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Posts posted by hobz

  1. Beaten or not. They need to make the accusation. With the whole world on their side they are apparently quite believable. And the BIB are not.

    beaten or not, they should simply retract there confessions, let the police prove they did it, if they retract, the beating didn't give any result for the police.

    The main issue is the DNA evidence... The court will probably not throw it out .. and claiming it's falsified would be defamation and a huge loss of face or something... turning 180 and admitting that it's falsified at this point seems unlikely as well... This is no longer about justice.. it's about politics and trying to save Thailands reputation ... obviously the only thing that could actually save it would be for the general to throw the police department under the bus and prove he is against corruption.. It seems like he was going to do it when he talked with Cameron in Milan .. But he later changed his mind for some reason.. maybe they threatened his family or made him understand some way.... .

  2. There's talk in thai media about the suspects having been suffocated with plastic bags over their heads / faces ... human rights group that have spoken to the suspects or suspects lawyers claim this is the case as well.

    The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, a government agency, has claimed that two Myanmar suspects in the Koh Tao murder case had been tortured and forced to confess to the killings, including suffocation with plastic bags.

    British backpackers David Miller, 24, and Hannah Witheridge, 23, were found dead on the popular holiday island last month.

    Thai police alleged that two workers from neighbouring Myanmar, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, committed the murders. Police said they have obtained confessions as well as DNA evidence from Witheridge that matches both suspects. The men have been charged with murder, rape and robbery.

    However Dr Niran Pitakwatchara, Commissioner of The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand, said: "We spoke to the two suspects on October 13. They have given us believable statements that allude to the fact that they were tortured and forced to confess. But our information comes from the medical investigation team."

    In response to these allegations, Surat Thani police said there has been no abuse of the suspects and questioned where the Commission got their evidence. Police also maintained that a confession was irrelevant at this point as they already have enough physical evidence linking the suspects' DNA to Witheridge.

    The two men charged have now withdrawn their confessions, and UK authorities are pursuing their own independent investigation into the case following an online petition by the British public. Representatives from the Myanmar Lawyers Association will meet with the suspects' Thai lawyers on Tuesday to deliberate on the case.
  3. The UK must take DNA samples from the scapegoats parents and compare with their own samples from the victims bodies.. They should be able to do this without PM permission..

    If they have nothing to hide, why not take the samples directly from the suspects? An honest police department would welcome confirmation.

    An honest police department... hehe .. smile.png

    Let's remove dishonesty from the RTP resumé for a short thought experiment ... what we are left with is a mixture of incompetence, inaccountability, unprofessionalism ...

    So, the honest, but incompetent and unprofessional RTP that never have been held accountable for a single act of their entire lives .. why would they fear someone coming in and questioning them... .. did i answer that for you? Oh, and add dishonesty and corruption to the mix and it's beyond obvious smile.png

  4. Add to that Nomsods father was allowed onto the crime scene. One has to question why he would be there and what was he doing. Very strange. Does he often help the police on crime scenes or only when his son is involved..

    Actually, I don't think that was Nom Sods father, but a member of the local mafia. .. either way, your point is valid... The guy allowed on the crime scene was the one Sean McAnna photographed and claimed that he was threatened by........ PROBABLY involved in the murder or atleast the cover up.

  5. I bet he was in the dark about the dna evidence etc.. And now he knows that if the uk are allowed to investigate the whole corruption/mafia shit will unravel..and he chose to protect them... I dont know what kind of man this really is .. i mean behind the cameras and everything.. i dont know what kind of pressure he is under etc... but one thing is for sure,, he knows that he is now protecting the mafia ... so he is corrupt. sorry.

  6. Police talking with loan shark:

    There is pressure to stop your loan sharking activities. We need double the bribes this month.

    Loan shark: ok, here you go.

    Loan shark: darn, we need to raise the interest to make up for the increased bribes.

    And tomorrow the busload with poor in debt farmers daughters going to pattaya to sell their bodies will be twice as big.

    Enough said

  7. This is a step in the right direction, but people are dreaming if they think the dna tests will be confirmed one way or the other with UK involvement. Any samples collected will have been totally corrupted by now, either inadvertantly or on purpose so that the results give the desired outcome. It's been a total cock-up since day 1, and hard to see justice being done now. The Thai police are an embarrassment and make Thailand a laughing stock.

    Not if the uk vad access to victims bodies early and managed to take their own samples. Then they can simply cross check their samples with the scapegoats and confirm. To catch the real killers they would need to get new fresh samples from the real suspects, but thats another story.

  8. I'm thinking that we are witnessing the final showdown between the military and the police in their power struggle.

    Other posters have also alluded to this - Prayuth, in his new "international" role has been rudely awakened to the fact that Thailand is not the perfect, superior, isolated paradise and does have to answer to world opinion - like it or not.

    He must be acutely aware that, in the eyes of the rest of the world, the disgraceful actions of the R.T.P. have caused Thailand and therefore he, as it's representative, severe embarrassment and, being that this man is far from stupid, he might just have decided to throw them to the wolves in an attempt to regain international credibility.

    If I'm right, and time will tell, he will have made a very shrewd move.

    He will have cemented his status as a true statesman whilst also salvaging the reputation of Thailand, ensuring that the Thai military are firmly in control of events and allowing the first real shakeup of the worthless R.T.P.

    I'm only speculating, of course, but it would indeed be a fascinating scenario if it turns out to be true.........................

    I hope your right A18, as if he is that shrewd his power and popularity will skyrocket and the traditional influential thugs power will diminish as they are exposed as nothing but an impediment to Thai growth in the international arena. It's a big one I know but lets continue to keep a positive outlook as lately i have been moving towards the naysayers camp.

    I might be pessimistic but i think the entire police force is corrupt. Nationwide. So throwing a small Island police station under the bus means nothing. His reluctance to do so means he is either stupid or not willing/able to tackle corruption for real.

  9. Very good news indeed

    For me it Seems like the RTP maybe has a strong case to allowing the UK police to arrive and look at the case.

    The general will not allow this if they don't have a good case. If the UK police find a mismatch on the DNA, this will be a totally face lose for the general and .

    on the other hand this cut be a win win situation for the thailand, general and the police, if the UK police don't have anything to say and the DNA match and then show to the world the police is doing a good job and has nothing to hide

    Could be that the thai pm has been stupid enough to believe his police chiefs in that the case is strong.

  10. Pretty big deal in the scheme of things and doubtless some face lost, especially for the weak UK 'ambassador' to Thailand with his praise for the police's handling of the investigation. They'll get the runaround, no doubt, and it'll be like working with tetchy teenagers, but if the Thais do sandbag this (foregone conclusion) they could be looking at some interesting travel advisories.

    Actually he never praised police work. It was just attempted media manipulation which i think contributed to this end result that the uk is now coming

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