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Posts posted by bheard

  1. "Justice has held a seminar on police reform with an aim to promote a better image of police officers in the eyes of the Thai people."

    No no, this is nothing to do with doing police work better, nothing to do with justice, it's all about image. Says that in black and white.

    Obviously the RTP is in need of a new PR department. That is all.

  2. "Endorsing the bill nine years after its adoption was first urged, the cabinet’s resolution said the law would “enhance the effectiveness” of existing laws and serve “to raise human rights protection in Thailand to the same par with the international standard,” according to an unofficial translation."

    Nine years to mull that one??

    Hey, don't lets rush into this . . .

  3. I've watched Thais do this using a car battery for the power, what was this guy using, the overhead mains power lines?

    Yeah, interested to see just what his approach was.

    I've seen many times Thai technicians resting their bamboo ladders against power lines in the street, so maybe this guy thought he could do the same thing.

    Without the technical knowledge - ie, if you touch it and make a circuit, you're dead.

    Anyway, sad that a guy died.

  4. The dog owner should be made to pay 100% of the medical bills, plus at least one million baht in compensation for the emotional distress caused by the attack.

    The dog should be put down and the owner banned from ever owning a dog again.

    Of course you are correct. Anyone who contradicts your sentiments is barking up the wrong tree.

    And I'm not being sarcastic!.

    Soi dogs should be declared as being owned by the local authorities, and the 'laws' stated above should be applied to these authorities.

    Reckon that would deal with the soi dog problem quick sticks.

  5. Err, it's called "means testing", and the way to do it is look at the taxation records of people - then you know their income so you can arrive at a system which is fair and reasonable.

    Problem with Thailand is that they don't have a fully functioning tax system, so that normal means testing won't work. Other ways will need to be worked out.

    I do applaud the thinking however.

    He's talked about it, now extract the digit and do it! Make it happen.

    May I ask what benefit a change would make to you?

    Benefit to me? No benefit to me, I'm not Thai. It would benefit Thai people though.

  6. Err, it's called "means testing", and the way to do it is look at the taxation records of people - then you know their income so you can arrive at a system which is fair and reasonable.

    Problem with Thailand is that they don't have a fully functioning tax system, so that normal means testing won't work. Other ways will need to be worked out.

    I do applaud the thinking however.

    He's talked about it, now extract the digit and do it! Make it happen.

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