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Posts posted by umbanda

  1. Which thai people you refer 2 ?

    Many people, but no one forced you to response, so...

    I guess it is ok for people to ask about Thailand, but it is not ok for Thai people to ask about other country. But, then they like to say Thai people are uneducated and uninformed about things.

    So many similarities and differences between Thai's and Americans in my case. Many sincere warm aand friendly Thais almost everty place I go

    I have never been treated badly by taxi drivers or anyone else except a few Baht gouging tuk tuk drivers and of course paying three times what my Thai wife pays when shoppping, in many instances. Many Thai's assume all Americans are rich, and by some standards of living I guess that is true. I have been called a rich Farang many times, mostly in a joking manner, but I strugggle to balance my monthly pension whie supporting my Thai wife and helping the extended famiy of 12 every month also. Between the family and our farm, the expenses are enough to leave me almost with empty pockets at month's end or earlier most months.

    One huge difference is the way illegals are treated here vs in America. I this case i speak only of how I have seen Lao friends and family who are here without work permits. When caught, Lao's are quickly sent back across the river, maybe after two or three days in the local lock up as just happened in my Lao sister in law.. She spent two nights in jail sleeping on a bare concrete floor with a month old infant. The jailer tok the baaby's blankets and the mom's jacket and the temps were in the low 50's where they live.She was fed a small portion of rice and salad once a day and had to fight to keep it. If word reached the Ameerican media of any mom and infant being treated this way in America, there would be six lawyers lined up ready to sue the jail over this sort of treatment.

    Illegals in America, mostly poor Mexicans. looking for better money, just as the Lao's are, walk Across the Rio Grande river, or go through tunnels that reach for miles across the border into border cities in Texas and Arizona mostly, but the open border runs from southern Texas, west to California, a distance of roughly 3,000 km so illegals can easily pick thir point of entry. The list of entiotlements for illegal mexicans would shock ,ost people. In many cases free housing or fifteen people sharing a two bedroom flat while working usuallly as famr labor, construction labor or in restaurants.Terer are probably 40 million illlegal mexicans in the US that cost US taxpayers more than 350 billlion dollars a year to support; free medicaal, free schools through grade 12, free social services, foood stamps, welfare money bi lingual speakers to help the Mexicans do all their paperwork, which does not include bank accounts because they send millions in cash back to Mexico each month. They ay no taxes either because they have no Tax ID number like all Americans of age with a social security number. Thoussands of mexican pregnant women cross the border to give birth in the USA. This automatically gives the child US citizenship because of being born in America. That automatically qualifies the infant, not the mom in many cases, with all the benefits mentiioned above, but since the infant is not of age, the mom and father reap the benefits...

    That is enough..I was first here during the war in the late 60's and always wanted to retire here. I still love Thailand and their people after being here almost 7 years. I just wish there was healthcare insurance for expats. For that reason alone, meaning my poor health, I may be forced soon to go back to America just for medical treatment and sadly, my Thai fmily will not be going with me.

    Reading your last sentences

    Now there is Thai Government Healthcare Insurance free for foreigners. Just go to your local hospital and ask about.....or ask me.

  2. Wow a lot of very different opinions here. Ok more specifics. We are currently living in Ecuador where like 1% of the population speaks English. My memory is pretty crappy due to a medical condition. This has made learning Spanish quite difficult. In my research we have found that in Cambodia we can get by on English. It was my thought that we would be able to do the same in Chiang Mai. I am all for taking classes however I am concerned about how much I would maintain. Most foreigners are already taken advantage of financially so I wouldn't want anything to make it worse than it is!!!

    I would like to negotiate an apt in English, shop, eat out, sight see, take care of my banking, take care of my visa, etc...

    Yes...at old age learn Thai is not easy. After 3 years here I do not speak ANY. In Chiang Mai it is a large expat community and it is a tourist destination. In the most frequented places by foreigners, markets, hotels, restaurants, shops, pharmacies, etc, and around the landmarks, will be not problems, but in the countryside is very rare to find English speakers. The other option will be Chiang Rai, smaller than Chiang Mai and easy to be "adopted" by the community and not abused. Good expat environment, close to everything, and a cheaper cost of living too.

    • Like 1
  3. I believe that what makes a difference between countries is its people.

    Comparing middle class Thai people, with westerners..

    Good things.... all the time

    Thai women are more affectionate and caring than western women....and take care of their body better than western women...

    Thai women not only smile and likes to have fun....not taking life so seriously..Happy most of the times..Western women don't.

    Thai families are very close and caring, about them and other people and families too...even not relatives. Western families don't..

    Thai people are very superstitious. Westerners don't.

    Thailand's Buddhist traditions creates more decent and honest people. In Western countries, religion no makes a difference in behavior.

    Thailand people is very art oriented and have a deep appreciation for beauty. Most foreigners don't.

    Thai people are more understanding and tolerant of western customs than westerners are with Thai customs..

    Bad things...all the time

    Thai people will do unethical things just to make more money.....and thinks its normal. Westerners will do it to...some times......but it is not a "norm"

    Thai people like to gossip, be in middle of other people affairs, creates conflicts....all the time. Westerners don't.

    Thai people is easily manipulated by other people's opinions. Westerners don't.

    Thai people do not know how to say NO to a request, even if the do not like or want to accept the request...or will not do it at all.

    Thai men don't care or do not understand women feelings and it is not family oriented. Most foreigners do.

    Thai people believes that love can be demonstrated and obtained just with money. Foreigners don't.

    Thai people do not like to dialog about anything...will just act .... and confront the consequences. Westerners don't.

    This is my perception after few years of dealing with Thai people and living in several Western countries.. Am I wrong?

    • Like 1
  4. Would language teachers in Chiang Mai, or anywhere in Thailand for that matter, be offended if I started teaching for no cost? Would they see it as taking business off them?

    I don't need the money but do need an interest, and I thought running private English classes at no cost, say three mornings a week, would be a good thing to do. I realize I would still need a work permit to do so. I guess most teachers work for schools/organizations, so wouldn't' see it as moving in on their patches?

    I'm interested in any comments.

    I was a free English teacher at Government Elementary Schools in 2011 even if I am a non native speaker. I did just because I love to teach and like to be busy on my retirement with something I like to do. I was having a wonderful time!...and 6 months later the Thai Government started a program paying 10000THB/month for ANY English speaker, foreign or Thai, teaching at elementary schools. The Principal likes my work so much that he was willing to pay me that only for working 3 days a week. I didn't do it because I got married and move to another city, but still looking for something similar to do it if I have the opportunity. If you go to any public elementary school and tell the Principal that you wants to teach English, I am sure you will make its day....specially if it is a countryside or village school. Go for it! You will make a lot of good friends!

    The school will take care of your WP. If you give private classes, for free, in your home, you will have a lot of kids around, but I think will be better to ask the Labor Dept about that, and get a Volunteer Permit, WP, or any related documentation.

  5. I do not now...but many years ago the Toshiba warranty and service was the only valid in most countries. Anyway....if will be used just for Internet browsing, light office works, e-mail and chat, and not for heavy games and music programs, any laptop under 15K will do it very well, and with Windows XP even better. The "restore" fixture in XP save my computers many times from viruses and crashes, and from expensive services. Personally, and from past experiences, I like Acer and Dell, I do not like HP/Compaq and Lenovo.

  6. It is not a mention here that The Thai Governement started a program in 2011 for Government Elementary Schools to hire English teachers WITHOUT any degree, foreigners or Thai, even non native English Speakers like me. I was working under that program for few months. Very low salary but not full time hours.Teacher salaries in Thailand probably are the lowest in Asia. I am retired. I just did because I love to teach. I have an American friend teaching English in Korea and another in Japan, without teaching qualifications, with salaries over US$2500/month plus housing and travel expenses. They are happy about the salaries, but they are complaining about the very high basic cost of living in those countries.They were hired just trough a phone interview when vacationing in Thailand in 2010.

  7. Her parents concern is valid. The dowry is valid. Your girl friend sounds like a honest and independent woman, and from a good family. If you will meet her family is because you are serious and in love, and you will have to show that to her parents. More of that, you are showing your interest in getting married with her. If you get married probably you will change your visa to marriage visa to stay in the country, and will need to show monthly income or money in the bank to immigration. If you have steady income coming from your country of more than 45000THB/month you also may need a statement from your Embassy translated to Thai. If you get that now and show it to your GF, she will pass the information to her parents and relatives and that will be enough for them. Many Thai teachers and professionals make that kind the money here and is an OK income.....With that information and telling them that you will look for business opportunities or investments here, or even a job in the future, probably her parents will feel more confident in your ability in be a provider for their daughter. My best wishes for you!

    45000 baht per month is a salary realised ONLY by a Professor or Education Senior. I guarantee no ordinary Thai TEACHER has ever earnt 45K.

    As an example of higher management salary, I have a Thai friend who works as a senior in a local health center connected with the local hospital and she earns 30K pm at age 40.

    Business opportunities and investments...prey tell where the average ;'Farang' can enjoy the benefit of 'ownership' of such things here in Thailand and without 'jumping through hoops' to do so.

    As for saying a dowry is valid, I can assure you most 'modern & emancipated' Thais, view the old dowry as distasteful, not least of all because it directly echoes the past when Thailand was barely more than a feudal Kingdom and the people truly submissive.

    Your's is a text book account of how to procure an economically viable relationship but has absolutely nothing to do with the real emotions and feeling behind real love.

    If the OP isn't put off enough already, let him not forget the old adage..... BUYER BEWARE !

    We westerners some times, or most of the times, believes that our customs and traditions, even our religion, have to be the "normal" in this world, and that is totally wrong. Many tradition, in other cultures, not only makes sense, means a lot for the elders, and if somebody do not show respect and understanding for it, is enough for rejection and indifference. I am a Brazilian father of 2 grown women, already married. I was always worry about my daughters elections for future husband, and I believe than any concerned parent do. I gave my opinion about one of the candidates, and I am glad she listened. That guy still a punk. She now is married with a very nice guy. And that was in Brazil, a very open minded country.

    In Thailand, if the bride's family is educated and conservative, will not just ask for sinsod, will give it back to the couple after marriage. In this case, the motive for her family concern is not just the future husband income, the reputation and future of their daughter is on the table. Thai men do not see with good eyes a single and young Thai woman dating a farang, or divorced from a farang, and if that happen, she will "out the list" for potential bride. His GF sound mature and educated, but may be also too young to understand parent's concerns. He is in his 40's. Her parents will glad to see him respecting the traditions, and I hope he is mature enough to understand why.

    • Like 2
  8. Then there is the other side of the coin. A Thai wife married to a Thai man will cheat with a farang. I'm no "hunk" by any means, but have been hit on by attractive Thai women about 40 yo or so who are married. Never took them up on it. I like breathing in and out.

    Happens with me too..and always will happen specially with farangs..in any country, but here, to date a married woman is a suicide adventure, for both lovers. In western culture, infidelity is a path to divorce, here is a part of marriage. Anyway.....I posted this question because I saw many Thai men talking freely about affairs, even charming other women, in front of their wives....and doing things that I cannot comment here..I was invited many times by professional Thai married men to go out with them to karaoke bars full of prostitutes.....and with wives knowledge. I come back home alone..them...the next day.

    Thailand is the #1 country in the world when HIV is contracted by wives and children because spouse behavior.

    I think that is a down side of their culture.

    • Like 1
  9. Her parents concern is valid. The dowry is valid. Your girl friend sounds like a honest and independent woman, and from a good family. If you will meet her family is because you are serious and in love, and you will have to show that to her parents. More of that, you are showing your interest in getting married with her. If you get married probably you will change your visa to marriage visa to stay in the country, and will need to show monthly income or money in the bank to immigration. If you have steady income coming from your country of more than 45000THB/month you also may need a statement from your Embassy translated to Thai. If you get that now and show it to your GF, she will pass the information to her parents and relatives and that will be enough for them. Many Thai teachers and professionals make that kind the money here and is an OK income.....With that information and telling them that you will look for business opportunities or investments here, or even a job in the future, probably her parents will feel more confident in your ability in be a provider for their daughter. My best wishes for you!

    • Like 1
  10. I think you are overreacting and paranoid about your situation...

    If you feel so much in danger......Why you didn't move already? If you lose your internship, you can change your visa, and stay here without any problem until find a better situation...or just enjoy your shorter stay. Be sure that your GF cannot get your new address or phone info and it is all.

  11. very very good threads, today i was thinking about this....

    in all the years that i spent in Thailand i never ever(in fact less than once a year) saw a foreigner with a thai wife/gf like those on the picture, yes dont remember i saw a foreigner with a cute good thai girl (by good i mean not a "sexy" bg).... quite depressing in fact!

    You forgot to say that you are blind....

  12. If you are really not interested in your GF anymore, move out now and change your phone number. If you have a good relationship with your sponsor's manager, jut tell it that you are having problems with your GF and you changed address and phone number. I doubt your GF will do what she says. If she do it, I doubt Immigration will be involved with that. Maximum it can do it is contacting your sponsor to know if your contract still in place, and to ask for your new address in town. Relax.....but change bed companion....NOW!

  13. I do not know if this is just my personal experience, but every woman I met here when I was single, and now my wife, think "natural" if I have or wanted to have a "gik"....and do not believe me if I don't do. I may understand it if I was young and handsome, and my wife was old and ugly...but it is totally the opposite...and we are very happy together. Why they are not jealous just thinking about?

    I know that it is very common for Thai men to have extramarital relationships...even multiple families, and it is mostly accepted by wives and girl friends, but also I know that Thai men are very jealous and never will accept the same behavior in Thai women....

    Are Thai women just adapted to the "custom"?.....or Thai concept of love and commitment is different than in the western culture?

  14. My experience, after more than 3 years in Thailand.

    I live in Chiang Rai. After living in Chiang Mai and Lampang, Chiang Rai is in my opinion the best mountain city, and the best weather in the country. Rents for a nice house or townhouse from 6000thb/month. Nice and small expat community and foreign tourism. Close to Chiang Mai, Phayao, Nan, Phrae, and Lampang and just 1/2 hour from the Burma border, and 2 hours from the Laos border, with easy immigration offices.

    Beaches?...After visiting Pattaya, Rayon, Songkhla, Hua Hin and Cha Am, my choice will be Cha Am. Rents for a nice house or townhouse very close to the beach from 6000thb/month. Very close to BK and Hua HIn but a lot cheaper and safer. Rayon is nice too, close to the islands.

    Visited Songkla this year. Boring city, no public transportation, deserted but not nice beaches, and....official double pricing for everything, for Thai and Farangs....Hat Yai?.. just a shopping stop for Malaysians. Too many Muslims...may be the reason for double pricing and other shopping and communication inconveniences. Another Thailand and without smiles. Nobody speaks English in the area. Nothing good to remember from that trip.

    • Like 1
  15. May is the hottest month of the year (but April is almost the same) and May is the third wettest month behind October and November. However the rainfall in May generally comes in the form of quick and heavy passing downpours mainly in the mid afternoon, not long days full of rain all the time as can happen in the fall.

    As far as better places to stay in Thailand, that depends on you and your expectations of activities and socialization.

    A question though; why Suan Son beach? That's ok if you are a loner or a golfer (nice military golf course there), otherwise I would think pretty boring most of the time. It's mainly visited during the day by Thais. I would think dead quiet after the sun goes down. If you want to stay there because you like kilometers of empty beach then it's ok but transport to and from Hua Hin could get expensive if you go often and I don't think there is any grocery store nearby. The nearest would be a couple of 7/11s and a small(ish) Tesco market across from a good fresh market in the south end of Hua Hin between 4 to 5 kilometers north of Suan Son Beach.

    I tend yo agree.

    If I was you I would be finding somewhere close in Hua Hin for the first couple of weeks until you get an understanding of the place and where everything is located.

    There are many cheap guest houses in Hua Hin and if you want some suggestions just message me.

    You should also take a close look at Cha am beach which is about 30 minutes drive north of Hua Hin.

    I stayed there recently for a few days and there seems to be quite a few Scandinavian and Danish retirees living and holidaying in that area.

    Its a bit quieter than Hua Hin and also cheaper.

    But it has a big oc night life and enough amenities to be suitable for a long term stay and you can always go to Hua Hin now and then if you want as is only a short distance away.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I agree totally with Cha Am for a better choice than Hua Hin...I live in Chiang Rai. In December 2012 I spend a month there renting a studio on a CondoHotel with pool and beach front for 6000 thb/month, and was close to rent for the year a 3 bedrooms furnished townhouse 1/2 block from the beach for just 5000thb/month. Probably 3 times cheaper of anything similar in Hua Hin. Very nice beach town just 20 minutes from Hua Hin and 2 hours from Bangkok with very easy and cheap transportation, busy only on weekends and very calm during the week. Great night and fish market, nice small expat community, and better beach than Hua Hin....and tthe weather was just fantastic! My advise..Do no commit with any rental from the Internet. Reserve a room for few days at the small Cha Am Seaside Hotel owned by Peter, a very nice old German guy, and get advise with him. Ask his Thai wife to take you to see the CondoHotel just few blocks away and go from there.....Have fun! Welcome to Thailand!

  16. May is the hottest month of the year (but April is almost the same) and May is the third wettest month behind October and November. However the rainfall in May generally comes in the form of quick and heavy passing downpours mainly in the mid afternoon, not long days full of rain all the time as can happen in the fall.

    As far as better places to stay in Thailand, that depends on you and your expectations of activities and socialization.

    A question though; why Suan Son beach? That's ok if you are a loner or a golfer (nice military golf course there), otherwise I would think pretty boring most of the time. It's mainly visited during the day by Thais. I would think dead quiet after the sun goes down. If you want to stay there because you like kilometers of empty beach then it's ok but transport to and from Hua Hin could get expensive if you go often and I don't think there is any grocery store nearby. The nearest would be a couple of 7/11s and a small(ish) Tesco market across from a good fresh market in the south end of Hua Hin between 4 to 5 kilometers north of Suan Son Beach.

    I tend yo agree.

    If I was you I would be finding somewhere close in Hua Hin for the first couple of weeks until you get an understanding of the place and where everything is located.

    There are many cheap guest houses in Hua Hin and if you want some suggestions just message me.

    You should also take a close look at Cha am beach which is about 30 minutes drive north of Hua Hin.

    I stayed there recently for a few days and there seems to be quite a few Scandinavian and Danish retirees living and holidaying in that area.

    Its a bit quieter than Hua Hin and also cheaper.

    But it has a big oc night life and enough amenities to be suitable for a long term stay and you can always go to Hua Hin now and then if you want as is only a short distance away.

    Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

    I agree totally with Cha Am for a better choice than Hua Hin...I live in Chiang Rai. In December 2011 I spend a month there renting a studio on a CondoHotel with pool and beach front for 6000 thb/month, and was close to rent for the year a 3 bedrooms furnished townhouse 1/2 block from the beach for just 5000thb/month. Probably 3 times cheaper of anything similar in Hua Hin. Very nice beach town just 20 minutes from Hua Hin and 2 hours from Bangkok with very easy and cheap transportation, busy only on weekends and very calm during the week. Great night and fish market, nice small expat community, and better beach than Hua Hin. My advise..Do no commit with any rental from the Internet. Reserve a room for few days at the small Cha Am Seaside Hotel owned by Peter, a very nice old German guy, and get advise with him. Ask his Thai wife to take you to see the CondoHotel just few blocks away and go from there.....Have fun! Welcome to Thailand!

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