving are the problem, not the vehicles). But i cant imagine that the drivers will change much after getting a slap on the wrist for driving without license... Jesus christ...

  10. 2 minutes ago, Destiny1990 said:

    Boy wetting himself probably due to the abusive stepfather.why hasn't he been put in jail?

    thai government need to step up againt child and woman abuse in domestic situations..best way air tv commercials about it and who to contact when u see ur neighbour is hitting their kids or their wives.

    Psychopaths / sociopaths early warning signs are that they wet themselves. Another thing psychos and sociopaths have in common is childhood trauma. 

    So this <deleted> dad is destroying a childs life potentially, and possibly creating a psycho/sociopath that could harm society for his entire life.. The dad should be put in psychiatric care or jail until we know for sure he has developed empathy and brains, which is likely never. throw away the key.

  11. 6 minutes ago, Get Real said:

    First it was murder for an iPhone.
    Then it was for 3000 Bath.
    After that for a hai cut.
    Now it´s for 20 Bath.


    Actually after that one person has been murdered for not cleaning his plate after eating. (Coming soon to TV)

    What´s next? Take a wild guess and give me some funny ideas!

    My personal guess is having to long toe nails.

    I bet the next one will be for not 'liking' someones profile pic on facebook .. "He did not like my profile pic, i waited 10 minutes and still no like, so i took the knife and cut out his heart and posted on facebook, it got many likes"

  12. 1 minute ago, DrTuner said:

    Thais need to eat every 15min or they go into the murderous mode.


    1 hour ago, NCC1701A said:

    Farangs remember :


    Learn to wai your a** off.


    No eye contact.

    No alpha wolf or A type personality allowed.

    20 baht is a lot of money for some Thais.

    Cheap knives break off in a murderous rage.

    Be extra careful around Thai men with low blood sugar levels.




    A girl with a knife can do surprising amounts of damage as well.....

  13. 2 hours ago, ratcatcher said:

    "Stopping for an animal.............."

    A horse enters the highway in front of you, you brake and get rear ended . Who is to blame the horse, you, or the guy behind you who rear ends your vehicle because he's driving too close and unable to stop in an emergency.? Fortunately for Monty, he isn't in the UK.

    Beautifully written. Can I hire you to translate my thoughts into text?

  14. 6 hours ago, fruitman said:

    Last year there was a small snake on the road in our moobaan. I stopped to have a close look at it and while i was standing there looking at the snake a Fortuner passed and drove full over it right infront of me.


    Why do they stop for big snakes and soidogs and don't give a duck about motocy-drivers?

    Good question... Wish there was a good answer...

  15. 3 hours ago, Sakeopete said:

    It is almost impossible in Thailand to not follow too close. If you leave a safe distance from the car in front of you some Somchia will take the opportunity to get in front of you. It just doesn't work in this country Thai drivers think they are in a Mad Max film chasing Mel Gibson.

    Yeah, they all need reeducation.

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