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Posts posted by hobz

  1. And all the posters like EyesWideOpen claiming that the general was gonna clean up LOS and corruption was all but dead under super Prayuth. Yet all the man could muster was a hint of 'som nom na' at the girl for wearing a bikini!

    And she wasn't even doing that.

    I fear the General is not one to follow in conflict. He is winning the battle, but perhaps losing a war. Had he thrown a few police sergeants under the bus and had proper police do a proper job, he could well have lived up to his billing as a modern day reformer for a nation gradually slipping into civil war.

    Unfortunately, he chose to support the old way of doing things. And he can't deny them, he is Thai, he obviously knows how things work in Thailand.

    So, he may win this battle, because gradually the British may lose focus and the case slips away from peoples consciousness. But it will only serve to reinforce the West's current view that an illegitimate military government is trampling over human rights. And destroy the hopes of Thai people that they have a reformer as a leader.

    Whilst I hesitate to mention his name because I really don't want to give his argument any oxygen, there is a fugitive from Thai justice who claims the case against him was politically motivated. It's arguable that Western countries have mostly sat on the fence with regard to his claims. Which way might they lean now I wonder.

    Think strategic general. It's not just Western countries who may be losing faith, your own people are getting a serious case of déjà vu over your coup.

    Didn't he say "there's no mafia on koh Tao". That right there made me loose respect for him.

    He can still turn it around by launching a full investigation into the mafia (including police: the 6th family on the island). But highly doubt that he will. He's just a crook.

  2. Glad to see thaivisa commenters are on the same page about this one. But sadly the real killers and rapists of not only women but of justice as well will walk free. The best thing we can reasonably hope for is that these innocent scapegoats will walk free. I highly doubt that as there will be way too much political pressure on the court (likely all the way from the PM) to "do the right thing for Thailand" and convict.

    At this point I hope for a vigilante. Where's batman. Not even joking. Law and order has no chance here.

  3. The police have stated publicly they have not recanted.

    If I would told by the police they were afraid I was about to kill myself I would also not talk about recanting in presence of the police.

    Personally I am also not really charmed by hot water treatments and sadistic Roti sellers.

    In the end nobody says these Burmese are innocent. We just want an independent check because the Thai police has a history of corruption, crimes, extortion, drug deals, using scapegoats... you call it ... they have all done it.

    They have attorneys. Guilt or innocence is decided in a court, not by the the public or internet posters. They will be able to have a defense and present their innocence if they decide to recant their confessions and challenge the DNA. The process and procedures may be different her than your home but I believe the basic concept of guilt or innocence being decided in court is the same. Both sides will have their chance in court in the unlikely event these two do not plead guilty.

    No idea if police abused them but can tell you the looked fine doing the reenactment a day or two after their confessions and would guess if they had boiling water poured on them then we need to add the doctor(s) who examined them before and after questioning to those involved in the conspiracy. While I am certainly against the abuse of prisoners or suspects, regardless of how awful their crime, never heard of hot water treatments changing somebody's DNA.

    I think you have way too much trust in the courts and the system in general. That being said, I hope you are right and that the DNA samples from the victims have not been replaced by the mafia police.

  4. Why is it conspiracy theorists can't grasp the fact that these two admitted murdering rapists have lawyers who can run whatever DNA tests they want including getting the UK involved in the defense.

    Anyone that has spent enough time in Thailand knows exactly what is probably going down here. There are no conspiracy theories, just standard operating practice when involving the local constabulary and well connected persons. Scapegoats are found, preferably Burmese, convicted and then disappear, justice is done. Not that Thailand is the only country that has different laws for the rich, look at all the Banksters walking around free.

    Agree 100% that the rich often get a different from of justice but in this case there is just overwhelming evidence against this guy and no reasonable reason to believe somebody else committed the crime especially the kid who was in Bangkok at the time of the murders.

    Just because police don't share all the details doesn't mean what you don't know should be used to form a conspiracy. While you have people here who have wanted get people to send money to these suspects, you have another thread running now about the Train Killer talking about how they want to see blood... another case where DNA and confession and were conflicting reports were in the press and police made mistakes and a friend turned on the guilty party.

    The difference here is a couple things ... police initially made a stupid comment about it being a foreigner and even worse saying something along the lines a Thai couldn't do this. My guess is the cop who said this had some info about the whole blonde hair thing at the scene and decided to use that info to not only form a conclusion but then to add the whole idiotic it couldn't be a Thai comment. Not only did this outrage foreigners but also smelled of a cover-up to pin this on a foreigner. Then they rightly interrogated the UK friend and saw him initially as a suspect ... further upsetting people.

    Then of course it did turn out to be foreigners which seemed to confirm in some people's mind it was a cover up but what REALLY got the whole conspiracy thing going to the point of people not letting it go was the whole phone thing that all turned out to be BS. Then the conspiracy theories just got stupider because people couldn't get off that bandwagon as their mind was already set.

    Of course the police have to take blame because there is a reason so many are angry and distrustful towards them. But where I can forgive them is that this is not a first world nation of well paid and organized officers who are experienced in keeping their mouth shut when it comes to releasing info. Any tidbits they released combined with translation and reporting issues just became fodder for conspiracy folks.

    At some point though people have to realize, it looks like it did turn out to be foreigners in this case and they they likely are going to be pleading guilty just like the train killer.

    You forgot to mention that the cops planted bloody shorts in the bag of the foreigner friend. Telling us that they are willing to plant evidence to get someone, anyone.

  5. Aside from all of the other glaring inconsistencies that make me doubt that these Burmese guys are the actual murderers, there is one other thing that particularly baffles me about this case: If they really had committed the murders, would these guys have just hung around on the island, waiting to be caught? They had WEEKS before they became suspects in which to flee. They could have EASILY disappeared into some remote village in Burma, never to be heard from again. Yet they didn't. Now contrast THEIR behavior with that of the person who actually DID flee . . .

    There's pictures of one of the scapegoats standing in line for the initial mass dna testing that was done early in the investigation when they tested migrant workers in general. So yeah, not only did they stay on the island but they got dna tested twice. First time didnt match. Second time it did match. Maybe the first DNA sample was "accidentally" replaced with the samples collected from the victims body. After all accidents happpens so easy. Specially when there is no real forensics specialist involved in the investigation..... also nom sods alibi got broken recently. The relative he claimed to be with at the night of the murders was in pattaya with her boyfriend that night.not in bangkok as nom sod claims.

  6. I normally don't speculate, but I'm guessing both these meetings might be a very diplomatic way of giving the Thai government a chance to save Face.

    Quite possibly the British have done their own DNA workup, quietly done some other investigation, and have strong evidence of what really happened, and who did it.

    So yesterday's "summons," and now this meeting, might be a gentle warning: Get your ducks in a row and arrest the right people .

    I truly hope so.

  7. I have long suspected that some people are very afraid to admit that the system is corrupt and that there's all sorts of conspiracies going on.. I think they are so afraid to admit it because they have been taught since being small kids that the government and police etc are there to protect them and that they are perfect guardians that will always help the ones that are innocent. FEAR

    The same conclusions could be reached regarding the conspiracy theorists here.

    Personally I fear all governments a bit. Hence why I would never volunteer DNA.

    I would not volunteer DNA either,, specially not to the thai police...

  8. I have long suspected that some people are very afraid to admit that the system is corrupt and that there's all sorts of conspiracies going on.. I think they are so afraid to admit it because they have been taught since being small kids that the government and police etc are there to protect them and that they are perfect guardians that will always help the ones that are innocent. FEAR

  9. While avoiding the ad hominem attacks..

    It isn't negativity. It is reality.

    In a country of 68 million... And with the UK far more. Some likes on FB mean almost nothing.

    Someone else was posting that the change.org site had even fewer people interested.

    There is no way to measure why people may have liked the FB page.

    Sadly people on here cannot accept any opinions or facts that do not agree with their theories.

    Perhaps you should try being informed instead of opinionated, then you wont have to cry

    when people challenge your negativity.Your avatar, mot mine.

    No tears here smile.png

    I have seen so many people blindly following one rumor and it's attached conspiracy, only to jump to another.

    None based on actual facts.

    I think they have the killers in custody.

    Have you seen the photos where the scapegoat was in line for DNA testing during the initial DNA testing? (before he was arrested)


    Have you read the article in time.com ?


    Did you know they violated forensic procedure?


    Are you even a real person? or some paid troll?

    • Like 1
  10. Retracting a confession is standard practice for those who have been advised of the seriousness of their position. It has little real bearing on the case if the evidence against them is strong. It is laughable that the amateur sleuths of. TV think it is so important but then all along they have their own Thai bashing agenda to propel them along. Let the case go to court promptly and see if it can be proven.

    Thai bashing is not the same as having open eyes and seeing that the police are corrupt ... there's mafia involved... etc... ALL EVIDENCE suggests that the case is a farce.... dammit,, must resist urge to feed the trolls...

    * The top thai forensics expert said the case is incomplete. evidence incomplete.. police did dna testing without having forensic personnell etc.. it will all be thrown out of any court that is not completely corrupt.. ofcourse... yes.. let's see how wide the corruption is ...if the case holds up in court i would just think that the court is corrupt... unless new evidence comes forward.

  11. Retracting a confession is standard practice for those who have been advised of the seriousness of their position. It has little real bearing on the case if the evidence against them is strong. It is laughable that the amateur sleuths of. TV think it is so important but then all along they have their own Thai bashing agenda to propel them along. Let the case go to court promptly and see if it can be proven.

    Yes because courts are never corrupt and we must always think that all officials and courts all over the world are always right.

  12. I would give my DNA as i have nothing to hide

    I personally think every person in the world should have DNA tested and stored on a database

    Only persons who dont want this usually have something to hide or dont want to be caught in the future

    And people that fear totalitarian oppressive regimes .. where one day you are a friend of the state and the next day you are an enemy of the state.. simply for your beliefs, sexual orientation, religion or political views you could one day be the enemy of the state.... ofcourse you would probably volunteer for prison at that time.. so good on you my sheepling.

    Well that's a different take on things....

    Does your DNA let the state know what your sexual/religious beliefs are ?

    No it does not. But lord knows how they will use it against people.. maybe they will frame me for murdering tourists on Koh Tao ..

  13. The facebook page CSI LA (99% thai language) have written a demand to Nom Sod (the son of the headman that studies in bangkok) that he must release the CCTV footage VIDEO (not just still photos) and/or (not sure) DNA samples within 11 h ours .. Otherwise they will start flooding bad reviews and stuff on tripadvisor for the family businesses .. screenshots of tripadvisor for AC Bar , AC2 , IN-touch are included... it has almost 10000 likes ... In other words.. there's some thai internet detectives that are seriously pissed off right now ... good on them!! They're actually taking action, not just speculating! smile.png

    ps all of the above is using facebook translate (bing translate) so i can't be 100% sure i'm understanding correctly .. smile.png


    You understood close enough and maybe now is the time for us to thank, sincerely, the good Thai people who have joined

    together to support the campaign for justice for 2 farangs.

    Regular Thai people are awesome (IMHO) and to see them giving so much support, even under martial law gives me great hope

    for the future of Thailand.

    This country IS developing and the new generation will, I hope, rid this country of the negative influences the people have suffered so long.

    The fact is they are trying and making their voices heard, this is not 1976, these people have the whole World backing them.

    A positive note in a sad thread. :-)

    Yeah this CSI LA page gives me so much appriciation and hope for normal thai people .. Sure, there's some rascist thais .. sure there's some corrupt criminals.. but most Thais are so polite, good hearted and nice that it's just amazing

  14. Maybe this has been posted elsewhere ... from CSI LA

    "It's very strange that Nom Sod has claimed he is innocent, yet he's never provided any solid evidence to prove his innocence. He still refuses to take a DNA test. On the other hand, the Burmese suspects never tried to make an escape from the island, and have been DNA-profiled two times already (the first time their DNA profiles did not match the killers' DNA)."

    Link to photo showing one of the scapegoats in line during the mass dna-testing initially done on many burmeese migrant workers https://www.facebook.com/CSILA90210/photos/a.600950366649359.1073741828.596740650403664/714684195275975/?type=1&theater pretty much proof that he was tested twice, but the first time there was no match .. and then after police doctoring there was. ..

  15. The facebook page CSI LA (99% thai language) have written a demand to Nom Sod (the son of the headman that studies in bangkok) that he must release the CCTV footage VIDEO (not just still photos) and/or (not sure) DNA samples within 11 h ours .. Otherwise they will start flooding bad reviews and stuff on tripadvisor for the family businesses .. screenshots of tripadvisor for AC Bar , AC2 , IN-touch are included... it has almost 10000 likes ... In other words.. there's some thai internet detectives that are seriously pissed off right now ... good on them!! They're actually taking action, not just speculating! :)

    ps all of the above is using facebook translate (bing translate) so i can't be 100% sure i'm understanding correctly .. :)


  16. I don't know if Nom's son was on the island. Genuinely. But I've spoken to a journalist today to give all the information I have to them. Including the fact that Burmese guys were always expected to be blamed. It's not much. I think you expect I know more than I do, but it's everything I have. Also, information has came forward about the guy who "fell" to his death on Tao last year, so I expect the newspapers in the UK won't let this rest. I hope it's enough to save the 2 guys from Myanmar. I can't do any more.

    Sean just wrote this on his soundcloud page https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna/comments

    So he claims he didn't know if the headmans son was on the Island .. great..

    I only meant that I knew the type of person he was. He was a great guy who would stand against wrong in any situation.

    This is pure speculation ... but the above statement intrigues me a bit ... Isn't it pretty specific thing to write about someone that he would stand against wrong in any situation .. Is Sean implying that he thinks Dave was standing against wrong in some kind of situation when he got killed? Why would he write that statement about Dave? Or was Dave constantly in fights over any little thing that he thought was wrong? So much so that it's the one thing that describes him? hmm smile.png

    The last sentence can be purely emotion and I cannot analise it.

    However, the interesting thing is 'Ive spoken to a journalist today'

    What journalist? What media? Why did he talk to a journalist if there was nothing to say? If he spoke to a journalist, where is the published interview, if there is one?

    And more questions....

    We know he was involved with Sky News at the beginning.

    Yeah he is being very cryptic .. Could be one of many reasons ..

    1. He is somehow guilty

    2. He is afraid (thai mafia could reach all the way to the uk ...)

    3. He has a deal with someone to make a documentary or book or whatever.

    4. He doesn't know anything -- but likes the attention ...

  17. I don't know if Nom's son was on the island. Genuinely. But I've spoken to a journalist today to give all the information I have to them. Including the fact that Burmese guys were always expected to be blamed. It's not much. I think you expect I know more than I do, but it's everything I have. Also, information has came forward about the guy who "fell" to his death on Tao last year, so I expect the newspapers in the UK won't let this rest. I hope it's enough to save the 2 guys from Myanmar. I can't do any more.

    Sean just wrote this on his soundcloud page https://soundcloud.com/seanmcanna/comments

    So he claims he didn't know if the headmans son was on the Island .. great..

    I only meant that I knew the type of person he was. He was a great guy who would stand against wrong in any situation.

    This is pure speculation ... but the above statement intrigues me a bit ... Isn't it pretty specific thing to write about someone that he would stand against wrong in any situation .. Is Sean implying that he thinks Dave was standing against wrong in some kind of situation when he got killed? Why would he write that statement about Dave? Or was Dave constantly in fights over any little thing that he thought was wrong? So much so that it's the one thing that describes him? hmm :)

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