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Everything posted by Homburg

  1. Well done, and many thanks for the detailed post with so much good information in there. Enjoy your time in the UK.
  2. An entirely baseless and scurrilous implication! All RTP officers are unfailingly honest, with the highest moral standards, paragons of virtue and unimpeachable representatives of all that is best in Thai culture and society!
  3. It seems that the Rainy Season has now arrived!
  4. No 13th floor here either. It's a bungalow.
  5. My post was questioning the aunt's supposed ignorance. Where in the article did it say that the aunt was the victim?
  6. Living with aunt & uncle, but the aunt did not know anything about this. even though it had been happening for 7 years? I'm unconvinced.
  7. Perhaps the suitcase is filled with brown envelopes? He's going to need quite a few.....
  8. How the legal system works in many countries is "innocent until proven guilty" (in court), but TIT and I guess that different rules apply? Perhaps it's "guilty until a adequately bulging brown envelope is received?"
  9. What do you think of women with tattoos? It gives you something to read afterwards!
  10. Alleged thief. Not convicted of any crime as far as I can see from the article?
  11. Those who have allowed things to get this far should be truly ashamed of themselves.
  12. Good to hear that, but it looks to have been quite an intense conflagration with temperatures which could have weakened the adjacent concrete structures. Has this been expertly assessed or......TIT?
  13. All these things should be based on people's biological sex, not their preferred sexual identity, irrespective of the "stage of transition". You could sew a trunk and big ears on a tiger and dye it grey, but it's still a tiger.
  14. No mention of immigration's smart BMW Flat tire?
  15. Thai Airways has never challenged the weight of my carry on bags - usually between 10kg and 15kg. I flew with them last week (PNH_BKK) and noticed that some of the other passengers' carry on bags were much larger than even my check-in bags!
  16. What is in his glass does not appear to be water, so he clearly practices what he preaches.
  17. Not as low fat as they used to be. 😢
  18. Two "cabin pressure" (fairly rare?) incidents in two days? Surely not poor maintenance.... Hands up all those who believe in coincidence?
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