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Everything posted by Homburg

  1. Somebody missed their Brown Envelope?
  2. So the goats aren't talking?
  3. Natural selection in action.
  4. Are the sheets of paper intended to hide their embarrassment at being unable to break the padlock?
  5. No. When you are famous your life is no longer your own, always in the public eye. I much prefer anonymity.
  6. R.I.P. Colin. Thailand: hub of road deaths.
  7. All is fair in love politics and war?
  8. How do they imagine that approach will "prevent further spread" of a parasitic disease spread by mosquitos?
  9. Perhaps if he hadn't been in a rush he'd have held out for 10,000 Baht?
  10. RIP. So many avoidable deaths while taking selfies.
  11. RIP This guy was someone's son. Let's show some humanity, please.
  12. I wonder how well the lady's salon is doing. I am reminded of the comment by P.T. Barnum: "There is no such thing as bad publicity."
  13. Buy another bottle and drink that. When you have emptied that second bottle all the above ideas will seem far more achievable!
  14. What's the point of "informing which way /one way"? It makes no difference to Thais who would ignore that anyway.
  15. "....Thailand’s most famous policeman..." Should that be "Thailand’s most infamous policeman"?
  16. Lived in London around 60 years and watched it change. It used to be a very safe city, but it no longer is. I tend to avoid going out at night in London nowadays, nowhere in London is as safe as Bangkok.
  17. R.I.P. Ms. Kamonnan Thiamphanit. London is an increasingly dangerous city.
  18. The Macavity of Thai politics. Never a dull moment!
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