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Posts posted by umbanda

  1. Just to complete my advise, talking about alpha dogs and training.....

    The first most important than anything having a dog, alpha or not, big or small, and of any breed...is that the owner or owners become the leader, the BIG alpha.. If dogs see you in that way, and you get that kind of respect, you can get good behavior and obedience even from the wildest street dog....and unconditional love. If you need to have your dog chained inside your house...you do not need a dog, and the your dog do not need you.

    The second most important, is routine and discipline. Scheduling all the meal (one a day) and activities, at your convenience, in the way you can follow without changes. Dogs will adapt very fast and will know the schedule even better than you.....but also can get confused with continuous changes. Your schedule cannot be very flexible.

    To have a well trained and loving dog is an amazing experience. A wonderful relationship, sometimes not easy to understand by people without a dog. I never owned wild street dogs before. Learned a lot. My Thai dogs spend a lot of time on the streets playing with other street dogs. Fighting with other dogs is also OK. They need their own "space" too....but...they have a curfew. After 6PM I close the gate, and they know that. Believe it.

    My dogs are very friendly, my neighbors loves them and they trust them with their children, but.... when they are inside the house with the gate close, any intruder will be welcome in. That is something typical in Thai dogs, and very convenient....not need for alarm system.


  2. The other problem is that many people do not read....I said... age and visa situation...nothing more, but people responded talking about phone number, location, bank account etc, etc..making fun..or seriously being stupid... My point is ....How people expect other to give opinions about life in Thailand to others not knowing its particular situation?...If you are 25 yo tourist and you were scammed by a 20 years old Thai beauty...and you feel bad about...I cannot give you any advise, or have any opinion....but....if you are 60 yo expat and you were scammed by a 20 yo Thai beauty?.....I also cannot give you any advise...but ...surely... I will not post my opinion...Got it?

  3. The same pair of prescription glasses...

    In a chain stores frequented by tourist and "rich" Thai people.......2000 without frame

    In a local no-chain store recommended by smart Thai people..........500 without frame

    In village's market stands with optical equipment..............................100 without frame

    In street markets..fixed graduation......................................................50 with cheap frame

    The same price proportions for the frames.

    In China...the supplier....100 times cheaper.

  4. Here are some of my comments I have mentioned many times in the past here on Thai visa regarding these type of subjects:

    Over the years attitudes towards relationships have changed dramatically in Thailand.

    I have been with my Thai wife over 30 years; both in our 50s now and the ways of thinking were completely different in the days when we first met.

    These days I just don`t feel that Thai women make good wife/girlfriend partners anymore and best not to become too deeply involved with them.

    Down my way there is a Thai family. The guy has a very attractive daughter in her late 30s. She is not and has never been a bar girl but has her own business as an exporter of antique goods. All sounds good and would appear as an ideal catch for any discerning farang. But this woman is something like the black widow spider. Over the years she has had a string of profiles on dating websites. She always aims for farang guys in they’re 50s and early 60s because she believes that guys in this age group are more likely to have money and be more desperate for a younger female companion. After the first couple of dates she invites the farangs to meet her family, than the process for extracting these men of a lot of money begins, with stories that she requires money for her ailing business, the father needs a stomach operation and so on. Within the last 2 years the parents have had a new home built, new vehicles purchased and so on with the monies obtained by scamming these farangs. It is well known by the locals how this family have acquired their newfound wealth. There was one particular German man that we know gave this woman almost 1.5 million baht before she dumped him. My wife and I have said; one day this woman is going to choose the wrong victim and end up dead.

    Many of the Thai women can now be compared with their counterparts in the West, where basically all they want is a child and to accumulate wealth for a comfortable life later on without a male partner. I am not in anyway intentionally denigrating Thai women, my point is that it`s a sign of the times and whatever you do, has to be done at your own risk and discretion, or in other words, tread carefully out there, it can be dangerous world where you stand to lose everything, even your life in some cases.

    It`s really a case that the OP has to form his own judgements based on his life time worldly experiences and play it by stealth and by ear. One good piece of advice I can give, is to especially keep an eye on the girlfriend`s online activities, such as facebook and type in her email addresses, mobile phone numbers, nicknames and so on into Google and see if anything comes up about her. Watching these people online often gives a good indicator as to the true characters of people. Although this may seem sneaky, you have to consider your own welfare and interests as number one, also to avoid being whacked hard in the future.

    What you are telling here it is partially true..and it is happening.... in ANY country in this world...I know personally a beautiful mid age woman, ex 2 times widow in California, that was on hers 4 marriage in 2002..and always with very wealthy older men. Just for getting more money. She is already a millionaire.....She do not need to be on the Internet...She just frequents the most expensive places around...

    And you talk about 1.5 million bath, you are talking about $45.000....Many foreigners around the world spend that kind the money in one date with a young and beautiful escort., or have to pay that amount divorcing after few years marriage....every month for life...and do not feel scammed.

    Talking about women, not distinctions or comparisons are valid. Thailand is like any other country. You get what you chose...and if you make a mistake it is just your fault....

  5. If you do not care about cost.....call every real estate office located in cities of provinces you like and ask them to get a wood house for you.....may take some time and luck until you found what you like....but

    If you care about cost....the best way is to buy a piece of land you like, and later find a house to transplant on it....


    You can find old beautiful teak wood houses in wood demolition material yards. If you do like restoration of vintage homes, there many old houses yards in big cities....or

    You can get a house plan and find a wood homes contractor...or

    Buy a prefabricated wood new home and settled on the lot...

    If you are located around Chiang Mai - Lamphun - Phrae - Lampang - Phayao - Chiang Rai areas I may have some info about....

    I am an architect...and I like wood houses very much.

    • Like 2
  6. If your wife or fiance have visa to get into the US, I believe it is easy to get the residence for her after getting married there, and that the best way to do it is trough an honest agency. In California the best agency is called Catholic Charities with offices in every area of the state. I do not know if they have offices in other states. It is better to do with an agency because they will advice you about the best wording or info on the application, if something may be not proper. No way to change info on the application after submitted.

    Many years ago the process took 2 months to get the Green Card, and 4 years after the issue date on the Green Card, if still married, to apply for Citizenship. Now probably some rules changed.

    Good luck!

  7. I do not justify rape at all. It is a terrible crime..worst than murder, specially for very young women......but...can be also a cultural thing that people need to know before dealing with different culture...

    It is notorious that western people is advise not to interact with Muslim women in some Muslim countries, where also Muslim women cannot interact with western men. If people do, it is at their own risk...disregard if is good or bad, fair or not....

    In 2011 I had a relationship with a Thai woman in her 50's with only one son. She is a high Government employee from very conservative and religious farmer's family. We had sex, but she was not comfortable having sex, and she said many times that she will prefer not to have sex...even after marriage. Asking about, she recused to tell me during the 4 months of our relationship. Only she did when our relationship become just a friendship. Nice woman. It is sad that she still single.

    She told me that she become pregnant at 16 from an older man, friend of her family. The older man was forced to marry her, but she was abused and even forced to share her bed with many other women for many years, until she had the courage to get divorce. I understood why she had so much "trauma" with sex, but I also asked how she got raped if she was a "good girl" not looking for trouble. She told me that rape is a common thing in Thailand, rarely reported, rarely punished, and Thai families wants to get their young daughters married soon to avoid the risk, also because, Thai men only get married with virgins, even now, even the older ones. She said that Thai men ALWAYS will take advantage of any women if can get them in a secluded space, even a car, and NEVER will accept a rejection. The common believe between Thai men, is that if a woman of any age accept to be alone with a man it is because is ready to have sex....any rejection will be an insult and will becomes violent.

    I was teaching at Government elementary school at that time, and I asked a 37 years old Thai teacher about, also divorced. She said that is all true, specially in country villages. She also said that she is dating Thai men, single, married, younger and older...until find a young, rich, and good looking foreigner wanted to marry her. She is very attractive woman, but.... I didn't had the minor chance with her...

  8. Chiang Mai offer "different locations for different intentions"....

    1) If you like to be around foreign tourist, bars with girls, and night life, around the Tha Pae Gate may be perfect. Busy night street Sunday market.

    2) If you like to be around more permanent foreign residents, teacher and students, away from tourist areas ...but close to everything, look for Neeman and Chiang Rai University areas. Close to the Airport Central Plaza Mall is also a good area, close to everything. Do not rent a car or motorbike, NEVER, get accounted with a tuk tuk driver and call it when you need it. Mine was Lung Nuat when I was living in Chiang Mai..nice guy..088-4086797. He will pick up you at the airport and take you to your hotel or everywhere close for about $2.50...(80THB) up to 3 people.

    3) If you do not know anybody in Chiang Mai and want to meet Thai people that can help you with your choices and good advise, call for reservation and airport pick up to the SKHouse1, Muan Luang and Soi 9, blocks from the Tha Pae Gate and talk with a lady travel agent working there, or the lady working in the travel agency and Internet store around the block., or look for Thai Smile Travel Agency, another helpful and honest lady in the area. All them speak good English. Around the Miami Hotel cross street, by the temple, is a small place renting good rooms by a month, now probably about $200/month. In Neeman and University areas you may found studio apartments in called service Apartments building for about $250/300 month.

    Do not look for housing using a real estate office...take your time. Real estate offices will ask for double of the normal rental price of any property, and will ask for long term contract. Look for a month to month rental or very short term contract, and for a furnished places with AC.

    After April rentals are easier to find and in a better price.

    I hope you will find this useful for you. Be safe and sober all the time and enjoy the smiles!

    Hi Umbanda, I find your post informative, however, I have a question regarding this part: " Do not rent a car or motorbike, NEVER" . Why is this? Do the owners of the vehicles do the same scams as what happens in Phuket, finding bogus damage and demanding exorbitant sums of money? Thanks.

    Exactly....but not only because that. Started with buying a second hand lemon. Later.... I had an accident with my motorbike, not my fault, but was a nightmare to deal with all people involved, the insurance, the police, etc, etc...and really didn't make sense for the cost in gasoline and the stress of riding in mad traffic. I am from America, left driving, very orderly traffic, etc...A recipe for accidents, and to get kill or kill somebody.

    For the money I wasted in 6 months...I used a tuk tuk service for 2 years....and having fun. Now my Thai wife drive our car. She is very good driver, but in Thai style. I am only a lousy copilot...just telling her...Slow down...slow down...and closing my eyes sometimes.

  9. WHy don't you just jump off a building and end the pain and suffering?

    Really stupid post mate, by the looks your not a kid why would you even think of writing something so senseless.

    Have a good Xmas

    Tom Aikins...

    Are you asking this to other soul?.....or it is your soul asking this question to you and you are in denial...Keep for your self and ask for help.

    Looks like you do need it...NOW!

    Have a good Xmas.

  10. Paypal has serious security issues. Twice used and twice afterwards bombarded with phising emails claiming to be from the bank I use for Paypal. Coincidence no, definatly a breach on their behalf

    Probably you are right. I know that E-Bay is also used for scams. I was worry because I got this letter on my house mail, not online. Was signed for a lawyer with a @lawyer.com e-mail and from Spain. I searched on the Internet by his name and he is on a long list list of lottery scams companies and people. Surprisingly lawyer.com is an American lawyers referral site. What that means? That the scam may come from a real lawyer or law company. That is even worst, because some lawyers have the privilege to get personal information of everybody.

  11. Read my lips..again..

    Will be no election so soon.

    Will be violence on the streets, specially in South Thailand...

    I only hope that Thailand is not creating an opportunity for radical Muslim's "revolutionaries" to taking part of the incoming confusion...

    It is just a "coincidence" the timing of the bombing in Songkla?

    I know...somebody here will say that I am a pessimist...

    Well...they will be right...I am glad that I do not vote in my country anymore.

  12. Chiang Mai offer "different locations for different intentions"....

    1) If you like to be around foreign tourist, bars with girls, and night life, around the Tha Pae Gate may be perfect. Busy night street Sunday market.

    2) If you like to be around more permanent foreign residents, teacher and students, away from tourist areas ...but close to everything, look for Neeman and Chiang Rai University areas. Close to the Airport Central Plaza Mall is also a good area, close to everything. Do not rent a car or motorbike, NEVER, get accounted with a tuk tuk driver and call it when you need it. Mine was Lung Nuat when I was living in Chiang Mai..nice guy..088-4086797. He will pick up you at the airport and take you to your hotel or everywhere close for about $2.50...(80THB) up to 3 people.

    3) If you do not know anybody in Chiang Mai and want to meet Thai people that can help you with your choices and good advise, call for reservation and airport pick up to the SKHouse1, Muan Luang and Soi 9, blocks from the Tha Pae Gate and talk with a lady travel agent working there, or the lady working in the travel agency and Internet store around the block., or look for Thai Smile Travel Agency, another helpful and honest lady in the area. All them speak good English. Around the Miami Hotel cross street, by the temple, is a small place renting good rooms by a month, now probably about $200/month. In Neeman and University areas you may found studio apartments in called service Apartments building for about $250/300 month.

    Do not look for housing using a real estate office...take your time. Real estate offices will ask for double of the normal rental price of any property, and will ask for long term contract. Look for a month to month rental or very short term contract, and for a furnished places with AC.

    After April rentals are easier to find and in a better price.

    I hope you will find this useful for you. Be safe and sober all the time and enjoy the smiles!

    • Like 2
  13. I am worry to death.....Can other people get some or all of your personal information easily?

    I got every week since many years all kind of scam e-mails asking for money, offering weird deals, offering free money, etc, etc. Always Online and I never responded.

    I never got anything of those on my home address...

    But, this week I got a letter from overseas offering me one of those scams...for first time...here...in my house, with my full name.

    The only people I know that have my home address here are my Thai banks, Thai Immigration, My Embassy, Thai Post Office, few serious business people, PayPal, Air Asia Airlines and Agoda Travel paying ticket and hotel online with my Thai bank debit card.

    I do not know if you are given away also address information paying stores like Big C and Lotus with debit card. I do not think so.

    Is this happening to other people?

    What is your advise?

  14. It's been 20 years since I was in Costa Rica, but I've visited Thailand six times since then and finally retired here three years ago. Costa Rica was at least twice the price of Chiang Mai and I didn't feel safe there. Chiang Mai does have bad traffic and dodgy electricity, but other than that it's safe. The people--both foreigners and locals--are friendly, and there's more to do than in Costa Rica. Lots of expat clubs, courses to take, yoga, and so on. For me the frustrations are related to work permit restrictions and immigration rules, but I'm still here even though I can't do some of the things I would like to. I've been away from Chiang Mai for a year and a half, but most of the people I met before are still here. There's always frustrations living in a foreign country, but for most Farang in Chiang Mai the benefits outweigh them. You should come and see for yourself. You really can rent a decent room here for $200 a month.

    True..a decent studio apartment in the center of Chiang Mai may be about $250/month...I did that..I done with that...Just 40 minutes away, by beautiful countryside, you may find a small but beautiful house and garden for half of that...and meet wonderful real Thai people..Not troubles with the "tourist" environment of big cities...and you become not one more "farang" in town....You may be "the" farang in town...with many privileges. It is not a coincidence that most of the happiest older foreigners in this forum live in villages and not in the city...

  15. I live in Chiang Mai countryside for 3 years and I love it every time. Now I live in Chiang Rai, an even better city, with my wonderful Thai wife.

    If you like Asian culture like I do, and you like to travel, nothing better than Thailand. Close to every Asian country and with low air fares.

    If you like Asian women, Thailand is the home of the most beautiful and friendly ones. Problems?...the same you will have in any country if you like to be in wrong places at wrong times....Only problem for older minds?....the language, and some cultural customs.

    My best advise...Keep low profile. Do not spend more than $1500/month including EVERYTHING....and save money in case you do need to come back to the US for any reason. Learn about the Thai way of life and thinking, before making any long term decision about housing, transportation, business, money, and specially women. The right ones for you may be hard to find. Takes time and discipline. Be at front with them if you think in having a serious relationship...Thai women will not get your social security benefits after your death if they do not live in the US for at least 5 years.....Other foreign countries SS do not have those rules. Do not feel bad is a woman you like dump you after knowing about....

    Do not believe if somebody tell you that EVERY Thai women is just looking for money sponsors....it is not true. Have a lot of fun...be out of trouble, join an Expat Group, and keep looking....keep looking..and making good friends Thai and Foreigners.

    Welcome to Thailand!

    • Like 2
  16. Read my lips......


    Suthep will do EVERYTHING to avoid new elections....

    Yingluck NEVER will step out by own decision....

    Violence will start on the streets....

    The Military will intervene..."asking" Yingluck to leave....

    Yingluck will leave after telling the PEOPLE that she is doing it to avoid violence...and only because the Democrats do not care about Democracy...

    New temporary Government will be set by the Democrats......

    Elections will be "planned" by the Democrats for 2015....

    Yingluck will win again....even after good "planned" elections....

    And everything will start again..and again..and again....

    And will be the same ..same...No CHANGE......like in the country where some people reads lips........

    • Like 1
  17. I know this post is about women..and Internet scams, but I need to mention something that just happen. I get many e-mails every week asking for money for many reasons, that I won an award or lottery, etc, etc...always by e-mail. I live here for 3 years, my Thai address is posted only on my business web site and my e-mail, and since few months ago...but today I got another scam request..

    This time, for first time, in a letter directed to.... my home address in Thailand. Scary. How those people get so much info, and think that will get a response to get into "business"? That "lawyer" from India, or that woman from Thailand..may live next door in London.

    It is possible that some people will really believe in those obvious scams? Who will send money to a strange, even to a good looking woman that never met in person? ...or to any mailed or online promise of millions?..and why?

    There are thousand of good women looking for good men on the Internet, and bad ones too...in any country around the world. Why some people take chances with obvious scams? Just curious....

  18. You are during the best time of the year to find a FREE Buddhist retreat in Bangkok. In some you can stay up to 30 days, in some on countryside, you can camping for the time you want, and always are free meals and a lot of nice Thai people around. Just go to any temple, find a monk speaking your language, and ask for info and directions.....or just explain your situation. You will only not just resolve your temporary problem, you may find good advise and energy for the new year coming.

    Good luck. Be safe.

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