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tubby johnson

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Everything posted by tubby johnson

  1. Thai girls have the firmest little bodies, the healthiest skin, and a nice proud demeanor .... in my humble opinion.
  2. The authorities should release baby komodo dragons in Thailand. The locals will mistake them for fully-grown monitor lizards. Meanwhile the soi dog menace disappears.
  3. What exactly is so special about being a tattooed Norwegian musclehead?
  4. That sounds quite edgy and cool, but too ghetto and thuggish for use in a Thai classroom. The parents would have the teacher chased out of town if their kids were taught that sort of thing.
  5. .... which proves how out of touch you were (and still are) about Thai society. Naive and clueless.
  6. You brag about your ..... humility. Hmm, Interesting. And you write long, rambling posts while claiming to rarely talk. There are plenty of humble sportsmen. Just because they're rich doesn't mean they're big-headed. Pro Wrestling is entertainment, not a sport. Humility won't get anyone far in an over-the-top, hyped-up event such as Pro Wrestling. As someone who brags about your Ivy League status, you should possess enough intelligence to know these facts.
  7. Maybe you should make a sincere attempt to "get" others instead of expecting them to understand you. Long, bloviating monologues only serve to alienate all those people whom you deem more stupid than you. Are you a talkative bore? Do you demand too much? Try humility. Try honest self-criticism. Try listening. It'll transform your life.
  8. Aha! So how did pale skinned people end up with more money and more education? Does it have anything to do with superior work ethic, respect, studying harder, saving money, prudent investing, healthier habits, a love of science and art?
  9. Let me close my eyes and guess the ethnicity of the thug. Aaaand bingo!
  10. It's not the pale skins but the Africans breaking all the laws, doing constant scams and thuggish behaviour. So you won't find any articles highlighting the "paleface crime scourge in Thailand".
  11. Yes, testing the African junkies, thieves and scammers is a wonderful idea ????
  12. ???? Funniest nonsense I've read all day Thais lock them up in a crowded cage in the IDC.
  13. Trust the Mainstream Media. Trust the corporate-owned media. Trust Hollywood. Trust Big Pharma. The conspiracy theorists led by "Batman" Robert Mueller couldn't prove that Trump colluded with Russia, but come on, just trust them. Don't trust your own mind. Don't do any research.
  14. I'm getting the dreaded: "For further information regarding The 90-day Notification Report Service, please contact the Immigration Branch Office in your residence area." Anyone else got this problem?
  15. White males? OMG! Why didn't you follow your urges to scream at them like a Karen?
  16. Same here. I retired with less than 20M Baht and get by comfortably. You should can in US and European REITs, so-called Dividend Aristocrats that raise their dividend year after year, as well as disruptive technology stocks. My portfolio yields more than 10% annually (and rising). Don't buy real estate, but rent --- Stay liquid. And think twice - no three times - before you marry a local lady.
  17. I have never been asked for a TM30, but I own my condo and always show those ownership documents.
  18. Leadership in Thailand is mere performance art. Empty of substance.
  19. Yes, it's open. I was at that Krungsri Bank branch two days ago (Tuesday). CW was crowded and the staff were stressed and grumpy. My wife and I arrived at 9:30. At 10:30 we noticed that we wouldn't be served before 14:00 at least, so drove off for a delicious khao soy lunch and some coffee not far away. I didn't get my marriage extension until 17:00.
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