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Posts posted by umbanda

  1. I believe that if you rented the bike without leaving your passport or a cash deposit, probably the bike was insured. Without any of that, the owner of the rent shop do not have any way to force you to pay the damage. If it a police report, you have enough witnesses, to put the responsibility on the truck driver. Will be wise for you to find your contract and the truck driver's company info. Surely they have insurance on the truck.

  2. Doi Tung is a must to visit the King's mother home, if you like Thai history and architecture. Many nice resorts on the way in to choose.... to get on the way out......Also....on the way back to Chiang Rai, getting into Bandu / Rajawat University area, look for the Thermal Waters and Water Fall Park for nice mountain resorts too.....

  3. I will do this:

    Talk with a lawyer or even a police officer and ask if it is a crime to kill a dog loose on the street because was aggressive and dangerous. Probably is not. Some Thai people kill dogs for food and that is a common knowledge. After that, just go to the police explaining what you did and why, and pay a fine if applicable, and ask them about what to do with this woman. After that talk with that lady and tell her what you did, and tell her that you will file a police complain if she do something wrong with you.

  4. In BK or Chiang Mai the best deal is www.theskhouse.com

    Good rates, friendly English speakers staff, free WIFI, good and safe location, swimming pool, good cable TV, good environment of mostly foreigners. Good restaurant. It is better to call for reservations...

    In Chiang Mai they will get you from the airport, bus or train station for free...I do not know about BK.

    Rates from 500th with AC in Chiang Mai, BK a little higher.

  5. I like turkey ham...may be a business here with that....

    By the way...HAPPY THANKSGIVING MY FRIENDS!.........Click on the link and dance!!!


  6. Probably this it is nothing new. My knowledge was that to load a movie from the Internet was not free, and I never did...but just yesterday I found out that youtube have thousand of full length movies in its site, some very new, and from all around the world...Very good ones.Today I watched STOLEN, a good thriller with Nicolas Cage on my laptop.The only people renting movies are the ones that cannot wait to see a premiere, but premieres reach the rental stores very late. I cannot see a good business in that, but all depends on location, risk considerations, and overhead cost....because the profit will not be a big one. I do not see Thai mature people renting videos, and kids will....just to copy for its friends...I can see a good business in a Internet store with online games. Needs some investment, but Thai kids spend hours renting the computers to play with other kids online.....

  7. In Songkhla area it is official. Tuk-tuk and Sonkel fares are a lot higher for foreigners....not negotiations allowed. Happens in most other cities but at least it is negotiable. Anyway....Taken advantage is a Thai tradition, and they will do it with their own people....rich or poor...if they can. By the way....I am not sure that is only a Thai tradition....we live now in a "global" era where the meaning of honesty and decency is changing.....

    • Like 1
  8. I got the PSI HD box now for 1500thb after installing the complete system with the SX-9 box 2 years ago for 2000thb. I did just because I can see Spain football league and World Cup classification games, and the World Cup next year, but still with most Thai language channels. To get some English speaking channel will depends in the PSI technician skills to get the best dish orientation....anyway..just a few.

  9. I am 70, from Brazil, now married with a wonderful Thai woman after more than 2 years dating a a lot of women here, from 28 to 60 years old.

    I can tell that this video tells the true. I never dated any bar girls, or at least knowing that they were bar girls, but I had at least 2 experiences related with this video.


    I travel to meet a 32 years old very beautiful woman from the Internet. After dinner, she took me to her home for the night. She was living with her family in rural Phrae, one teenager daughter, and she just complete the building of a new nice house with money she earned in her ex BK "job". Few minutes after we met, her "proposition" was that she will marry me, and take me to her home and her family ranch to take care of me, in exchange of 20,000thb/month. I was not interested in the deal or in to see her again, but, just for curiosity, I asked her how she will get married with me before knowing if she will be happy having sex with a 70 year old man. She responded saying that if I like sex, she will have sex with me, but I do not need to worry about her because she have many young boy friends in the village. A week later I invited her to come to my town for a party, she responded saying that she cannot do it because she was "engaged" and getting married soon.


    Another meeting from the Internet, with a 42 years old woman, after exchanging very nice and seducing e-mail in English. I met by the Tha Pae Gate in Chiang Mai. Was not easy to recognize her, nothing to do with her picture on the Internet, and not English skills at all. We talk standing by her scooter few minutes, and I told her that I was looking for a English speaker lady, and that was nice to meet her...and good bye. She ask me to go with her to meet a friend close by at its beauty salon. I do not know why she wanted for me to do that, but, for curiosity again, I did. Her friend, at the beauty salon, was seated writing e-mails on the computer in front of about 4 young women. She let me read an e-mail a foreigner just send to her. A looongggg love letter. She told me that woman was charging 300thb for every e-mail she was writing for the ladies in English.

    I wasted few minutes of my time...but I really felt bad thinking about the guys in home getting those wonderful love letters from those women.....

    I had many other similar experiences related with this video....so many....but I also have to agree. Those are not the typical Thai women, and I believe that is happening in many countries. In my country for sure......

    • Like 2
  10. You shouldn't have a problem if you have proof that Thailand is your home and your wife has ties to Thailand. So if she has a business and records of income, land, this will overcome any negatives if you are her sole financial supporter.

    You might also check taking her in the future to obtain a social security number so you can get benefits for her whether you reside in the U.S. or not with her. This is possible if you use the right agency to get it done worth the money it is about timing?

    I will be going to the US to get the SS number, etc, for my wife...but I am thinking in doing it direct with the SS. What you mean about the right agency?..In the US? I do not know any agency doing that job there. Can you give me more info? Thank you.

  11. What about if your are lucky and live to be 96? Can you afford to provide yourself and your significant other with a good life for forty more years? That's a long time. Or maybe you're not as lucky and live to 86. That's still thirty years of supporting yourself without a job..

    And don't forget the the two things that most people either don't think about ... or don't give realistic attention to:

    1- You are most likely going to lose or have to spend significant money along the way that you did not plan on ... and there are dozens of possible scenarios of how that can happen.

    2- As the years roll by ... ten years ... and esp. twenty years ... and esp. esp. thirty years from now ... you money will absolutely not have as much buying power as it does today. Think about bread costing $12 or $15 a loaf. Don't believe it? Then spend some time in Goole and see what bread, or milk, or gasoline, etc. cost thirty years ago.

    So when you sit down and plan how much money you'll need in the years ahead ... do so with the value of your money in the future and not just with today's money.

    When it comes to retirement remember one of Murphy's Laws: It's going to require money than you think it will.

    And my advice ... FWIW ... is if you don't hate your job, hang in there for a few more years. Or figure out how to semi-retire and still make some money. And if you're an American, don't take your social security until you're 70 so that you get 100% of what your qualified for.

    70???? If you like maths..do this. Look how much is the monthly difference between retiring at 62 or 70. Calculate the total money you will miss receiving from SS during those 8 years. Look in how many years you will need to recovers that money with the difference you will get...and...if you will still alive and healthy to enjoy that difference after....75?.....and more....At 62..and retired...you can live in a cheaper country..or just another country to start a new life....may be.... a lot better life. How many people have that opportunity at 62?.....At 70??...Hummmm..perhaps a better nursing home???

    • Like 1
  12. I have to agree some what with the OP.

    Have heard of lot's of problem case's more than the one's that go right.

    I am English been married to an English girl lasted 3 years have had several lady friend's since then all English and all money grabber's or played around on the side.

    Been coming to Thailand for many year's eventually met up with a Thai lady been an item for over 13 years now married.

    Does she moan ask for monies well NO in fact quite the opposite save's me bundle's we laugh every day and I've never been so happy. Problems what problems.

    It seems to me if you get on alright it doesn't matter what culture they are, you do have to get used to their quirky way's and they with yours, if you can do that you'll stand a good chance of it working out in the end.

    There will always be one's that don't go right who's fault who know, the ladies that Farang's meet in bars are on for a slippery slide from the start you can never compare like with like.

    Every relationship has it's ups and downs just go with the flow if it doesn't suit get out.

    But I know where Id sooner be.

    Bad luck! I was thinking in write here exactly the same...but I will have to pay you for the copyrights......I only can ad that my Thai wife is the most affectionate and caring woman I met in my life....and the most beautiful too!

  13. I have been to the UK with my wife a few times and met some other Thai Scottishcouples. Nothing else in common with the guys.

    My wife isn't interested either. Some sad cases.

    "How did these people end up together?", I often wonder although it's pretty obvious.

    Never marry a Thai woman unless you've lived in Thailand for at least 3 years.

    Now that last line is some dam good advice.

    Very good advise!.....I was living here exactly 3 years dating like craze..... before meeting the love of my life and married her in 2 months before other farang see her value....Years with good and bad experiences can give you the intuition to recognize a good woman...No doubts about.

  14. I have been to the UK with my wife a few times and met some other Thai Scottishcouples. Nothing else in common with the guys.

    My wife isn't interested either. Some sad cases.

    "How did these people end up together?", I often wonder although it's pretty obvious.

    Never marry a Thai woman unless you've lived in Thailand for at least 3 years.

    Now that last line is some dam good advice.

    Very good advise!.....I was living here exactly 3 years dating like craze..... before meeting the love of my life and married her in 2 months before other farang see her value....Years with good and bad experiences can give you the intuition to recognize a good woman...No doubts about.

  15. clever are those theft. they can become rich in their doings. they are more hi-tech than banks

    You are right, and I explained that in other posting about debit/credit cards scams. I advise people to check their present and past banks and credit cards statement, and do not feel so bad is they find small debits for years.....and they are just waiting for the chance to make the BIG debit.

    For those people scamming using a computer is their 24 hours job!..and they are masters in doing that!

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