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Posts posted by umbanda

  1. The US still are printing over 80 BILLION usd each and every month. That is 1 TRILLION usd a year. Ditch the usd as standard or go down with it.

    The usd might go down but not in our lifetime.

    ...That depends on how old we are. I personally think the Dollar will go down, my guess is within 10 years, there are many factors that i base my assumption on, here's a few to start... 1) i believe there is no gold left in Fort knox, 2) the sellers of 'paper gold' (again in my opinion) have over sold the contracts by at least 5 times. 3) One of the reasons the Dollar keeps its value is that to buy oil the price is in Dollars so oil has to be purchased (from Saudi etc) in Dollars therefor other countries use Dollars for this purpose, soon however i believe there will be a change to this (Russia, China or India) will trade their currency direct for oil thus stunning the Dollar, add that to the $17.2 Trillion Dollars of the US nationel debt will maybe not kill the Dollar outright but it will make it pretty worthless.

    You are right...not because only those actions, also because the US from the biggest manufacturer and producer of good in the world, becomes the biggest consumer of foreign products and producing NOTHING with US companies and US labor. What is made for $1 in China, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Philippines, etc, etc, sells to American buyers for $10....Few American people and corporations are getting richer importing those products, the big money go to the foreign industries and countries.. What will happen if those foreign industries, specially in China, find other markets like Russia, Brazil, India and European markets to sell most of its production and rise prices for the US corporations...or...if the US Government start to charge taxes to imports to promote the local industry.......awaking too late of the mess its creates? Already the US is in panic and supporting "revolutions" because Russia, India, China, India. Korea, Vietnam, South Africa and other growing countries are buying the oil and goods from sources before exclusive to the US and its Allies.

    Big inflation in the US it is just few years away...

  2. Can means many things in Thailand...like "it is complicated"....

    She is not looking for marriage or nothing serious.....just wants to date many men she likes...

    She is looking for marriage but wants to feel free to date and choose...

    She is married...

    She is married...but her husband lives out the country ....

    She is unhappily married and cheated by her husband.....looking for a lover too.

    She is looking for a married man...

    She is looking for a "provider" with some mutual benefits...

    She is not divorced yet...cannot have a steady relationship...

    She is bisexual....

    She is in a relationship with a married man....and wants to date a single man to get married

    She is older and rich...not looking for marriage or a relationship...but for steady sex and she will pay for that

    She wants to date looking for marriage...but she have other prospects on the Internet...inside or outside the country.

    For some reasons...she just is looking for "online sex".

    She do not have any idea what she wants...

    So many different situations that is a lot easier not to guess...better to meet in person or online...and just ask....

  3. I do not agree with comments here saying that is not difference between BAR girls and Internet girls.

    By my understanding the called BAR girls are not the ones you find in public parties, some karaoke places, festivals, stores, restaurants, etc, et

    BAR GIRLS looks good, dress modernly, speaks good foreign languages. Bar girls are fun to be around, are fast and great in bed, and know how to seduce every kind of men..just because they are whores....full time, part time or seasonal. Yes..whores, but most of them will grasp any opportunity to get married with a farang..and will adopt any image convenient for the task. ...in person or on the Internet.

    Most bar girls are a lot more "smart" than their clients or "boy friends"....

    No ALL the Internet dating sites are good looking for "decent" women....but...many happy married couples I know met on the Internet.

    Sure.....bar girls are also on the Internet...and "decent" women are also on the Internet but not..not at all...frequenting bars. Never in Thailand.

    I do not like bars..never did...it is not my kind of environment. I know that can be fun for a lot of men, and for good reasons..

    Since 1997, when I "discover" the Internet dating in America, 95% of my dates are from the Internet. I found amazing women in those dating sites from many countries around the world, I had amazing experiences, and very few bad ones.

    Here in Thailand, it is a lot easier to find and date women from Internet sites, and it is necessary to manage it well not to get 4 dates a day if you want to. If I was in my 30's when I move to Thailand, probably it is something that can happen. I was in my 30's and single when I leave Brazil to move to the US..and I had to change my "routine' in America....until I found the Internet.

    Here in Thailand I am not so young anymore, but the "problem" with the Thai Internet dating is that you have to control yourself not to get into promiscuity and troubles dating anybody or everybody, and just focusing your searching in what you really wants and need.

    If you are looking for a "decent", independent, younger, beautiful and even rich women...they are also on the Internet...If you are looking for LOVE...or to get married, takes some time to find the right one...But remember...any "decent" women also like to F... much...like any "decent" men....but here in Thailand they are very worry about image, gossips, tradition, family, friends, etc, etc....

  4. I am 69 now....A good number!! Not in a so good shape like in my 50's but still looking good

    My main exercise was and still WALKING a couple hours every day.....and do some work out with my younger Thai wife every week.....You figure out what...Som Tam may be aphrodisiac too...It is my favorite Thai salad.

    Hormonal and urination problems, I had before coming to Thailand, are gone now taking local herbs products and liters of green tea for the last 3 years. Any drinking...just good red wine sometimes.

    Eating many veggies and fruits I can, a lot of fish, no fry foods just eggs for breakfast. No red meat at all...sometimes just barbecue chicken without the skin. No processed food at all, ham and cheese, salamis, sausages, etc, etc....My Italian side say yes...but...I am in Thailand not Rome.

    Thai food contains a lot of fat and oil most of the times. I prefer to eat at home cooking with rice or olive oil. No butter.

    Avoiding carbs. Breads, pastas and potatoes.....I am now 15 kilos lighter..and can be more if I do not break my diet sometimes in front of a nice barbecue or buffet. December is not a good month to start diets.....but a good month for a New Year resolution...

    Take care...

  5. Be careful when you book hotels. Nice pictures on the Internet, but the reality can be painful and location not practical at all....and that it is very important if you will be new in town.

    Luxury hotels...Tamarindo and Shangrila....probably over $100/day....

    If you budget for hotel is not more than $50/day ..AMORA HOTEL may be a good for you. Very good location and service. High rise building with nice city views. Under $40/day rarely will include breakfast. Good breakfast outside will cost about $5.

    If you budget is under $30/day...look at THESKHOUSE...Same hotel in BK.

    And ask for pick up at the airport...not many hotels offers that.

    Have a good trip. Be safe.

  6. Who the Hell is this guy to make demands such as this?

    Easy to answer....He is the "clown" of the police, the military, the corporations....and all the people that took Taksin out of power....and are against real democracy and the will of the PEOPLE.. He knows that...He do not wants elections and voting, and he will be in power soon. .....hugging with all the others clowns in this world....So many to named here....

    • Like 1
  7. Apologies for the font glitches. Let me reiterate and elaborate - I have interviewed many aspiring teachers. My experience is that Thais are the best teachers of English for Thai students. If there are any farangs out there who can speak even Patom 1 level, please let me know ;-)

    I agree that Thai may be the best teachers of English.....but only if they do not follow the school books and adapt their teaching by the students levels and interest. Schools books are too advanced for most of the Thai students in Government schools. In some private schools may be OK....

    Now...with the new Government program paying 10K to ANY English Speaker, foreigner or Thai, for a full time position without any degree or certification need it.....why schools will pay 25 K for some foreigner without Thai skills? Speak Thai to be able to communicate well and teach well, is more important than speak perfect English, be a native speaker or have any degrees.....Speak good Thai is very important and will qualify any foreigner teacher to a well paid teaching job...in any area. But..if you do not like to teach and just will do for the money, no qualification will be enough to be a good teacher.....

  8. If there is no social Security in Thailand what is the Bt.750 per month "social security" monies that come from my salary for ?


    I think some people post here what they do not know. ...or just what they hear about....

    It is Social Security here. Many self employed people do not pay the annual contribution and get nothing, but some do, and get a "retirement" check after 60 calculated over the minimum salary. Some ex employees and now retired Thai citizens get up to 60% of its last salary every month after 60 years old. Government schools teachers in Thailand get retirement benefits a lot better than in many "1st world" countries. A 65 years old Government School Principal can get over 25000 THB/month retirement check....and.....foreigners under 60 working legally in Thailand can apply and pay for Social Security getting also the attached benefits like any Thai citizen. Check at any Social Security office......

  9. All this shy Thai girl is just total BS,they all love boom boom,problem is they won't make the first move so it really is "Up to you"!thumbsup.gif

    I agree with this....Thai women have 2 personalities....One outside 4 walls...the other inside 4 walls...and they always will wait for you to ask..or lead. The only exception are bar girls...but those are not Thai...those are the same in any culture....Be happy that you are not with a bar girl..but do not take too long to make a move....she may be ready for you NOW!

  10. I do not know about Thai politics....just because I do not know about politics on my own country and in any country....and I believe that very few people in this world really knows about what is going on in any government....In most countries the Police and the Army will act to protect its Government institutions...Didn't happens here...Just think about....

    But...I only know this....If the PEOPLE voted for its government in a clean election....NOBODY have the rights to fight against with violence of any type, or supporting "revolution". That is called Democracy and Respect. Countries belongs to its PEOPLE not to a ELITE with only interest in power and money and without any interest in serving honestly. ...PEOPLE have the right to make mistakes...and fix it in a new election....or make another mistake.

  11. If you just arrived in Thailand, my advice will be NOT to buy a land or do any long term rental commitment, specially with real estate agencies, until you find your last destination traveling around to close cities, like Lamphun, Lampang, Phayao, Chiang Rai, Phrae. I live in Chiang Mai for a while. It is a big city and very touristic. You may like smaller cities, or a house with a small garden, and not downtown life. After living in Chiang Mai in a small apartment paying $200/month...I moved to a lovely small house on a secure private village outside Lampang paying $100/month month to month.

    Anyway....after living in Chiang Mai and Lampang for few years, I found Chiang Rai the best city to live in North Thailand. Look on internations for Chiang Mai events and other sites for expats events in Chiang Rai. If you are a native English speaker and you like to teach, you can find a English teaching job part time and becomes a "local" very fast. If that is of your interest, you can start just assisting a Thai teacher in Government schools, for free, or for small salary. Just introduce your self to an English teacher in those schools and you will be directed to the principal to start helping young people....At the same time you will meet a lot of new people, Thai and foreigners teachers. If is not teaching, you can find many volunteers activities where foreigners are involved. Facebook is a good place to find about.

    Drive a car?....only if you need it bad. It is not a good idea if you want to be out of trouble. For the cost of running a car, you can use tuk tuk every day or even rent a car with driver, and relax enjoying the landscape. Do you need stress? Just find a tuk tuk with a nice driver, and ask if you can call it every time you need it. Some will be happy in be at your service, and not extra cost because that.

    Also...you may not know, but since few weeks any foreigner living in Thailand can get Medical Benefits like Thai people in Government Hospitals. If you do not have Medical Insurance, just go to a local hospital and ask for Foreigner Medical Card, just showing your passport and your rental contract for prove of residence.

    Welcome to Thailand!

  12. HO I agree with you and if I could insert "buy affordable great quality wine and cheese" then my life here would be complete

    Starting over is all relative.

    Where do you start over again after Los ?

    Wine and cheese is affordable if you know where to look for it.

    'Bin' wines for circa 300/800b per bottle and cheeses...Gouda 1kg 400b, Vintage Cheddars 1kg 750/800b.

    Argentina! where bin wines are more like 150 to 800 baht per bottle (and in greater variety)! Never mind the cheese, which they have at affordable prices - they do a mean carne asado! Beef - what's for dinner!

    Thailand with Argentinean beef, wines, and cheese??? That will be a real Paradise! ......Teaching Tango dancing to a beautiful Thai woman??? Just Heaven!

    • Like 1
  13. My opinion.....If you will get a Thai meaningful tatoo, and do not mind to have one related with Buddhism, search not in tatoo shops, look in temples.

    In many temples is a place for a expert monk to do tatoos on the temple's followers with all kind of meanings and intentions. I got a small one after a meditation retreat in BK with the temple's seal and wording, for luck and protection. Also I got a particular blessing ceremony with that. Something to remember the rest of my life, and for a modest donation...not a tatoo shop charge.

    I believe that is working. I got lucky and protected many times, but most important, helps me to improve my empathy with Thai people. They recognize the seal, and they are glad that I adopted the Buddhist philosophy of life.

  14. Did you register for the card at Hang Dong Hospital ??? ie do the test and pay the money and get the card from there ??

    yes and in the afternoon they have a farang to help you thro the paperwork etc when I did mine it took just over 1 hours remember 2 photo and copy of your main page of passport /house book and copy of thai ID card

    Thai ID card ??? you mean the wifes ??? I don't have a Thai ID card nor would any other foreigner

    Also if I dont have a housebook (the wife has one) anything else I need ot take like copy of visa


    You will need just the passport, and prove of residence, like a rent agreement or utilities bill. Married or single OK. No need a picture. Will pay 2800THB for the application and medical examination including blood test, urine test, and lung x rays, and the annual enrollment fee. Go in morning hours before 10AM. After the examination, they will take your picture, and you will get the card in 2 or 3 days. That's all.

    • Like 1
  15. maybe ask if anyone in the farming forum has any ideas / or (thai) friends who can help

    maybe also get your wife (or some staff) to post details on relevant thai language forums

    I did....and I had some contact with Thai people. This "job" can be very easy or not and very much time consuming or not.....sometimes depending in just luck...and it is not salary offering....By my experience..Thai people are the kind of "now people".....rarely investing time an effort looking at "future", even if the future can be very lucrative.....Well...sometimes happens with foreigners too....Not everybody is an entrepreneur...

    all very true - it will not be easy to find someone willing to do the hard work required for the promise of future benefit

    in the end you might have to just get on your bike (actually on a tandem with your wife) and do the hard work yourself

    Do you know how many millions people work in America "by commission only" ?....starting with all the real estate agents and use car sales people....some of them are millionaires now.....

  16. maybe ask if anyone in the farming forum has any ideas / or (thai) friends who can help

    maybe also get your wife (or some staff) to post details on relevant thai language forums

    I did....and I had some contact with Thai people. This "job" can be very easy or not and very much time consuming or not.....sometimes depending in just luck...and it is not salary offering....By my experience..Thai people are the kind of "now people".....rarely investing time an effort looking at "future", even if the future can be very lucrative.....Well...sometimes happens with foreigners too....Not everybody is an entrepreneur...

  17. Surely that kind of thing wouldn't be that capital intensive? Why do you need a partner at all?

    First step:

    I need a BUYER of WILD rare herbs for processing with the disposition to get into WILD areas of the country. Not money investment required, but a lot of driving around may be necessary. Good Thai language a must. I do not speak Thai. Compensation: Commission or difference between my buying price and your buying price.

    Second step after completing the first step:

    If interested, and with a small investment, get into processing and export.

    My contribution: I already have a contract with a foreign company buying 5.000 Kg/month...if I got the right price.

  18. This is stupidity.....

    The PM deny that she is a Taskin puppet...but..the streets are full of her's people propaganda banners showing Taskin pictures in Chiang Rai..one of Tasking supporting provinces....The Chiang Rai major just started an expensive project building a wide road and a sky train connecting downtown with the airport and the stadium in Bandu....All the ground around that new road is empty and undeveloped, already expensive but not for sale yet. I beat that belongs to Mr, Taskin family...Politics is not about the people wellness..is about power and money. The people is just a politic tool to get it, and change never exit. People are used for free, and will be always the losers...some or many dying in vain...

    Somebody said "If you have nothing to die for ...you have nothing to live for"....but that one was an exceptional man. Unfortunately there are not enough of that kind of people in this world.....ready to die for justice and honesty.

  19. Go to your local immigration office, and tell them that you overlooked the date by mistake, apologize and ask them what to do. If they ask for a fine, smile and ask for a "deal" with some sense of humor. You never know...If do not work, just pay the fine and do not forget to say thank you.

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