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Posts posted by hobz

  1. 6 hours ago, A Skeptic said:

    To "Bubba" and the other respondent who called the Saab J39 Gripin a "piece of Shit". Neither of you know what you are writing about. That was NOT an Immelman turn (nowadays a simple and safe manoeuvre), it was an aileron roll which was started in level flight. Towards the end the nose dropped - which is what happens when you turn an aircraft upside down unless you push. Whether caused by human or mechanical failure may never be ascertained. I am an ex fighter pilot and was Royal (British) Air Force acrobatics champion. I taught on fighter trainers and have 1,000 hours on the VSTOL Harrier. I DO know what I am writing about.


    The Gripin is a potent fighter produced independently by a neutral country. That is an achievement that the UK has failed to match since 1969. I never flew combat against the Gripin but understand from associates that the aircraft is very highly regarded in the REAL pilot community. 

    I stand corrected. I have no idea what i am talking about. I thought this was the same jas gripen that swedish media portrayed as a failure due to being too expensive and too many crashes..

    I made the mistake of not checking if this is the same jas gripen.

    I also made the mistake of recalling swedish sensationalist journalism from 10 years ago? (Dont remember) as being fact.

    Im a moron sometimes.

    I apologize.




    I looked up old news articles. Jas 39 gripen crashed during its public show in stockholm back in 1993. It was a huge story in sweden back at the time and for the years that followed media would talk shit about how expensive it had been to develop and how unsafe it was etc. Now 25 years later i dont know what they are selling but they are using the exact same name jas 39 gripen. So im sorry for thinking it had to be the same piece of shit as back in 1993!! Omg 25 years has passed quick!!

  2. 2 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


    True enough - but I also see many many motorbike drivers completely ignoring all rules of the road, and driving totally without regard to other traffic, wandering all over the place, cutting in, going the wrong way down a road, trying to undercut when your're turning, etc etc etc.


    Let's not pretend motorbike drivers are any different.


    Sorry i dont see that, it happens for sure, but its much more rare that i feel a motorbike is threatening my safety. It could be that my perception is wrong or biased,, confirmation bias, i dont know.


    Notice how i make a distinction between breaking the rules and doing something threatening.


    Maybe because i always drive on the left side of the road and the reckless motorbike drivers are driving on the right side i dont mind them as they are not threatening me. 


    Lets just agree on that there's way too many reckless drivers in thailand, motorbike and car!

  3. Because of car drivers like this hundreds of motorbike drivers die every week in thailand. They drive recklessly in their new cars ignoring motorbikes and pedestrians. When they hit a motorbike the car driver survives and the motorbike driver dies.

    The death is then blamed on the motorbike driver not wearing a helmet and the cops set up checkpoints to check motorbike drivers helmets while letting cars pass without check..

    The statistics make it seem like the motorbikes are the problem but its the reckless car, van, truck and bus drivers that are the problem, they feel invincible and drive recklessly, and when shit hits the fan its the motorbike driver that pays.


    When im out driving i rarely feel afraid of the other motorbikes, it happens but its rare. But pretty much every other day some car or bigger vehicle does something reckless that scares me.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Shot said:

    My bilingual children Thai/English always speak English when playing together. No one ever told them to do that, they just do it. One day I asked them about it, and they said "its easier, I can speak less and say more".


    That about sums it up.

    I think that is only true if you drop half the words in a sentence, like.

    Go eat now?


    Shall we go and eat now?


    Want eat?


    Do you want to eat now? 


    Etc,, english has many many words that are not really required in most common use.. Not sure about thai hehe

  5. 31 minutes ago, Broken Record said:

    Looks like he's been ordered to find a way of stopping young Thai people from seeking news and opinions from outside Thailand,  keep them listening to the BS fed to them from birth, these old rich families that are running Thailand are scared of the future.

    This is the only thing that actually makes sense. That or he completely lost his mind.

  6. 1 hour ago, Crossy said:

    I'm sorry, but, "huh!".


    English is spoken all over the world as first, second and even third languages.


    Thai is spoken in, well, Thailand.


    Our illustrious leader has finally lost the plot.


    To be honest he lost the plot in his first message to the public the day he took power when he said he had 3 reasons for taking over.

    1. Thailand is special.

    2. Democracy in thailand has resulted in deaths.

    3. We have more reasons 



  7. 18 minutes ago, kiwikeith said:


    Would this not be sexual harassment , intimidation, and being in possession of pornographic martial being  used to harass women.

    I think the police could make some charges out of that lot, plus the above stalking.

    Maybe the boy is a rich boy, now that would answer a lot of questions.

    irony warning: Actually the girl watched the porno so she commited a crime as well. And the police could not verify that the man was in posession of porn because then they themselves would have to watch it, and then they would risk losing their jobs for watching porno on the job

  8. 10 hours ago, wealthychef said:


    Do you have the right to open her car door and try to get into the car without being invited?  To repeat the request despite being rebuffed a few times to the point where the girl is seeking help from a stranger?  

    No, not to open the car door. 

    The repeating is also wrong if the girl is visibly scared.. To repeat the question it has to become harassment at some point. 

    I dont want to victimblame here but sometimes women prefer and respect men who are persistent, if you do a google search for this you will actually find dating advice like that,, but clearly there is a difference between persistent and harassment,, 


    Personally if i was hitting on a girl and she said no and got scared i would back the <deleted> off,, i dont like to scare people.. 


    This guy clearly has some screws loose but i dont think he did anything illegal besides showing the video which is illegal in thailand or so i thought. 

    To arrest someone for harassment or stalking you need like one or two more of these incidents from the same guy i think.

  9. 4 hours ago, Saastrajaa said:

    Yeah...this almost never happens.  Not saying it didn't in this case, but it sounds a little too much like a bad movie plot.


    You wanna stop "human trafficking" in Thailand?  Start with the plight of Cambodian and Burmese men held captive and forced to work on Thai fishing vessels.  I know, it lacks the juicy "sex" angle that the moral crusaders love so much.  Too bad.

    Spoken like a true sex tourist

  10. 7 hours ago, cardinalblue said:

    why is a vehicle with passengers passing on a solid line in wet weather?


    Have no sympathy for the driver. Could have been much worse if hit head on...


    Many Thais just don't follow driving rules or road conditions. Like 3 seconds in her life would have made a difference. Now she can think about it from now until reincarnation as a soi dog.... 



    Yeah, i would say pretty much everybody on thai roads are overtaking too often and switching lanes way too often, all it ever does is slow everything down for everyone and create danger for everyone. Motorbikes too. seriously.

  11. 8 hours ago, smedly said:

    for <deleted!> sake yet another serious bus crash, when is this madness going to end, something drastic needs to be done


    Thailand, the hub of serious bus accidents in the world......by a country mile


    surely someone is going to waken up to this carnage and start getting serious


    Limit all buses and mini vans to a strict 45kmph speed limit until a long lasting solution has been found and anyone caught going over 45kmph or committing any other moving traffic violation gets a mandatory month in jail and licence revoked for a year forcing them to take the test again to get it back. and a hefty fine of at least 20kbaht

    I think all vehicles should be limited to like 80kmph .. Driving faster than that on thai roads is way too dangerous in almost all situations. 

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