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Posts posted by bheard

  1. Just look at that poor lady's face she is absolutely, devastated.

    Yup, poor woman looks totally, totally gutted. As any parent would be. So very sad for those parents.

    And so shocking the attitudes of officialdom in this country. The words from a cop come to mind, in the infamous case of the two English people and the two Burmese guys - what was it he said, "what's the fuss about? Just make another one!". As in "I couldn't give a stuff that your child died".

  2. 10 against 1. Tough guys.

    If it was only one-on-one, there would probably not have been any trouble. Thais generally prefer 10 to one. One Thai is a limp-dick. Ten Thais are suddenly all King Naruesans who can attack a single person, especially if they are disabled, a Laos girl or tourist pensioners from Europe.

    Thai society is breaking down, as predicted variously since the illegal coup. This is just one more example. Far from 'returning happiness to the people' many Thais are now extremely unhappy, the economy is collapsing and Thailand is fast becoming a pariah nation. Many Thais now understand that the army only wants (and only ever wanted) to be in power when a certain event takes place, so they can influence the outcome in favour of the so-called 'amaat' - the hyper-wealthy ruling class and their supporters. Many Thais are very unhappy about this political meddling, largely thanks to the incompetence of the dynamic duo, Dumpy and Grumpy.

    In my view, social cohesion in Thailand will continue to fragment until open conflict between political camps breaks out and the matter is resolved once and for all - violently.

    I believe this is now less than a year away according to the 'road-map' It will happen shortly before or shortly after the time promised for elections to take place (which I do not believe will ever take place under the current management).

    Interesting times for Thailand. Nobody else in the world cares - Thailand is already an almost-pariah-nation.


    You are possibly correct, but the onset of open conflict will take place after an imminent event (not connected to elections). After all, that's what the whole coup thing is about - the army wants to be in control when that event happens. So that they can control what happens in the aftermath.

  3. Local administration chief Sompong Damrongorntrakun said that about ten tourists were helping to clear up and that this was most impressive. He said that his department was not sitting idly by - there are regular weekly collections of rubbish by his men too helping to keep the beach as clean as possible.

    Oh please, spare me.

  4. First, create a Thai word for 'Integrity'.

    Then, promote this value top down.

    Also required is a resolve for people at the top to stop being hypocrits.

    What is there to look up to currently? Duplicity, corruption, lies and deception - all these are typical of those at the top in


    So what values is this guy talking about? Thailand is a 'top down' system - people look up to and take direction from those on a higher plane.

    Until those on that higher plane show examples of the values this bloke is talking about then nothing will change.

  5. I always said that Koh Samui is "A huge mountain of accumulated garbage"

    And now it has been confirmed.

    Lets hope next time it floods it won't bring a nasty plague upon the place

    Ground water with leached chemicals is the real hazard and it's all over Thailand. Interesting theory about bisphenol A (BPA) from plastics in the environment and the disproportionate number of trans-gendered males.


    Just a question but are the complainers on this thread recycling as much as possible? Buying only refillable beverages, separating organic waste for composting, etc etc ? I know I am. I throw out one small bag mostly chicken bones and bathroom tissue waste a week. I'd compost the bones, too but the cat gets into them.

    Thailand certainly is set upon killing the golden goose in her tourist dependent regions.

    The obvious answer is to kill the cat, dispose of it's carcase thoughtfully, and live happily ever after.

    Actually I agree with your comments, people have themselves to blame, in every country. It's just that here in Thailand no Thai will take the blame, Thais don't see the need to. And the very nature of tourism means that excess waste is generated.

    Anyway, first and foremost, fix the <deleted> incinerators!!

  6. Public transport is the way to go , however the only winners in this system of transport, is the cement company , bearing in mind that when the thaitanic of 1997 happened the world bank intervened and it was discovered the relevant Minister at the time not only had shares in the concrete company, also the family , relations and friends and enough above ground rail projects to last 100 years, all projects were cancelled , that must have been a disappointment for some.........................coffee1.gif

    Ahh, interesting. That explains the unused concrete 'bridges' scattered around Bangkok one sees when on the roads and trains.

  7. The amazing thing to me is the fact that the family - at least two of them present, the mother of the child and the grandmother of the child, actually allowed a very drunk person (and therefore obvious to them that he was drunk) to exit the house with their child.

    I know Thais can be reluctant to interfere, and especially with monks, but this is ridiculous. Were they afraid that if they interfered they might actually physically touch the monk?

  8. It's almost certainly going to end in tears. This despotic outfit just don't know when to stop. The veneer of order will slip as almost every section of society are having their buttons pushed. I am certain that once a campaign against kicks off the backtracking will start. But they haven't learned from the single gateway feedback obviously

    The backtracking may start, in public, but we can be sure that behind-the-scenes the program will not stop. This mob is obviously DETERMINED to squash even the most benign errant thought. It will end in tears, yes, for the Thai public, but the despots will be all smiles. We Gotcha!!

    It's a parallel with the Thai education system - think what we tell you, that's all. We don't allow any other type of thinking.

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